Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts

Monday 24 August 2020

How To Create An eCommerce Website With Wordpress 2020 -ONLINE STORE- (E...

This ecommerce tutorial is for anyone who wants to sell online with no experience or wants to start a web design career. Its easy so just follow the steps in the video!

Saturday 8 August 2020

How To Create An eCommerce Website With Wordpress 2020 -ONLINE STORE- (E...

Some people love to go to ready made solutions, others love to find out the details and do things for themselves.

Wordpress is a great versatile system for building websites and business platforms, due to the numerous extensions you can plug in

Watch this great film from Darrel Wilson

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Cosmos: Developing A Site With WooCommerce

Let's face it, if you are ever online you are unlikely to be unaware of Amazon. If you have looked into ecommerce you have probably come across WooCommerce too.

But how do you set up your business on Amazon using WooCommerce? Sam Fitzgerald explains.

If we tell you that you, the HUMAN BEINGS of the earth can earn money even while you are asleep, Would you believe it?

Yes! You can dodge the monotony of life ( getting up, doing a 9-5 job and then going back)

This is the whole concept of Affiliate Marketing!

It is one of the popular tactics that can drive sales and generate significant and substantial online revenue which is not only beneficial for the brand, but also to your business.

More and more people are adopting to this world, and they are getting successful and colourful results. More than 81% of brands and 84% of publishers enjoy the powers of affiliate marketing. And the statistic is in no time predicted to lower down. In fact, they would continue to enhance.

Thus, to help you out with this zone here is a guide that would help you to step into this environment and make the best out of your time.

Let’s begin!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is the method of promoting someone the product on the website you constructed and then linking that products link to the actual manufactures. The link tends to have all the information that identifies the visitors that have tapped on your provided link. When the user tends to make the purchase, the manufacturer or the merchant gets hold of the information. They then know that the purchase was made because of your provided link. They then tend to give the promised commission.

If you think that this process is no different than ads promotion, then you are wrong. The whole process is slightly different. Ads contain the process where the user gets paid based on how many times the audience is seeing their ads, and not based on link clicks. Be it PSD to Wordpress or any other website affiliate marketing works perfectly.

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is considered as a prevalent yet very successful business model in the entire market. It provides the user with various advantages. PSD to WordPress conversion services can be conducted in any website and bring out great benefits. Some of the advantages like:

? There is no need for the user to come up or construct their projects.

? Low risk and the user does not need to purchase any inventory.

? It does not require many funds in the area to purchase inventory.

? This tends to be a thriving market, and thus the possibility to earn money is independent of time and money.

? The best part of the affiliate marketers is that the website owner does not need any e-commerce infrastructure, and they hold no responsibility on that whatsoever.

Types of Affiliate Marketing

If you are thinking to start your affiliate business marketing venture, there are several ways to do it. These are the ways that have there own strengths and features. HTML to WordPress conversion services can be conducted with any type of affiliate marketing. Some of which are:

1. Product Reviews

Product Review is considered as one of the classic ways of affiliate marketing. All the user needs to do is sign up to an affiliate network that is there of your choice. The user needs to examine the products that would help others decide whether they should purchase them or not and then place the affiliate link in the content. To make it even more alluring and helpful, the website owner can include other user reviews or maybe compare products.

2. Daily Deal Website

“Daily Deal” operates in such a way that the user is offered discounts on products for a limited period. This is the site that lets the user purchase coupons for different businesses for a limited amount of time that tends to give them a steep discount. This type is a proven business model; however, there is some competition. If the website owner wishes to choose this form of affiliate marketing, then, much of the work would be you trying to close your deals with the business to put on the website.

3. Affiliate Blog

Another popular way is to construct a niche blog and involve affiliate links to the product that the website wants to sell. To build an affiliate website, the user needs to choose whatever option is the most suitable for you. Of course, the user can also construct a mix. Product reviews can be a staple of the blogs or maybe vice versa.

4. Price comparison Site

This is the kind of website that tends to search for the products and then those searches would provide the audience with the products and prices that were different from online shopping and user reviews. When the user taps on the link that is provided, and when they purchase from that link, the website tends to get some part of the percentage sale. This option needs the user to set up a system that presents and upgrades prices from all over the web.

Affiliate Marketing and WooCommerce: How are they Interrelated?

One of the most popular and extensively used e-commerce plugins, WooCommerce is a free plugin that is easy to maintain, and it is straightforward too. Besides, WooCommerce is concluded as the best way to turn any website into a fully functional e-commerce website.

Technically, WooCommerce is constituted as a WordPress plugin. It is installed and initiated just similar any other plugin to function it. Of course, this plugin is free and open-source, just like WordPress. The website owner does not need any license, and the plugin does not expire for a lifetime. The best component about this plugin is that the user and set it up and configure by themselves. The set-up is quite fast, and it tends to workup with any design.

Introduction to Amazon Affiliate Program

The name itself is enough to convince people about the reputation and quality of work that the platform shares. What you might or might not be aware of is that it tends to offer an affiliate marketing program.

With the help of this program, the user has the power to advertise existing Amazon products on the blog. The user can then search for the products that are relevant to the target audience and then a suitable link is provided with much other advertising material. Then the user can simply add those links and ads to the site. Some of the benefits of using the Amazon Associate Program are:

? The user gets access to a huge catalogue of products.

? If anyone taps on one of the affiliate links and then buys products on Amazon, and even if the items that are not actually advertised the website is eligible to earn a commission on the purchase.

? The visitor might be more likely to follow the affiliate link and ads. All thanks to Amazon existing reputation.

Steps Involved in Constructing Amazon Affiliate Websites Using WooCommerce

If you are having a WordPress blog then it can easily be turned an Amazon Affiliate site, without actually sacrificing any of your website concent. The user only needs the free WooCommerce plugin - the top options of the WordPress user.

Step1: Setting Up WooCommerce on the Website

WooCommerce is considered as one of the essential components that is used for adding an e-commerce feature on any blog. Thus, the very first thing which the user needs to do is install and activate the plugin on the website. The moment you activate it, you would deal with the few setup options.

The wizard would walk the user through the whole process of configuration of the store and the addition of the key information. Now, tap on the screen until you go to the end.

Here you go WooCoomerce is ready to go, the user can now add products to the website.

Step2: Signing up for the Program

The user needs to visit the main page of the Amazon Affiliate program and then tap on the “Join now free button”

After the user has signed in the Amazon account and verified on the personal information. On the very next page, the user needs to add the blog’s URL using the “Enter your website” field. Next, the user needs to fill in some of the most appropriate details on their profile which would involve the construction of unique ID, adding some information about the blog’s focus and adding the kind of products that they are interested in promoting.

Further down the page, the user would be asked about how the user would attract traffic and then monetize the blog.

On the very next screen, the user needs to verify the account then agree to all the terms and conditions. Next, the user needs to tap on the finish button. The user would see the application that is successful. The user also has the option to use a button below that would ask them to make the payment.

Step3: Adding the Products

Once the user has signed up for the Amazon associate account, the user would get access to a personal dashboard. Here the user has the ability to search for various options that are related to accounting, earnings and maybe more. The user can also start searching for products to promote with the help of “search for product” and “browse for product field”

Next, the user needs to use keywords and categories to find something that tends to fit in the blog niche. When the product is chosen tap on the “get link” option. Next, the user needs to copy the link.

Next, the user needs to go back to the dashboard and construct a product by choosing the product - add new. The user can now add a title and the description of the product and then upload the image. The user can now scroll down to the selection label product data.

In the option that says “product type” drop-down menu, choose the affiliate product and place the affiliate link from Amazon into product URL link. Once the product is saved, visitors would be able to tap on it and go to the relevant Amazon page.

In the Nutshell

Now you know that Affiliate Marketing is an ideal solution for those people who are seeking for control on their daily income, or for the people who want to make some fortune. Being a well-known affiliate marketer will be able to help you achieve a passive income from the comfort of the home without a pinch of worrying to produce products.

Amazing right?

No matter if it is a task to convert HTML to WordPress everything is possible with Affiliate marketing. An elegant and straightforward process is what everyone seeks. We hope that this article has presented you with data that is needed to kick start with your business. If the user has any issues regarding the following topic then they can write in the review in the comment section below. Our experts and professionals would provide you with adequate solution and tips.

Author's Resource Box

Sam Fitzgerald is a Sr. Wordpress Developer associated with Wordprax Ltd., a leading WordPress Development Company and handles all major wordpress development projects. As a hobby, He also write Technical Articles related to WordPress development to share my deep insights into this subject.
Thank You
Sam Fitzgerald
Twitter: @thesamfitz


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Tuesday 16 June 2020

Generate More Leads and Get Return On Investment by Using WordPress Web Site for Your Business

Most of us have probably heard of WordPress but how many of us use it and all its functionality?
How can we generate more leads and get return on our investment by using WordPress in our business?  In this article John Mac investigates on our behalf.

What is WordPress? At its core, WordPress is the simplest, most popular way to create your own website or blog. In fact, WordPress powers over 60% of all the websites on the Internet. Yes, more than one in four websites that you visit are likely powered by WordPress.
On a slightly more technical level, WordPress is an open-source content management system licensed under GPLv2, which means that anyone can use or modify the WordPress software for free. Many years ago, WordPress was primarily a tool to create a blog, rather than more traditional websites. That hasn’t been true for a long time, though. Nowadays, thanks to changes to the core code, as well as WordPress’ massive ecosystem of plugins and themes, you can create any type of website with WordPress. For example, not only does WordPress power a huge number of business sites and blogs, it’s also the most popular way to create an eCommerce store as well! With WordPress, you can create:
  • Blog or Personal Website
  • Business Website
  • eCommerce
  • Job Board
  • Business Directory
  • Question & Answer Website
  • NonProfits and Religious Websites
  • Portfolio Websites
  • Online Communities
  • Coupon Website
  • Auction Websites
  • Multilingual Websites
  • Knowledgebase / Wiki Websites
  • Podcasting Websites
  • Niche Affiliate Websites
  • Photography Websites
  • School or College Websites
  • Private Blogs
  • Family Blogs

WordPress was created as a standalone project all the way back in 2003, originating as an offshoot of a previous project called b2/cafelog. WordPress is open-source software, so nowadays it’s made by a huge community of contributors. But if we were to trace WordPress’ origins back to its roots, its original creation was a collaboration between Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Since then, Matt Mullenweg has largely become the face of WordPress. And he’s also the founder of Automattic, which is the company behind the for-profit service. The history of WordPress between its founding as a blog platform back in 2003 and today is a long one… But suffice it to say, WordPress has pushed forward and, thanks to its contributors and huge community, developed into the most popular solution to create any type of website.
One of the questions that we often get asked is: Why should I use WordPress? Isn’t my old site good enough? Why do I need to switch to WordPress from another platform? If you’re asking these questions, here are important reasons why you should use WordPress.
WordPress is Free as in Freedom
WordPress is a free software. It means you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website.
WordPress is Easy to Customize with Themes and Plugins
WordPress themes are easy to customize because a lot of them come with their own options panel allowing you to change colors, upload logo, change the background, create beautiful sliders, and truly customize it to your needs without writing any code at all.
WordPress is SEO Friendly
WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this makes Google and other search engines love WordPress.
WordPress is Easy To Manage
WordPress comes with a built-in updates management system. This allows you to update your plugins and themes from within your WordPress admin dashboard. WordPress also notifies you when there is a new version of WordPress available, so you can update your site by simply clicking a button.
WordPress is Safe and Secure
WordPress is developed with security in mind, and it is considered to be a very safe and secure platform to run a website. However, just like the real world, the internet can be an uncertain place.
WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types
WordPress is not just limited to writing text. It comes with a built-in media uploader to handle images, audio, and video files.
Online business is in trend today. Everyone wants to start an Online business and make quick money. There are several benefits of Online Business over Offline business like :
It doesn’t need physical infrastructure.
No big workforce is needed.
Investment is comparatively small.
With these benefits, there comes a problem also that every Online business does have a tech part. If you are yourself not a brilliant programmer, you will need someone to create a Website / Application for your business. Creating such an application may cost huge if developed on a coding platform or framework.
WordPress can be of great help in this situation. Solution developed on WordPress may cost only a fraction. If you are a moderately technical person, you may learn to work on WordPress yourself or hire a company / freelancer who work on WordPress development. WordPress is a very vrsatile platform and almost any type of website can be built over it. There are two types of web designing methods on Wordpress, one is using theme and plugins, which cost around 25 to 50USD and other one is customize web designing, which is cost around 500 to 1000 USD. So, if you are a statup business, I recommend to use first designing method.
With all the extensive advantages that WordPress CMS brings, it emerges as an excellent choice for creating a new business website, e-commerce store, or blog. After all, having an impressive online presence is essential for connecting with the potential customers and taking your business to the next level. So, I recommend DilMAX-IT web designing service is the best choice for your web designing needs. you can have a better wordpress website for Just $ 25 USD. For more details, please visit
They Help You Make An Impact Online No Matter What Industry You’re In. Using The WordPress CMS, they will Build You The Perfect Web Solution That Generates Leads And Gets Return On Investment.

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