Showing posts with label customers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label customers. Show all posts

Friday 9 October 2020

3 Digital Marketing Secrets to Turn Opt-In Leads Into Customers

Jeff Traister

Turning opt-in leads into customers is a top digital marketing goal for many companies. Yet optimizing sales conversion rate results is much harder than it may appear.

Part of the challenge to optimize sales conversion rate involves attracting qualified leads. The more qualified they are, the more likely you can boost your sales conversion.

A bigger challenge to optimize sales conversion rate is first learning as much as possible about each opt-in lead. That's so you can personalize the content you provide along their journey. This can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Here are three digital marketing secrets to help you turn opt-in leads into customers. By optimizing sales conversion rate, you can see your revenues increase.

Digital Marketing Secret #1: Get Qualified Leads by Focusing on Your Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is perhaps the top priority in marketing. That's because these are the people and organizations most likely to buy your products and services.

The best way to determine your target audience is through surveys and focus groups. This is where you should spend your first marketing dollars. The more you can determine the variables that impact your target audience, the more cost-effective your digital marketing campaigns. Plus, higher response rates.

A quality survey does not just focus on demographics. It's more important to focus on psychographics, buying behavior and awareness of the problem your product or service solves.

A key to a quality market research campaign is to target people who best meet your target audience criteria. Then you can refine the parameters of your target audience based on the results of your research. You can get preliminary results in as little as one day.

Surprisingly, this strategy is too often overlooked by many companies. But if you invest in this strategy it can help you save money in the long run. Plus, increase your ROI.

Outsourcing this project can help you speed up the process. Plus provide an outside perspective to help you better understand your audience.

Digital Marketing Secret #2: Communicate With Your Audience Via Mobile
Your target audience is a moving target. They may not all be in the same place at the same time. So it may appear challenging on how best to capture them.

The best way to approach this is to first determine where a high percent of your target audience are at any given time. Then find a way to reach them there.

For example, if your target audience spends much time on social media, then you must first determine which type(s) of social media they spend time on. Then to focus your advertising and promotion on that location.

Another example is if your target audience spend much of their time in travel or out of the office, then communicating with them via mobile will more likely give you better opt-in lead results.

The thing is, most people will readily look at the mobile phone for incoming SMS text messages much sooner than their email. Adding a link to your SMS text message to take your audience to a landing page promoting your products and services can help lead to optimizing your sales conversion rates.

Faster response equals faster sales conversion.

Digital Marketing Secret #3: Persuade Your Audience With Relevant Content

Content marketing is a big part of digital marketing campaigns. Educating your audience through relevant content is a vital part of establishing credibility and trust.

But to sell, you must persuade. That's the third digital marketing secret. Persuasive content is a big key to optimizing sales conversion rates. It's why you should invest in hiring the best copywriters to help you create persuasive content.

This includes persuasive email letters and landing pages that contain sales letters and videos.

The key to optimizing sales conversion rates is to find a persuasive copywriter to provide you with persuasive content. In fact, investing in persuasive content is the single-most important thing you can do to generate sales. Everything else is just window dressing.

How to Maximize Sales Conversion Rate Results In Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign
Once you know the parameters of your target audience, you can develop a viable digital marketing campaign strategy. The key to optimizing sales conversion is to create persuasive content and deliver it to your target audience wherever they are. This includes reaching them on their mobile device. Investing is persuasive content starts with finding the best persuasive copywriter.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to My Marketing Superhero dot com

About the author:

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Sunday 30 August 2020

3 Digital Marketing Secrets to Turn Opt-In Leads Into Customers

You work hard on compiling and nurturing your opt ins but you still need to get them as loyal customers. These tips from Jeff Traister should help give you some ideas to progress to success

Turning opt-in leads into customers is a top digital marketing goal for many companies. Yet optimizing sales conversion rate results is much harder than it may appear.

Part of the challenge to optimize sales conversion rate involves attracting qualified leads. The more qualified they are, the more likely you can boost your sales conversion.

A bigger challenge to optimize sales conversion rate is first learning as much as possible about each opt-in lead. That's so you can personalize the content you provide along their journey. This can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Here are three digital marketing secrets to help you turn opt-in leads into customers. By optimizing sales conversion rate, you can see your revenues increase.

Digital Marketing Secret #1: Get Qualified Leads by Focusing on Your Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is perhaps the top priority in marketing. That's because these are the people and organizations most likely to buy your products and services.

The best way to determine your target audience is through surveys and focus groups. This is where you should spend your first marketing dollars. The more you can determine the variables that impact your target audience, the more cost-effective your digital marketing campaigns. Plus, higher response rates.

A quality survey does not just focus on demographics. It's more important to focus on psychographics, buying behavior and awareness of the problem your product or service solves.

A key to a quality market research campaign is to target people who best meet your target audience criteria. Then you can refine the parameters of your target audience based on the results of your research. You can get preliminary results in as little as one day.

Surprisingly, this strategy is too often overlooked by many companies. But if you invest in this strategy it can help you save money in the long run. Plus, increase your ROI.

Outsourcing this project can help you speed up the process. Plus provide an outside perspective to help you better understand your audience.

Digital Marketing Secret #2: Communicate With Your Audience Via Mobile

Your target audience is a moving target. They may not all be in the same place at the same time. So it may appear challenging on how best to capture them.

The best way to approach this is to first determine where a high percent of your target audience are at any given time. Then find a way to reach them there.

For example, if your target audience spends much time on social media, then you must first determine which type(s) of social media they spend time on. Then to focus your advertising and promotion on that location.

Another example is if your target audience spend much of their time in travel or out of the office, then communicating with them via mobile will more likely give you better opt-in lead results.

The thing is, most people will readily look at the mobile phone for incoming SMS text messages much sooner than their email. Adding a link to your SMS text message to take your audience to a landing page promoting your products and services can help lead to optimizing your sales conversion rates.

Faster response equals faster sales conversion.

Digital Marketing Secret #3: Persuade Your Audience With Relevant Content
Content marketing is a big part of digital marketing campaigns. Educating your audience through relevant content is a vital part of establishing credibility and trust.

But to sell, you must persuade. That's the third digital marketing secret. Persuasive content is a big key to optimizing sales conversion rates. It's why you should invest in hiring the best copywriters to help you create persuasive content.

This includes persuasive email letters and landing pages that contain sales letters and videos.

The key to optimizing sales conversion rates is to find a persuasive copywriter to provide you with persuasive content. In fact, investing in persuasive content is the single-most important thing you can do to generate sales. Everything else is just window dressing.

How to Maximize Sales Conversion Rate Results In Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign
Once you know the parameters of your target audience, you can develop a viable digital marketing campaign strategy. The key to optimizing sales conversion is to create persuasive content and deliver it to your target audience wherever they are. This includes reaching them on their mobile device. Investing is persuasive content starts with finding the best persuasive copywriter.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to My Marketing Superhero dot com

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Tuesday 4 August 2020

All You Need To Know About Dropshipping

Getting started in online selling can be scary, risky and costly. However, with good guidance it can work really well. Many people use the dropshipping model to great success

For a quick and easy intro into what dropshipping is, read on Achal Mehrotra's great description

We are all aware of the business model where a retailer stocks the purchased items before he could sell it in the market, But the concept of dropshipping quite a different one. a seller does not necessarily have to be the stockist of the items he sells. Everything can still happen in an organized manner. You might have thought, how all these can happen? Here's a simple illustration to all your answer.

Suppose you have a customer who wants to buy a product, but you do not own an inventory, neither do you stock up items. In that case, your product manufacturer or supplier directly delivers the product/s to your customer.

Now, this dropshipping mode has a number of advantages. Let us find out what they are:

Easy To Get Started

As you do not have to deal with physical products, this business is quite an easy one. if you are investing in the same you will not have to worry about packaging and shipping of the orders, renting or managing a warehouse, tracking inventory, maintaining stock levels by continuously ordering products, etc.

Requires Less Capital

This ecommerce business model requires a lot less to invest than retail businesses. One can launch an ecommerce store without having to risk his bank funds and property for a loan. All they need to do is purchase the product when a customer has already bought it by making a payment. So, without a major upfront inventory, it is possible to start a successful business.

Reduced Overheads

When there is no need to deal with inventory purchases our managing the same the overhead costs are sure to remain low. Studies have found that several successful dropshipping businesses are operated via a laptop from a remote location which can be the investor's home or office. The regular investment in many cases has been found to be lesser than $100. It may grow once there is growth in the business.

Wide Selection of Products

Under this model, one does not have to deal with a specific product but can earn from different products. You can add the items that a supplier stocks on your website at no additional charges.

Offers Flexibility over a Location

Any place that has uninterrupted internet connection can be used for a dropshipping business. Additionally, you will need to have a better hand at communicating with the suppliers and customers.

These are the reasons why dropshipping is considered to be an attractive model. If you are looking forward to increasing your income this can be one option you can look into.

To know more about dropshipping suppliers, please check our website.

About the author:

Monday 3 August 2020

Affiliate Marketing Trending in India 2020!

Affiliate marketing is great for selling someone else's products and getting a commission for your efforts. It's availability may not be completely worldwide, but it certainly offers huge marketplaces

In this article Mallika Joshi explains how it is working in India

So, What Exactly Affiliate Marketing Is?

Affiliate marketing involves referring other people to purchase the product of a specific company. Whenever any person purchases your referral, the company will give you a commission. Now, this seems to be a simple process or technique of earning money conveniently.

Let's just take an example. Suppose you promote a smartphone brand such as Samsung, you can easily provide a link to the product through your social media handles. When any of your followers click on that referral, and if any of them buys the smartphone, you will be paid a commission by Samsung for every sale.

How Affiliate Marketing Works?

Note that affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing. When you do affiliate marketing, you play the role of a marketer.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you act as an online salesperson who sells the products of a certain company. Of course, you are not going to be an employee of that company. The person who owns the product is called a trader or merchant; on the other hand, the person who promotes it is called the affiliate marketer.

You might be wondering how you can connect with the trader; then, you need to understand that affiliate networks help you achieve that.

Also, whenever anyone purchases the product via your referral, it is a win-win situation for you(the marketer), the merchant and the affiliate network.

The reason why affiliate marketing in India is trending nowadays is that many people or businesses have profited a lot from this whole ecosystem. It is worth mentioning here that even an ordinary person can become a millionaire with the help of affiliate marketing.

Let's discuss further in detail about four major players involved in this ecosystem of affiliate marketing. This is highly important if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer.

1. Owner of the product-Merchant or Trader
As said earlier, the owner of the product is called a merchant. When we talk about e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc, these also come in the category of merchants.

Brands like Samsung,Apple,Intex,Dell,etc are also merchants.

2. The Affiliate
Next comes the affiliate marketers who can also be called as the publisher. The affiliate is the one who receives a commission for every sale via his or her referral. It would help if you understood that you don't require any significant investment to get a website created. That is why we said earlier that if you are looking for a passive income, nothing can be easier and cheaper than affiliate marketing.

Through videos, blogs, and social media posts, you can easily promote the product.

One of the most critical pieces of advice for you is that you should promote products that are in accordance with the kinds of blogs you post, the videos you post, etc. If you post educational content on your blogs, it would be inappropriate to promote fashion stuff.

3. Affiliate Network

The publisher or the affiliate can connect with the merchant or trader with the help of an affiliate network.

An affiliate network can be better understood as the link between the affiliate and the merchant.

It's crucial to understand that the affiliate network provides payment processing tools to the publisher.

On the other hand, the affiliate network provides ad tracking tools to the merchants.

If you are curious to know how affiliate networks will help you in earning money, then you need to understand that there is something called CPC.

Besides, CPC(Cost Per Click), there are other ways like CPI(Cost Per Install) and CPS(Cost Per Sale).

4. Customers or Consumers
The last player of the whole ecosystem is the customers. Whether the above three players will be profited only if the consumers buy products, anyone can be a customer. It is the responsibility of the affiliate to influence the customers to buy a particular product. As said earlier, for this content marketing can be used by the affiliate, even YouTube videos can be used to influence the customers. The tracking mechanism works as soon as the customer follows the affiliate link to make a purchase.

Where To Begin?

If you want to start affiliate marketing, go through these simple steps.

1. Signing up for an Affiliate Program
First and foremost, to become an affiliate marketer, signing up for an affiliate marketer program is required.

Some of the options which work best for beginners are Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate, BIGROCK Affiliate, etc.

The reason such types of big affiliate programs are recommended is that they already have a wide customer base.

2. Affiliate Link
An affiliate link customized specifically for your username related to the product you will promote for them.

3. Influencing Potential Customers
Now comes your turn as an affiliate marketer to promote the product through various social media or online platforms. In order to publicize the product, blogs, along with the affiliate link will work best.

Even Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram posts,etc can be beneficial.

So, this was all about how you can easily set yourself up as an affiliate.

How To Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

There are a lot of affiliate marketers out there, so it can be quite difficult to be successful as an affiliate. Don't worry; we will help you to stand out in the crowd.

1.Choosing the most profitable niche
You need to understand that the most profitable niches can vary from time to time. So, staying updated is going to help you throughout the journey of affiliate marketing.

Besides this, it is very significant to choose a particular niche, so that you can target a particular audience for greater conversion.

With your blog posts, you will not only be delivering useful content to your audience but also you can promote them to buy certain products with the help of a referral.

Some of the most profitable niches which have a lot of scopes are the beauty industry, health and wellness industry, travel, adventure sports, etc.

2.Choosing the right niche for your blog posts
Some of you might be wondering what exactly a niche is? So, let's say if you have a lot of knowledge about beauty related products or basically if beauty is your industry, then beauty products can be your niche. You should make sure that your interest and expertise in that niche is enough to ensure your audience trusts your recommendations.

3.Selecting the product, you will promote
This is the most crucial step; for instance, you have chosen electronics and your niche. Let's take an example of laptops; then, you can find various brands in the markets.

Firstly, you can select a product based on its popularity and brand name, in this case, you will go for big brands.

The second technique involves choosing the product to promote based on your individual opinions.

If you choose to promote products of big brands, then we all know that these brands already have a good reputation. So, all you need to do is focus on creating quality content that can persuade the customers to buy the product.

On the other hand, if you have decided to promote products based on your personal preferences, you need to develop content with extra effort. When you are promoting products about which a customer may or may not have much liking as the brand may or may not be big, you need to develop content that strongly encourages customers to click on the link. Of-course, the level of persuading skills you require is much greater than that required for the first case.

Also, remember in digital marketing, relevant stuff will always be valued.

These were the three steps that can take your affiliate marketing strategies to the next level. With our tips, we are sure that you will be able to fetch good traffic to the trader or the merchant's site.


So, we have reached the end of this article. We hope that you got an insight into how to set yourself up as an affiliate marketer.

You should follow all of these tips to be successful as an affiliate. Remember that there is immense scope for affiliate marketers in India, as very few bloggers are doing it. So, this is the right time to start. With smart work, no one can stop you from becoming a profitable affiliate marketer. Besides, this following the latest marketing strategies and long-term planning will help you a lot.

At we are dedicated to simplifying the product research process for our consumers. By cutting through the noise of hundreds and thousands of product reviews and specification comparisons online, we help you find the product that best fits your lifestyle and budget.

About the author:

Saturday 1 August 2020

The Taoist Approach to Email Timing

If you are serious about marketing online you'll be growing a strong database for your email list
Did you ever stop to consider there could be some useful tactics about employing your email list?

In his article here William T Batten gives an overview of a few things to think about

I've heard lots of folk obsess about when to send emails to your list.

And I've read entire chapters in books dedicated to this topic.

Some folks say it's best to send them in the mornings. Lots of readers check their email first thing, so you want to be at the top of the list.

Similar reasoning goes into lunchtime emails, commute-home emails and evening emails.

Then they turn around and pretend they've said something useful, instead of 'almost any time, really'.

So... great. Send your emails whenever, I guess.

But it gets worse than that.

When should your emails circle the globe?

I once almost signed up for a marketing course. This little anecdote isn't why I decided against it - a few things didn't work out - but it's funnier if I say it is.

Anyway, the sales letter for this training said these two things, with full sincerity.

"We provide this elite training online to students in over 50 countries around the world."


"We have our weekly FAQs at 2:00pm, which is a convenient way to break up your afternoon."


You know, sometimes it's frustrating living in Australia. Whenever a movie or project launches 'next Spring" we have to wonder, so they mean Autumn? And when something arrives 'on the 10th', it's really the 11th for us.

Minor inconveniences, sure.

But this sort of stuff really takes the pie.

The meetings are at 2pm? Great. Whose 2pm? They didn't even include a time zone with that...

As it turned out, that oh-so convenient 'afternoon meeting' was 4am my time. Yeesh.

So many marketers brag about knowing their prospects inside and out... yet forget they live in different time zones.

This comes back to your emails. Maybe you decide you want to catch the morning vibes with a 6am email. Whose 6am, though? Because it's always early morning, late afternoon and the dead of night somewhere.

No time is the right time

But maybe you run a local business, so all your readers are in one time zone. What then, huh?

There's a sensible yet paradoxical philosophy in Taoism. Hints of it show up in other religions - definitely Buddhism too.

The Taoists say it like this:

No Way is the Way.


If someone shows you 'the Way' (to enlightenment, say), then it isn't the Way. The Way can't be shown or codified. You have to find it for yourself. There's only so far dogma and gurus and teaching can take you.

The answer can never come from without.

So if you hear an answer, it isn't the right one.

Similarly, no time can be the right time. Let's say someone discovers that, sure enough, 6am is the perfect time to send an email. Within a month, everyone blasts their lists then, drowning each other out.

Meanwhile, the email that arrives 12 hours 'late' stands out.

So don't sweat it. Send them whenever you want.


I doubt it matters much anyway. Folks read emails that are interesting, persuasive and informative, not those that arrive at just the right time.

Focus on getting your writing down, rather than chasing a minor-if-anything boost from timing.

"But, wait, timing does matter for me!"

Then again, some of you will need to focus on your schedule.

If you announce lunchtime flash sales for your restaurant, you probably want to send them at 11am or noon, not evening.

Lighter emails might land better on Wednesdays (from folks looking for a mid-week break), Fridays (just because) or the weekend.

Business emails probably want to go out during business hours. Maybe. Who knows?

If your business has a niche relationship to time, I invite you to figure it out for yourself. Don't ask your readers - they'll probably tell you to email less simply because they hate spam. Test it. Experiment with different times and see what leads to sales.

But for most businesses, the timing doesn't matter so much.

The point, which I've spent over 600 words making, is this isn't worth thinking about too hard. It's small potatoes. Get your offer and your message right, and everything else falls into place.

I've only written an article about this because so many folks wonder about it. So wonder no more.

If you're still nervous about timing?

Then email every day.

That way you're more likely to hit the right times.

And if you want to know how to create that much content for your readers, without boring them or burning out, you want my Write Like a Demon course. It's thanks to these principles that I've churned out hundreds of articles a year on everything from marketing to self-improvement.

You can stream the course here:

About the author:

Sunday 19 July 2020

What is a Sales Funnel? And How To Create One that Actually Makes Money

To get your customers to buy your product or bring you income you're going to need a funnel, but do you really understand the way funnels work?

Check out this great video from Russell Brunson that explains just that!

Then check out this new FREE page and funnel tool!

Saturday 27 June 2020

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes
By: Richard Meredith

So... you're a new marketer, and you want to make extra money or even perhaps a great living!  One of the first things you do is join an affiliate program or downline club of some sort.  Or maybe even you are trying your hand at Ebay or another auction service by marketing some nicely profitable product.  Now, once you have some sort of online business vehicle, your mind must gravitate to exactly what kind of advertising to generate sales or memberships.

Online business is an awful lot like regular advertising. What draws you to a business in your home town? Coupons? Specials? Give-aways? A personal recommendation from a friend or trusted associate?

Oh yes - and here is a little secret that is often not known or ignored:

When it comes to building any kind of business online you do the same thing!  Give away a free report, an informative ebook, a trial software, an online course, or maybe a subscription to a free newsletter or ezine.  This is just simply the way it is done with online business, period.  But here is the most critical part... you MUST capture the name and email address FIRST before you give access to it!

It is widely known by all of the top marketers online that your PRIMARY task to be successful is to compile a list of people (prospective customers) that are interested in the type of thing you are giving away!  This is so easy to do with an autoresponder.  They just fill a form, and they are automatically added to your list, and then are redirected to your download page or membership site.

Then the next task is to automatically send a series of messages with that autoresponder that tell more about the reasons why your product or products (or membership program) are BENEFICIAL to them!  WHY? Because it is infinitely better to contact a prospect several times rather than only once.  It is a proven fact that most people will NOT  buy from you or join your program until they have been approached at least 5 to 7 times.  This is done as I said, automatically, on a timed basis slowly tapering off until it is a slow drip of messages until they buy or join- or unsubscribe from your list.  And when you run special promotions of any kind, a feature of the best autoresponders allows you to broadcast to your entire list any time you want.  This is how many marketers can make huge amounts of money and sales ON DEMAND- whenever and as often as they like!

Details about which autoresponders are best, and the techniques of developing a list and how often to mail to that list are subjects that deserve more time and attention than can be given here... but suffice it to say that if YOU are not FIRST developing a list, and then marketing to your list AFTERWARDS- you're just missing the boat!

Pure and simple!

So if you are advertising an affiliate link, or your products' sale page... or anything other than your free subscription, report, ebook, or course - it can indeed be the most tragic mistake you can make in your online business strategy!

If this is you, pull back and regroup, and completely re-think your marketing strategy now before you lose too much time, money, energy, or motivation.

And remember... BUILD your LIST!

Author Bio
Richard Meredith is the author of the critically acclaimed ebook "The BLACK BOOK of Online Business"- the must-have source book for anyone doing business online... or even THINKING about it!

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Thursday 25 June 2020

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash
By: Paul Matthews

Your website looks great: solid words, easy navigation, graphics just so, and maybe even a bit of flash with some multimedia. 

But customers are not buying.

You wonder if it's the writing. How can that be? You remembered the two key mantras for website content - "write for the search engines" and "write for the medium." You used appropriate keywords to help search engines find you and traffic is up. Surely, customers enjoy reading your content because you laid it out with the internet in mind using short sentences, brief paragraphs, and bullets to list your key points. Customers might be reading, but they still are not buying.

Chances are your site copy has been optimized for technology not people.

Even on the internet, selling is still about connecting to people. So how do you press the flesh across broadband? Start where brick and mortar relationships do - trust. Why not become the trusted provider in your marketspace?  You can use words to raise your credibility in at least 25 different ways.

Here are two of them:

1) write the way customers speak and 
2) replace your pitch with a theme. 

People instinctively trust strangers who speak like them. If you find this article useful, how would you tell someone? Are you really going to say, "I read an unusually amazing article that fundamentally increased my sagging sales"? Not likely. Weak copywriters, not people, use too many modifiers. "Amazing,"  "fundamentally," and "sagging" weaken trust.  How's your site for modifiers?

Give it the finger test. 

You might not want fingerprints on your screen, so I suggest printing a copy of your homepage content. Now, put your baby finger on the first modifier you can find. Put your ring finger on the next adjective or adverb. Repeat until you run out of modifiers or fingers. If your page is a handful, you've got too many modifiers and your copy is hype heavy, not trustworthy. In addition to giving readers copy that matches how they speak, it helps to give them time to get to know you.
Customers need time before they trust. 

They will get used to your site in tiny steps, so hold off selling; buy some time. Have a theme for your site, introducing your offer only after your customer feels comfortable. Themes are a subtle form of repetition because they continually reinforce a single concept. Repeated exposure to an idea usually makes it familiar and safe. Remember the first time you used instant messaging or the family car - not so scary now.

Let's say your site is selling dental floss.

Instead of listing the benefits of DentaThread, you could tie the presentation together under the central idea "Some people have nothing to smile about." The opening section could point out how the discomfort of gingivitis wipes the grin off a person's face. Another segment would show how ugly cavities make someone too self- conscious to smile. Yet another piece would reveal how the high cost of root canal causes an individual to frown. In this way, three versions of one idea help the site grow on the visitor: one idea, three versions. Does your homepage have a theme? How many chances does your site give visitors to get comfortable with you?

In this article, I tried to use the language of my readers and hang it on a central idea, trust. Did it work? Did it help? If yes, I guess I proved my point. If no, I have 23 more ideas to go.

Author Bio
Paul Matthews is The Rezon8or specializing in high resonance copy that sells... all click, no slick. For a FREE site copy analysis and a chance to win a FREE homepage makeover go to

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Marketing Strategy: How To Write Copy That Turns Website Visitors Into C...

Tuesday 23 June 2020

10 Psychological Triggers to MAKE PEOPLE BUY From YOU! (How to Increase ...

So, what psychological triggers do make people buy from you?

Watch this film to learn some of the psychological techniques that may be worth investigating

Sunday 14 June 2020

Affiliate Marketing Tactics for Seasoned Pros

Give a great deal of thought and attention to detail when you begin or restructure your affiliate marketing programs. The following article will provide you with some ideas to help you reach the right customers for your affiliate marketing campaign. You should take time to do research because methods, such as email marketing, require that you know what the process entails in order to best use it for your own purposes.

Email marketing will benefit you greatly. Customers who make a purchase from your site may also be interested in joining your mailing list. Create a special page on your website that contains samples of your emails, or newsletters. Be sure to include examples that show your customers what sort of benefits they will get by subscribing to your email list. Make it a simple process for someone to sign up. You should never ask for a customer's personal information. Only ask for a name and email address. Inform people that by subscribing to your email listing, they will stay informed of the latest information and be offered discounts. Consistency is key in email marketing. Get a software that lets you send out mass personalized emails. If people see their own name in the subject line, they will be more apt to open the email. Send relevant information in your emails. Send links to new articles on your website, or highlight new information about your products and services. A newsletter for your customers is easy to write and greatly appreciated. You can add to your subscriber base by informing customers that they will receive special discounts, promotions, or offers by signing up. Customers who make a purchase from your site will appreciate your thanks. By notifying them when a similar product is on sale, you can get repeat business.

If you understand your clients' needs, you can position your marketing to fit them better. An example of this would be the younger crowd and how much they use social media networking. Look at what your competitors are doing to attract customers. This helps you learn about your competition. Surveys are a good way to know what your customers are thinking. Surveying your customers helps you to see which of your marketing tactics aren't working.

To keep up with changes in affiliate marketing strategies, you should be sensitive to your customers' wants and needs. It is important to get yourself established in the market, but be sure to take into consideration the needs and interests of your clients. Constantly evaluating and assessing your feedback can help to better serve the target audience that you want to reach. Not only will these keep your current customers pleased, but it will give you new ones.

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Friday 12 June 2020

How I Built a $100k+ per Day Lead Generation Business from Scratch | Ant...

One thing that is important in any business, whether online or physical, is the need to generate leads.
In this video Anthony Sarandrea talks through his strategy.

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...