Showing posts with label podcasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcasts. Show all posts

Monday 28 September 2020

Steps To Starting Your Own Podcast

One of the growing media channels of 2020 has been podcasts. Podcasts are becoming an excellent tool to show the market how well you know your business area and to generate brand awareness and real interest from clients.

If you want to get your podcast off the ground then Robert Thibodeau has some great tips

You may have listened to a podcast or two or just simply heard about podcasting, but how do 
you start podcasting yourself? Especially if you are a Christian or interested in starting a Christian Podcast? Podcasting isn't the most difficult thing to do, but it can be challenging to become a successful podcaster. Many people, when they start a podcast, want to be so general that anyone will want to listen. But that does not really appeal to anyone!

It takes a lot of time and hard work to start, run and have a successful podcast. But for those that do have a successful podcast, they are targeting a very specific audience.

Figure Out What Your Podcast Is About

Before you even start recording, you have to figure out what it is you want to talk about. What do you want your podcast to accomplish? It should be something relatively specific, but most importantly, it should be something that you are passionate about.

Plan Your Podcasting Schedule

To be successful in podcasting, you will need to consistently upload new episodes. You cannot develop a loyal audience if they do not know when you will publish your next program.

My recommendation is to start slow. Maybe once per week or twice per week at the most. It will take you some time to get started. You are learning new things and that will take a lot more time than you realize.

After a month or two, you will have a system down and you will find everything is moving a lot faster for you. You can expand your production schedule from twice per week to three or even five days per week. But do not jump into that from the start.

Record It!

Now that you have some idea of what you want to talk about and have a strict schedule, you get to the most important part - RECORDING IT!

Some people do not like pushing the record button! You've done all the planning and preparation, just hit the button! Press record. Pressing record on your machine is one of the hardest things you can do.

But once you pass that mental barrier of "should I do this," podcasting becomes easy and enjoyable! If you are a pastor or speaker, you probably remember the first time you gave a sermon or stood up to speak in front of people. You will feel the same way the first few times you hit "record" for your podcast.

The more episode you record, the easier (and the better) it becomes.

Required Equipment

You do not need to have a fancy podcast setup. I know a lot of "guru's" out there will tell you to "buy this microphone" and provide you recommendations (and sometimes links - affiliate links) to purchase the "recommended" equipment. They will usually emphasize how great it will make you sound, etc., etc.


You probably have all of the required equipment you need, right now, to get started. Most computers have a recording device pre-installed. Most have a camera (especially modern laptops). If not, a camera that sits on your monitor is cheap enough off of Amazon. You can also use your smart phone. Although it will not be the best audio, it will do as you find your way and get started.

Editing Your Episodes

Now that you have finished recording your podcast episode, you need to edit the file. There may be a minor edit to remove an awkward silence (like when you were looking for a particular scripture reference). You may want to add an "intro" and "outro" to your finished product. If that is the case, you can hire a voice over artist to create one for you.

I have used "" to find voice over artists for years. I have a few favorite people I work with for very particular things. You could use "Fiverr" or you may have someone you know that has a great voice to help you out.

None of this is required to start. These are things we can go over to make your podcast better in the future. But you do not need them to start out.

You can use Audacity (PC) or GarageBand (Mac) to make minor edits, add intro our outro's and then save your finalized podcast episode file.

Upload Your Episode To Your Podcast Host

Once you have your final episode file ready to load, follow your particular host provider's policies and procedures for loading it to their platform.

You will need a photo or logo. You should create show notes for each episode (simply a brief summary of what is covered in that particular episode).

Once it is loaded, you will be provided with a link from your provider. When you share this link (either on your website or on social media), anyone who clicks the link will be taken directly to that episode.

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

About the author:

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Wednesday 22 July 2020

Designing Your Lead Magnet To Influence Podcast Listeners To Become Clients

How do you position yourself as the go to person?
Do you have an online presence beyond your store?
People may buy from you but do they buy into you?

Having a credible podcast is a massive plus for entrepreneurs, but you may need help in getting people to listen. Robert Thibodeau covers off the essentials to get you going in the right direction

I have discussed the importance of using a lead magnet to bring you podcast listeners to the point of exchanging their name and email address for something of a perceived high value to them. The entire process is designed to bring listeners to your podcast to make a decision to establish a relationship with you. This process is achieved through a well-designed landing page or lead magnet.

I will explain in a bit more detail, the five things you will need to have in your lead magnet for it to achieve that goal.

Here are the 5 things you need to offer them:

1. Give one specific promise to solve one specific problem and do so for one specific type of person.

For example: I use my "Podcast Creation Checklist" and inform people, "Follow this list in sequence and when you finish the list, you will have your podcast up and running!"

What is the promise: Follow this checklist and you will have your podcast up and running.

What is the one problem: Someone wants to start a podcast but is not sure how to do it.

What is the specific type of person this is for: Someone who wants to start a podcast.

Note: this is not for existing podcasters. It is not for bloggers. It is not for swimming lessons, etc.

It is for one specific market segment and solves one problem: How to start a podcast.

It gives one promise: Follow the checklist and you will have your podcast up and running.

2. Help the person to become a buyer by taking them down the success path.

This means, give them high value.

Give them additional resources in the training.

Give them additional testimonials from those you have helped.

This all lends to building credibility and value in the eyes of your potential client.

3. Make sure you are offering something with a perceived high value in the eyes of the client.

This is something they have been looking for. This is something they need. This is something can immediately put to use.

4. Instant gratification and can implement immediately.

Give them a quick win. Give them something they can see progress and success with. Do not send them 29 videos of one hour each from 1997!

You need to give them something they have immediate access to and can consume quickly.

In the case of my checklist, the first few steps are very easy to accomplish and they can see the results almost immediately.

5. Tell them what to do next!

This is the "take action" phase and is usually something like "Receive Your Report Here" or something similar (as pertains to your offer).

Keep it simple. Use it on the button (so no long sentences! Just a couple of words).

When you incorporate these five items on your landing page or lead magnet, you will be able to see the number of people joining your list grow. More people on your list means more people you are able to establish a business relationship with. The more people you can do that with, the more business you will ultimately generate.

By talking about this offer on your podcast, you can direct your listeners to a unique URL on your website. You can also add the URL to your show notes. Remember, you must make it extremely easy for your listeners to take action! Too many steps and you will lose them.

Build that lead magnet today!

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

About the author:

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Wednesday 24 June 2020

Royalty Free Music In Webdesign

Amongst the key elements many people like to use in their online marketing presence are the inclusion of images and music. This great article by Russell Brewer looks at considerations of using music free of royalty payments.

Royalty Free Music In Webdesign
By: Russell Brewer

Online commercial music is everywhere! New and innovative audio applications include background music for Podcasts, Flash developers, Backing tracks for video, Independent Films, Documentaries, Narratives, Animation Sequencing, Television/Radio - just to name a few. This broad market has opened due to the fact that copyright law prohibits the use of licensed music without the collection of royalties by traditional non-profit organizations such as ASCAP & BMI. Unsigned and unknown artists now have the opportunity to bring their music right to the end user, thereby bypassing the corporate entertainment machine. No longer do the CEO's decide what will be heard. Musicians today can utilize the Internet to bring fresh new products to a fertile market. This brave new world is a win-win for artists as well as music supervisors, project managers, and small companies seeking audio content on a budget. Traditionally, companies requiring audio content would be required to go through conventional means, many times paying $1000's to use small portions of audio. Today, there is a host of websites available that sell Royalty-Free Music for a one-time fee. Project managers can purchase Royalty-Free Music by the track or opt to obtain entire audio collections for a modest fee. Typically, fees range from $10-$20 per track or perhaps $50-$75 for albums.

One great company to check out is - Inner Rhythm Studios is a collective of artists that boasts a wide range of musical genres and styles. They sell Royalty-Free Music and music loops for programs like Sony Acid and Apple Garageband. Serving the online community since 2003, they have a very talented staff of musicians. Another great benefit of purchasing music online is the fact that most content is now available as a digital download! Inner Rhythm Studios allows visitors to listen to the collections before they buy. Once a collection is chosen, payment is processed through Paypal and the download begins. Instant content delivered in CD quality!

Here are a couple of things that you want to keep in mind when shopping for Royalty-Free Music online:

1.) How do the samples for the track that you are interested in sound? Today, it is possible to produce very high quality MP3's for online review. If the samples sound low quality, then beware. There are some pretty shabby sites out there trying to pawn off substandard content. Let your ear make the decision.

2.) Make sure that contact information is easily available just in case you need technical support. Problems can occur when downloading and it is convenient to have an immediate response if trouble occurs.

3.) Know the format that you need. Online audio content is available in a variety of formats. From MP3 to .wav, Apple AIFF, or standard CD format - make sure that you communicate your needs to your online music provider.

4.) Check out their blog! Many commercial music sites today have interesting facts about their artists, the music, and the latest studio happenings.

5.) Read the license! All royalty-free music should come with a 'read me' file or a license agreement. Royalty-Free Music can be used in any project, but cannot be resold as music by itself. The content must be used in some sort of production. Most companies require an additional license for projects that sell in excess of 5000 units. Read the fine print!

6.) Join royalty-free music forums or sign up for a newsletter. If you work with audio on a consistent basis, it's always nice to know what is new. Newsletters and forums can provide project managers with up-to-date libraries fresh out of production.

7.) Keep it real! There are some ancient collections out there! Make sure that what you are buying was'nt produced in 1987!

So there you have it! Remember, it's all about the music!

Author Bio
Russell Brewer - Sound Engineer and Webmaster - You are free to use this article on your website or in your ezine as long as you do use it in its entirety.

Article Source: - Free Website Content

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