Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 September 2020

8 Things You MUST Do BEFORE Launching Your Business | Admin Tasks to Sta...

If you are just starting out you will have big goals and great ideas
Don't forget the essential background things too as Erin on Demand takes us through in this great video

She focuses on the framework for the USA , but the principles apply everywhere
Just be sure to check your own country's equivalent laws and organisations to those Erin mentions

Friday 11 September 2020

How To Joint Venture With The Gurus

Joint ventures (JV) are a great way of leveraging expertise, experience, resources and even funding. When it comes to your business a JV can be really effective if done right, as Ash Trivedi describes:

One of the best methods for getting the word out about your product and making a lot of sales in a short amount of time is with Joint Ventures.

These joint ventures or "JV's" can take-on many different forms. Some are as simple as promoting each other's newsletters, while others may be more complex partnerships with cross-promoting of complimentary products.

Joint Ventures are a powerful tool for expanding business in many areas. So, what is stopping 'you' from using this technique to expand your business?

For many new marketers, starting a JV can be a frightening task, especially when it comes to contacting other marketers.

Too often, many marketers appear to be "spamming," when they are really just seeking other JV partners. There is a correct way about finding joint venture partners and getting them to say yes to your proposal. Here's a few tips to get you started right away.

Don't use a template style letter and email all potential partners with that letter. Take the time to visit their site and make personal comments about it in your proposal. Let your future J.V. partner know that you have taken the time to contact him/her personally.

There are joint venture networks out there that can save you a lot of time emailing and not get you accused of spam. You could visit sites like J.V and (that site requires an invite, so I've given you one in that link)

So now you've got access to a massive network of heavy hitters and guru marketers. What you need to do is write the best proposal possible and really over deliver for your partners. This will make your proposal stand out over everyone else's. Here's a few tips you can use;

If you have a product or service, let your J.V. partners have it for free. Let them know that as J.V. partners they can have your product for a free review. Without offering them a free review you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who is willing to endorse a product to their list which may have taken them years to build a relationship with.

Just by giving your product away for free to a couple of people you open up the gates for thousands of potential customers.
If you have an affiliate program in place, offer your potential partners a higher commission rate rather than simply paying the standard affiliate rate. Make them feel special.

Lastly, don't give up. If you can't for whatever reason join a joint venture network and you have to go emailing future partners one by one, this can get very tiring. Especially when all you may keep hearing is "no" or you get no reply at all. Well, just remember that you may have heard 100 "no's", but it only takes one "yes" from a heavy hitter to sky rocket your profits. Be patient and it will happen.

Author Bio

Ash Trivedi is an online marketer who's created partnerships with multi-national companies and small businesses alike. Visit for an opportunity to J.V. with the gurus guru Mike G. as a gift from Ash.

Article Source:

Friday 28 August 2020

What Are The Dangers of Using Facebook to Grow Your Business?

Have a look at this article by Patricia A Gaines  for her insight into looking at Facebook from a different perspective.

Several years ago, if you wanted to grow your business, Facebook was the most popular method. And many people still feel today that using this Social Media Platform is practical.

This thought process is nativity glorified. When Facebook launched in 2004, my friend called and invited me to join her. After about a year I finally did it. It did not occur to me that I could grow a business using it.

Several years later after I closed my brick and mortar business, I helped other small business owners develop and grow their business on social media. And like most consultants, I recommended and used Facebook. My small business owners were successful, so I was successful.

Later when I retired from small business consulting, I decided to open my doors to on-line marketing. And it was enjoyable as well as educational. Like so many other people, I learned from failure. Marketing anything on-line is challenging because of the scams.

When I finally earned my master's degree from the University of Hard Knocks using Internet for my business adventures, I found that I too could use Facebook to grow and expand my bank account.

Using Facebook Groups, and building relationships was easy. I opened four groups of my own. All was going very well. Although I was not completely happy with Facebook it was producing results. And I did buy Facebook advertising occasionally.

Several of my business associates cautioned about changes on the horizon. But I was successful and did not listen. That was my mistake.

The point here is this; do not trust this platform. They have a unique way of selling our personal information, and an even more unique way of tracking our posts. (Yes, even our business content).

The insidious fact checking is primary. Mostly because the fact checking is not fact checking, it is a way to silence and control our content.

Be careful if you are building your business on this platform. At any moment they can disable your account. And much of the time you are not told exactly the reason.

I lost all my personal groups, plus my thousands of followers and my account. If I had only listened to my associates before this happened, I would never used this platform.

My business was moral, legal, ethical and above-board. I lost my Facebook account because my content didn't fit their narrative.

I have opened a new account. But never again will I trust a platform that controls my content; business or personal.

Anyone who suggests that you build your business with Facebook is naive. The marketplace and business environment is not what it was five or tens years ago. Today, it's about control. Your business is your livelihood; it's your hard work. Think about it before you move forward. Perhaps you may want to make changes.

One of my biggest goals in life is helping as many people as possible understand that they have the power to make their life as they want it to be. You can become successful. If you have a business, there are many ways to grow. You may want a Social Media presence but relying totally on one platform is risky. Visit my website to learn about many other alternatives.

About the author:

Article Source:

Friday 14 August 2020

How Can Shopify Boost Your E-Commerce Business?

If you are after an easy set up online store, many people choose Shopify

But why?

The team at Sales Banner Maker take us through the platform 

E-commerce business has completely changed the business scenario. With the sudden boost in digitalization E-commerce store are the next big thing and the sellers are showcasing their products online rather than brick and mortar store.  So, there is a need to develop E-commerce store that perfectly blends with the aesthetics and functionality. Let me tell you that there is not a better platform than shopify when it comes to selling products online, especially shopify is best for the sellers that want quality and efficiency along with the simplicity and rich features.

What is Shopify great for?

Shopify is especially great for the stores that sells goods and services that needs minimal amount of configuration. You will be amazed to know that you can easily sell a single or a handful for product by implementing an advanced shopify homepage section as per the business requirements.

Here is how shopify can boost your E-commerce business

Easy set-up

The last thing that you want while you start E-commerce store is a complicated setup. Trust me, we at shopify understand that, and that is shopify is so easy to set-up and they are so user-friendly. Create Promo banner shopify is the best for those who want a complete solution, with no technicalities related to development and hosting on the E-commerce store.

Shopify has an in-build software and hosting that is needed for the launching of the website.

Visually appealing online-store

You know what is the one thing that attracts the customers towards a particular site? Well, it is the presentation of the site. The platform bundles up a variety of professional templates that facilitates the creation of unique and visually appealing online stores.

App integrations

The platform boosts of amazing customization abilities of the easily integrated apps.  It means that sellers can easily add some extra features and functionalities to its store and enhance the sale.  One such app is create custom banner ads shopify, that promotes the site and all the latest offers and with the services. Often these banners are found on the homepage of the website that attracts the attention of customers as who do not want to shop of the sale and enjoy limited time discount. These banners encourage the customers to shop and utilize the offers to the fullest.

Security and reliability

Another major benefit of shopify is security and liability. Security is an essential feature when it comes to online business because it deals with the confidential persona and financial information of the customers. Both of these features are taken care of with this hosted solution that takes care of maintenance and up-grades.

Amazing loading speed

The best part about shopify is that being a globally hosted solution, shopify has a reliable infrastructure along with optimized hardware and software. This gives the platform a super fasting loading speed and E-commerce made it load in a matter of seconds.

 SoFind Article, these are some of the benefits that you will enjoy once you use shopify for your E-commerce store. Good Luck!

Article authored by the team at "Sales Banner Maker | Create, design & schedule seasonal holiday sales announcement banners on your Shopify store. Various banner ad templates are available."

Source: Free Articles from

Saturday 25 July 2020

Facebook Shops Tutorial for Beginners | How to Sell Products Directly Th...

The new Facebook Shops has been running since May 20
If you want a walk through on how to set up your shop then this tutorial from Stewart Gauld does just that

Saturday 18 July 2020

Why should a business go for Digital Marketing?

Are you just looking to get started in digital marketing and visiting this blog for the first time?
If so your timing could not have been better

In today's featured video Pranshu Khanna does a very thorough analysis of the reasons why a digital marketing strategy is crucial for your business. The video may be a couple of years old but the rationale is as fresh as ever

Highlighting the benefits of digital marketing helps you see the way ahead

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Importance Of Using Social Media In Business Growth

Occasionally we can forget which social media platform was set up for which purpose and how they can be better used today.
Here Steve Hopwood serves to meet that need (from the perspective of P4C Global).

If you are looking to promote your business online using social networks, then you might have realized their importance. Social media branding is very important for people that are looking to grow their online businesses. To succeed on social networks it is important to create a brand for your company. It is very important to know what you should push and promote. Many businesses are going wrong since they are pushing the business or product rather then creating value for their clients. P4C Global is a company that offers value, at the same time provides ways of cleaning up the environment.


Almost everyone has a facebook page and it has the power in creating and maintaining connections. Facebook allows you to create a page for free; if you are using it on a personal level then you should consider it for business as well. Creating a facebook page linked to your site, depending on the content posted, you can improve your search engine rankings and visibility. P4C Global facebook page has a massive fan base. The company is able to send updates to all its fans cutting down immensely on advertising revenue. They are able to effortlessly and instantly send an update to thousands of potential clients. P4C global fans also act as a tiny advertiser, since they all have a link back to the company’s page.


LinkedIn was basically created to allow people to connect with friends, co-workers, customers and business partners. This social media is centered on business and it is the center for online networking more or less like handing out business cards. The site is more professional compared to other social networks offering valuable business information about the business. P4C Global LinkedIn page allow users to ask as much as possible about the business, giving them a better insight on the company.


P4C twitter page allows the company to easily and quickly update their followers on the internal happenings of the company. The best thing about twitter is that updates can be posted through mobile phones allowing updates as they unfold.


It’s pretty expensive to buy bandwidth for hosting a video, and at the same time it’s slow. Youtube allows you to create a video channel and upload your video for free. The P4C global youtube is another way of advertising the company.

5.Blog posts.

P4C Global blog helps them advertise their services and create a link to the website.

It is therefore important to note that the content that you put on social media will determine whether you will succeed or fail in your social network marketing. To have people trust and like you, give them doses of what you offer, do not rump it down their throats at once. P4C Global offers solutions to people on their day to day lives and at the same time provide them with a variety of products. The social media has made the world a single market place where you can sell your products. P4C Global is using social networks for marketing.

Author's Resource Box

Steve Hopwood is the author of this article on P4C Global.
Find more information on P4C Global Blog here.

Article Source:

Friday 19 June 2020

Why Every Business Owner Should Need Digital Marketing

Why Every Business Owner Should Need Digital Marketing

Since the industrial revolution has been introduced, the global market has undergone its most significant transformation. The advent and efficient adoption of the internet has changed the way the businesses used to operate. The marketing opportunities have become countless, along with quick access to statistics and data. In such a scenario, which is dominated by the digital world, hiring an SEO agency Toronto to establish an online presence for the products and services offered by your company seems essential.

This article will outline the reasons why every business should fall back on the digital marketing agencies to allow their business to grow. Read on to find out!

1-You can focus better on running your business:
As a matter of fact, when you have hired an accountant you don’t have to worry about the taxes and maintaining the books; hiring a digital marketing or social media marketing agency Toronto works in the same way. The agency will take care of your online presence, and you can utilize that remaining time to focus on creating strategies and taking initiatives that lead to greater success.

2-The experts know their job:
When you plan on hiring a website development company Toronto you are just looking at a piece of the pie –that is the development of the website for your company. But what comes along is their expertise in making use of your resources to grab the attention of your potential audience. The experts in the field of digital agency know how to create an unmatched level of digital presence for your brand.

3-Marketing costs will be reduced:
Hiring a digital marketing team or a web development agency Toronto will be particularly substantial. The agency will have a group of people who have ample experience in leading, monitoring, researching, analyzing, and writing your marketing strategy and also improving your online presence at an adequate budget. When you hire a qualified team of experts, your chances of growing with the business increases manifold times.

4-Measurable results are obtained:
On hiring a digital marketing service provider, you are automatically broadening the chances of receiving their specialized skills and area of expertise. The website design services Toronto will offer you with reports and analytics and give you a tangible measurement of the services that you are receiving through the agencies help. The approach a digital marketing agency uses enhances your chances of growing with your business and attaining heights of success.

5-You can get countless ideas:
A digital marketing and SEO agency Toronto has collective fingers on the pulse of trends involved in marketing irrespective of the business that you have. A competent marketing agency can fetch you the following benefits:
• Ideas on which the marketing strategies are obtaining best results
• Newer perspectives on the field of digital marketing
• More in-depth and profound analysis of the targeted audience and their behaviour

Bottom line:
As quickly as technology has manipulated our world, it has changed the marketplace as well. It is an exhaustive task to stay on the top of marketing trends and make use of it in different ways in your favour. This can only be possible with the help of an excellent digital marketing agency with expertise in the field of SEO.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Key to Hire an Effective Virtual Assistant

Ok, so this blog is about web marketing and the techniques and tips that may help you there. Many people who market through the internet do so by operating third-party sales businesses to great effect.

There are also many traditional primary product or service providers who equally need to market online whilst getting other elements of the business done offline.

Depending on the nature of your business there may be a good call for not doing all the work yourself but to hire somebody to take these elements from your busy schedule and deliver them for you.

So, what is the key to hiring an effective virtual assistant?

Hiring a Virtual Assistant plays an important role on the success of a business. They are the one doing the less important role of a business owner so that they can focus on more important task, such as business development. However, hiring an efficient VA may be a challenge to some start up entrepreneurs. Here are some tips to help you find an efficient one:

Post Your Job Opening to a Best Site

It is recommended to have you post your job opening so that you can hire the best employee that you need. There are several outsourcing platforms that can serve you well in providing Virtual Assistant candidates. I personally recommend and, you can find a lot of candidates with specified skills and experience that can definitely help you choose on a project basis, full-time or part-time.

Identify the Job Description

In hiring an employee you must consider the details of the work that you will assign, it is the same thing you will apply in hiring a virtual assistant.

  1. The number of hours that he/she will work to accomplish your assigned task efficiently
  2. The task should be done in a specific time you allotted or in a daily basis
  3. The skills and experience a VA must have to provide the services you are expecting
  4. The equipment he/she must have in order to accomplish your assigned task
  5. What specific work values you are expecting them to have
  6. The amount of task you will initially give and then later on you will increase based on the performance

Specify Your Budget

You must be mindful on the budget of hiring a virtual assistant. This is also not to waste your time on outsourcing a candidate that you can't afford the rate. A discussion is necessary to meet the goal effectively, especially if you are hiring on a project basis. If you need an assistant for full-time or part-time basis, if necessary allot a budget to give an incentives based on the performance for a job well done.

Conduct an Interview

You must know what skills and qualities a prospective candidate must possess for you to work compatibly. Look for a virtual assistant who knows and understands your business, make sure they understand your target market, and make sure they understand social media. The interview process must not focus on their prior work experience but on how they will handle a specific situations, and most importantly is that they are willing to learn and accept feedback.

The process in selecting a Virtual Assistant is very crucial as they will be a part of your team in the crucial stage of the development of your business. It is beneficial also for you to be aware on the activity of the shortlisted candidate based on what they posted on their social media accounts. Most of the time you can determine their previous projects and clients tagged on their profile, the people associating them and their work experiences, and the services they are offering to public. It is not necessary, but the serious applicants are normally cautious on the impression they will build to public as what is being shown on their Facebook account/page, instagram, twitter, linkedIn profile. If they can maintain their positive impression to the public, most probably they will also handle your company's public impression cautiously.

Original article by Erna Argullano at:

Saturday 13 June 2020

Why Is Website Traffic Important For My Business?

Creating your own website for business expansion is the best idea. It increases the business reputation and online visibility as well. To get success, individuals need to focus on an important factor and it is website traffic. Without traffic, you cannot experience a single benefit of having a website. 

Website Traffic - An introduction 

Number of people that are visiting the website or pages can be considered as the website traffic. The stats of traffic change with the length of time that is spent by them on a single page or complete website. It can help you in estimating the website’s popularity and some other major elements. 

Importance Of Website Traffic 

From a business point of view, website traffic is the only way to get success in achieving the objectives. Traffic depends on several factors such as - impressiveness of the website, information availability, public interest, and so on. The following facts will help you in understanding its importance. 
  • Having more traffic on the website will help you in generating more conversions and earn revenue. 
  • By getting traffic and impressing the visitors, you can hold a good reputation in the market. With it, the satisfied visitors will love to recommend you to others. It leads to referral promotions. 
  • If the visitors are spending lots of time on the website, then the chances of getting conversions are higher such as - subscribing newsletter, accessing promotional content, and so on. It helps in establishing a long term relationship with the visitors. 
It is important to get more traffic on the website. For more traffic, you need to be focused on some specific practices like - magnificent website design, search engine optimisation, paid marketing, and so on. 

Terms Related To Website Traffic 

Some people are getting confused when it comes to analyse website traffic and its measurements. For understanding these things, you should have knowledge about some basic terms. Here, we are going to explain the major ones. 

Page views:
Activity of a web browser defines the page views. If your website loads by a browser, then it is counted as a page view. In case anyone is going to reload your website, then it turns to two page views. Pageviews are useful in getting some ideas regarding the behaviour of visitors. Here, Google Analytics is the best source for tracking all these stats perfectly. 

When a visitor accesses your website, then it is counted as a visit. If the same visitor accesses different pages of websites, then it cannot affect the count. Count remains one. Due to it, you can see a big difference between the metrics of page views and visits. 

A specific period of time that is spent by an individual on the website considered as a session. It completely represents website engagement. Screen views, events, and some other factors are affecting session metrics. 

Average visit duration:
To get stats about this particular metric, you need to be focused on two major elements, the total number of visits and sessions. In case the average visit duration is higher, then it represents that the users are highly interested in the website. These are the good signs that represent all things going perfectly. 

Bounce rate:
Sometimes, the users load the website and close the tab before the duration of 1 second. The visitors who spend time less than 1 second on the website are leading to the bounce rate. The bounce rate is not good for the website and business as well. 

Returning vs new users:
New user is the individual who accesses your website for the first time. The returning user is the person who visited the website in the past. 
Now the question appears on how to get stats related to all these metrics. For such a task, you can get help from Google Analytics. It can be possible by placing a specific Analytic tag on the website. 


Bonus Tips: How To Boost Traffic On Website?

There are different types of sources available for bringing traffic to the website and get more conversions. Here, we are going to highlight some major ones. 

Paid traffic:
Paid traffic is the source that can help you in getting traffic by investing some money on advertisements on different platforms such as - Google AdWords, remarketing, and social media Ads. It helps in getting quick results and making lots of things easier. In the paid traffic strategy, you need to spend money on the basis of cost per click. Commonly, the price per click is high. 

Organic traffic:
For organic traffic, you do not need to spend any money on campaigns or other practices. You are required to pay an amount of money to some experts who can use unique strategies and bring traffic to the website. Here, search engine optimisation strategies are useful. It will be useful in gaining a better position in the search engine results and target the audience perfectly. With SEO, you are able to get long-lasting and more effective results rather than PPC. 

Content marketing:
Content marketing is the best source for getting referral traffic. It helps you in several ways such as - improving website ranking, boosting traffic, building a reputation, serving information, and so on. Blogs are the best source for content marketing and achieving the objectives. 

Social media:
As we are aware of the importance and usage of social media platforms in today’s world. The majority of internet users spend a big portion of their free time on social media. You can use such platforms for bringing more traffic. It is considered as the social media optimisation. Here, the experts will work by building a strong social media profile that can influence the other users and encourage them to visit the website. 
These are important tips for attracting more traffic to the website quickly. With all these things, you should not ignore the importance of good website design. Impressive and eye-catching website design will help you in connecting with visitors easily and delivering the desired message.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Why You Need to Capture Leads, Not Sales

(Image by Gordon Johnson on Pixabay)
If your goal is to generate passive income, then you might well be hoping to accomplish that by selling a product. This could be a product you've made, or it might be a product that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer. Either way, you'll likely have set up a sales page, creating an ad campaign to send visitors there and then hopefully begun to rake in the profits!
The problem is that it can be tough trying to convince people who visit your page to buy. Your success in this endeavor comes down almost entirely to your conversions and the percentage of visitors that end up buying from you.
And to this end, many marketers will jump straight in with the hard sell. That means that they'll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click buy as soon as they get there.
This doesn't tend to work. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it's absolutely essential that you don't try to go straight in for the kill. Far more effective is to try to capture leads first instead. Here's why.
Why Cold Sales Don't Work
Just because you're making money passively, that does not mean that you should be impatient about how you are collecting your sales.
If you try to convert your visitors as soon as they land on your page, then this is the equivalent of walking up to someone you like in a bar and asking them for their number, without saying hello or even introducing themselves first. Or it's a little like walking up to someone in the street and offering to sell them a watch for $500. Would you be receptive to that sales technique?
Of course not! And the reason is that you know nothing about the person selling, you know nothing about the product and you have no reason to trust that what they're offering is as good as they say it is.
If someone lands on your page and you try to sell to them right away, then they'll think your site is essentially spam and they'll be frustrated at the lack of value. Chances are they'll leave.
How to Convert
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2140604">Mediamodifier</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2140604">Pixabay</a>So instead, talk to them about how they can get free information by signing up to your mailing list, or provide them with an article and then offer to share more through your Facebook.
Now you have the opportunity to build that relationship and to build trust and eventually, you'll find that this puts you in a position where they are more likely to want to buy from you!
You might be wondering how this model is still passive. In fact, though, it still can be: there's no reason you can't use automated emails for example through an auto-responder. Or you can write a ton of blog posts and then schedule them to post over time.
You can still make your model passive. Just don't go straight in for the kill!
Article by A. Hall

Article Source:

Saturday 6 June 2020

How Online Communities Can Build Your Brand

Expert Author Jon Allo
Jon Allo
When you start thinking of your customers and potential customers as a community that you want to be involved with, a lot will change in terms of your branding efforts. Branding is all about what your customers (and people who aren't customers yet) think about you.
How does seeing your logo, your content, and your face make people feel? How do you want them to feel?
Building an active, purposeful community around your audience is a great way to build your brand even further than you may have thought possible. To do that, you can get started by setting up a Facebook group, a community, a forum on or even start your own network via It depends on what you want to accomplish.
One thing the customer expects today is personalized and customized experiences and right now, starting a Facebook group is an easy and effective way to deliver this to them.
Gives Your Audience Access to You
When you invite your customers into your community, giving them access to you, it will make them feel very special. They're going to love getting an inside look into your business as well as finding out early about new products or services that you're launching.
Builds an Emotional Connection with your Brand
When people get to talk to you and other customers or soon-to-be customers on a regular basis, they become emotionally connected to you and your brand. This means that probably they're going to buy almost everything you put out and promote you to their friends and family too.
Builds Brand Loyalty
Once they have access and a relationship has developed, and that emotional connection has formed, brand loyalty will be built. This means they're going to keep buying from you, tell people about you, and be part of your community for a long time.
Puts the Focus on Relationship Building
When you have a community and are communicating with them on a regular basis in this personal way, the focus ends up being on relationship building rather than sales. But, sales happen anyway, and it feels good and more natural.
When you put an online community on the front burner to help you get closer to your audience, build a connection with your audience, and build brand loyalty due to the relationships you're building, it will make all the difference in the world for your branding.
Facebook groups can generate leads, build your email list, give you access to more prospects and sell your products and services. But if you do it the wrong way it can lead to lasting damage to your reputation and brand. However doing it the right way ensures that you have the best possible chance for business success.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

How to save a business time and money

Jon Allo
If you're an entrepreneur, you wear many hats, at least when your starting out. You're the CEO, CFO and COO, along with the salesman, head of shipping and delivery and the marketing and advertising person. Everything that must be done, you're the one to do it.
And, combined with only so many working hours in a day, it's easy to see why it can be difficult to make any progress with your online business once you reach a certain point.
Once you have set up a business, you need to consider ways you can help it to grow. One of the ways to save a business time and money so it can develop is to put the necessary systems in place to help it run more efficiently.
Dealing with Emails
This might not be such a big problem at first, but as your online business grows, you'll get a lot of people emailing and messaging to ask you questions about your products or services.
Rather than spending a couple of hours every day responding to these and building good relationships with your followers, you can pass the task on to somebody else to complete. Neglecting the messages is never a good solution, since it could give your business a bad reputation.
Website Updates
Starting your own website might not seem very time-consuming at first, but if you're successful and you start to get lots of visitors, you will need to regularly update your website in order to maintain your popularity and keep your followers happy.
Outsourcing allows you to free up your time for important tasks that demand your full attention. Also, it makes it possible for you to get people who are more skilled and knowledgeable than you to complete tasks that take you too long to complete.
Updating Your Social Media Accounts
This is another thing that entrepreneurs should be very involved in, but it can be extremely time-consuming to do all by yourself. As well as making new posts, you need to interact with your followers and let people know about any news or fresh content on your website.
The good news is that it doesn't all need to be done by you! Social scheduling software means you can schedule posts in advance, and virtual assistants can take care of interaction.
Proof Reading
Stop stressing about making small errors in your articles, blog posts and website updates. Seek the services of somebody to proof read everything for you before it's published.
This mean you can still publish content even if writing isn't one of your strong points, and you can save lots of time on checking your spelling and grammar and being g about if you've structured your sentences properly.
If you've been doing everything yourself, you'll quickly find that this is a limiting factor in the growth of your business. Putting systems in place makes things quicker, and it makes it easier to outsource, giving you more time to focus on growth and new ideas. To learn more download my free checklist, A Guide To Business Systems And Automation at
<a href=""></a>

Article Source:

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...