Saturday 29 August 2020

Your Optin Page - The Top Of Your Marketing Funnel - High Converting Lan...

Are you generating interest but maybe not getting the opt-ins you need?

This video from Miles Beckler takes us through how to make an effective opt-in page at the top of that funnel

Follow These 5 Top Content Marketing Strategies, Generate More Leads!

When it comes to putting money into marketing their are many theories about the investment versus the return. In this article Sanjay Kumar Pandey considers the free options 

What is your strategy for generating leads? Paid, organic or a combination?

Digital Marketing experts employ many path-breaking strategies to generate leads and improve business. While some of them are paid ones, some of them aren't.

Many industry experts claim that paid marketing fetches better results and is faster as well.

Is it true?


Free Digital Marketing strategies--if followed rightly--can fetch better results and generate higher leads.

For example, let's take the case of Content Marketing!

It's 3 times more effective, vis-à-vis paid search. It's far less costly as well. Besides, you don't have to proffer freebies and discount codes for e-mail and other important details of your prospects & visitors. In addition, it's easy to start, and much more popular with clients.

No wonder, as high as 88% of the B2B marketers rely on the Content Marketing tool even while as high as 96% of the first-time visitors don't buy your products, or use your services straightway, without, at first, checking-out competition, and discovering which brands suit them the most.

Now the important question: what exactly Content Marketing is?

It's a kind of marketing that requires you to generate and share valued, appropriate, and consistent online content, through videos, webinars, blogs, social media posts, and infographics. Though these don't openly promote a brand, these DO--in many cases--arouse interest in your products and/or services.

The goal behind Content Marketing remains to entice and retain a clearly defined readers - and, eventually, to spur gainful customer action.

Content Marketing: What strategies to follow for lead generation?

Follow these 5 proven strategies for a highly effective lead generation exercise:

1. Build social reputation: Publish long and well researched content to emerge as an industry leader, and enjoy a good reputation in your niche. Posting and sharing bigger, braver and bolder content will help you win trust and draw potential customers and niche audiences towards your brand. To build and grow your social reputation, take the help of the different popular social media platforms, including LinkedIn and Facebook. Social media will help you locate your community, promote better relationships, and build a society you may trust. Going social will also make your brand become more personal and powerful.

2. Publish appropriate and right content: With right pages, carrying relevant right content, you can target the right audiences and prospects, and motivate them to share their personal details, including e-mail and phone numbers.

3. Provide useful content in exchange for vital statistics: Carry in-depth and appropriate content but don't reveal complete content, if your readers are unwilling to provide their e-mail ids or phone numbers. For this, though, you will have to publish highly engaging and effective content. If your content isn't interesting or useful enough, your readers won't read it further, and not share the data either which you could be seeking for lead generation.

4. Connect with your readers on an emotional level: Trigger your readers' and prospects' emotions, through engaging content, and the right timing. If you manage to do so, they will do what you may want them to do, and respond to your Call to Action (CTA).

5. Get them to speak: Inspire your readers and prospects to like and share your pages, and post comments on them as well. When your targeted groups get involved--through shares, likes and comments--your posts will not only become viral, you will also get useful data. You will learn about their age brackets, social & economic backgrounds, expenditure, etc.

Summing-up, follow these 5 most important Content Marketing Strategies, and generate more business leads online!

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Friday 28 August 2020

The Ultimate Content Marketing Strategy for 2020

When you want to learn a skill it is always good to listen to those who have already had success there.

Content marketing is no exception. Here Brian Dean gives the same step-by-step process he used to get 2M+ visitors to his site last year.

What Are The Dangers of Using Facebook to Grow Your Business?

Have a look at this article by Patricia A Gaines  for her insight into looking at Facebook from a different perspective.

Several years ago, if you wanted to grow your business, Facebook was the most popular method. And many people still feel today that using this Social Media Platform is practical.

This thought process is nativity glorified. When Facebook launched in 2004, my friend called and invited me to join her. After about a year I finally did it. It did not occur to me that I could grow a business using it.

Several years later after I closed my brick and mortar business, I helped other small business owners develop and grow their business on social media. And like most consultants, I recommended and used Facebook. My small business owners were successful, so I was successful.

Later when I retired from small business consulting, I decided to open my doors to on-line marketing. And it was enjoyable as well as educational. Like so many other people, I learned from failure. Marketing anything on-line is challenging because of the scams.

When I finally earned my master's degree from the University of Hard Knocks using Internet for my business adventures, I found that I too could use Facebook to grow and expand my bank account.

Using Facebook Groups, and building relationships was easy. I opened four groups of my own. All was going very well. Although I was not completely happy with Facebook it was producing results. And I did buy Facebook advertising occasionally.

Several of my business associates cautioned about changes on the horizon. But I was successful and did not listen. That was my mistake.

The point here is this; do not trust this platform. They have a unique way of selling our personal information, and an even more unique way of tracking our posts. (Yes, even our business content).

The insidious fact checking is primary. Mostly because the fact checking is not fact checking, it is a way to silence and control our content.

Be careful if you are building your business on this platform. At any moment they can disable your account. And much of the time you are not told exactly the reason.

I lost all my personal groups, plus my thousands of followers and my account. If I had only listened to my associates before this happened, I would never used this platform.

My business was moral, legal, ethical and above-board. I lost my Facebook account because my content didn't fit their narrative.

I have opened a new account. But never again will I trust a platform that controls my content; business or personal.

Anyone who suggests that you build your business with Facebook is naive. The marketplace and business environment is not what it was five or tens years ago. Today, it's about control. Your business is your livelihood; it's your hard work. Think about it before you move forward. Perhaps you may want to make changes.

One of my biggest goals in life is helping as many people as possible understand that they have the power to make their life as they want it to be. You can become successful. If you have a business, there are many ways to grow. You may want a Social Media presence but relying totally on one platform is risky. Visit my website to learn about many other alternatives.

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Thursday 27 August 2020

2020 Facebook Business Page Tutorial (For Beginners) Step by step

A Facebook page is one of the key essentials for many businesses
This walk through how to set yours up, by Santel Media, is hopefully useful to some of you, whether starting from scratch or looking for tips to make yours more current

Use These 3 Tips to Boost Your ECommerce SEO

arina Popa presents some useful tips to keep in mind for maximising your SEO effectiveness 

Use Relevant Keywords

In order for product information to be user-friendly to shoppers as well as search engines, a website should be easily found, read and understood in terms of its colors, measurements, sizes and prices, among other details. When its viewers come from different regions, it should have standard and/or metric measurements. The images of these products should match the physical items to make sure their color and size are accurate.

There are sellers who only display the prices of their products when these are added to the cart of users. Perhaps this is because they either have a special promotion or are trying to avail the minimum pricing of the advertising policy. However, even if hiding prices does not directly affect SEO, shoppers tend to leave at once when the product page does not show the pricing details. This can lead to a higher bounce rate, which will be discussed in the following section.

Design Thinking About Shoppers

A website and product page should be designed in such a way that will provide a great shopping experience. Granting that businesses offer the best products with the most reasonable products in their industry, if their website is difficult to search or navigate, shoppers can get frustration and leave.

Design is also an essential part of SEO. When search engines discover that a website has an exceptionally high bounce rate, wherein visitors leave as soon as they land on its web page, the site's rankings will begin to plummet. A website that is designed well is able to lower bounce rates and let visitors browse a number of pages even though they do not easily find the information they need or want.

For an eCommerce website to become successful, it should be easy to find and navigate, have reasonable menus and navigation options that let visitors know the information they will see once they click a link. Images should only be used sparingly because loading them can take time, which can make shoppers impatient and hit the back button. In this regard, load time is also a ranking factor. Therefore, it is best to have web pages that load fast.

Do Not Add Cluttered or Complex URLs

Visitors are able to access a webpage on an online shop by means of an address, which is called URL. This includes a lot of information squeezed into a small space. It can contain product names, category name, types of files and/or actions such as "_blank" to allow users to open a new link in another window

Based on SEO standards, URLs should be possibly clear and easy to read, with keywords that are relevant to the text on the resulting page.

Search engines can obtain many, different pieces of information from a URL like lawnmowers for sale or offers of a green and gas-powered variety. At first glance, users should be able to see what a URL leads to. When they send the link to others, the recipient will see that the site is about lawnmowers and click to view the products. A complicated URL such as the first example could confuse people, who would not know where it would lead to.

Do you need Las Vegas SEO services? Are you searching for a Las Vegas website design company? Come and visit our website to learn more about!

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Wednesday 26 August 2020

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...