Showing posts with label content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label content. Show all posts

Monday 17 August 2020

How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel

For a complete run down of creating a great blog post watch Neil Patel here.
We regularly feature Neil Patel's work because he offers such great value

Creating A Blog To Promote An Existing Business

Who would keep a blog and why? Mal Keenan gives the reasons why blogging can help your business and how to make it effective

If you belong to any of the following groups, then this article is for you.

You already have a business and a website that serves as the official hub for your online sales. The website may be serving as an online store for your enterprise.

You need a venue wherein you can promote your affiliate links.

Your already have a website, which may not necessarily be a commercial one, and it is enrolled with a Pay Per Click (PPC) program, like Google AdSense.

Success in these fields depends on one essential principle which you might have already realized: traffic is the key to your online business thriving.

You may have in your digital inventory the best products in the world, but they won't mean squat if no one would get to see them. This is why each and every online businessman will fight tooth and nail just to have a piece of the Internet traffic. After all, the more visitors who get to visit your site, the more potential clients you have.

And blogs can most definitely help you drive visitors to your pages. Here is how you could use them to achieve such a purpose:

1. Download the Wordpress blogging software, which is available for free at . An alternative is to go with I have posted instructions for setting up a Blogger blog at your own server in this PDF file:

2. Remember that good content is always at the heart of a progressive online traffic stream. People are always looking for information, and if you will give them that, they would read what you have to offer. Dedicate your blog to the subject of your main website. Publish informative entries that would hook your readers and make them come back for updates. In between purely educational entries, strategically include a link to your site by suggesting their importance to your readers.

3. Using the above mentioned strategy, you could also include your affiliate links to pre-sell your affiliate products. The more traffic you drive to your affiliate merchant's site or sales page, the more chances you will have of effectuating a successful sale and bigger commissions.

4. Links from blogs are unilateral, meaning, they are one way links to your websites. The more traffic a unilateral link generates, the more it becomes prominent in online searches. Avoid reciprocal links at all costs! Do not include a link to your blog from your website. Search engines abhor reciprocal linking.

5. 80% of your traffic will come from the search engines. You have to tweak your blog to attract the attention of the search engine spiders. Now, blogs are already search engine friendly. However, there is a very big possibility that you would be competing with other blogs on the same subject. You have to make sure that once you upload your blog, it is able to outperform its competitors in the search engine rankings.

One way you can do this is by using the title of your post to match the keyword phrases you are targeting, plus put a sprinkling of your keyword phrase in the post itself. I am doing this with great results.

6. Check your blog offline. It should be as readable and as navigable as possible for your prospective readers. Make appropriate adjustments if necessary.

7. Upload your blog to a reliable server that has enough bandwidth to accommodate many viewers.

8. Constantly update your blog. Search engines love regularly updated content, so publishing new entries will greatly increase your blog's page rank, and consequently, your main website's traffic.

9. Accepting links from other related blogs will also bring to your site some traffic from sources other then search engines. The way that a blog is designed fosters the building of a community of blog sites, and this will provide for an added stream of visitors for you.

10. You could also decide to enroll your blog site in the Google AdSense advertising program. This will give you an additional income stream. We will discuss this in future articles.

Blogs are excellent promotional tools for your existing business. Use them well and you will harvest the rewards in a matter of weeks.

Author Promo from Mal Keenan
Get Your Hands on My FREE and Exclusive 7 Day Blogging Report by Sending a Blank Email to In this Report I Reveal All The Secrets for Creating and Running A Successful Online Blog.

Article Source:

Monday 10 August 2020

NEW HubSpot Templates for Conversational Content & Conversational Landin...

Conversational marketing is a great technique, but how do you go about it?

Just listen to the guys from Hubspot Sprocket to find out

Saturday 18 July 2020

5 Steps to Help You Build an eCommerce Store

In need of a reminder of how to get started in E-Commerce?
Susan Friesen gives us a great guide to get going

Let me know how you intend to get going (or how you first got started)

If you have decided to take the plunge and set up a web-based shop, starting an eCommerce business can be a rewarding venture but it can also be a stressful one. Here are 5 steps to starting an online business that will help make the process clearer and less stressful.

Your Guide to Starting an Online Business

Whether COVID-19 pushed you to pivot from a brick-and-mortar store to an online environment, or you’ve decided to take the plunge and set up a web-based shop, starting an eCommerce business can be a rewarding venture.

From 2017 to late 2019, approximately 28.1 million Canadians made purchases online. That’s a lot of people who are landing on webpages and whipping out their wallets if they like what they see. 

But there’s more to the process than buying a domain name and loading your site with products or services. There are technical aspects to navigate and content to consider.

Do you DIY with a website builder or hire a pro? Should you stick to SEO or focus on paid ads too?

As a small business owner, I’ve helped many clients create successful online companies. So I’m sharing this five-step guide to starting an online business with you to make the process clearer and less stressful.

1) Figure out what you want to sell.

If you’ve already got an established store, this might be a breeze. But if you’re just starting an eCommerce business and are focusing on products, you’ll need to think about what you’ll offer, and where you’ll get it from.

The first thing in figuring out what to sell and in what form is to ensure it’s relevant to today’s consumer. COVID-19 has made consumers much more in tune with their spending habits. Ensure there is a consumer first and foremost who is willing to spend their money for the product you aim to sell.

Next define how you want to sell your products. Here are just a few of the options:

Business-to-consumer (B2C): This is the most common business model, with many different approaches. Basically, you sell to the end user, but there may be a third party acting as a middleman (think Amazon).
Direct-to-consumer (D2C): From design and manufacturing to sales and promotions, the company does everything. Dollar Shave Club is a good example of a D2C business who started small and grew using this model.
Subscription service: Books, clothing, organic produce, baby gear...I could go on and on. Nearly every industry out there has harnessed the power of subscription services to deliver cost and time savings to customers on a regular basis.
Dropshipping: Rather than having to stock a warehouse full of products, when you sell a product on your site, you’re essentially purchasing the item from a third party, who ships it directly to the customer.

2) Buy a domain name.

If you already have a business name, this part could be simple. However, you’re not going to get a short and sweet dot com name unless you lay down big bucks. And you don’t want a domain name that runs five words long or is difficult for customers to remember (or spell).

Ideally, you use your company name like we did, with a dot com—or a dot ca if you’re in Canada. There are a lot of other TDLs (Top Level Domains) to consider such as .net, .co and .org but strive to get the revered .com as your primary domain if at all possible.

3) Build an eCommerce store

From incorporating branding into your layout to loading products/services, there are so many things to consider when you’re starting an eCommerce business, including:

Your shopping cart software. Shopping carts can be built with a variety of coding languages including ASP, PHP, JavaScript and HTML. They can be provided by a 3rd party service provider (such as Shopify) or installed in your Wordpress website like WooCommerce to avoid monthly fees.

Choosing the best shopping cart software requires a lot of pros and cons analysis of each choice. Many times the choice depends on your needs, your budget and the desired functionality.
The visuals (copy and images). How your store looks and feels to the shopper has a significant impact on whether they will trust making a purchase from you. Moreover, how each of your products are described along with using professional-looking photos can make or break a sale if not done properly.
Installing a Secured Security Layer (SSL) Certificate. This keeps your website secure and is mandatory in today’s online commerce environment. Even Google will favour your site’s search ranking if it detects an SSL installed.
Your shipping model. If you’re selling physical products, you need to decide how they are going to get into the hands of the purchaser. Are you sending customers items directly? Or are you using a third-party? Will you offer free shipping, or ship internationally? Do you want the shipping automatically calculated on checkout or will it be a flat shipping rate?
Your payment gateway. Are you going to accept only credit cards, or debit cards and PayPal too? Will you use a hosted gateway that takes people off your site to pay, then redirects them back, like our client Ripping Vintage Packs? Or is an integrated payment gateway more your style?
This is where it is so worth it to hire a professional web development company. You won’t have to spend your time Googling “SSL Certificates” or trying to set up shopping cart software. Learn how much cheap SEO and website design really costs you here.


READ: 3 eCommerce Challenges & Solutions for Tough Times

To call these “tough times” may be a bit of an understatement to you, or perhaps you’ve pivoted your marketing strategy nicely and aren’t negatively affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

There’s no arguing this pandemic has led to increased internet traffic as people work, socialize, and entertain themselves online.

That’s why I’m sharing 3 eCommerce challenges and solutions to help you maintain and even grow as an entrepreneur during this crisis.

Read more here.


4) Focus on SEO

Did you know that SEO has the highest ROI of any online marketing tactic? Despite this fact, many small business owners build their sites with very little consideration of how the search engines see their content.

SEO means doing keyword research to discover the keywords that your target audience is using to find what they need.

Your SEO strategy will be focused largely on on-page techniques like keyword-rich content and meta tags.

5) Create valuable content

Your customers don’t just want to see pages and pages of products, or a one-liner selling them services. They want you to be a trusted expert who can provide them with everything from useful tips to reassurance that their credit card info is safe.

Content marketing is an ongoing process. If you want to please your target audience and the search engines, you’ll need to be regularly posting articles, blogs and videos that are valuable to your audience.

No matter what your small business model is, you’ll need to keep testing and tweaking after you build an eCommerce store. You’ll want to dive into your data to see your customers’ behaviour, like:

Are they spending time reading your carefully crafted content?
Is there a broken link that’s causing people to abandon their shopping carts before they’re finished buying?
How many of your website visitors are converting into customers?
Of course, there’s a lot more to starting a web-based business than what I’m able to cover here! From promoting your business on social media to creating paid ads to drive traffic, you’ll want to have a marketing strategy in place as you move forward. But this guide to starting an online business will help you lay a solid foundation for a successful eCommerce site.

To your business successFree Reprint Articles,

Susan Friesen

Article source:

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Royalty Free Music In Webdesign

Amongst the key elements many people like to use in their online marketing presence are the inclusion of images and music. This great article by Russell Brewer looks at considerations of using music free of royalty payments.

Royalty Free Music In Webdesign
By: Russell Brewer

Online commercial music is everywhere! New and innovative audio applications include background music for Podcasts, Flash developers, Backing tracks for video, Independent Films, Documentaries, Narratives, Animation Sequencing, Television/Radio - just to name a few. This broad market has opened due to the fact that copyright law prohibits the use of licensed music without the collection of royalties by traditional non-profit organizations such as ASCAP & BMI. Unsigned and unknown artists now have the opportunity to bring their music right to the end user, thereby bypassing the corporate entertainment machine. No longer do the CEO's decide what will be heard. Musicians today can utilize the Internet to bring fresh new products to a fertile market. This brave new world is a win-win for artists as well as music supervisors, project managers, and small companies seeking audio content on a budget. Traditionally, companies requiring audio content would be required to go through conventional means, many times paying $1000's to use small portions of audio. Today, there is a host of websites available that sell Royalty-Free Music for a one-time fee. Project managers can purchase Royalty-Free Music by the track or opt to obtain entire audio collections for a modest fee. Typically, fees range from $10-$20 per track or perhaps $50-$75 for albums.

One great company to check out is - Inner Rhythm Studios is a collective of artists that boasts a wide range of musical genres and styles. They sell Royalty-Free Music and music loops for programs like Sony Acid and Apple Garageband. Serving the online community since 2003, they have a very talented staff of musicians. Another great benefit of purchasing music online is the fact that most content is now available as a digital download! Inner Rhythm Studios allows visitors to listen to the collections before they buy. Once a collection is chosen, payment is processed through Paypal and the download begins. Instant content delivered in CD quality!

Here are a couple of things that you want to keep in mind when shopping for Royalty-Free Music online:

1.) How do the samples for the track that you are interested in sound? Today, it is possible to produce very high quality MP3's for online review. If the samples sound low quality, then beware. There are some pretty shabby sites out there trying to pawn off substandard content. Let your ear make the decision.

2.) Make sure that contact information is easily available just in case you need technical support. Problems can occur when downloading and it is convenient to have an immediate response if trouble occurs.

3.) Know the format that you need. Online audio content is available in a variety of formats. From MP3 to .wav, Apple AIFF, or standard CD format - make sure that you communicate your needs to your online music provider.

4.) Check out their blog! Many commercial music sites today have interesting facts about their artists, the music, and the latest studio happenings.

5.) Read the license! All royalty-free music should come with a 'read me' file or a license agreement. Royalty-Free Music can be used in any project, but cannot be resold as music by itself. The content must be used in some sort of production. Most companies require an additional license for projects that sell in excess of 5000 units. Read the fine print!

6.) Join royalty-free music forums or sign up for a newsletter. If you work with audio on a consistent basis, it's always nice to know what is new. Newsletters and forums can provide project managers with up-to-date libraries fresh out of production.

7.) Keep it real! There are some ancient collections out there! Make sure that what you are buying was'nt produced in 1987!

So there you have it! Remember, it's all about the music!

Author Bio
Russell Brewer - Sound Engineer and Webmaster - You are free to use this article on your website or in your ezine as long as you do use it in its entirety.

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Top Five Reasons to do a Website Redesign

Top Five Reasons to do a Website Redesign
By: Stephanie Diamond

Small business owners need to monitor whether their investment in a website is providing a good return.  Are your products and services easy to buy?  If they aren't, you are wasting time and money and probably doing more harm than good.

Ask yourself the following five questions to see whether it's time for a redesign:

Has the size of the site grown substantially?
If your site continues to grow and change like most business sites, you need to evaluate whether it's still meeting your objectives. As you add new products and services you need to re-organize your information.  In addition, you should consider adding multimedia information (audio, video) to sharpen your message.

Is some of the content outdated or unnecessary?
Does your website have up-to-date content?  Someone should be revising spec sheets, changing promotion dates and adding new material weekly.  If your website appears static, it looks like you're not a serious business.

Is the most important content buried below?
Here's where you need to do an "easy to buy" audit.  By that I mean you need to evaluate how easy it is to find information and actually buy your products.  This sounds like common sense, but we've all purchased online and know that it can sometimes be frustrating.

Are you using the latest technology, instead of hard-coding?
If you created your website more than 18 months ago, you are probably due for a technology update.  This is also true if you started with a very basic site and "hard-coded" everything.  Ask your webmaster whether he has some suggestions.  You can be sure he will.

Does the home page design suit your current business objectives?
Does your website communicate the depth and breadth of your current business?  If you have changed the focus of your services, added new products or want to communicate a different face to your visitors, consider a redesign for your overall website.

Author Bio
About Digital Media Works
Digital Media Works, Inc. ( is an Internet marketing and design firm that specializes in solutions for high tech and e-commerce companies. A seasoned 25+ year management/marketing professional, founder Stephanie Diamond is experienced in building profits in a broad range of product and services businesses. She created a highly successful line of multimedia software products that sold millions of copies for America Online, and has developed unique business strategies and products for a variety of companies, including AOL Time Warner, Redgate New Media and Newsweek, Inc.

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Friday 19 June 2020

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...