Showing posts with label leads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leads. Show all posts

Friday 9 October 2020

3 Digital Marketing Secrets to Turn Opt-In Leads Into Customers

Jeff Traister

Turning opt-in leads into customers is a top digital marketing goal for many companies. Yet optimizing sales conversion rate results is much harder than it may appear.

Part of the challenge to optimize sales conversion rate involves attracting qualified leads. The more qualified they are, the more likely you can boost your sales conversion.

A bigger challenge to optimize sales conversion rate is first learning as much as possible about each opt-in lead. That's so you can personalize the content you provide along their journey. This can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Here are three digital marketing secrets to help you turn opt-in leads into customers. By optimizing sales conversion rate, you can see your revenues increase.

Digital Marketing Secret #1: Get Qualified Leads by Focusing on Your Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is perhaps the top priority in marketing. That's because these are the people and organizations most likely to buy your products and services.

The best way to determine your target audience is through surveys and focus groups. This is where you should spend your first marketing dollars. The more you can determine the variables that impact your target audience, the more cost-effective your digital marketing campaigns. Plus, higher response rates.

A quality survey does not just focus on demographics. It's more important to focus on psychographics, buying behavior and awareness of the problem your product or service solves.

A key to a quality market research campaign is to target people who best meet your target audience criteria. Then you can refine the parameters of your target audience based on the results of your research. You can get preliminary results in as little as one day.

Surprisingly, this strategy is too often overlooked by many companies. But if you invest in this strategy it can help you save money in the long run. Plus, increase your ROI.

Outsourcing this project can help you speed up the process. Plus provide an outside perspective to help you better understand your audience.

Digital Marketing Secret #2: Communicate With Your Audience Via Mobile
Your target audience is a moving target. They may not all be in the same place at the same time. So it may appear challenging on how best to capture them.

The best way to approach this is to first determine where a high percent of your target audience are at any given time. Then find a way to reach them there.

For example, if your target audience spends much time on social media, then you must first determine which type(s) of social media they spend time on. Then to focus your advertising and promotion on that location.

Another example is if your target audience spend much of their time in travel or out of the office, then communicating with them via mobile will more likely give you better opt-in lead results.

The thing is, most people will readily look at the mobile phone for incoming SMS text messages much sooner than their email. Adding a link to your SMS text message to take your audience to a landing page promoting your products and services can help lead to optimizing your sales conversion rates.

Faster response equals faster sales conversion.

Digital Marketing Secret #3: Persuade Your Audience With Relevant Content

Content marketing is a big part of digital marketing campaigns. Educating your audience through relevant content is a vital part of establishing credibility and trust.

But to sell, you must persuade. That's the third digital marketing secret. Persuasive content is a big key to optimizing sales conversion rates. It's why you should invest in hiring the best copywriters to help you create persuasive content.

This includes persuasive email letters and landing pages that contain sales letters and videos.

The key to optimizing sales conversion rates is to find a persuasive copywriter to provide you with persuasive content. In fact, investing in persuasive content is the single-most important thing you can do to generate sales. Everything else is just window dressing.

How to Maximize Sales Conversion Rate Results In Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign
Once you know the parameters of your target audience, you can develop a viable digital marketing campaign strategy. The key to optimizing sales conversion is to create persuasive content and deliver it to your target audience wherever they are. This includes reaching them on their mobile device. Investing is persuasive content starts with finding the best persuasive copywriter.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to My Marketing Superhero dot com

About the author:

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Sunday 30 August 2020

3 Digital Marketing Secrets to Turn Opt-In Leads Into Customers

You work hard on compiling and nurturing your opt ins but you still need to get them as loyal customers. These tips from Jeff Traister should help give you some ideas to progress to success

Turning opt-in leads into customers is a top digital marketing goal for many companies. Yet optimizing sales conversion rate results is much harder than it may appear.

Part of the challenge to optimize sales conversion rate involves attracting qualified leads. The more qualified they are, the more likely you can boost your sales conversion.

A bigger challenge to optimize sales conversion rate is first learning as much as possible about each opt-in lead. That's so you can personalize the content you provide along their journey. This can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Here are three digital marketing secrets to help you turn opt-in leads into customers. By optimizing sales conversion rate, you can see your revenues increase.

Digital Marketing Secret #1: Get Qualified Leads by Focusing on Your Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is perhaps the top priority in marketing. That's because these are the people and organizations most likely to buy your products and services.

The best way to determine your target audience is through surveys and focus groups. This is where you should spend your first marketing dollars. The more you can determine the variables that impact your target audience, the more cost-effective your digital marketing campaigns. Plus, higher response rates.

A quality survey does not just focus on demographics. It's more important to focus on psychographics, buying behavior and awareness of the problem your product or service solves.

A key to a quality market research campaign is to target people who best meet your target audience criteria. Then you can refine the parameters of your target audience based on the results of your research. You can get preliminary results in as little as one day.

Surprisingly, this strategy is too often overlooked by many companies. But if you invest in this strategy it can help you save money in the long run. Plus, increase your ROI.

Outsourcing this project can help you speed up the process. Plus provide an outside perspective to help you better understand your audience.

Digital Marketing Secret #2: Communicate With Your Audience Via Mobile

Your target audience is a moving target. They may not all be in the same place at the same time. So it may appear challenging on how best to capture them.

The best way to approach this is to first determine where a high percent of your target audience are at any given time. Then find a way to reach them there.

For example, if your target audience spends much time on social media, then you must first determine which type(s) of social media they spend time on. Then to focus your advertising and promotion on that location.

Another example is if your target audience spend much of their time in travel or out of the office, then communicating with them via mobile will more likely give you better opt-in lead results.

The thing is, most people will readily look at the mobile phone for incoming SMS text messages much sooner than their email. Adding a link to your SMS text message to take your audience to a landing page promoting your products and services can help lead to optimizing your sales conversion rates.

Faster response equals faster sales conversion.

Digital Marketing Secret #3: Persuade Your Audience With Relevant Content
Content marketing is a big part of digital marketing campaigns. Educating your audience through relevant content is a vital part of establishing credibility and trust.

But to sell, you must persuade. That's the third digital marketing secret. Persuasive content is a big key to optimizing sales conversion rates. It's why you should invest in hiring the best copywriters to help you create persuasive content.

This includes persuasive email letters and landing pages that contain sales letters and videos.

The key to optimizing sales conversion rates is to find a persuasive copywriter to provide you with persuasive content. In fact, investing in persuasive content is the single-most important thing you can do to generate sales. Everything else is just window dressing.

How to Maximize Sales Conversion Rate Results In Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign
Once you know the parameters of your target audience, you can develop a viable digital marketing campaign strategy. The key to optimizing sales conversion is to create persuasive content and deliver it to your target audience wherever they are. This includes reaching them on their mobile device. Investing is persuasive content starts with finding the best persuasive copywriter.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to My Marketing Superhero dot com

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Tuesday 16 June 2020

Generate More Leads and Get Return On Investment by Using WordPress Web Site for Your Business

Most of us have probably heard of WordPress but how many of us use it and all its functionality?
How can we generate more leads and get return on our investment by using WordPress in our business?  In this article John Mac investigates on our behalf.

What is WordPress? At its core, WordPress is the simplest, most popular way to create your own website or blog. In fact, WordPress powers over 60% of all the websites on the Internet. Yes, more than one in four websites that you visit are likely powered by WordPress.
On a slightly more technical level, WordPress is an open-source content management system licensed under GPLv2, which means that anyone can use or modify the WordPress software for free. Many years ago, WordPress was primarily a tool to create a blog, rather than more traditional websites. That hasn’t been true for a long time, though. Nowadays, thanks to changes to the core code, as well as WordPress’ massive ecosystem of plugins and themes, you can create any type of website with WordPress. For example, not only does WordPress power a huge number of business sites and blogs, it’s also the most popular way to create an eCommerce store as well! With WordPress, you can create:
  • Blog or Personal Website
  • Business Website
  • eCommerce
  • Job Board
  • Business Directory
  • Question & Answer Website
  • NonProfits and Religious Websites
  • Portfolio Websites
  • Online Communities
  • Coupon Website
  • Auction Websites
  • Multilingual Websites
  • Knowledgebase / Wiki Websites
  • Podcasting Websites
  • Niche Affiliate Websites
  • Photography Websites
  • School or College Websites
  • Private Blogs
  • Family Blogs

WordPress was created as a standalone project all the way back in 2003, originating as an offshoot of a previous project called b2/cafelog. WordPress is open-source software, so nowadays it’s made by a huge community of contributors. But if we were to trace WordPress’ origins back to its roots, its original creation was a collaboration between Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Since then, Matt Mullenweg has largely become the face of WordPress. And he’s also the founder of Automattic, which is the company behind the for-profit service. The history of WordPress between its founding as a blog platform back in 2003 and today is a long one… But suffice it to say, WordPress has pushed forward and, thanks to its contributors and huge community, developed into the most popular solution to create any type of website.
One of the questions that we often get asked is: Why should I use WordPress? Isn’t my old site good enough? Why do I need to switch to WordPress from another platform? If you’re asking these questions, here are important reasons why you should use WordPress.
WordPress is Free as in Freedom
WordPress is a free software. It means you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website.
WordPress is Easy to Customize with Themes and Plugins
WordPress themes are easy to customize because a lot of them come with their own options panel allowing you to change colors, upload logo, change the background, create beautiful sliders, and truly customize it to your needs without writing any code at all.
WordPress is SEO Friendly
WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this makes Google and other search engines love WordPress.
WordPress is Easy To Manage
WordPress comes with a built-in updates management system. This allows you to update your plugins and themes from within your WordPress admin dashboard. WordPress also notifies you when there is a new version of WordPress available, so you can update your site by simply clicking a button.
WordPress is Safe and Secure
WordPress is developed with security in mind, and it is considered to be a very safe and secure platform to run a website. However, just like the real world, the internet can be an uncertain place.
WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types
WordPress is not just limited to writing text. It comes with a built-in media uploader to handle images, audio, and video files.
Online business is in trend today. Everyone wants to start an Online business and make quick money. There are several benefits of Online Business over Offline business like :
It doesn’t need physical infrastructure.
No big workforce is needed.
Investment is comparatively small.
With these benefits, there comes a problem also that every Online business does have a tech part. If you are yourself not a brilliant programmer, you will need someone to create a Website / Application for your business. Creating such an application may cost huge if developed on a coding platform or framework.
WordPress can be of great help in this situation. Solution developed on WordPress may cost only a fraction. If you are a moderately technical person, you may learn to work on WordPress yourself or hire a company / freelancer who work on WordPress development. WordPress is a very vrsatile platform and almost any type of website can be built over it. There are two types of web designing methods on Wordpress, one is using theme and plugins, which cost around 25 to 50USD and other one is customize web designing, which is cost around 500 to 1000 USD. So, if you are a statup business, I recommend to use first designing method.
With all the extensive advantages that WordPress CMS brings, it emerges as an excellent choice for creating a new business website, e-commerce store, or blog. After all, having an impressive online presence is essential for connecting with the potential customers and taking your business to the next level. So, I recommend DilMAX-IT web designing service is the best choice for your web designing needs. you can have a better wordpress website for Just $ 25 USD. For more details, please visit
They Help You Make An Impact Online No Matter What Industry You’re In. Using The WordPress CMS, they will Build You The Perfect Web Solution That Generates Leads And Gets Return On Investment.

Friday 12 June 2020

How I Built a $100k+ per Day Lead Generation Business from Scratch | Ant...

One thing that is important in any business, whether online or physical, is the need to generate leads.
In this video Anthony Sarandrea talks through his strategy.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Why You Need to Capture Leads, Not Sales

(Image by Gordon Johnson on Pixabay)
If your goal is to generate passive income, then you might well be hoping to accomplish that by selling a product. This could be a product you've made, or it might be a product that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer. Either way, you'll likely have set up a sales page, creating an ad campaign to send visitors there and then hopefully begun to rake in the profits!
The problem is that it can be tough trying to convince people who visit your page to buy. Your success in this endeavor comes down almost entirely to your conversions and the percentage of visitors that end up buying from you.
And to this end, many marketers will jump straight in with the hard sell. That means that they'll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click buy as soon as they get there.
This doesn't tend to work. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it's absolutely essential that you don't try to go straight in for the kill. Far more effective is to try to capture leads first instead. Here's why.
Why Cold Sales Don't Work
Just because you're making money passively, that does not mean that you should be impatient about how you are collecting your sales.
If you try to convert your visitors as soon as they land on your page, then this is the equivalent of walking up to someone you like in a bar and asking them for their number, without saying hello or even introducing themselves first. Or it's a little like walking up to someone in the street and offering to sell them a watch for $500. Would you be receptive to that sales technique?
Of course not! And the reason is that you know nothing about the person selling, you know nothing about the product and you have no reason to trust that what they're offering is as good as they say it is.
If someone lands on your page and you try to sell to them right away, then they'll think your site is essentially spam and they'll be frustrated at the lack of value. Chances are they'll leave.
How to Convert
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2140604">Mediamodifier</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2140604">Pixabay</a>So instead, talk to them about how they can get free information by signing up to your mailing list, or provide them with an article and then offer to share more through your Facebook.
Now you have the opportunity to build that relationship and to build trust and eventually, you'll find that this puts you in a position where they are more likely to want to buy from you!
You might be wondering how this model is still passive. In fact, though, it still can be: there's no reason you can't use automated emails for example through an auto-responder. Or you can write a ton of blog posts and then schedule them to post over time.
You can still make your model passive. Just don't go straight in for the kill!
Article by A. Hall

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