Showing posts with label Allo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allo. Show all posts

Saturday 6 June 2020

How Online Communities Can Build Your Brand

Expert Author Jon Allo
Jon Allo
When you start thinking of your customers and potential customers as a community that you want to be involved with, a lot will change in terms of your branding efforts. Branding is all about what your customers (and people who aren't customers yet) think about you.
How does seeing your logo, your content, and your face make people feel? How do you want them to feel?
Building an active, purposeful community around your audience is a great way to build your brand even further than you may have thought possible. To do that, you can get started by setting up a Facebook group, a community, a forum on or even start your own network via It depends on what you want to accomplish.
One thing the customer expects today is personalized and customized experiences and right now, starting a Facebook group is an easy and effective way to deliver this to them.
Gives Your Audience Access to You
When you invite your customers into your community, giving them access to you, it will make them feel very special. They're going to love getting an inside look into your business as well as finding out early about new products or services that you're launching.
Builds an Emotional Connection with your Brand
When people get to talk to you and other customers or soon-to-be customers on a regular basis, they become emotionally connected to you and your brand. This means that probably they're going to buy almost everything you put out and promote you to their friends and family too.
Builds Brand Loyalty
Once they have access and a relationship has developed, and that emotional connection has formed, brand loyalty will be built. This means they're going to keep buying from you, tell people about you, and be part of your community for a long time.
Puts the Focus on Relationship Building
When you have a community and are communicating with them on a regular basis in this personal way, the focus ends up being on relationship building rather than sales. But, sales happen anyway, and it feels good and more natural.
When you put an online community on the front burner to help you get closer to your audience, build a connection with your audience, and build brand loyalty due to the relationships you're building, it will make all the difference in the world for your branding.
Facebook groups can generate leads, build your email list, give you access to more prospects and sell your products and services. But if you do it the wrong way it can lead to lasting damage to your reputation and brand. However doing it the right way ensures that you have the best possible chance for business success.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

How to save a business time and money

Jon Allo
If you're an entrepreneur, you wear many hats, at least when your starting out. You're the CEO, CFO and COO, along with the salesman, head of shipping and delivery and the marketing and advertising person. Everything that must be done, you're the one to do it.
And, combined with only so many working hours in a day, it's easy to see why it can be difficult to make any progress with your online business once you reach a certain point.
Once you have set up a business, you need to consider ways you can help it to grow. One of the ways to save a business time and money so it can develop is to put the necessary systems in place to help it run more efficiently.
Dealing with Emails
This might not be such a big problem at first, but as your online business grows, you'll get a lot of people emailing and messaging to ask you questions about your products or services.
Rather than spending a couple of hours every day responding to these and building good relationships with your followers, you can pass the task on to somebody else to complete. Neglecting the messages is never a good solution, since it could give your business a bad reputation.
Website Updates
Starting your own website might not seem very time-consuming at first, but if you're successful and you start to get lots of visitors, you will need to regularly update your website in order to maintain your popularity and keep your followers happy.
Outsourcing allows you to free up your time for important tasks that demand your full attention. Also, it makes it possible for you to get people who are more skilled and knowledgeable than you to complete tasks that take you too long to complete.
Updating Your Social Media Accounts
This is another thing that entrepreneurs should be very involved in, but it can be extremely time-consuming to do all by yourself. As well as making new posts, you need to interact with your followers and let people know about any news or fresh content on your website.
The good news is that it doesn't all need to be done by you! Social scheduling software means you can schedule posts in advance, and virtual assistants can take care of interaction.
Proof Reading
Stop stressing about making small errors in your articles, blog posts and website updates. Seek the services of somebody to proof read everything for you before it's published.
This mean you can still publish content even if writing isn't one of your strong points, and you can save lots of time on checking your spelling and grammar and being g about if you've structured your sentences properly.
If you've been doing everything yourself, you'll quickly find that this is a limiting factor in the growth of your business. Putting systems in place makes things quicker, and it makes it easier to outsource, giving you more time to focus on growth and new ideas. To learn more download my free checklist, A Guide To Business Systems And Automation at
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