Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Friday 21 August 2020

How To Generate Online Leads 24 Hours a Day

For almost any business lead generation is key and needs to be effective. Brian Rooney has a great take on who should be concentrating on it and how

If you want to close sales, either online, offline, or both, you are going to have to learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You may be the worst sales person on the planet, but if you learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, you can beat the best sales person on the planet. How? Sheer volume. A bad sales person who can generate leads will out produce a great sales person who doesn't have leads coming in.
The lead generating sales rep will constantly have new opportunities to pitch.
Now, when I talk about lead generation, this includes face to face prospecting, of course. When I am out around humans, and I identify someone who can benefit from what I offer, I will talk to them directly. But if I'm not out there talking to people, how am I generating leads on a daily basis?
I user online lead generating tools like an autoresponder.
I have capture forms set up on all my blogs.
I have autoresponder campaigns set up for all my offers.
When you see me posting on social media and running ads, you will see me linking to these capture pages I use to generate leads for my offers. As people want to learn more about my offers, they fill out the form. My automated followup letters take care of building the know like and trust factor. Sales come in on a regular basis.
Sounds simple, right? That's because it is! I think that is what trips up most people when they start looking in to how to generate leads for their offers. They keep expecting it to be complicated so they avoid actually taking appropriate action. If it seems complicated, that's because it's new. At one time, walking was new to you. Eating solid food was new. Reading was new. The job you currently have was, at one time, new. Getting on the internet was new. We learn new things by getting information and taking action.
Google and YouTube make it incredibly easy to learn how to generate leads. You can literally be up and running by the end of the day, generating leads 24 hours a day for whatever it is that you are wanting to sell.
As you go through the learning process, feel free to ask questions. I love getting and answering questions and helping people learn how to generate leads no matter what business you are involved with.
Feel free to post comments or questions here. I check in regularly and love hearing from my readers!
Brian Rooney is the Founder of TrafficWave provides powerful Email Marketing and AutoResponder solutions to thousands of businesses worldwide. Visit online for a Free 30 Day Trial.
His personal business blog is located at

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