Showing posts with label ideal clients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ideal clients. Show all posts

Thursday 10 September 2020

How To Generate Leads From LinkedIn

As a business to business (B2B) platform LinkedIn is one of the preferred social media platforms for lead generation

Listen to Deepak Shukla at SEMRush take you through why you should consider maximising your network reach through LinkedIn

Friday 24 July 2020

How to use Video Marketing to Grow Your Business

Video marketing is not only great but pretty much essential now

If you have a product to sell and a customer to sell to then you really will need to start adopting video marketing

Check this informative film from Ahrefs so find out more

Please comment below about how it applies to you or what you would do instead

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Designing Your Lead Magnet To Influence Podcast Listeners To Become Clients

How do you position yourself as the go to person?
Do you have an online presence beyond your store?
People may buy from you but do they buy into you?

Having a credible podcast is a massive plus for entrepreneurs, but you may need help in getting people to listen. Robert Thibodeau covers off the essentials to get you going in the right direction

I have discussed the importance of using a lead magnet to bring you podcast listeners to the point of exchanging their name and email address for something of a perceived high value to them. The entire process is designed to bring listeners to your podcast to make a decision to establish a relationship with you. This process is achieved through a well-designed landing page or lead magnet.

I will explain in a bit more detail, the five things you will need to have in your lead magnet for it to achieve that goal.

Here are the 5 things you need to offer them:

1. Give one specific promise to solve one specific problem and do so for one specific type of person.

For example: I use my "Podcast Creation Checklist" and inform people, "Follow this list in sequence and when you finish the list, you will have your podcast up and running!"

What is the promise: Follow this checklist and you will have your podcast up and running.

What is the one problem: Someone wants to start a podcast but is not sure how to do it.

What is the specific type of person this is for: Someone who wants to start a podcast.

Note: this is not for existing podcasters. It is not for bloggers. It is not for swimming lessons, etc.

It is for one specific market segment and solves one problem: How to start a podcast.

It gives one promise: Follow the checklist and you will have your podcast up and running.

2. Help the person to become a buyer by taking them down the success path.

This means, give them high value.

Give them additional resources in the training.

Give them additional testimonials from those you have helped.

This all lends to building credibility and value in the eyes of your potential client.

3. Make sure you are offering something with a perceived high value in the eyes of the client.

This is something they have been looking for. This is something they need. This is something can immediately put to use.

4. Instant gratification and can implement immediately.

Give them a quick win. Give them something they can see progress and success with. Do not send them 29 videos of one hour each from 1997!

You need to give them something they have immediate access to and can consume quickly.

In the case of my checklist, the first few steps are very easy to accomplish and they can see the results almost immediately.

5. Tell them what to do next!

This is the "take action" phase and is usually something like "Receive Your Report Here" or something similar (as pertains to your offer).

Keep it simple. Use it on the button (so no long sentences! Just a couple of words).

When you incorporate these five items on your landing page or lead magnet, you will be able to see the number of people joining your list grow. More people on your list means more people you are able to establish a business relationship with. The more people you can do that with, the more business you will ultimately generate.

By talking about this offer on your podcast, you can direct your listeners to a unique URL on your website. You can also add the URL to your show notes. Remember, you must make it extremely easy for your listeners to take action! Too many steps and you will lose them.

Build that lead magnet today!

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

About the author:

Article Source:

Sunday 19 July 2020

What is a Sales Funnel? And How To Create One that Actually Makes Money

To get your customers to buy your product or bring you income you're going to need a funnel, but do you really understand the way funnels work?

Check out this great video from Russell Brunson that explains just that!

Then check out this new FREE page and funnel tool!

Monday 6 July 2020

How To Market Online With Ease

Robin Harris

You can ignite your marketing efforts and passion for the game by learning to use your personal story and expertise to get potential clients subscribing to your opt-in list.

I want to show you 10 simple steps you can implement with a low-cost investment and a little effort that you can use as a springboard for more aggressive online marketing campaigns.

By creating an interesting web site, which consist of one simple, yet, well-designed web page you can begin a relationships with qualified prospects. The "Interest Site" is designed to share content and offer a customized introductory e-product to someone who would qualify to be considered your ideal client. The focus of the site has to be a HOT TOPIC for your ideal client and it has to tie back to your product theme in some logical way.

The Interest Site will include the following components:

1.  The reason why the ideal client should read the content and subscribe to your list to get the introductory product. You written communication should be compelling, not contain hype, and impress the ideal client so they know free product does not mean no-value, low-value product, but it means you are a generous person, you are a skilled business person, and you are beginning your relationship with them on good and ethical terms.

2. Weave in a soft introduction that is designed to create affinity with your ideal client so they know you are like them, understand them, and share some of the same concerns and interests as they relate to this topic. Be brief.

3. Discuss one to three key points related to the topic that the ideal client would find very interesting. Notice I said the ideal client would find them interesting, you may not, and the non-ideal client may not. You may have expertise in this area or you may have to go and do some research. Either way, make sure the information is highly relevant to your ideal client and related to your primary business offering.

4. Include a message that lets the ideal client know that this content is incomplete and they can get more advanced information by signing up for the complimentary ecourse or workbook. Don't offer just a newsletter or special report. These things are over used and are often perceived as low value until your credibility is well established.

5. Give the ideal client a teaser preview of the HOT HOT HOT TOPICS covered in the ecourse or workbook. Summarize what you have provided and remind them to subscribe.

6. Provide a Bio-box with 3 or 4 lines about you, written in third person to start imprinting the ideal client with the perception that you are a great resource, expert, etc. Be sure to include email contact. Get yourself an official domain and email address. Make sure the web address you pick for your interest site relates to the topic being discussed. Remember to represent yourself as being an established professional. Do not use an ISP email address. is much more attractive than

7. Use an autoresponder to create an online signup form for your opt-in list. Include this sign-up form directly into your web site page. I use an autoresponder which allows for attachments and can create both text and html messages. You can use the HTML software inside the autoresponder to create simple yet elegant messages without knowing HTML. I recommend you stay away form text based messages, there quick, fast and cheesy looking. Imagine getting a text-based email from Amazon, it just wouldn't look all that professional, would it?

8.  Set up your autoresponder so the subscriber gets an immediate message congratulating them on their new subscription. Assure that the e-product is sent with the first message. You can either attach the product or store it on a web server and include the link. The first option is the easiest if you use the full-featured autoresponder.

9. Instead of trying to push people to your replicated site or your affiliate site, or convince them to spend money with a stranger, you want to get them to your interest site and get them into your opt-in database before sending them off to some other web site or having a serious sales conversation with them.

10. You can get more information about tools and resources for the Interest Site Project and you can also receive a complimentary template for creating your first ecourse when you subscribe to our online newsletter at

Author Bio
Robin Harris is a Certified Coach and the Founder of  She works with entrepreneurs who want to market with ease by using their personal experiences, knowledge, and passion to attract their ideal clients. You can reach Robin via email at

Article Source:

Monday 22 June 2020

Let's Design A Website That Sells

Let's Design A Website That Sells
By: Glenn McDonald

Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in with the good meat or wasn't clean? Would you buy a car from a sales lot that had totaled automobiles on the front lot? I wouldn't and neither would you. Your website is your grocery store; your car lot. You must have an atmosphere that is pleasing to buyers. One that tells that buyer that you are not an amateur, but instead a trained, seasoned professional. Your site is a direct reflection of your product and that is why that having a well designed website can make or break your sales.

The first thing to keep in mind when designing your website, is "surfability". Take a few minutes a look around at several web pages. What makes them appealing? Were there some that you closed out of immediately? Why? Take notes and do your research. Keep in mind that when a person visits your site they have a goal in mind. They are either seeking information or shopping for a product. Give the person what they want without having to search for it. Be sure that all the information on your site is relevant to your product. Make the buyer think that they need your product to solve their problem.

Your main page serves a very specific purpose. It should be an avenue by which the customer can shop your site. It should be easy to view and load very quickly. This is your first impression and we all know that first impressions can either close the deal or loose the deal. Make it simple. It is best to have links that are easily viewable by the reader that will navigate them to where they want to be. Tables are often a great choice when deciding on a way to design the main page of your site. Your main page should load very quickly, chances are if it takes the page more than ten seconds to load even on a 56k modem, the customer will click away to save time, hoping to find the information or product elsewhere. To increase the loading speed of your main page you should avoid large graphics or excessive graphics. Too many banners or special effects can cause a page to load slowly as well.

To make your web site more appealing to the eyes, you should stick to mild colors. If your site is a content site where the user will be doing a lot of reading, it is best to stick to black and white. Color can be added when using tables, as a way to brighten up the page, but remember to keep the overall look of the page professional and appealing to the audience that will be visiting most often. Since screen resolutions vary among monitors, it is a good idea to set the pixels to a standard 800x600. You may also choose to set the tables in your web page to span a percentage of the page rather than a set number of inches. This will be sure to accommodate all screen sizes. You should remember that a lot of Internet users will not use the same browser as you, and therefore you should be sure that your site looks as good on other browsers as it does your own. You can do this by downloading several browsers through which to look at your page.

Be aware of the fact that the overall look of your website is a way to make money. The appearance of the site, if designed properly, can be an excellent marketing strategy for your product or service.

Author Bio
Glenn McDonald can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours... To learn more, visit:

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Thursday 11 June 2020

How To Promote Your Website and Build an Email List The Simple Way

Following on from his great article on ethical approaches to email lists, today's blog features Paul Luciw's tips on promoting your website and building that essential email list.
Expert Author Paul Luciw
Paul Luciw
There are a number of ways to promote your website and create an email list. The people who will view your website need to spend time on it as the information it features is of value to them. This will often direct them to be a subscriber. This means they will agree to accepting you emails. But how do you create traffic to your website and get these subscribers?
Creating traffic to your website requires that you advertise that it exists. This can be easily done. You won't require a billboard or a mobile sign. You could have a thousand business cards made up featuring your website and the product you are selling. Then you could go door to door leaving potential customers with your business card and a testimonial about the fine product your company is promoting.
You could also have one page description of your product printed and then post them in various places such as grocery store bulletin boards and even on telephone poles at busy intersections. These are great ways of getting free traffic to your website so that potential customers can consider buying your product.
Of course you will have to create a website. This actually can be done for free. There are a number of companies that will allow you to create a blog for free and you can feature the product anywhere on what you have created. Of course there will guide lines you will have to follow. You need to come up with original content and be able get your message across in well written manner.
You could also promote your product by writing articles. These companies will allow you to write articles about something related to the product you promoting. Please understand it has to be related to the product you are promoting and not a direct sales pitch. Therefore you will not be able to directly market your product. You will be allowed to direct the readers of your article to a blog or website that will direct your potential customer to the direct sales pitch. This actually turns out to be in your favour as these articles will be featured on Google because of their original content. As a result you article will create traffic to your blog or website. Traffic to your website or blog will be key to your monetary success. So creating original content for your articles and the website that your article directs them to is very important.

How to Build an Email List Fast and for Free — 5 List Building Tips

This week my blog has been featuring content on mailing lists and autoresponders.

I feel this great video from Think Media really underlines the reasons why your online business needs to concentrate on creating and servicing a mailing list.

It also gives 5 fantastic tips on how to go about it.

Monday 8 June 2020

Building a Proper Email List Requires That You Use an Ethical Approach

Expert Author Paul Luciw
Paul Luciw
Building a proper email list requires an ethical approach. This means spam is a very bad idea. Using spam to build you email list is not ethical and will fail in the long run. The best way to build a proper list is to use the ethical approach which involves getting potential subscribers to opt-in. This means they agree to receive your emails because they find the content in your emails to be useful.
There are a number of ways to get people to subscribe to your email offers. One of the best ways to obtain potential subscribers is to provide them with engaging content. The content has to be relevant to the potential subscribers needs. This is very important because you want the potential subscriber to be a customer. Good email marketing will yield repeat customers, who will help your online business become be successful.
Getting your email list started will require some creativity. Consider starting up some social media accounts. There are numerous social media websites to consider. Most will allow you to direct your sales pitch to your website. They also will allow you to interact with other account members using email. You can use these accounts to pitch your offer via an email news letter. Your email letter will talk about information and products which will be of interest to your potential subscribers. Creating a fan base on these social networks will create loyal followers and potential customers. This will potentially build-up your email list. Remember building up your email list will give you more potential customers more sales.
Of course one of the best ways to build an email list is to use your website or blog. This is where most of your audience will become engaged with your ideas and brand. So this is the place to place sign-up forms to gain subscribers.
There are a number of sign-up forms that you can use to gain potential subscribers. These include the exit pop-up, scroll form, fixed bar and pop-up or light box. These are described in great detail on the internet. Many of the more popular email list building sites will give you detailed instructions with regards to creating these various sign-up forms. Of course you will have to use your own creativity and understand what your audience wants to read and ultimately purchase.
To make a sale on the internet you must provide your potential customer with something they need. Proper email marketing can give your customers the information and products they need and desire.

Thursday 4 June 2020

How to Find Your Marketing Sweet Spot

Expert Author Robert Middleton
Ever feel you're making a lot of forward progress but don't really know where you're going?
Today a client brought this up in an email to me. She's been doing great at attracting new clients but wants to get a different kind of client and is not sure of her direction.
Half the battle of attracting clients is becoming clear on the following three things:
1. Who are my ideal clients? Individuals, small business owners, or corporations? What industry, job title, etc.
2. What are their problems, challenges and issues? If you don't know or understand what your clients are struggling with, you can't get their attention and interest.
3. What outcomes do they want? This is usually the mirror image of #2 above. You just need to articulate it in a way that resonates with your ideal clients.
If you are clear on all of the above, you can then develop and implement various marketing strategies to get in front of these ideal clients, make connections and ultimately turn them into paying clients.
But what if you're not clear about who your ideal clients are, their challenges and desired outcomes?
Then you need to do some work to get clear. Here are some steps you can take.
1. Inventory your strengths. Let's say you're a business coach or consultant of some kind. What skills to you excel at? Are you analytical or relational? Do you like detail work or do you prefer mapping out the big picture? Do you like hands-on projects or would you prefer to support others in accomplishing things?
2. What work is most fulfilling for you? You may have strengths in various areas, but what work do you find the most fun and interesting? Working alone, analyzing spreadsheets might float your boat, or leading large group training sessions may be your definition of exhilaration.
3. Where is the demand and the money? You might love the idea of organizing women's kitchens for maximum efficiency, but struggle to find anyone to pay you to do that. But organizing the office space of large law firms may be even more satisfying and much more financially rewarding.
If you overlap these three areas, you're closer to finding your "Marketing Sweet Spot."
"I'm good at doing this, I really like doing this and I know where there's a need for my skills and the ability to pay me for them."
Well, OK, but how do you get there?
It can be tricky figuring this out on your own and you're caught in your own self-refferential bubble. You know what you want but not what's out there.
The way to figure this out is to get out there and talk to people. A lot of people.
A current client of mine did this. Over a period of a few months she set up appointments and interviewed 100 people in business.
She learned what they were working on, what their challenges were, what they wanted to accomplish.
And before too long, she got very clear on her marketing sweet spot.
She saw the areas where she could contribute her strengths in the areas she enjoyed and where there was a need and demand.
And soon after, a number of the people she interviewed ended up asking her how she could help them.
It took her awhile to figure out how she'd define her actual services, but before long she was offering consulting and training in communication skills and selling.
I'll be honest: I haven't met many people who've had the smarts and courage to do this. But she found it very natural.
She started connecting with the people she'd done business with in her 21-year career in the staffing industry and then asked them who else she should meet with.
So, if you're not clear on what you should be doing as an independent professional and where the demand is for your talents, I suggest you start reaching out to your network and setting up meetings.
Remember, you're not selling your professional services yet; you're on a journey of discovery that may lead to the independent professional business of your dreams.
Cheers, Robert

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...