Tuesday, 11 May 2021

The Secret to Making E-Commerce Sales without Spending Money on Advertising

 In 2021 many people are turning their hands to e-commerce in a bid to get more income whilst the world tries to recover from the health impacts that came around in 2020.

I'm sure you've all heard of Shopify, Woocommerce and the new kid on the block, Groovekart.

The issue with many of these platforms is getting traffic to your store.

Imagine you are selling the best ice cream in the world but you are standing in an empty field on a remote farm. Nobody is coming top your store. They don't even know you are there.

Well, that is exactly what happens to most people who try e-commerce.

Advertising is expensive

Until you spend an arm and a leg on advertising to point people to your store it is unlikely you will get a lot of traffic to your store.

Can I get traffic without advertising?

Now think about another extremely well-established and well-known e-commerce platform that can be easily overlooked, namely eBay.

Ebay products don't need advertising. People come to eBay to search for the products they already want. 

That's right! The traffic comes to you!

So it's that easy right?  Of course not.

The problem with eBay selling

The issue with selling on eBay is knowing what the winning products are. How do you know what the most popularly demanded products are that can give you scale in your sales?

How to get an unfair advantage over the competition

What if you had an unfair advantage and the products were given to you just by checking a live system for a few minutes?

Impossible of course ... Only joking. It exists.

So how can you get your hands on this tool with complete training?

Bay 100 Players Club

The team at RS have come up with the Bay 100 Players Club

Using live eBay analysis tools, Bay 100 Players not only identifies winning high demand products, but also identifies the dropshippers who can fulfil these items for you!

We were really impressed with that combination of winning item and top dropshippers.

But don't take our word for it. Check out the reviews too.

External Reviews


We found good reviews at:



Or, if you want to see the full explanation from RS, go straight to their free webinar to see for yourself

at http://bay100players.club

Let us know how you get on.

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