Tuesday 1 September 2020

5 Blog Traffic Sites With Over 750M Visitors!

 Blogs still serve a purpose in 2020, so how do you get traffic to them?

In this article Deon Christie describes how five of the big traffic blogs do it so well

  • What is supply and demand blog traffic?

Supply and demand blog traffic
 is just that. Also known as establishing a common need. Which is done through engagement. And the options are endless from Groups and Pages to Communities and Forums. There are various techniques to create traffic. Leveraging popular blogs and blog sites for example. To drive traffic to new blogs and established blogs alike. Supply and demand blog traffic is the cornerstone of your blog. The key however is to create curiosity. Therefore, presentation is of paramount importance. You can only supply something that sells. Once you have established a demand for it.

Google SEO is all about strategy. A sequence of objective steps in the right direction. Which is what this blog post is about. More than just the method of driving traffic. But rather the technique to attract buyer traffic. Therefore, not only will you get a few great traffic methods. But also learn how to optimize your content.

Driving traffic to a new blog, however. Starts before launching the blog. While the supply and demand research. Contributes to the quality of traffic attracted by the new blog later through SEO. And strategic target keyword placement.

  • Commenting Techniques that drive supply and demand blog traffic.

Commenting. Which also contributes nicely to building reputation. But the key is to add value to the conversation. Therefore, also important to read the post you plan to comment on. Read other comments to see what the audience is looking for. And then create curiosity by offering something the audience can use. Never hold back, share your knowledge.

Use tools like "Put My Link" and "Drop My Link" to research sites to comment on. Search for blogs with the CommentLuv Premium plugin. That way you will also display your latest blog post in your comment. Just get to know your way around these tools. And search for specific keywords. Directly related to your content.

Attracting visitors will also depend where you comment. And you need to check on the amount of traffic a site receives. But also, the quality of visitors to the site. Focus on top tier country volumes. By using a Google Chrome Extension called "Similarweb" you will be able to determine all that. But you can also use another tool called "Check Page Rank" to target the high authority sites. And access popular blogs.

  • Social Networking for WordPress Blogger Traffic.

The whole point of social networking to drive blog traffic. Is to target the right audience. From followers to share and likes. Your content is shared with likeminded people. Create Facebook pages and Groups. And although I would love to guide you. All these methods cannot be covered in a single post. There are steps to follow with everything you do online. Just follow the steps, you'll be fine.

When you create a new group, then change the settings. So new group members must be approved by admin. Set your Twitter to "Protect Your Tweets". Then all new followers will have to be manually approved. Build a targeted audience. And to drive supply and demand blog traffic you need followers and audiences related to your blog niche. Carefully targeted through common interests and demography. Which also determines affordability. Another aspect of supply and demand blog traffic.

All social profiles must be as professional as possible to generate supply and demand blog traffic. And your content must be proof of your resume. You cannot be an SEO "expert" but don't have a blog for example. Or a social media management "expert" with a faceless profile. Be who you say you are!

  • Supply and demand blog traffic for WordPress through SEO.

With SEO the snippet appearance is important. Therefore, also the importance of the blog title. And must create curiosity. Which is why rich snippets being so important. The blog title should be short and suggestive to generate supply and demand blog traffic. Almost like breadcrumbs for search engines. But target keyword placement is discussed in another post. Along with LSI keywords. What they are and why they are important to dominate search result pages. - Writing Dominant SEO Content Strategically.

Blog post and page content should be 1000 - 2000 words. Although word count is not a ranking factor. It is a great way to generate supply and demand blog traffic. Strategic keyword placement is of paramount importance. Especially when starting a blog. Along with sub-headings. The table of contents contain the sub-headers. H2 sub-headings along with H3. Use WordPress blog plugin called "LuckyWP Table of Contents". And ad a table of contents to your WordPress blog.

To generate supply and demand blog traffic. Also consider word count. Paragraphs do not exceed 300 words. With sentences no more than 20 words but preferably less. Supply and demand blog traffic is simply turning research into targeted goals.

Create compelling featured images. With titles, alt attributes and descriptions. Because search result snippets on mobile will display the image in 2020.

  • Leveraging Facebook pages and groups.

Don't go on a posting frenzy with blog links and blog posts. Driving supply and demand blog traffic with Facebook Groups and Pages is about a whole lot more than that. Especially when you want to drive traffic to new blog. It's not about how much you post. But rather the quality of your post. Research each group and check the demography. Groups with large amounts of members are not necessarily the best ones to join. Facebook groups is a great way to explore and attract supply and demand blog traffic. Joint the ones most relevant to your target keyword. And then engage and post consistently, not frantically.

With Facebook pages you may want to focus more on engagement. And a little less on posting content. Two to four great posts per group/page per week is quite enough. The rest must be comments and engagement. Build your recognition with engagement. Find the supply and demand blog traffic. By establishing what audiences are looking for.

  • More supply and demand blog traffic to your WordPress blog.

Create memberships on the following sites to drive supply and demand blog traffic. And include a link to your blog in your professional profiles. Engage with the audiences, find out what they need. Answer questions on Quora and comment on blogs using Disqus. With BuzzFeed try sharing original pictures and videos. Nothing edited or software generated videos. Here are over 750 Million visitors combined over these sites. How you make them curious and drive traffic is entirely up to you.

Quora (485 Million visitors / 55% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Medium (147 Million visitors / 45% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Buzzfeed (135 Million visitors / 75% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Disqus (25 Million visitors / 60% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

To drive supply and demand blog traffic requires a lot of work. Because your content must be better than already ranking blogs. Do the research and sacrifice the time to create outstanding content. And compelling design.

Affiliate Marketing with SEO for consistent passive online income. Learn to leverage SEO and generate online sales with affiliate marketing. https://easyinternetmoneyandjobs.com

About the author: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Deon_Christie/2244072

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10269802

Monday 31 August 2020

7 Best Clickbank Alternatives To Make Money Online! (Try These Affiliate...

Clickbank is a great tool, but if you are looking for alternatives to Clickbank, look no further.

3 Simple & Effective Ways To Make Real Money Online

Read on for Ryan Simon Smith's guide to a trio of ways to create an online income

Ever since the introduction of internet and the possibilities it offered a lot of businesses saw the potential of increasing their exposure and made themselves available online which is when the digital economy started. With technology constantly evolving and internet speeds reaching the phase they are in now it became clear that digital economy would topple the traditional economy by a lot and become much better for profit. Recently the digital economy is one of the key drivers of the economic growth in the US and it's grown for about 7.2% annually for the past decade which is a rate about 4 times faster than the GDP. The development of technology has also made way for many businesses to easily improve their efficiency in many fields while having lower costs.

The digital economy has a few advantages over the traditional one and those are:

1. Effective resource allocation - in the digital world there is an option to get an algorithm that has information on what people search on Google, what they want and how they want it and it's much cheaper than paying people who may or may not be able to help you sell your product.

2. Location - it doesn't matter where you are as long as you have an internet connection and an online presence. You can be sitting at home in your pajamas and be able to make millions selling services or other products if your online store is well marketed.

3. Faster growth of small businesses - when you get your business online it would about $20-$30 to reach an audience between 3000-4000 people which means it would only cost so little to make your new business known to so many people out there that might be interested in your product or service.

Affiliate Marketing

Having a website or a blog that is frequented by a lot of people it one of the better things you can have to be able to make money online because if you have one of those you can use it to put up affiliate links and refer people to services for which you'll earn commission. If this sounds simple it's because it is but the hard part is to get to a website or a blog that a lot of people are reading. It takes some time for a new website to become popular and have a lot of traffic. It involves working hard and putting up content regularly but once you build your audience you can truly enjoy the passive income and quit your job to work from home.

The way affiliate marketing works is by offering commission for the products or services sold. There are a lot of websites that have various products and services listed and available, and all you have to do is sign up for their site and apply to be an affiliate for a product. Once you get approved (this usually happens really fast) you will get a unique link that you need to embed in you posts so your audience can see it and if they buy the product or service through this link you'll get a commission for it which can be anywhere from 20% to 200% depending on the product and the company offering it.

Make sure you refer your readers to products and services you really think are worth their trouble because if you refer them to something mediocre you might start losing your audience and your online income will take a hit. Do your research before you apply for any service to make sure you're an affiliate of something great and you can proudly present it to your readers.

There are various affiliate websites that you can sign up for and pick from the products and services they are offering including Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Commission Junction, ClickBank, Impact Radius and a lot more but you don't have to use these sites to be an affiliate. There are many companies that recognized the potential in offering affiliate options on their own without using one of the websites above and they implemented an option where you deal with the company directly.

Overall, affiliate marketing is definitely the best way to make money online and build up your passive income which will allow you quit your day job and work from home and eventually pay people to work for you so you can enjoy your day and spend your time as you see fit.

eCommerce Business

eCommerce is a very fast growing business that people can utilize to take advantage of the rise of digital economy and make money online. This method also involves working from home and eventually it can be turned into a passive income stream that will only need maintaining rather than constant working and huge effort.

The model for eCommerce businesses starts picking a niche and persona. Once you've done that you'll need a website on which you can create your online store and pick a product that you believe will sell well and have the highest profit margin. It has to be within the niche you picked and match the persona you decided to represent. It's best to start with just one product rather than many because it can get messy if the orders start coming in and you can't cover the costs right away. There might be problems with shipping and returns which is really hard for newly made websites. Once you've established a good profit margin for one product you can expand and find out what else is selling like crazy so you can put it up on your page for your visitors to buy.

It's pretty straightforward model but the eCommerce market today is highly competitive and it's not easy to compete with websites that are already well established and trusted by consumers. However, it's still one of the simplest and most effective ways to make real income online using the growth of digital economy.

Coaching and Consulting

Take Advantage Of The Many Apps Available
Apps that are available on your smart devices aren't just for fun and games. There are many apps that have the potential to make you a lot of money if you are really devoted to becoming a part of the digital economy and make money online. There are few apps available that you can use to find a coaching or a consulting job and one of those is the Task Rabbit.

Task Rabbit

A very simple app to use that can make you some extra money. Clients post tasks on the app and you can apply for anything posted there. The various tasks can be simple and easy which would pay less and might go up to extremely complicated and require expertise in a field but they would also be paid more. To find a consulting or a coaching job you just need to search their database of jobs posted and see if there's anything available at the moment. You can also try other similar apps and not just stick to this one.

Utilize Money Making Websites

One of the better ways to join the digital economy and make money online is to use the websites available to everyone for making active and passive income. Some of the sites that are set up can be used to sell digital goods like designs for apparel but can also be utilized for consulting and coaching services. Basically the websites we're putting in this category are the ones that focus their attention on long term working relationships with freelancers in various niche areas including photography, design, content creation, online marketing, coaching and consulting. A few of the sites available on the web are the following.


An amazing marketplace for freelancers to find a part time or even a full time job. It's great for selling any kind of digital service you can possibly imagine. The best thing is that what you need for this site is to be good at what you do. No need for creating your own website or a special merchant account. If your service is top-notch and your knowledge in the field you're working in is exemplary you have nothing to worry about. The only downside might be that there is a lot of competition and you'll have to "fight" to get a job but other than that it's an awesome place you can make money online which can easily turn into passive income.


Another similar website to Upwork but on this one you're posting what you can do for a certain amount while the minimum amount is $5. So if you're looking for coaching clients you can post a gig that will let people know you're available for coaching sessions for an x amount of money and people who are looking for something like that will be able to see your gig and hire you to be their coach. Here's a link where you can sign up for Fiverr.


The digital economy is a very fast growing economy compared to traditional one and we should all take advantage of the opportunity it offers.

The 3 simple and effective ways that we present above are the ones that work best for building your passive income and while affiliate marketing is listed first and it's the best choice, eCommerce and offering consulting and coaching services are close seconds. Picking any of the three ways, or even a combination of them all is something that everyone who has a little knowledge and is ambitious should do. It's never been easier to go online and start your own small business while sitting comfortably on your couch and work from home.

About the author: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ryan_Simon_Smith/589678

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10281616

Sunday 30 August 2020

How To Promote Clickbank with Facebook Free [NO ADs, NO Website]

Are you using Clickbank to generate your sales but need to access more traffic?

Earlier this month we featured Gerald Umeh and his OnlineHustleTV Yutube Channel explaining how to make money with Clickbank.

Here is a further video from OnlineHustleTV with a hack for using Facebook to promote your Clickbank

3 Digital Marketing Secrets to Turn Opt-In Leads Into Customers

You work hard on compiling and nurturing your opt ins but you still need to get them as loyal customers. These tips from Jeff Traister should help give you some ideas to progress to success

Turning opt-in leads into customers is a top digital marketing goal for many companies. Yet optimizing sales conversion rate results is much harder than it may appear.

Part of the challenge to optimize sales conversion rate involves attracting qualified leads. The more qualified they are, the more likely you can boost your sales conversion.

A bigger challenge to optimize sales conversion rate is first learning as much as possible about each opt-in lead. That's so you can personalize the content you provide along their journey. This can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Here are three digital marketing secrets to help you turn opt-in leads into customers. By optimizing sales conversion rate, you can see your revenues increase.

Digital Marketing Secret #1: Get Qualified Leads by Focusing on Your Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is perhaps the top priority in marketing. That's because these are the people and organizations most likely to buy your products and services.

The best way to determine your target audience is through surveys and focus groups. This is where you should spend your first marketing dollars. The more you can determine the variables that impact your target audience, the more cost-effective your digital marketing campaigns. Plus, higher response rates.

A quality survey does not just focus on demographics. It's more important to focus on psychographics, buying behavior and awareness of the problem your product or service solves.

A key to a quality market research campaign is to target people who best meet your target audience criteria. Then you can refine the parameters of your target audience based on the results of your research. You can get preliminary results in as little as one day.

Surprisingly, this strategy is too often overlooked by many companies. But if you invest in this strategy it can help you save money in the long run. Plus, increase your ROI.

Outsourcing this project can help you speed up the process. Plus provide an outside perspective to help you better understand your audience.

Digital Marketing Secret #2: Communicate With Your Audience Via Mobile

Your target audience is a moving target. They may not all be in the same place at the same time. So it may appear challenging on how best to capture them.

The best way to approach this is to first determine where a high percent of your target audience are at any given time. Then find a way to reach them there.

For example, if your target audience spends much time on social media, then you must first determine which type(s) of social media they spend time on. Then to focus your advertising and promotion on that location.

Another example is if your target audience spend much of their time in travel or out of the office, then communicating with them via mobile will more likely give you better opt-in lead results.

The thing is, most people will readily look at the mobile phone for incoming SMS text messages much sooner than their email. Adding a link to your SMS text message to take your audience to a landing page promoting your products and services can help lead to optimizing your sales conversion rates.

Faster response equals faster sales conversion.

Digital Marketing Secret #3: Persuade Your Audience With Relevant Content
Content marketing is a big part of digital marketing campaigns. Educating your audience through relevant content is a vital part of establishing credibility and trust.

But to sell, you must persuade. That's the third digital marketing secret. Persuasive content is a big key to optimizing sales conversion rates. It's why you should invest in hiring the best copywriters to help you create persuasive content.

This includes persuasive email letters and landing pages that contain sales letters and videos.

The key to optimizing sales conversion rates is to find a persuasive copywriter to provide you with persuasive content. In fact, investing in persuasive content is the single-most important thing you can do to generate sales. Everything else is just window dressing.

How to Maximize Sales Conversion Rate Results In Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign
Once you know the parameters of your target audience, you can develop a viable digital marketing campaign strategy. The key to optimizing sales conversion is to create persuasive content and deliver it to your target audience wherever they are. This includes reaching them on their mobile device. Investing is persuasive content starts with finding the best persuasive copywriter.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to My Marketing Superhero dot com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jeff_Traister/2324746

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10338403

Saturday 29 August 2020

Your Optin Page - The Top Of Your Marketing Funnel - High Converting Lan...

Are you generating interest but maybe not getting the opt-ins you need?

This video from Miles Beckler takes us through how to make an effective opt-in page at the top of that funnel

Follow These 5 Top Content Marketing Strategies, Generate More Leads!

When it comes to putting money into marketing their are many theories about the investment versus the return. In this article Sanjay Kumar Pandey considers the free options 

What is your strategy for generating leads? Paid, organic or a combination?

Digital Marketing experts employ many path-breaking strategies to generate leads and improve business. While some of them are paid ones, some of them aren't.

Many industry experts claim that paid marketing fetches better results and is faster as well.

Is it true?


Free Digital Marketing strategies--if followed rightly--can fetch better results and generate higher leads.

For example, let's take the case of Content Marketing!

It's 3 times more effective, vis-à-vis paid search. It's far less costly as well. Besides, you don't have to proffer freebies and discount codes for e-mail and other important details of your prospects & visitors. In addition, it's easy to start, and much more popular with clients.

No wonder, as high as 88% of the B2B marketers rely on the Content Marketing tool even while as high as 96% of the first-time visitors don't buy your products, or use your services straightway, without, at first, checking-out competition, and discovering which brands suit them the most.

Now the important question: what exactly Content Marketing is?

It's a kind of marketing that requires you to generate and share valued, appropriate, and consistent online content, through videos, webinars, blogs, social media posts, and infographics. Though these don't openly promote a brand, these DO--in many cases--arouse interest in your products and/or services.

The goal behind Content Marketing remains to entice and retain a clearly defined readers - and, eventually, to spur gainful customer action.

Content Marketing: What strategies to follow for lead generation?

Follow these 5 proven strategies for a highly effective lead generation exercise:

1. Build social reputation: Publish long and well researched content to emerge as an industry leader, and enjoy a good reputation in your niche. Posting and sharing bigger, braver and bolder content will help you win trust and draw potential customers and niche audiences towards your brand. To build and grow your social reputation, take the help of the different popular social media platforms, including LinkedIn and Facebook. Social media will help you locate your community, promote better relationships, and build a society you may trust. Going social will also make your brand become more personal and powerful.

2. Publish appropriate and right content: With right pages, carrying relevant right content, you can target the right audiences and prospects, and motivate them to share their personal details, including e-mail and phone numbers.

3. Provide useful content in exchange for vital statistics: Carry in-depth and appropriate content but don't reveal complete content, if your readers are unwilling to provide their e-mail ids or phone numbers. For this, though, you will have to publish highly engaging and effective content. If your content isn't interesting or useful enough, your readers won't read it further, and not share the data either which you could be seeking for lead generation.

4. Connect with your readers on an emotional level: Trigger your readers' and prospects' emotions, through engaging content, and the right timing. If you manage to do so, they will do what you may want them to do, and respond to your Call to Action (CTA).

5. Get them to speak: Inspire your readers and prospects to like and share your pages, and post comments on them as well. When your targeted groups get involved--through shares, likes and comments--your posts will not only become viral, you will also get useful data. You will learn about their age brackets, social & economic backgrounds, expenditure, etc.

Summing-up, follow these 5 most important Content Marketing Strategies, and generate more business leads online!


About the author: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sanjay_Kumar_Pandey/267737

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10247831

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...