Showing posts with label influencer marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label influencer marketing. Show all posts

Saturday 3 October 2020

28 Secrets to Become an Influencer & the Need to Digital Marketing Leadership

In this Article, you will find secrets to how to influence online in an authentic way and secrets and formula to the fundamentals of Digital Marketing Success.

(Article by Yasmin Muhammad Elias) 

28 Secrets to Become an Influencer

  1. Ask as an Equal

While dealing with your customers, clients or anybody, always remember the rule. "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you". Never do anything or demand anything without injecting politeness into your conversations. Always go for a win-win deal and nothing less. When asking, ask as an Equal so you are neither subordinate nor you subordinate others. Never go servile for your own self-respect. Business is business and it must be win-win. I strongly recommend you read the of Dr. Stephen R Covey on 7 Habits of Highly Effectively People and show your honest leadership as an Equal with anybody you deal in life.

  1. Stay Ordinary

One thing that has helped me climb the greater heights and land back to to lower heights is my ability to stay humble. In my Total Quality Management and Leadership classes back in in 2001 to 2004 that I pursued so ardently on one side and on the side I focused on tutoring Mathematics and Science subjects to the High School and College Students is that I could wind it up in 2 simple sentences:

(a) Humility Seeks to Bless. Humble in Spirit progress as the other Higher Spirits take charge of the humble ones and try to bless you in a way we are unaware of though we might be at the best conscious and conscientious level of endeavors and leadership traits. Being Ordinary and staying humble never gets outdated and always remember that.

(b) Pride Hopes to Impress and it falters. Arrogant shouts "I Know the Best" and it falters and is a sure sign of downfall. Penitent man will pass. However, humility dressed in pride progresses.

  1. Leap of Faith

Having faith in yourself and still more important having faith in God is everything. The rules of the Game always boils down to Character i.e. first and foremost starts with faith in God and faith in one's own self.

The book of Joe Girard " How to Sell Anything to Anybody" says it all. While selling any products, faith in oneself is mandatory and is far more superior than the faith in the products you are selling's. It's only when we have faith in ourselves despite trials, adversities, hardships and living with 'hope' that everything will turn out right despite the current difficulties, that's when we win. It doesn't matter if you are on the first staircase of of 1000 staircases or on the first rung of a new ladder, even though you cannot see the next second rung or staircase step, we must proceed forward with a 'Leap of Faith' with 100% trust in God.

  1. One True Fan

In online and social media, we get excited by the number of likes and fans we have such as on Instagram and Facebook and so on. Always remember, it's far better to have 'One True Fan' who is authentic than in thousands or millions who are not true. Live an authentic life and don't get faked my just likes and number of friends of Facebooks.

  1. Start with Skills you already know

While beginning your Leadership towards Digital Marketing, learn not to worry where others have reached. Just be satisfied with where you are and keep moving forward step by step in a strategic systematic approach. The best way to do that is by start with Skills you already you know. Your attempts, efforts, perseverance and persistence will help you on the journey towards permanent success in Digital Marketing and Financial Freedom. Follow the Rules of the Game. As drops make an ocean and so do each step you pursue towards your goal counts. "A journey of a 1000 miles always begins with a first step". Be Proactive and take actions and the rest will follow systematically.

  1. Ignorance of the Big Picture

Many people who start their journey towards financial freedom and Digital Marketing Leadership do not understand the need to see the 'Big Picture'. It's called the "Law of Lid" in Dr. John C Maxwell's book on "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". This book is awe inspiring and a must read for anybody who want to succeed in any kinds of leadership be it Digital or otherwise.

  1. Give 100%

Whatever you put your hands into, do it with high discipline, dedication, determination, persistence and Integrity.

  1. Everyone's Guessing

Anticipate. "The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting" -Andy Warhol

Do your part of focus on planning and anticipate to give and receive the best.

  1. Benefits and Limitations

In any task you undertake, always remember the pros and cons. I mean the benefits and Limitations in each of the tasks you have got to do. For example, when you are doing online business via Digital Marketing Leadership, the Benefits is the long term investment in your flexibility in your leisure hours and also the financial freedom you will attain with it. Nevertheless, there's Limitations too, and that is initially for the first few years just like developing your own business offline, you must undergo a huge discipline, determination and persistence until you see the fruits. Just take an example of a tender coconut seed. In order for the coconut to yield the fruit and give plenty of coconuts, they must be germinated methodically, fenced from harm or damage done by animals, then needs to be watered for 5 consecutive years. It's only in the fifth years of watering the coconut plant that has now become a small tree starts yielding the fruits and now it starts yielding plenty of them every three months. Therefore, foresee the Benefits of Financial Freedom and the hardships to be undergone in Digital Marketing Leadership by honing one skill at a time. Here, Patience, Determination and Discipline is a Virtue.

  1. We Rather than I

Always remember "Teamwork is Dream work". Always get the attitude right i.e. it should always be "We" rather than "I". Getting this right is so important. I cannot emphasize the importance of you reading "17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork" by Dr. John C Maxwell.

  1. Failure is the part of the Game

Failures are the stepping stone to success. The lessons we learn when we fail cannot be learnt otherwise. In fact to be success, failure is a part of it and inevitable. Thomas Alva Edison failed 9999 times before he invented the electric bulb. The lessons he learnt was simple: Thomas Edison learnt 9,999 ways he should not do to achieve his targeted vision. I recommend you reading the book "Failing Forward" by Dr. John C Maxwell as he has given umpteen examples on different great and popular personalities failed before they achieved total success.

  1. Show an Insight of your life

Digital Marketing Leadership is hard and I cannot under emphasize the reasons why I assert this statement. Besides, keeping learning the latest upcoming Social Media working and procedures to implement, the different plugins and different apps that come up to make our life easier, there's something I must admit i.e. Digital Marketing journey is a struggle because it's so impersonal and it's very difficult for people to Buy In to your ideas unless and until you express your Insights of your life with a finesse and a personal touch. You must treat your customers with same due respect, subtle care and warmth though professionally just as you would treat your guest. Therefore, it's so important to take a friendly approach and show an Insight of your own life yet maintain professionalism.

  1. Avoid Negative People like the Plague

An Optimist see the cup half-full and a pessimist see the cup half-empty. Therefore, it's so important to avoid the negative naysayers who will try so hard to convinces and give you hundreds of reasons why it cannot be done. This negative attitude spreads like plague or a pandemic. So, first and foremost, avoid the Negative people and the ignorant ones who try to convince like the plague.

  1. Don't be a Show Off

Humble down and humble yourself. Just like any offline business, it's going to take your dedication, time, investment and the most important of all your genuine efforts. Therefore, humble yourself and never Be a Show Off.

  1. Become Obsessed

Become so obsessed with your Life Vision and Success and do write them down in your Life Vision Journal Book. Just be Monomaniacal focused on the goals by building a routine and daily rituals.

  1. Become Transparent

In Digital Marketing Influence and Leadership, it's so important that you become transparent yet maintain the professionalism. Do not pretend to be perfect. Accept the Imperfection because we are humans at the end of the day and going through the same struggles and putting in efforts sometimes and not yielding the results we choose to. Therefore, become transparent professionally.

  1. The Power of Story

Revealing your secrets to success in your earlier successes or failures by having the ability to reveal the truth and hardship with the power of your own story is so important. Since computer and informational technology is so impersonal, we must touch people's heart and that can be done only by the ability of telling your past story connected to the leadership tips you are offering. This helps to build authenticity and trust with your customers.

  1. Advertising Works

The investment, efforts and time spent on advertising in different social media and the ability to learn the skills how to go about to expose yourself to more and more customers really works. In Short Adversity Works.

  1. A Journey in Social Proof

When it comes to Social Proof, play the turtle game. Let your Social Proof such as in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter grow and develop slow and steady just like a turtle. At the end of the day for a long term success, authenticity matters the most.

  1. Sacrifice to Success

We must give up to go up. In any leadership including Digital Marketing Leadership, it's so important to sacrifice especially the first few years, until you really build your online rapport and build your brand. So, the Law of Sacrifice counts a lot.

  1. The Power of Routine

The Power of Discipline and building a regular routine cannot be under-estimated. The great monuments such as Taj Mahal and the Pyramids were built in years by carrying one stone or working few hours' daily consistency. Therefore, a routine must be established such as your prayers, meditation, exercises, investing certain amount of hours daily, taking care of your health, heart, mind and soul set. Do not compromise one for another. Both the spiritual and the worldly part of the goals and your power of routine matters. I strongly recommend you read "5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma to build a standard Power of Routine and then build your own to choose your spiritual, financial and family goals.

  1. Quality vs Quantity

More always doesn't mean better. Remember, more money could imply more problems. Therefore, broaden your horizon and keep your vision nobler. Focus on Quality rather than Quantity.

  1. Choose your Work / Niche Carefully

Whatever you choose to embark your journey on, choose it wisely and carefully. Let the work be nobler and that's when the joy of financial freedom is greater. The joy of giving is greater than the joy of taking. Be a giver.

  1. There is no Magic Pill

Just like any business, there isn't any Magic Pill to success. The Magic Pill is only smart work combined with hard work, dedication, sacrifice, discipline, persistence besides striking a proper balance in personal and your professional life.

  1. You Don't Need to Reinvent the Wheel

We don't need to reinvent the new wheel. It's already there and you must reflect, contemplate and figure out step by step how to go about.

  1. Be Like Water

Be like Water, do not have the destination disease. Keep moving where the journey takes you. As long as you are living a principle-centered life, just relax and enjoy the journey. Do not have a fixed mindset. Just flow like water and focus on the principles and the compass.

  1. 90% of Success is just showing up

The great percentage of Success in life is showing up and being there in the game. No matter how hard, do not take a long break. Even if you are imperfect, just keep showing up. That's the rule of any game. Don't think of winning alone. Winners become winners by consistently showing up.

  1. Our Life's Purpose

Focus on your life's purpose and ask yourself why you are here. The clearer the picture you have of your Life's Purpose, then the better it's for you and will stay focused consistently no matter what adversities throw on your life. I strongly suggest you read the book by Simon Sinek titled "Find Your Why".

  1. The Importance of Leadership in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a marathon and not a 200 meter Sprint Race. The reasons why it's so important to focus on Leadership than Digital Marketing Management can be summarized in points as follows:

  • As Technology has become the source of our bread and financial earning, we must realize that there's no short cut strategies, procedures and techniques to the long-term success.
  • The unethical approaches in Digital Marketing Management such as click baits (which is nothing but an approach to trick the customers and drag them into your website) may gain short term benefits yet does not fetch long term benefits at all. So, the need to focus on Digital marketing Leadership is so important.
  • Taking a systematic approach than a haphazard approach will be like the Turtle and Rabbit Race where rabbit relaxes too much thinking it's quicker and smarter, whereas turtle always moves slow and steady stretching its neck to cross the finish line.

Learn all the intricacies of Digital Marketing Leadership by learning about the plugins and the dire need for the right plugins. Having a product to sell with the great content of your choice does not work any longer. Please remember for every two hours even during your sleep time, there are 200s of new websites coming up. So, it's so crucial to learn the secrets and get the right leadership training in matters such as Keywords, SEO Ranking techniques, using the right plugins, having original content though it can be either rewritten or your own and short, ability to track the pain points of your potential customers, and systematically train to develop your own leadership skills in Digital marketing industry and thus achieve financial freedom.

Thank you and enjoy your journey towards Digital Marketing Leadership and Financial Freedom.

(Resources: 42 Secrets to become an Influencer by Mr. Jerry Banfield (

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Tuesday 28 July 2020

Using TikTok For Marketing Success

If you are fascinated by the idea of using all socialmedia to promote your brand and grow your online business then you have probably thought about TikTok and maybe even more probably dismissed it

But why? There is a fair market share using TikTok every day. Some of them are kids for sure, but then that means they probably have a large say in what their parents will purchase

Here Jean Taylor looks at promoting to that younger audience with an insight into the right methods to adopt. Please feel free to comment on any ideas you take from this article 

If you would like to promote your products to a younger audience, there's no doubt that TikTok provides a fantastic chance to get this done. With over 500 million global consumers, it's amazed many with its rapid expansion. To get the most out of TikTok, you have to understand what you're doing, and this guide will describe the best method to approach it.

Know the TikTok Platform

Just jumping on into the TikTok platform maybe not understanding precisely what you Do will turn away users so that you have to scrutinize it before getting involved. Have a peek at the most well-known movies on TikTok and workout why customers are drawn to them.

Also, you need to know how to interact correctly with TikTok users. If you receive this wrong, then you'll drive away users in droves. You must understand that TikTok is about pleasure and amusement. There are a lot of mini music movies which do nicely in addition to entertaining films also.

There's not any location on TikTok for pushy messages. From the United States that the vast majority of consumers are between 16 and 24 years old, and they're not interested in sales pitches. You've got to be imaginative in the manner that you join to TikTok users.

Your Content Needs To Be Interesting

You Need to Be Ready to create quite fun Content for TikTok. You may create quite inexpensive videos with a significant effect on the platform when you become accustomed to doing so. TikTok users aren't expecting high-quality Hollywood fashion videos, so it is possible to record in your smartphone, which is going to be wholly acceptable.

It is Ideal to keep it simple and never attempt to be overly bright. Produce light-hearted movies that exhibit your products utilized in a fun manner. TikTok users are going to love this and feel that you're genuine and will trust you.

Utilize Hashtag Challenges

Many manufacturers and associations have experienced Lots of success with hashtag challenges. You produce a branded hashtag then use this to market a battle where consumers participate by making their videos with your hashtag.

A Fantastic example of that was that the hashtag challenge made by Guess Jeans. They struggled to request TikTok consumers to make videos of themselves wearing their Guess clothes" their way." Their hashtag has been #inmydenim.

Utilize Influencers

There happen to be influencers on TikTok, which have enormous Followings of countless. This is a superb way to expand your brand to achieve the stage. Not many influencers will be prepared to work together with you. Your brand and fashion should match theirs, or they'll turn you back down.

Influencers have to be comfier with your products. If They enjoy them, then they'll be inclined to showcase them for your viewers. Please do your homework and use external resources to check on possible influencer bios until you devote to working with them.

TikTok Advertising

Lately, TikTok established its advertisements program. Here you can cover For various ad types that are in short type video format to expand your reach. There are four Kinds of TikTok advertisements:

1. Native Advertisements (in feed)

2. Hashtag Challenges

3. Brand Takeovers

4. Branded Lenses

These advertisements strategically You'll Have the Ability to achieve Out to numerous TikTok users. There are all targeting options that you narrow down Your viewers, and those may enhance over time. Time will tell how successful TikTok advertising is.

By the way, do you want to learn more about (the topic of the blog post)? If so, go to my website and obtain my GUIDE

And do you want to read more blog posts like this about similar topics? If so, go here to read more of my articles

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Thursday 23 July 2020

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Designing Your Lead Magnet To Influence Podcast Listeners To Become Clients

How do you position yourself as the go to person?
Do you have an online presence beyond your store?
People may buy from you but do they buy into you?

Having a credible podcast is a massive plus for entrepreneurs, but you may need help in getting people to listen. Robert Thibodeau covers off the essentials to get you going in the right direction

I have discussed the importance of using a lead magnet to bring you podcast listeners to the point of exchanging their name and email address for something of a perceived high value to them. The entire process is designed to bring listeners to your podcast to make a decision to establish a relationship with you. This process is achieved through a well-designed landing page or lead magnet.

I will explain in a bit more detail, the five things you will need to have in your lead magnet for it to achieve that goal.

Here are the 5 things you need to offer them:

1. Give one specific promise to solve one specific problem and do so for one specific type of person.

For example: I use my "Podcast Creation Checklist" and inform people, "Follow this list in sequence and when you finish the list, you will have your podcast up and running!"

What is the promise: Follow this checklist and you will have your podcast up and running.

What is the one problem: Someone wants to start a podcast but is not sure how to do it.

What is the specific type of person this is for: Someone who wants to start a podcast.

Note: this is not for existing podcasters. It is not for bloggers. It is not for swimming lessons, etc.

It is for one specific market segment and solves one problem: How to start a podcast.

It gives one promise: Follow the checklist and you will have your podcast up and running.

2. Help the person to become a buyer by taking them down the success path.

This means, give them high value.

Give them additional resources in the training.

Give them additional testimonials from those you have helped.

This all lends to building credibility and value in the eyes of your potential client.

3. Make sure you are offering something with a perceived high value in the eyes of the client.

This is something they have been looking for. This is something they need. This is something can immediately put to use.

4. Instant gratification and can implement immediately.

Give them a quick win. Give them something they can see progress and success with. Do not send them 29 videos of one hour each from 1997!

You need to give them something they have immediate access to and can consume quickly.

In the case of my checklist, the first few steps are very easy to accomplish and they can see the results almost immediately.

5. Tell them what to do next!

This is the "take action" phase and is usually something like "Receive Your Report Here" or something similar (as pertains to your offer).

Keep it simple. Use it on the button (so no long sentences! Just a couple of words).

When you incorporate these five items on your landing page or lead magnet, you will be able to see the number of people joining your list grow. More people on your list means more people you are able to establish a business relationship with. The more people you can do that with, the more business you will ultimately generate.

By talking about this offer on your podcast, you can direct your listeners to a unique URL on your website. You can also add the URL to your show notes. Remember, you must make it extremely easy for your listeners to take action! Too many steps and you will lose them.

Build that lead magnet today!

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

About the author:

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Saturday 11 July 2020

Top 5 Tips On How To Market Your Brand on TikTok

Here's something that everybody's kids and big players like Gary Vaynerchuk are very much on top of
... it's TikTok and it's not just for dancing

Jean Taylor explains

Since its launch, the TikTok program's popularity has revealed substantial growth. Back in October 2018, it had been the most-downloaded photograph and Video program in the Apple shop, internationally. The program's stats will probably blow your brain. It allegedly has accumulated more than 800 million active consumers, the US being the hottest country in which it's been downloaded nearly 100 000 million times. With a vast number of teenagers utilizing this stage, it's the capability to drive music tunes such as Taylor's, products, and marketing campaigns. However, being far from conventional advertising as maybe, also, it has puzzled many manufacturers that are unsure how to utilize the system to drive earnings and new exposure. Some have termed it yet another' fad program,' which may crash and vanish as quickly as it climbed to victory, others such as Nike, ABC, and Google have adopted the program and execute advertising campaigns on TikTok. Even Khloé Kardashian continues to be submitting sponsored articles on the stage.
Like what on TikTok, entrepreneurs need to think beyond the box once strategizing. While certain states continue to be uncertain for TikTok, its predecessor's consumers, was approximately 70 percent female.
Below are top 5 tips on how to market your brand on TikTok
1) Native movie
Another way to utilize advertisements in TikTok is by using in-feed native movie advertisements that TikTok was recently captured testing subtly at the program. The evaluation was seen in the USA edition of this program, in which a movie labeled"Sponsored" in the bicycle merchant Specialized showed up from the primary feed, together with a gloomy"Learn More" button which sends consumers to tap to acquire more details.
Presumably, this button can be customized to guide users to the advertiser Website or some other internet address. Still, also, for now, it opened up the Specialized Bikes (@specializedbikes) profile site inside the TikTok program. The music which followed the clip has been tagged"Promoted Music."
These native movie ads are the Exact Same length as ordinary TikTok movies (9-15 moments, even though the test advertisement was just 5 minutes ), are full-screen (like Instagram Stories advertisements ), and maybe jumped by users. It supports call-to-actions for program downloads and website visits and can be stepped by complete movie opinions, typical video drama durations, movie participation, and click-through rate. Influencers
2) Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is entirely up TikTok's street, and lots of powerful And innovative TikTok consumers have emerged within the program since its launch. Several large brands have begun experimenting with influencer attempts around the program.
The Ideal influencers can alter efficiently sponsored content within an Authentic message which speaks to customers. However, since a new, do not attempt to modify the influencer's voice and also order a lot of the way they present your articles. They're influencers for a motive, and their followers appreciate the value of their material since it's authentic. When this goes for many social media platforms, then it's very accurate on TikTok, in which Generation Z consumers will probably grab the triumph of any content that is rigged.
One brand that made it spot on with its influencer Advertising effort on TikTok is currently Calvin Klein that in 2018 withdrew from runway style to rebrand and expand its customer base among young folks. It immediately became the most prosperous advertising campaign on TikTok.
Influencer advertising is still relatively fresh on TikTok and even more economical to Pull than other programs. Since the distance isn't yet quite crowded, the ideal expansion hacker can engineer a fashion that'll bring you enormous ROI.
3) Keep Your Eye On Trends.
Observing the tendencies on TikTok is a wise move, particularly as they alter Weekly. In reality, they could change nearly daily. It's crucial to remain up to speed with what consumers want to know more about. If you are using influencers, expect them to understand that which trends to follow and not -- it is how they have gotten so way. TikTok celebrities particularly know precisely what the top tendencies are to follow, which could help your product in receiving the very best exposure and push more prospective customers to a shop. In the event you have missed a fad since it just lasted a day, then do not worry over it. The following one is on the upswing.
When you start TikTok, it will take you right to the homepage. That is where You'll discover the newest trending movies from popular TikTokers. You do not have to follow along with everyone to begin. You're exhibited content the moment you log into. Since you then start to follow an increasing number of individuals, your homepage is going to be inhabited by these users' articles also. Besides the homepage, most webpage allows you to search for hashtags and consumers and showcases a number of the present trending challenges along with hashtags.
4) Coming Shortly: 3D/AR lenses
According to some leaked pitch deck lately released by Digiday, additionally, To the things already mentioned, TikTok can be working with a Snapchat-style 2D lens filter to get photographs. This may hold some intriguing advertising opportunities in the shop.
5) User-Generated Articles
User involvement and user-generated content ought to be the cornerstones of Any TikTok advertising strategy. Since the program's achievement is built to the material made by its users, directing this to some advertisement makes complete sense. Haidilao introduced a"DIY" option for its menu, which means that clients can create their very own distinctive, off-menu dish using the components which can be found on the restaurant menu. When clients asked the DIY option, they had been invited to earn a brief movie of them making their very own meal and then share it upon Douyin (the Chinese variant of TikTok).
The effort proved to be a huge success. Over 15,000 clients asked for its DIY option at one of those chain restaurants, along with over 2,000 movies, have been shared at TikTok, creating over 50 million viewpoints on the program. Marketing success utilizing UGC on TikTok is produced by discovering fun and unique methods to induce customers to make articles on behalf of your own new or take part in branded campaigns. You might even offer you a prize or reward to the ideal movie or find another method to inspire users to post articles. If you're able to provide something distinctive to TikTok founders, that is a terrific way to encourage users to make content.
However, unsure about TikTok advertising? Rest assured That You're studying the Ropes with the remaining portion of the promotion world. Produce a profile about the program and Begin with something small that will not cost you a great deal of effort and money. As you Develop more familiar using the program and get to understand its viewers, you can accommodate Your promotion strategy.

By the way, do you want to learn more about Top 5 Tips On How To Market Your Brand On TikTok? If so, go to Jean Taylor's website and obtain her FREE guide:

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Sunday 28 June 2020

6 Digital Marketing Tips for Marketers in 2020

If you are looking for some digital marketing tips, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to discuss 6 of the most effective online marketing tips and tricks. With these tips, you are most likely to enjoy great results.
1. Optimize your site for Voice Search
According to predictions, half of the searches will be based on voice search feature in 2020. Therefore, we suggest that you focus on this aspect of your online marketing strategies. In other words, your business must be voice search supportive. For instance, you can have the "near me" feature, which will recite the best local results if the users use the term to make a voice search.
2. Benefit from Influencer Marketing
Currently, the fastest growing digital marketing is influencer marketing. The thing is that people tend to purchase products recommended by their favorite celebrities. These are known as social media influencers.
Today, social media influencers are also quite trustworthy in the eyes of their followers. Therefore, you can hire them for your influencer marketing campaigns. The good thing is that you don't have to spend a huge sum of money for these campaigns.
3. Revaluate your Paid Advertising Campaigns
With time, advertising is going through a lot of changes. And this has changed the needs of businesses as well. Today, the advertising trend is to focus on what a product or service can do for the users.
What you need to do is personalize the advertisements by including the features of the products that the users may have a deep interest in. Aside from this, the ads must be straightforward and concise.
4. Consider Personalization
According to statistics, at least 70% customers that buy online have a liking for personalization on blogs and sites. For instance, if a buyer buys something from you, you may send them an email with their name in the email. The good thing is that personalization is not a costly or complicated process. The whole purpose of personalization is to make the buyers realize that you value them.
5. Consider the Visual Search Feature
According to statistics, visual search is also quite effective these days. In simple words, if a user clicks a product photo of their choice, websites, such as Pinterest and Google show the buying options right under the picture of that product. So, the buyers have the liberty to buy the product by clicking the photo.
6. Post Video Content
Video content is quite popular on social media platforms, such as Facebook. If you look at statistics, you will know that 52% of buyers feel more confident when buying products after watching a video. As far as finding out more about a product, at least 68% of buyers like to watch short videos instead of reading long articles, manuals or infographics.
The Takeaway
Although the world of digital marketing seems quite challenging, you can make these campaigns much easier to run if you hire the services of a good online marketer. So, it's better to look for a good professional service provider.
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