Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

Friday 27 November 2020

Saturday 10 October 2020

The Most Effective Way to Market Your Business With No Budget

How would you like to get your marketing tips from someone who is renowned for their success and is a massive content provider on social media?
Well, it's a share of a great Gary Vaynerchuk video today

Monday 5 October 2020

How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA 2020) - Digital Marke...

If you want to learn step by step how to start social media marketing as a beginner, Jordan Platten talks through his method

Monday 28 September 2020

Steps To Starting Your Own Podcast

One of the growing media channels of 2020 has been podcasts. Podcasts are becoming an excellent tool to show the market how well you know your business area and to generate brand awareness and real interest from clients.

If you want to get your podcast off the ground then Robert Thibodeau has some great tips

You may have listened to a podcast or two or just simply heard about podcasting, but how do 
you start podcasting yourself? Especially if you are a Christian or interested in starting a Christian Podcast? Podcasting isn't the most difficult thing to do, but it can be challenging to become a successful podcaster. Many people, when they start a podcast, want to be so general that anyone will want to listen. But that does not really appeal to anyone!

It takes a lot of time and hard work to start, run and have a successful podcast. But for those that do have a successful podcast, they are targeting a very specific audience.

Figure Out What Your Podcast Is About

Before you even start recording, you have to figure out what it is you want to talk about. What do you want your podcast to accomplish? It should be something relatively specific, but most importantly, it should be something that you are passionate about.

Plan Your Podcasting Schedule

To be successful in podcasting, you will need to consistently upload new episodes. You cannot develop a loyal audience if they do not know when you will publish your next program.

My recommendation is to start slow. Maybe once per week or twice per week at the most. It will take you some time to get started. You are learning new things and that will take a lot more time than you realize.

After a month or two, you will have a system down and you will find everything is moving a lot faster for you. You can expand your production schedule from twice per week to three or even five days per week. But do not jump into that from the start.

Record It!

Now that you have some idea of what you want to talk about and have a strict schedule, you get to the most important part - RECORDING IT!

Some people do not like pushing the record button! You've done all the planning and preparation, just hit the button! Press record. Pressing record on your machine is one of the hardest things you can do.

But once you pass that mental barrier of "should I do this," podcasting becomes easy and enjoyable! If you are a pastor or speaker, you probably remember the first time you gave a sermon or stood up to speak in front of people. You will feel the same way the first few times you hit "record" for your podcast.

The more episode you record, the easier (and the better) it becomes.

Required Equipment

You do not need to have a fancy podcast setup. I know a lot of "guru's" out there will tell you to "buy this microphone" and provide you recommendations (and sometimes links - affiliate links) to purchase the "recommended" equipment. They will usually emphasize how great it will make you sound, etc., etc.


You probably have all of the required equipment you need, right now, to get started. Most computers have a recording device pre-installed. Most have a camera (especially modern laptops). If not, a camera that sits on your monitor is cheap enough off of Amazon. You can also use your smart phone. Although it will not be the best audio, it will do as you find your way and get started.

Editing Your Episodes

Now that you have finished recording your podcast episode, you need to edit the file. There may be a minor edit to remove an awkward silence (like when you were looking for a particular scripture reference). You may want to add an "intro" and "outro" to your finished product. If that is the case, you can hire a voice over artist to create one for you.

I have used "" to find voice over artists for years. I have a few favorite people I work with for very particular things. You could use "Fiverr" or you may have someone you know that has a great voice to help you out.

None of this is required to start. These are things we can go over to make your podcast better in the future. But you do not need them to start out.

You can use Audacity (PC) or GarageBand (Mac) to make minor edits, add intro our outro's and then save your finalized podcast episode file.

Upload Your Episode To Your Podcast Host

Once you have your final episode file ready to load, follow your particular host provider's policies and procedures for loading it to their platform.

You will need a photo or logo. You should create show notes for each episode (simply a brief summary of what is covered in that particular episode).

Once it is loaded, you will be provided with a link from your provider. When you share this link (either on your website or on social media), anyone who clicks the link will be taken directly to that episode.

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

About the author:

Article Source:

Monday 14 September 2020

Selling on an ECommerce Site Vs. A Social Media Marketplace

Do you now the difference between eCommerce and social media selling? Susan Friesen elaborates in her July 20 article

The Difference Between Social Media Selling & eCommerce

Over the past few weeks, I've shared some tips on improving your eCommerce website as well as some of the different ways to sell on social. This week, I'm going to help you choose whether you should focus on selling on an eCommerce store or opt for a social media marketplace.

But first, a quick refresher:

  • Selling on an eCommerce store means you're selling products or services on your own domain. You're responsible for everything from web design to creating compelling content and managing SEO.
  • Selling within a social media platform or marketplace involves utilizing the platform's selling capabilities to actively market your products. Generally, if someone clicks, they're driven back to your website to complete the purchase.

You'll have to figure out how to process transactions either way and install shopping cart software or drive buyers to a third-party site like PayPal.

Here are some of the marketplaces you can sell on:

  • Facebook Shops: Allows you to add products in different categories, communicate with customers and get insights around data.
  • Facebook Messenger: While still a part of Facebook, this involves communicating with customers (either manually or with chatbots) to reach your target audience.
  • Shoppable Instagram posts: You can tag brands and products in organic Instagram posts, then your audience can tap to see more details and buy the product.
  • Pinterest (stats show that nearly half of all users are logging onto the site just to shop).

The Differences Between Selling on an eCommerce Store & Social Media Marketplace

Now, if you're selling on an eCommerce store, you can use a combo of SEO, content marketing and paid ads to drive traffic to your products or services. Because you can use your branding and content to your advantage, this can offer a more authentic experience to your customers.

If you're using an online marketplace, it's less time-consuming. The platform is already there, and you're populating it with your images, copy and products/services. It may be easier for some small business owners to engage with their audience on a site like Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram vs. growing visitors to their website organically.

However, the competition is high. You're competing against many other brands, both big and small. Your company could get lost in the noise, so to speak.

You'll also often pay a fee to sell. For example, the selling fee on Facebook Shops is 5% per shipment, or a flat fee of $0.40 for shipments of $8.00 or less.

So what's a small business owner to do?


READ: Your Guide to eCommerce Social Media Marketing

Your social media accounts aren't just platforms for sharing content and engaging with visitors to accomplish those goals. From Facebook to Instagram, it can be a powerful way to market your products and services to your followers.

But despite these statistics, many small business owners still don't understand the value of using these popular platforms to sell. That's why I created this guide: to not only help you understand how important eCommerce social media marketing is, but to give you actionable tips to drive traffic, leads and sales.

Read more on our website.


Sell on eCommerce First & Social Media Second

I recommend you start out with a website that allows people to buy what you're selling on your own site. Then, as part of a bigger strategy, if it makes sense to your target audience, you can use a service like Facebook Shops to increase the size of your audience.

I don't advise you to only sell on a third-party platform. Here's why:

  • You have far less control over technical issues. If something breaks or the service goes down, it could create a negative experience for your customers-and you may not even know it.
  • If you are having a technical difficulty or issue with your online store, you'll have to connect with the site's third-party customer support vs. contacting your web development company.
  • There can be marketplace limitations around how your business can brand itself. Your own site allows you complete control over the visuals, content, coding, videos and of course, SEO.

4 Tips for Selling on eCommerce or on a Social Media Marketplace

While there are some important differences between selling on a third-party platform or on your own eCommerce store, there are some similarities in how you should approach things.

1. Build, don't push.

Focus on building relationships, not pushing your products or services on people. You'll have to spend time nurturing relationships and growing engagement, whether that's through in-depth blog articles on your site or replying to comments on Facebook.

2. Know your customers.

There are so many questions that can help you understand your buyers. Who's your target audience? What networks are they active on? Do they leave reviews? Do they prefer to consume video content or written content?

3. Understand your website weaknesses.

You're driving potential customers to your site, so make sure it's at its best. If traffic isn't converting into leads or sales, it might not be your paid ads or product images.

Check your CTAs, look for broken links and take a long, hard look at your navigation. Also, check your Google Analytics data to learn what's working and what isn't.

4. Listen to your customers.

Whether you're selling on social media or through your website, your reputation depends on how you treat your customers. Monitor your comments, answer questions and complaints promptly and keep tabs on online reviews on sites like Google My Business and Yelp.

So there you have it: if you can, take both approaches to connecting with your target audience! These two tactics can really complement each other and be a key part of your multi-channel marketing strategy.

However, there's more to the process than buying a domain name and loading your site with products or services or creating a profile on a social media marketplace.

Hiring a professional marketing company can save you both time and money. Contact us today to learn how we've helped many small business owners succeed.

To your business success,


About the author:

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.

Visit and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results".

Article Source:

Friday 4 September 2020

Instagram Algorithm Updates 2020 | IGTV GOODBYE, PHOTOSHOPPERS TOO

This video from Dominik at heyDominik gave not just an insight into changes in the algorithms of Instagram at the outset of 2020, but also his observation on IGTV

Thursday 13 August 2020

How to Set Up Facebook Shops to Sell Your Products

A couple of months ago Facebook launched Facebook Shops

Mari Smith at Social Media Examiner looks at exactly who Facebook Shops will be best for

Top Predictions and Expectations of Shopify Experts for 2020

First published in July 2020 this article by Zobi Web Solutions aimed to show how the Shopify platform performs for its users in the competitive market of ecommerce

How does it represent your experiences? We'd love to hear your opinions

Nowadays, online shopping is one of the toppest growing field. In this busy life nobody wants to waste their time for window shopping. So, that's why every store owners are making an eCommerce store to compete this online market. So, in this article we are going to know you about the predictions and expectations of Shopify experts.

Shopify is one of the ideal platform for small and medium-sized businesses for developing an efficient solution for an eCommerce store. Shopify offers a professional experience to run an online shopping store. The main benefit of using Shopify is that it can be developed as a trunkey solution to be handed over to the shop owners quickly. Shopify makes it easy to integrate some powerful eCommerce features including unlimited products, discount codes, and financial & other reports.

Before you start searching for the Shopify Development Company, you should be aware of some future expectations and the latest trends from the solution. For getting the best of all the features and easy development solution you need to hire experienced Shopify developers or a Shopify development company.

So, here we are going to know you about the eCommerce predictions for 2020, which will help you to hire Shopify developers or a Shopify development company.


Shopify experts increased their focus on building conversion with the people and creating integrated opportunities. The architecture of eCommerce is radical changes in terms of customer service. Customers need to have opportunities to deliver their feedback, that's why they can see the improvements in their interaction with brands. When brands try to sell aggressively on their websites, customers will away from there.

It would be more effective and helpful to allow customers to explore whatever they want through the interaction of the website rather than displaying the products for the sale. Shopify is one of the best way to deliver a great experience to your customers with conversation-starting opportunities that ready your brand.

Delivering best eCommerce Experience

Websites are going well with designing and now aim to serve full-scale experience, as per the Shopify experts. Because of better data processing and management, it becomes easy that makes simple upgrades that do not costly. As, a recent Shopify, merchants are more excited with the potential to develop a better user experience that provides a competitive edge. So, If you are going to hire a Shopify developer, make sure that this point is addressed.

AI Chatbot

Nowadays, most of the customer support and services are integrating with virtual assistants. Experts feel that this is due to the customer's demand for prompt and accurate answers to their questions. That's why chatbots are powered by machine learning. They analyze all customer communication to understand the questions better. With all the customer data they can provide personalized support to every specific customer.

Voice Search

The main thing of the prediction at the Shopify unite conference was the importance given to the voice search. With the voice search platforms like Alexa, Siri, and Google Home, a very soon voice search will be implemented to the shopping websites and applications. As per the recent report experts predict that voice-based search industry will grow to a valuation of a minimum of $7 billion, and by 2020 as half of all the searches will be done through voice. Most of the merchants can hold this trend to build a strong website that can be optimized for voice shopping.

Social Media Shopping

InstagramFree Reprint Articles, the largest social media platform has recently announced that Instagram directs shopping where merchants can sell their product direct via this platform. This platform moves from just advertising to selling with a few essential features that will help customers to complete the transaction without leaving the application.

Facebook is also providing selling features. Social media gives to reach and address the customers who spent most of their time on social media. Shopify also able to sell products on Instagram and that's why the website is fully loaded and ready to go.

On-Site Personalization

Around 40 to 45 percent of customers prefer brands that personalize the shopping experience over those that have generic experience. That's why the merchants are investing in building on-site strategies for better conversion rates. In dynamic websites the data of customers is one of the important input selections like "You also like" and others are becoming more important to deliver customized content for visitors. This can help to build a better conversion rate.

Faster and Better eCommerce

Shopify Plus and Shopify are making eCommerce business faster and this trend will grow. Shopify experts are positive that most of the brands and companies will move away from the outdated software to platforms like Shopify which are affordable and easy to use. These brands and companies grasp greater control and better efficiency on developers.


The Shopify platform has changed the development and making of eCommerce brands with scalable and secure solutions. If you are going to hire a Shopify development expert than it's crucial to understand both merchants and the customers. Zobi Web Solutions is one of the best Shopify Development Company that can give you complete control of the eCommerce store and can actively help you in the complete development process.


Zobi Web Solutions is the best ASP.NET Development company with an enviable track record. As a top Website Development Company, Zobi Web Solution also provides world-class solutions with Microsoft Blazor Development and AngularJS Development Services.

Source: Free Articles from

Wednesday 5 August 2020

How to Use LinkedIn to Get Clients - LinkedIn Lead Generation (LinkedIn ...

Often overlooked by social media marketers, LinkedIn is a great tool for business to business selling (B2B)
The key is in getting good lead lead generation. Jordan Platten explains

Sunday 2 August 2020

How to Think About Marketing and Social Media in 2020 | CNN Interview

In case you didn't catch this thought provoking interview with Gary Vee, here it is.

Recorded at the turn of the year when we knew little about the 2020 pandemic, but the message remains true

Using Facebook As a Marketing Tool for Promoting Your Business

Facebook has been well established and well known for what may seem like forever. For most people it is a social sharing site, but if you are reading this you'll already know a bit about how Facebook is a really powerful marketing platform too.

Phil Andrews takes us through why that is and how you can make the most of it

As a vehicle through which to share information, it is probably fair to say that social media is fluid and constantly changing. For younger users the "traditional" platforms such as Facebook and Twitter almost represent the establishment, and a bevy of new options provide fresh ways through which to disseminate gossip and share pictures and events in real time.

From a purely business perspective however, Facebook remains a surprisingly user-friendly option for getting your product or service out there, and with a bit of imagination you can still reach audiences in their tens or even hundreds of thousands with little or even no financial outlay.

1. Paid adverts

Like most social media platforms Facebook offers an option to pay for advertising, and the special appeal of this is that rather than your ad being fired out randomly it can be carefully targeted at your preferred audience.

Once your advert is ready to go you will be asked to specify demographics, allowing you to determine the location, age, gender and interest groups of those you are seeking to reach out to. If the thing you are selling is liable to be of particular interest to a specific target group or groups this enables you to place your ad on the feeds only of those who are likely to be attracted to it.

2. Use your friends list

With a bit of imagination however it might not be necessary to spend money at all in order to call out to your market. Let's face it, your first and most reachable audience is usually going to be those who actually know you. That's why your own timeline should always be the first port of call when it comes to letting the world know what it is you have to offer. It is your noticeboard, you can use it in any way you like.

3. Set up a Facebook group

Most services belong to a particular niche, so if you have the time to build slowly it can be a good idea to create your own Facebook group which others who are interested in that particular subject can join. As the administrator of the group you have complete control over the content that it is posted onto it, and as such when you display your wares you will be doing so before an audience of people with a special interest in your line of business.

4. Join existing groups

Most Facebook users will from time to time join groups with a dedicated focus upon a particular subject. Most often this is a leisure interest, but with a little research it is possible for you to seek out a whole raft of different groups within your niche with a view to using them to discreetly market your product or service. Do this methodically by creating a database of all the groups you belong to and bookmarking them so that you have the links available at your fingertips.

It is important that you familiarise yourself with the rules of each individual group, and respect them. Many operate a strict no advertising policy, and spamming them will earn you not only a ban but also a bad reputation within the industry. If in doubt, you can always message the administrator of the group before posting and ask for permission. Admins generally are grateful when people take the trouble to ask, and even if your request is met with a refusal you will have cultivated some goodwill with an important player in the field.

Ultimately how successful you are in your efforts will depend on how organised your marketing strategy is. Making it work properly takes time, but then forward planning is the key to achievement in any field of work.

Phil Andrews is a freelance English-language content writer specialising in articles, web content and blogging. He is the author of The Best Year Of Our Lives, a historical fiction novel set in 1976 about a group of young people growing up in a restless West London suburb beside the River Thames.

About the author:

Sunday 19 July 2020

How to start business online

Do you remember when you first started on your online business journey? Maybe you are just starting out now or quite recently.
It can be an exciting but scary time with so much to consider

This article by Sam Jeet takes us through (or back through) many of the considerations

You can choose the best ecommerce platform to create a website wherein you can choose any features as per your need. You can choose themes as well; it means that you can customize your website as per your need.

There are numerous examples of overcoming adversity about individuals who became famous doing on the web business. On the off chance that you read about what these individuals have encountered, you will definitely get roused.  

You can have your own business on the web regardless of whether you need more money to put out as capital. To assist you with the beginning of doing any of the ease approaches to begin a business on the web, here are some arrangement tips that you can follow.

Advantages to Starting Business Online

Beginning a business online doesn’t require enormous capital. Working one such business can be from your own home. No need for leasing a business premise. Overheads can and will below.As long you got a web association, quick or moderate association doesn’t make a difference, you can begin an online business anyplace. Off base, speed is points of interest.This business can work without human intercession. When setting up, all issues can be worked at your own time; as and when you like.No need of keeping up a customary hours and activity can be of your comfort. Most online businesses fired up on low maintenance premises.
You are focusing all in all worlds as you showcase. It is a worldwide market, no limitations or limits. Also, the market is ever augmenting.

How to Take Offline Business to Online Business

Now when you know the what are advantages of online business, lets take a deep dive in what steps are mandatory to start an online business

·         Create Online Store

When you want to start the online business or online selling you need a website where in you can show your products and services to potential customers.You must display the products so effectively that it attracts the customers and the product description has to be there and that too very professionally.

·         Choose the Payment Gateway

This is one of the most important aspects from the security point of view, as customers will make the online payment for the order they placed, so it’s the companies the responsibility that the payment gateway has to ve very safe and secured.When customers make the payment they are so much assured about the security that they should not think twice before making the payment and the secure payment gateway will build trust among the customers.

·         Hiring Right

Hiring the best talent is always beneficial for the online business, as they know how to handle the traffic which will come to your online store.If there is a high traffic on weekends so that should know how to handle the traffic and they must make sure that the website is up and fine all the tie so that you won’t lose the business.

·         Online Presence

Once you create the website for your business now it ties to let everybody know that now you are selling online as well for this you have to build the audience and letting them know that what all are you selling through your online store.

·         Social Media

This is one of the most important platform if you want to get the success in your online business, after creating the online store that goes for social media and creates facebook and Instagram. Social Media will help you to v=crea the audience and keep posting on social media and post all the new offers and new arrivals on the social media.
So beginning Business Online is very simple in the event that you know how presently you do…..what are you hanging tight for, you realize what to doArticle Search, Go Do It……

Friday 17 July 2020


In a  week when I have featured entry tips into online stores, this video from Lyn Allure sets out some of the basics to get you going
Lyn Allure's video has received many comments from different perspectives.

She takes a very personable approach. How do you feel you could use her framework?

Social Media Marketing for E-commerce Store

When it comes to using social media for your marketing, the choice of platforms can seem endless.
In this November 2019 article AJ Infosoft detail the histories and reach of some familiar big player platforms

  • Which platform or combinations of platforms do you use?
  • Are you on them all?
  • Which are most effective for your business?

Social Media networking is with an end goal to progress web based business that prompts bring helpful results and gives a successful method to draw in light of a legitimate concern for the focused on spectators accessible in web-based social networking.

The most effective method to Use Social Media Marketing for ecommerce

Social media life has totally changed the manner in which that we live in the present society. Has it changed how we impart, yet it has additionally changed the manner in which that we shop. Indeed, online networking based life has assumed a tremendous job in the move toward web based shopping or buy from Ecommerce store. Before the years over, it's normal that cell phones will overwhelm work area in ecommerce Business income.

Today, on the off chance that you are an online dealer or Ecommerce store vendors, you can't stand to be latent via social media networking media. 75% of individuals confess to purchasing something since they saw it via Online networking, and 90% of individuals state that they will go to social media life in the event that they need assistance on a purchasing choice.

How you utilize social media life—which stages, what applications, the post, platform —will rely upon the subtleties of your business. Fortunately, online networking enables you to make an altered battle to contact your group of spectators and get new level of Ecommerce store. Here, we will go into the stages, objectives, and strategies.

Social Media platform


At present, there are more than 319 million clients on Twitter, a famous channel for continuous news and discussion. Clients can send and get tweets — 140 - character messages. Twitter has been used as an online networking platform for a wide variety of purposes in many scenarios by different industries.


Propelled in March 2010, Pinterest is generally a newcomer in the social media based life field. User can pin their content from any websites or Ecommerce store. Pinterest announced in September 2015 the ecommerce security of 100 million customers. Independent companies whose intended interest group is for the most part comprised of ladies should put resources into Pinterest as the greater part of its guests are ladies.


This is the greatest social online networking system on the Internet, both as far as absolute number of clients and name acknowledgment. Built up on February 4, 2004, Facebook has 15 year figured out how to gather more than 1.59 billion month to month dynamic clients and this consequently makes it probably the best vehicle for interfacing individuals from everywhere throughout the world with your business. You can develop your own ecommerce store on Facebook page and connect it directly with website. It is evaluated that more than 1 million little and medium-sized organizations utilize the stage to promote their business.


Instagram is another visual social online networking website that as of now gloats more than 500 million individuals, a considerable lot of which are Millennials. The site, propelled on October 6, 2010, has in excess of 400 million dynamic clients and is claimed by Facebook. Instagram enables clients to presents photographs on their site, with the site's numerous channels In 2012, it turned out to be a piece of the Facebook family when they got it for $1 billion dollars.


LinkedIn permits its 450 million clients the capacity to interface with different experts and offer substance with their adherents. Established on December 14, 2002, and propelled on May 5, 2003, LinkedIn is hands-down the most famous internet based life webpage for expert systems administration. The site is in 24 Languages and has in excess of 400 million enlisted customers. LinkedIn is extraordinary for individuals hoping to associate with individuals in comparable ventures, organizing with nearby experts and showing business related data and measurements. 

Article source:

Friday 10 July 2020

Five Most Powerful Twitter Tools

Social media marketing relies on having an established presence on multiple platforms.
Twitter is a key tool for your online business identity. Here Silvia Pencak explains the ins and outs

I�m a Twitter enthusiast. I use it on a daily basis to both, connect with other like-minded people out there and promote my business to those who might benefit from working with me. Even though I use other social media sites as well, I still find Twitter the most powerful tool out there for those who market to businesses.
If you use Twitter daily like me, you might as well start using some of the smart tools and resources to get the most out of your time.
1. Hashtags
Hashtags or �#� help group tweets within the same topic. They�re great if you�re looking to promote your event or connect with audience interested in specific theme. For example, you can use hashtag #quote when posting a quote and quote lovers will find it way easier. As a brand strategist I like to use hashtags like #brand, #branding, #strategy, #MagneticBrand etc. You can also use hashtags mentioning brands #coke, #starbucks; places #Hilton, #Toronto; hobbies #swimming #blog; events, or anything else. You can search for a specific hashtag to connect with people with similar interests to yours.
2. Tweet Chat
Tweet chat is a great way to find other people who talk about topics that interest you and build lasting relationships. There are dozens of tweet chats running almost simultaneously. Simply find your favorite, ask about the schedule and enjoy. Some of my favorite: #leadfromwithin, #bizforum, #smallbizchat. Share your favorite tweet chat in the comment section below.
3. @ (�AT�) Messages
Connect with others out there by sending them a public tweet. Compliment them for something they recently did, whether it�s a blog post, book or event; share your insight or feedback, answer their question or recommend a great resource. AT messages are your ticket to getting noticed on this crowded network and building relationships that make a difference in your business.
4. Retweets (RT)
This is yet another great tool to help you both, share great content and gain attention of people you�d like to connect with. With over 20K twitter followers it�s very hard (and almost impossible) for me to stay in touch with everyone personally, but trust me, when people retweet my stuff, they get my attention. I usually check their profiles, mention them in my own tweets, send them a quick helpful tip or idea, or even add them to one of my lists. I believe many out there do it similarly. Remember, reaching out on social media helps you get noticed much faster.
5. Lists
If you�re not using your twitter lists, it�s about time to start. It might be fun to read through full twitter stream if you have couple followers, but trust me, it�s not fun with couple thousand followers. With twitter you can create up to 10 lists where you assign those you want to follow more closely. For example, some of my lists are: branding, influencers, RT friends, friends & groups, small biz, etc. Some of them are locked, as I don�t want anyone to see them. I use locked lists for my competitors, clients and prospects. Some of them are public, because I want people to see my friends or resources (e.g. designers, bloggers, etc.). Also, you might want to know that I almost never check my public stream. I only check my lists. So chances are, if you�re not on one of my lists and you don�t keep in touch with me by �AT� messaging me or �RT�-ing my content, I probably never get to see your tweets. (Oops!) What lists can you create to get more out of your twitter time?
Silvia Pencak is The Magnetic Branding Expert and Mentor. For over 7 years Silvia kept building successful venues in Europe and Canada. She became known as the expert in building a powerful brand and is often asked for advice in management, marketing and organizational areas of building a powerful small business brand. She understands that the power of branding, authenticity, relationship building and marketing efforts can make or break a successful business.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Income With This Clear and Straight-Forward Advice

On the theme of affiliate marketing, a clear strategy is needed to be successful. We all need a bit of advice now and then and in this article Ruth Barringham tries to lay it out clearly for us.
How does Ruth's approach tie in with your own?
Affiliate marketing has been around nearly as long as the internet itself, and it used to be so easy to make money online this way. All it took was a banner or two placed at the top of a website page and "boom" you could earn a fortune from clicks and sales.
But that was then and this is now and everything has changed. Now if you put a banner on your website, not only will no one click on it, but it can deter people from wanting to visit your site.
Yet despite this, there are still plenty of high-earning affiliate marketers all over the world.
So how are they doing it, and, more importantly, how can you do it too?
The answer is to put your affiliate marketing efforts on steroids, which means doing much more than putting up a banner or two. And thankfully, one thing that hasn't changed is that once you set up your online marketing, it can go on working for you for years. So your initial efforts can work well, and then can go on to keep generating passive income while you work on your next project.
So what exactly should you be doing?
Well, they say that these days a customer needs to see (or be told about) a product at least 7 times before they buy.
So first you need to write at least 7 online articles about it and 7 marketing articles.
Naturally, 7 is the minimum number you need to write, so more is better - much better.
Next, write a minimum of 7 automated emails so that interested people can sign up for more information and receive your daily emails in return. So again, writing and setting up more emails would be better. I usually try and write 30 emails so that I have a month's worth.
And don't forget, these emails and online articles should be about how the customer will benefit from owning the product, rather than talking about the product itself.
Social media is another great place to market a product, but again, it shouldn't look like advertising. It should sound like great person-to-person advice about improving things/skills/life.
Of course there are other things you can do to market an affiliate product, but to me, these are the main ways and the most effective.
To further boost your income and to not waste effort, stick to the same niche. This way you can look for high-paying and popular products and all your previously written content will still be relevant to your customers and they may even make multiple purchases from you.
For instance, if you have a weight-loss blog, you might begin by selling diet books, exercise machines and supplements, and your customers may buy all three. You could then promote other related products to them like gym memberships, active wear, and even backyard swimming pools.
There really is no end to the number of products you can promote as an affiliate marketer.
Want to discover even more ways to earn money from your writing? Ruth Barringham is a writer, author, and online marketer and she can show you how you can write more and earn more. Sign up for regular updates, download all her free eBooks, and start writing and earning more money today.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Importance Of Using Social Media In Business Growth

Occasionally we can forget which social media platform was set up for which purpose and how they can be better used today.
Here Steve Hopwood serves to meet that need (from the perspective of P4C Global).

If you are looking to promote your business online using social networks, then you might have realized their importance. Social media branding is very important for people that are looking to grow their online businesses. To succeed on social networks it is important to create a brand for your company. It is very important to know what you should push and promote. Many businesses are going wrong since they are pushing the business or product rather then creating value for their clients. P4C Global is a company that offers value, at the same time provides ways of cleaning up the environment.


Almost everyone has a facebook page and it has the power in creating and maintaining connections. Facebook allows you to create a page for free; if you are using it on a personal level then you should consider it for business as well. Creating a facebook page linked to your site, depending on the content posted, you can improve your search engine rankings and visibility. P4C Global facebook page has a massive fan base. The company is able to send updates to all its fans cutting down immensely on advertising revenue. They are able to effortlessly and instantly send an update to thousands of potential clients. P4C global fans also act as a tiny advertiser, since they all have a link back to the company’s page.


LinkedIn was basically created to allow people to connect with friends, co-workers, customers and business partners. This social media is centered on business and it is the center for online networking more or less like handing out business cards. The site is more professional compared to other social networks offering valuable business information about the business. P4C Global LinkedIn page allow users to ask as much as possible about the business, giving them a better insight on the company.


P4C twitter page allows the company to easily and quickly update their followers on the internal happenings of the company. The best thing about twitter is that updates can be posted through mobile phones allowing updates as they unfold.


It’s pretty expensive to buy bandwidth for hosting a video, and at the same time it’s slow. Youtube allows you to create a video channel and upload your video for free. The P4C global youtube is another way of advertising the company.

5.Blog posts.

P4C Global blog helps them advertise their services and create a link to the website.

It is therefore important to note that the content that you put on social media will determine whether you will succeed or fail in your social network marketing. To have people trust and like you, give them doses of what you offer, do not rump it down their throats at once. P4C Global offers solutions to people on their day to day lives and at the same time provide them with a variety of products. The social media has made the world a single market place where you can sell your products. P4C Global is using social networks for marketing.

Author's Resource Box

Steve Hopwood is the author of this article on P4C Global.
Find more information on P4C Global Blog here.

Article Source:

Sunday 5 July 2020

How to Think About Marketing and Social Media in 2020 | CNN Interview

Gary Vee is certainly one of the key voices to listen to when it comes to knowing your stuff on social media marketing. 
I reckon this video is right up there, what do you think?

Monday 29 June 2020

How Social Media Marketing will help you?

This interesting article by Lokesh Sharma, as the title suggests, looks at “How Social Media Marketing will help you?”

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach your customers and tell about your business in more effective way.

Social media is very important to build a strong and consistent brand across all social media platforms.

Do you have a SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE for your business?

Nowadays no business can thrive without social media handles, some of the best social media platforms include FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND LINKEDIN.

All these platforms have a daily combined active user of up to 2 billion… Imagine your possibilities.

Think of it as an investment in your business.

I encourage business owners to think of their marketing as an investment and not an expense. The purpose of marketing is to create brand awareness as well as AMAZING return on investment. (Marketing)

So, a lot of small/local businesses only see the upfront cost when initially thinking about marketing and not the long-term impact that it will have on their business. Think in the long term…

There are some Social Media Marketing strategies that you should be focusing on
  • Define goals and objectives.
  • Put together a winning team.
  • Understand your audience.
  • Look and listen.
  • Choose a social platform
  • Create a content plan and calendar.
  • Monitor, analyses, engage and repeat.

What’s new in Social Media?
Social Media offers some of the new feature that you are going to witness on the social platforms in the coming days
Facebook is testing a new option to cross post FACEBOOK stories to Instagram.
LinkedIn will make 16 LinkedIn courses for free in coming days.
INSTAGRAM shares new information prompts on coronavirus in home feeds.
INSTAGRAM IS testing new option to reshare live videos on IG TV
YOUTUBE changes trending tab to explore which will show more content categories at one place.

Goals of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can’t be summed up with just 3 goals but these 3 goals right here should be your main focus:

As a Social media consultant, it is your business to take care of another business.
BY THAT I MEAN it is your business to grow your brand that isn’t yours. You create brand awareness which in turn builds a community around a brand which also builds leads and drive sales.

Business that realize this will thrive
The others will regret….”

It isn’t just Advertising. Its brand/business

EXPOSURE it becoming the dominant force in your local community.

Reasons Why You Advertise on Social Media
  • Social media advertising allows you to connect with the people who need your services or products.
  • Social media provides varied platforms and numerous advertising formats.
  • Social media platforms allow you to create specific target audiences.
  • Social media platforms drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page.
  • Social media marketing will get you more sales.
  • The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.
  • Advertising on social media offers insights of your customers.

Social Media Platforms
Every social media platform is different and important!
Its time to treat them that way! You shouldn’t share the same piece of content to each platform. You have to adapt to that specific platform and repurpose it.

INSTAGRAM: This is where you are telling people about your content piece by taking a picture of your shake at a cute café. Instagram is about showing the content.
FACEBOOK: This is where you are telling people about your content. For ex you could write a post about how you re loving your new dress. This is where you can let your copywriting skills shine!
TWITTER: This is where you popup your followers. Post about things on the go and short snip bits of your days. Tweet that you are all about that VENTI life nowadays (and don’t forget the hashtags)
PINTREST: Here is where you get to share your expertise! Have a great skinny vanilla latte recipe Go ahead and pin it!
LINKEDIN: We are going to go ahead and tell you LINKEDIN is not dead! It’s a great place for business owners to connect! So, if you are coffee shop owner, don’t forget to include it on your profile.
YOUTUBE: We all love YouTube. It’s the best place for long video content. Go ahead and share some coffee reviews taste tests and tutorials on YouTube!

You can certainly drive sales through #socialmedia by posting products and offers but establishing loyalty between your customers and your company is the true purpose of social media. Don’t you agree?

Social Media Platforms Explained Above

Which platforms are you on for your business?
Share in the comments!

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Author's Bio: 
Lokesh Sharma is a Indian Computer Architect and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of PaceLab International Group. Lokesh has over 10 years of experience in Technology, building complex platforms and accelerating sales and growth through use of Technology.
Lokesh obtained Masters in Computer Science from Coventry University and MBA from University of Leicester in England. As the CEO of PaceLab, Lokesh vision is to help brands connect with the customers globally driving sales and revenue for the success of the firm.

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