Showing posts with label affiliate marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affiliate marketing. Show all posts

Monday 9 November 2020

Intro to GrooveFunnels for new members

Groovefunnels offer a range of prime business software tools to get you business running efficiently. It is also currently available in a free edition through our affiliate link here

Did you know you can build your webpages in GroovePages and your shopping kart and affiliate program in Groovesell?

The Groovepages and Groovesell products are not only designed to be fantastic for building up your business and enhancing your marketing but are also available for free at the time of writing.

Check out David Lemon's video for an overview of the fantastic product range and indeed training on the systems for new members

If you haven't yet signed up to Groovefunnels FOR FREE you can do it here

or indeed here

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Copy & Paste To Make $$600+ With a SIMPLE Digistore24 Tutorial (Make Mon...

Affiliate marketing is a great idea, but how do you get started?
Did you know there are companies out there who specialise in products ready to sell as affiliates?

For a run through one such example, Alan's Smart Money Tactics give you a look in on Digistore24
Digistore24 is a great example of one place you access other people's products to market

Before you think you'll be rich overnight, please bear in mind that this requires work at your end. Remember, nothing great comes around without love, care, attention and effort 

Monday 2 November 2020

How to Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners in 2020 [Step-by-Step]

One of the easiest entry points to online revenue is often considered to be affiliate marketing
In this video Charlie Chang examines how you can start yourself off

The $14 Billion Global Industry That Can Make You Rich

Did that title spark your attention? John Lynch certainly hoped so when he wrote it!

So what is all the affiliate marketing fuss about? Is it an entry level e-commerce model or a business in itself? Read on to see what John Lynch has to say

Often you hear suggestions that affiliate marketing is dead and that there is no money to be made in it. These ideas are ridiculous as quite the opposite is happening.

Affiliate marketing is a $14 billion global industry that will not decline as increasing numbers of the world's population come online and want to buy products and services. Anyone who can sell to this increasing audience will make money.

Affiliate Marketing Myths Exposed

Affiliate marketing has changed. Online marketing has left a lot of the old style marketers behind. The old lazy methods don't work any more. Pasting banners on second rate content won't do.

Old school approaches are done and so are the people who use them. And that's good news because this means there are new ways to market successfully online.

Another myth is that Google hates affiliates. Not so. What Google hates is a certain approach to marketing on the Internet where low quality content stuffed with keywords is put out by affiliates who expect sales.

There is now a great opportunity for affiliates who learn to play by Google's rules. Top marketers run their business by taking advantage of Google's tough criteria. There are thousands of great products on the market that are easy to rank for but Google hates the old school approach to selling them.

Do you need to post Content daily?

No. People are looking for good content not fluff that is put together just to promote a product. What you do need is to create the right type of content that provides a high level of value.

A small website with quality information is far more valuable than a mega site full of generic information.

What people value is quality, not quantity. And that leads to opt ins and sales.

You Do the Work Once and Get Paid Over and Over

Your entire system should be built on recurring affiliate programs. You do the work once and you get paid over and over month after month, year after year.

That is how the world's most successful affiliates do it. This is a $14 billion industry (affiliate marketing) that's growing. Somebody is making that money.

And some people want to say affiliate marketing is dead!

Develop Sales and Marketing Skills

To be successful you will have to develop sales and marketing skills. These are so important that until you are earning a good income you should spend about 80% of your time on nothing but selling and marketing. These are the most important skills. Building an email list to keep in contact with your prospects and customers is also vital.

Affiliate marketing allows you to focus your time in this way without the demands of product creation or customer support or the need to keep stock in a warehouse with staff employed. These overheads cost a lot in an ordinary bricks and mortar business and this is another reason why online marketing will always attract ambitious entrepreneurs.

Helping Affiliate Marketers of all levels of experience access Free Training on How to Make Endless Commissions Without Selling. Totally Free Tuition in all aspects of affiliate marketing. Click here:

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Wednesday 30 September 2020

How To Market Online With Ease

 By: Robin Harris

You can ignite your marketing efforts and passion for the game by learning to use your personal story and expertise to get potential clients subscribing to your opt-in list.

I want to show you 10 simple steps you can implement with a low-cost investment and a little effort that you can use as a springboard for more aggressive online marketing campaigns.

By creating an interesting web site, which consist of one simple, yet, well-designed web page you can begin a relationships with qualified prospects. The "Interest Site" is designed to share content and offer a customized introductory e-product to someone who would qualify to be considered your ideal client. The focus of the site has to be a HOT TOPIC for your ideal client and it has to tie back to your product theme in some logical way.

The Interest Site will include the following components:

1. The reason why the ideal client should read the content and subscribe to your list to get the introductory product. You written communication should be compelling, not contain hype, and impress the ideal client so they know free product does not mean no-value, low-value product, but it means you are a generous person, you are a skilled business person, and you are beginning your relationship with them on good and ethical terms.

2. Weave in a soft introduction that is designed to create affinity with your ideal client so they know you are like them, understand them, and share some of the same concerns and interests as they relate to this topic. Be brief.

3. Discuss one to three key points related to the topic that the ideal client would find very interesting. Notice I said the ideal client would find them interesting, you may not, and the non-ideal client may not. You may have expertise in this area or you may have to go and do some research. Either way, make sure the information is highly relevant to your ideal client and related to your primary business offering.

4. Include a message that lets the ideal client know that this content is incomplete and they can get more advanced information by signing up for the complimentary ecourse or workbook. Don't offer just a newsletter or special report. These things are over used and are often perceived as low value until your credibility is well established.

5. Give the ideal client a teaser preview of the HOT HOT HOT TOPICS covered in the ecourse or workbook. Summarize what you have provided and remind them to subscribe.

6. Provide a Bio-box with 3 or 4 lines about you, written in third person to start imprinting the ideal client with the perception that you are a great resource, expert, etc. Be sure to include email contact. Get yourself an official domain and email address. Make sure the web address you pick for your interest site relates to the topic being discussed. Remember to represent yourself as being an established professional. Do not use an ISP email address. is much more attractive than

7. Use an autoresponder to create an online signup form for your opt-in list. Include this sign-up form directly into your web site page. I use an autoresponder which allows for attachments and can create both text and html messages. You can use the HTML software inside the autoresponder to create simple yet elegant messages without knowing HTML. I recommend you stay away form text based messages, there quick, fast and cheesy looking. Imagine getting a text-based email from Amazon, it just wouldn't look all that professional, would it?

8. Set up your autoresponder so the subscriber gets an immediate message congratulating them on their new subscription. Assure that the e-product is sent with the first message. You can either attach the product or store it on a web server and include the link. The first option is the easiest if you use the full-featured autoresponder.

9. Instead of trying to push people to your replicated site or your affiliate site, or convince them to spend money with a stranger, you want to get them to your interest site and get them into your opt-in database before sending them off to some other web site or having a serious sales conversation with them.

10. You can get more information about tools and resources for the Interest Site Project and you can also receive a complimentary template for creating your first ecourse when you subscribe to our online newsletter at

Author Bio
Robin Harris is a Certified Coach and the Founder of She works with entrepreneurs who want to market with ease by using their personal experiences, knowledge, and passion to attract their ideal clients. You can reach Robin via email at

Article Source:

Tuesday 29 September 2020

How to Make $1,000 A Month Online From Affiliate Marketing With Kartra

What do you think of when you read claims of monthly profits? Are you looking for a Clickfunnels alternative? How about this Profitcopilot video using Kartra as an affiliate marketing tool? 

Friday 25 September 2020

Master Affiliate Marketing - 7 Ways To Take Your Earnings To The Next Level

 By: James Simpson

It's a fact that affiliate marketing is one of the quickest ways to get a web business up and running. After all, you don't need a website, you don't need a list and you can start advertising someone else's product just 5 minutes from now.

And the great thing is you really can make money by doing it. But the truth is, if you are
making money from a particular product you're promoting in this fashion, you're almost certainly leaving money on the table.

To explain why, we need to look at your average affiliate marketing strategy:

-- Pick a product to promote with a high affiliate payout ($50 or more)

-- Set up a pay-per-click campaign to promote your affiliate link

That's it! Those two steps are what the vast majority of affiliate marketers do. And that's why 95% of all affiliate payouts are made to just 5% of the people doing the marketing... because those top 5% are doing far more to earn their commissions than just a simple PPC campaign.

You need to understand that if you're fortunate enough to be making money from the product you're promoting just by doing those 2 basic steps, then it's almost a racing certainty that you're missing out on a mass of additional income.

Let's look at how you could increase your commissions and future related sales on just one product you're already making money from:

1. Build a 'name squeeze' page to capture your prospect's name and email address. It's a fact
that virtually all product sales are made after the customer's fifth visit to the website.

If you're not capturing your prospect's details, how are you going to make sure they go back to the sales page using your affiliate link? To greatly improve the chances of this you can set up a 7-series autoresponder to automatically send your lead additional information and reminders about the product they're interested in. This approach will keep the product fresh in their mind.

2. Build a website reviewing the product you're promoting, including a newsletter to catch your prospect's details. You can give full details about how the product will solve your prospect's problems, giving an impartial review of the features and benefits with some real-life results.

The newsletter will allow you to keep in touch with your prospects in the same way as the name squeeze page method.

3. Offer additional bonuses for buying through your affiliate link. This gives your prospect a reason to buy from you, especially if they know you're going to make a commission from the sale.

The important thing here is that your bonus products are related to the product you're selling. I mean, there's no point advertising a bonus book on 'how to make your parrot talk' if your initial product is about training dogs to perform tricks.

4. Create video tutorials on how to use the product you're promoting. This works especially well when you're promoting a software product. You can show people how to get started as quickly as possible without them having to read the manual.

The vast majority of people learn visually, so they're much more likely to use your videos than read the manual supplied with the software. You can even tie this in with option 3; give your prospect free training videos if they buy through your affiliate link.

5. Make your own product to cross-promote. It can be an add-on to the product you're promoting as an affiliate. Again, you could easily offer it for free or at a discounted price if they buy through your affiliate link.

6. Promote related products via email. This works by creating an 'A ' Grade list out of your newsletter and squeeze page sign-ups, i.e. the people who have actually gone on to buy the product you're promoting.

It's a known fact that people who have a proven track record of buying online are more likely to buy from you again. You can easily recommend to them a related product that will further enhance their original purchase, resulting in more affiliate commissions for you.

7. Tie all of the above together. You don't have to use just one of the methods above. Use all of them.

Create a name squeeze page, build a review website with newsletter, add some bonuses to your affiliate link, make some video tutorials, develop your own related product and promote other affiliate products via email to the lists you've built with your name squeeze page and newsletter.

But before you do any of this, make sure you're promoting a product that sells. After all, spending your time doing all of the above for a product that is poorly supported, doesn't work properly or has a high refund rate is going to be time wasted.

Author Bio
James Simpson is an internet marketer and product developer. Currently he is producing 'how to' videos, showing how to properly use and benefit from XSitePro, over at

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Sunday 6 September 2020

How To Build An Affiliate Marketing Website in 2020 (Make Money Online)

All you need to know about getting your website set up for your affiliate marketing business, including bonuses on niche and product selection

Monday 31 August 2020

3 Simple & Effective Ways To Make Real Money Online

Read on for Ryan Simon Smith's guide to a trio of ways to create an online income

Ever since the introduction of internet and the possibilities it offered a lot of businesses saw the potential of increasing their exposure and made themselves available online which is when the digital economy started. With technology constantly evolving and internet speeds reaching the phase they are in now it became clear that digital economy would topple the traditional economy by a lot and become much better for profit. Recently the digital economy is one of the key drivers of the economic growth in the US and it's grown for about 7.2% annually for the past decade which is a rate about 4 times faster than the GDP. The development of technology has also made way for many businesses to easily improve their efficiency in many fields while having lower costs.

The digital economy has a few advantages over the traditional one and those are:

1. Effective resource allocation - in the digital world there is an option to get an algorithm that has information on what people search on Google, what they want and how they want it and it's much cheaper than paying people who may or may not be able to help you sell your product.

2. Location - it doesn't matter where you are as long as you have an internet connection and an online presence. You can be sitting at home in your pajamas and be able to make millions selling services or other products if your online store is well marketed.

3. Faster growth of small businesses - when you get your business online it would about $20-$30 to reach an audience between 3000-4000 people which means it would only cost so little to make your new business known to so many people out there that might be interested in your product or service.

Affiliate Marketing

Having a website or a blog that is frequented by a lot of people it one of the better things you can have to be able to make money online because if you have one of those you can use it to put up affiliate links and refer people to services for which you'll earn commission. If this sounds simple it's because it is but the hard part is to get to a website or a blog that a lot of people are reading. It takes some time for a new website to become popular and have a lot of traffic. It involves working hard and putting up content regularly but once you build your audience you can truly enjoy the passive income and quit your job to work from home.

The way affiliate marketing works is by offering commission for the products or services sold. There are a lot of websites that have various products and services listed and available, and all you have to do is sign up for their site and apply to be an affiliate for a product. Once you get approved (this usually happens really fast) you will get a unique link that you need to embed in you posts so your audience can see it and if they buy the product or service through this link you'll get a commission for it which can be anywhere from 20% to 200% depending on the product and the company offering it.

Make sure you refer your readers to products and services you really think are worth their trouble because if you refer them to something mediocre you might start losing your audience and your online income will take a hit. Do your research before you apply for any service to make sure you're an affiliate of something great and you can proudly present it to your readers.

There are various affiliate websites that you can sign up for and pick from the products and services they are offering including Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Commission Junction, ClickBank, Impact Radius and a lot more but you don't have to use these sites to be an affiliate. There are many companies that recognized the potential in offering affiliate options on their own without using one of the websites above and they implemented an option where you deal with the company directly.

Overall, affiliate marketing is definitely the best way to make money online and build up your passive income which will allow you quit your day job and work from home and eventually pay people to work for you so you can enjoy your day and spend your time as you see fit.

eCommerce Business

eCommerce is a very fast growing business that people can utilize to take advantage of the rise of digital economy and make money online. This method also involves working from home and eventually it can be turned into a passive income stream that will only need maintaining rather than constant working and huge effort.

The model for eCommerce businesses starts picking a niche and persona. Once you've done that you'll need a website on which you can create your online store and pick a product that you believe will sell well and have the highest profit margin. It has to be within the niche you picked and match the persona you decided to represent. It's best to start with just one product rather than many because it can get messy if the orders start coming in and you can't cover the costs right away. There might be problems with shipping and returns which is really hard for newly made websites. Once you've established a good profit margin for one product you can expand and find out what else is selling like crazy so you can put it up on your page for your visitors to buy.

It's pretty straightforward model but the eCommerce market today is highly competitive and it's not easy to compete with websites that are already well established and trusted by consumers. However, it's still one of the simplest and most effective ways to make real income online using the growth of digital economy.

Coaching and Consulting

Take Advantage Of The Many Apps Available
Apps that are available on your smart devices aren't just for fun and games. There are many apps that have the potential to make you a lot of money if you are really devoted to becoming a part of the digital economy and make money online. There are few apps available that you can use to find a coaching or a consulting job and one of those is the Task Rabbit.

Task Rabbit

A very simple app to use that can make you some extra money. Clients post tasks on the app and you can apply for anything posted there. The various tasks can be simple and easy which would pay less and might go up to extremely complicated and require expertise in a field but they would also be paid more. To find a consulting or a coaching job you just need to search their database of jobs posted and see if there's anything available at the moment. You can also try other similar apps and not just stick to this one.

Utilize Money Making Websites

One of the better ways to join the digital economy and make money online is to use the websites available to everyone for making active and passive income. Some of the sites that are set up can be used to sell digital goods like designs for apparel but can also be utilized for consulting and coaching services. Basically the websites we're putting in this category are the ones that focus their attention on long term working relationships with freelancers in various niche areas including photography, design, content creation, online marketing, coaching and consulting. A few of the sites available on the web are the following.


An amazing marketplace for freelancers to find a part time or even a full time job. It's great for selling any kind of digital service you can possibly imagine. The best thing is that what you need for this site is to be good at what you do. No need for creating your own website or a special merchant account. If your service is top-notch and your knowledge in the field you're working in is exemplary you have nothing to worry about. The only downside might be that there is a lot of competition and you'll have to "fight" to get a job but other than that it's an awesome place you can make money online which can easily turn into passive income.


Another similar website to Upwork but on this one you're posting what you can do for a certain amount while the minimum amount is $5. So if you're looking for coaching clients you can post a gig that will let people know you're available for coaching sessions for an x amount of money and people who are looking for something like that will be able to see your gig and hire you to be their coach. Here's a link where you can sign up for Fiverr.


The digital economy is a very fast growing economy compared to traditional one and we should all take advantage of the opportunity it offers.

The 3 simple and effective ways that we present above are the ones that work best for building your passive income and while affiliate marketing is listed first and it's the best choice, eCommerce and offering consulting and coaching services are close seconds. Picking any of the three ways, or even a combination of them all is something that everyone who has a little knowledge and is ambitious should do. It's never been easier to go online and start your own small business while sitting comfortably on your couch and work from home.

About the author:

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Thursday 20 August 2020

5 Blog Traffic Sites With Over 750M Visitors!

In looking to help people understand why so many are blogging and how it can help your businesses we thought we'd share this article that Deon Christie put out earlier this year.

  • What is supply and demand blog traffic?
Supply and demand blog traffic is just that. Also known as establishing a common need. Which is done through engagement. And the options are endless from Groups and Pages to Communities and Forums. There are various techniques to create traffic. Leveraging popular blogs and blog sites for example. To drive traffic to new blogs and established blogs alike. Supply and demand blog traffic is the cornerstone of your blog. The key however is to create curiosity. Therefore, presentation is of paramount importance. You can only supply something that sells. Once you have established a demand for it.

Google SEO is all about strategy. A sequence of objective steps in the right direction. Which is what this blog post is about. More than just the method of driving traffic. But rather the technique to attract buyer traffic. Therefore, not only will you get a few great traffic methods. But also learn how to optimize your content.

Driving traffic to a new blog, however. Starts before launching the blog. While the supply and demand research. Contributes to the quality of traffic attracted by the new blog later through SEO. And strategic target keyword placement.

  • Commenting Techniques that drive supply and demand blog traffic.
Commenting. Which also contributes nicely to building reputation. But the key is to add value to the conversation. Therefore, also important to read the post you plan to comment on. Read other comments to see what the audience is looking for. And then create curiosity by offering something the audience can use. Never hold back, share your knowledge.

Use tools like "Put My Link" and "Drop My Link" to research sites to comment on. Search for blogs with the CommentLuv Premium plugin. That way you will also display your latest blog post in your comment. Just get to know your way around these tools. And search for specific keywords. Directly related to your content.

Attracting visitors will also depend where you comment. And you need to check on the amount of traffic a site receives. But also, the quality of visitors to the site. Focus on top tier country volumes. By using a Google Chrome Extension called "Similarweb" you will be able to determine all that. But you can also use another tool called "Check Page Rank" to target the high authority sites. And access popular blogs.

  • Social Networking for WordPress Blogger Traffic.
The whole point of social networking to drive blog traffic. Is to target the right audience. From followers to share and likes. Your content is shared with likeminded people. Create Facebook pages and Groups. And although I would love to guide you. All these methods cannot be covered in a single post. There are steps to follow with everything you do online. Just follow the steps, you'll be fine.

When you create a new group, then change the settings. So new group members must be approved by admin. Set your Twitter to "Protect Your Tweets". Then all new followers will have to be manually approved. Build a targeted audience. And to drive supply and demand blog traffic you need followers and audiences related to your blog niche. Carefully targeted through common interests and demography. Which also determines affordability. Another aspect of supply and demand blog traffic.

All social profiles must be as professional as possible to generate supply and demand blog traffic. And your content must be proof of your resume. You cannot be an SEO "expert" but don't have a blog for example. Or a social media management "expert" with a faceless profile. Be who you say you are!

  • Supply and demand blog traffic for WordPress through SEO.
With SEO the snippet appearance is important. Therefore, also the importance of the blog title. And must create curiosity. Which is why rich snippets being so important. The blog title should be short and suggestive to generate supply and demand blog traffic. Almost like breadcrumbs for search engines. But target keyword placement is discussed in another post. Along with LSI keywords. What they are and why they are important to dominate search result pages. - Writing Dominant SEO Content Strategically.

Blog post and page content should be 1000 - 2000 words. Although word count is not a ranking factor. It is a great way to generate supply and demand blog traffic. Strategic keyword placement is of paramount importance. Especially when starting a blog. Along with sub-headings. The table of contents contain the sub-headers. H2 sub-headings along with H3. Use WordPress blog plugin called "LuckyWP Table of Contents". And ad a table of contents to your WordPress blog.

To generate supply and demand blog traffic. Also consider word count. Paragraphs do not exceed 300 words. With sentences no more than 20 words but preferably less. Supply and demand blog traffic is simply turning research into targeted goals.

Create compelling featured images. With titles, alt attributes and descriptions. Because search result snippets on mobile will display the image in 2020.

  • Leveraging Facebook pages and groups.
Don't go on a posting frenzy with blog links and blog posts. Driving supply and demand blog traffic with Facebook Groups and Pages is about a whole lot more than that. Especially when you want to drive traffic to new blog. It's not about how much you post. But rather the quality of your post. Research each group and check the demography. Groups with large amounts of members are not necessarily the best ones to join. Facebook groups is a great way to explore and attract supply and demand blog traffic. Joint the ones most relevant to your target keyword. And then engage and post consistently, not frantically.

With Facebook pages you may want to focus more on engagement. And a little less on posting content. Two to four great posts per group/page per week is quite enough. The rest must be comments and engagement. Build your recognition with engagement. Find the supply and demand blog traffic. By establishing what audiences are looking for.

  • More supply and demand blog traffic to your WordPress blog.
Create memberships on the following sites to drive supply and demand blog traffic. And include a link to your blog in your professional profiles. Engage with the audiences, find out what they need. Answer questions on Quora and comment on blogs using Disqus. With BuzzFeed try sharing original pictures and videos. Nothing edited or software generated videos. Here are over 750 Million visitors combined over these sites. How you make them curious and drive traffic is entirely up to you.

Quora (485 Million visitors / 55% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Medium (147 Million visitors / 45% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Buzzfeed (135 Million visitors / 75% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Disqus (25 Million visitors / 60% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

To drive supply and demand blog traffic requires a lot of work. Because your content must be better than already ranking blogs. Do the research and sacrifice the time to create outstanding content. And compelling design.

Affiliate Marketing with SEO for consistent passive online income. Learn to leverage SEO and generate online sales with affiliate marketing.

About the author:

Article Source:

Saturday 15 August 2020

Promoting Your Affiliate Products

You've set up your online business, you've got your affiliate partners sorted. Now all you need to do is start, or, as the article author, Mal Keenan, puts it:

Once you have your affiliate link, you're ready to go!

All you have to do, as we've discussed earlier, is to pre-sell your affiliate's products by marketing the same through your affiliate link. An affiliate link leads the would-be buyer to the affiliate merchant's payment processing page. Once you have managed to do that, your job is done, and the affiliate merchant will take care of the rest. This system makes affiliate marketing a very convenient home based business for anyone!

Pre-selling, however, should be carried out through effective marketing strategies to make this venture really profitable for you. These marketing strategies should be able to ensure a high conversion rate, or the power to convert the people who would be exposed to your affiliate link into successful sales.

Here are some of the more popular types of marketing campaigns being used as promotional tools in this home based business:

Promoting your affiliate links through viral marketing.

Viral marketing is a very powerful strategy that would rapidly expose your business message, or your affiliate links in this case, in just a short period of time. Viral marketing tools usually involve eBooks, special reports and other information products. We will discuss this effective promotional tactic for your home based business in the succeeding lesson.

Marketing your affiliate links through forums.

 As we've discussed in a previous articles, promotion in online communities is an affordable and efficient way in spreading the word about your products or website, including your affiliate links. You could try to be active in these forums, befriend other members if you have to, and before you know it, you'll have more traffic for your site and more referrals that could rake in some good commissions for your home based business.

Article marketing. 

As we've likewise discussed in a prior article, writing articles and submitting them in various venues, with your resource box firmly attached at the end of each piece, is a magnificent way of promotions. People would scour the Internet for information, and if you write something about what they're looking for, you'll win their favor and expose your affiliate links to them aswel. This could only redound to the benefit of your home based business.

Search engine optimization.

 As we've mentioned earlier in these lessons, having your own website would help a lot in marketing your affiliate links. If your website carries your affiliate links, you could always optimize the same for the search engines and drive a humongous amount of traffic to your pages. Every visitor you'll have would always carry with him the chance of clicking on your affiliate links.

Create your own mailing list. 

With a mailing list in place for your home business, you won't have to lose any visitors. You could always "capture" them, warm them up for an offer later on, or present to them new packages that they might be interested with in the future. Most successful affiliates make a killing with their mailing lists alone! We will discuss this in detail in one of the the forthcoming lessons.

These are but some of the ways by which you could market your affiliate links. If done well, they could assure for you a very successful business that can be easy to sustain as well.

Author Bio
Mal Keenan can show you step-by step how to set up and run a successful online home business. Learn the 7 essential strategies to internet marketing success. To receive your free 7 day mini-course visit:
For a home business you can believe in, check out:

Article Source:

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Master Affiliate Marketing - 7 Ways To Take Your Earnings To The Next Level

You want to start affiliate marketing and you've seen all the YouTube success stories and tutorials

However you just want a simple outline. James Simpson obliges here:

It's a fact that affiliate marketing is one of the quickest ways to get a web business up and running. After all, you don't need a website, you don't need a list and you can start advertising someone else's product just 5 minutes from now.

And the great thing is you really can make money by doing it. But the truth is, if you are making money from a particular product you're promoting in this fashion, you're almost certainly leaving money on the table.

To explain why, we need to look at your average affiliate marketing strategy:

-- Pick a product to promote with a high affiliate payout ($50 or more)

-- Set up a pay-per-click campaign to promote your affiliate link

That's it! Those two steps are what the vast majority of affiliate marketers do. And that's why 95% of all affiliate payouts are made to just 5% of the people doing the marketing... because those top 5% are doing far more to earn their commissions than just a simple PPC campaign.

You need to understand that if you're fortunate enough to be making money from the product you're promoting just by doing those 2 basic steps, then it's almost a racing certainty that you're missing out on a mass of additional income.

Let's look at how you could increase your commissions and future related sales on just one product you're already making money from:

1. Build a 'name squeeze' page to capture your prospect's name and email address. It's a fact that virtually all product sales are made after the customer's fifth visit to the website.

If you're not capturing your prospect's details, how are you going to make sure they go back to the sales page using your affiliate link? To greatly improve the chances of this you can set up a 7-series autoresponder to automatically send your lead additional information and reminders about the product they're interested in. This approach will keep the product fresh in their mind.

2. Build a website reviewing the product you're promoting, including a newsletter to catch your prospect's details. You can give full details about how the product will solve your prospect's problems, giving an impartial review of the features and benefits with some real-life results.

The newsletter will allow you to keep in touch with your prospects in the same way as the name squeeze page method.

3. Offer additional bonuses for buying through your affiliate link. This gives your prospect a reason to buy from you, especially if they know you're going to make a commission from the sale.

The important thing here is that your bonus products are related to the product you're selling. I mean, there's no point advertising a bonus book on 'how to make your parrot talk' if your initial product is about training dogs to perform tricks.

4. Create video tutorials on how to use the product you're promoting. This works especially well when you're promoting a software product. You can show people how to get started as quickly as possible without them having to read the manual.

The vast majority of people learn visually, so they're much more likely to use your videos than read the manual supplied with the software. You can even tie this in with option 3; give your prospect free training videos if they buy through your affiliate link.

5. Make your own product to cross-promote. It can be an add-on to the product you're promoting as an affiliate. Again, you could easily offer it for free or at a discounted price if they buy through your affiliate link.

6. Promote related products via email. This works by creating an 'A ' Grade list out of your newsletter and squeeze page sign-ups, i.e. the people who have actually gone on to buy the product you're promoting.

It's a known fact that people who have a proven track record of buying online are more likely to buy from you again. You can easily recommend to them a related product that will further enhance their original purchase, resulting in more affiliate commissions for you.

7. Tie all of the above together. You don't have to use just one of the methods above. Use all of them.

Create a name squeeze page, build a review website with newsletter, add some bonuses to your affiliate link, make some video tutorials, develop your own related product and promote other affiliate products via email to the lists you've built with your name squeeze page and newsletter.

But before you do any of this, make sure you're promoting a product that sells. After all, spending your time doing all of the above for a product that is poorly supported, doesn't work properly or has a high refund rate is going to be time wasted.

Author Bio
James Simpson is an internet marketer and product developer. Currently he is producing 'how to' videos, showing how to properly use and benefit from XSitePro, over at

Article Source:

Tuesday 11 August 2020

10 Ideas For Affiliate Marketing In 2020

Just like the title, Ferdy gives us 10 ideas for affiliate marketing

He has been doing it for 5 years so he should know a fair bit

Thursday 6 August 2020

GrooveFunnels Promotional Video (Featuring GroovePages & GrooveSell)

Getting your online business set up can be unexpectedly costly.

You need to create your funnel which has your opt in pages working and your products easily accessible; not to mention servicing a mailing list and automating its actions, whilst being sure to have a payment and cart function in place.

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Tuesday 4 August 2020

How to Make Money on Clickbank with [Clickbank for Beginners]

Online Hustle TV is a great resource from Gerald Umeh for learning about how to run an e-Commerce business in rapidly growing markets

In this video Gerald takes us through using ClickBank for selling affiliate products when complemented by strong product reviews in associated blog articles written specifically to support the sales

If you want to see more of this kind of content please let us know in the comments

Monday 3 August 2020

Affiliate Marketing Trending in India 2020!

Affiliate marketing is great for selling someone else's products and getting a commission for your efforts. It's availability may not be completely worldwide, but it certainly offers huge marketplaces

In this article Mallika Joshi explains how it is working in India

So, What Exactly Affiliate Marketing Is?

Affiliate marketing involves referring other people to purchase the product of a specific company. Whenever any person purchases your referral, the company will give you a commission. Now, this seems to be a simple process or technique of earning money conveniently.

Let's just take an example. Suppose you promote a smartphone brand such as Samsung, you can easily provide a link to the product through your social media handles. When any of your followers click on that referral, and if any of them buys the smartphone, you will be paid a commission by Samsung for every sale.

How Affiliate Marketing Works?

Note that affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing. When you do affiliate marketing, you play the role of a marketer.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you act as an online salesperson who sells the products of a certain company. Of course, you are not going to be an employee of that company. The person who owns the product is called a trader or merchant; on the other hand, the person who promotes it is called the affiliate marketer.

You might be wondering how you can connect with the trader; then, you need to understand that affiliate networks help you achieve that.

Also, whenever anyone purchases the product via your referral, it is a win-win situation for you(the marketer), the merchant and the affiliate network.

The reason why affiliate marketing in India is trending nowadays is that many people or businesses have profited a lot from this whole ecosystem. It is worth mentioning here that even an ordinary person can become a millionaire with the help of affiliate marketing.

Let's discuss further in detail about four major players involved in this ecosystem of affiliate marketing. This is highly important if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer.

1. Owner of the product-Merchant or Trader
As said earlier, the owner of the product is called a merchant. When we talk about e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc, these also come in the category of merchants.

Brands like Samsung,Apple,Intex,Dell,etc are also merchants.

2. The Affiliate
Next comes the affiliate marketers who can also be called as the publisher. The affiliate is the one who receives a commission for every sale via his or her referral. It would help if you understood that you don't require any significant investment to get a website created. That is why we said earlier that if you are looking for a passive income, nothing can be easier and cheaper than affiliate marketing.

Through videos, blogs, and social media posts, you can easily promote the product.

One of the most critical pieces of advice for you is that you should promote products that are in accordance with the kinds of blogs you post, the videos you post, etc. If you post educational content on your blogs, it would be inappropriate to promote fashion stuff.

3. Affiliate Network

The publisher or the affiliate can connect with the merchant or trader with the help of an affiliate network.

An affiliate network can be better understood as the link between the affiliate and the merchant.

It's crucial to understand that the affiliate network provides payment processing tools to the publisher.

On the other hand, the affiliate network provides ad tracking tools to the merchants.

If you are curious to know how affiliate networks will help you in earning money, then you need to understand that there is something called CPC.

Besides, CPC(Cost Per Click), there are other ways like CPI(Cost Per Install) and CPS(Cost Per Sale).

4. Customers or Consumers
The last player of the whole ecosystem is the customers. Whether the above three players will be profited only if the consumers buy products, anyone can be a customer. It is the responsibility of the affiliate to influence the customers to buy a particular product. As said earlier, for this content marketing can be used by the affiliate, even YouTube videos can be used to influence the customers. The tracking mechanism works as soon as the customer follows the affiliate link to make a purchase.

Where To Begin?

If you want to start affiliate marketing, go through these simple steps.

1. Signing up for an Affiliate Program
First and foremost, to become an affiliate marketer, signing up for an affiliate marketer program is required.

Some of the options which work best for beginners are Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate, BIGROCK Affiliate, etc.

The reason such types of big affiliate programs are recommended is that they already have a wide customer base.

2. Affiliate Link
An affiliate link customized specifically for your username related to the product you will promote for them.

3. Influencing Potential Customers
Now comes your turn as an affiliate marketer to promote the product through various social media or online platforms. In order to publicize the product, blogs, along with the affiliate link will work best.

Even Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram posts,etc can be beneficial.

So, this was all about how you can easily set yourself up as an affiliate.

How To Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

There are a lot of affiliate marketers out there, so it can be quite difficult to be successful as an affiliate. Don't worry; we will help you to stand out in the crowd.

1.Choosing the most profitable niche
You need to understand that the most profitable niches can vary from time to time. So, staying updated is going to help you throughout the journey of affiliate marketing.

Besides this, it is very significant to choose a particular niche, so that you can target a particular audience for greater conversion.

With your blog posts, you will not only be delivering useful content to your audience but also you can promote them to buy certain products with the help of a referral.

Some of the most profitable niches which have a lot of scopes are the beauty industry, health and wellness industry, travel, adventure sports, etc.

2.Choosing the right niche for your blog posts
Some of you might be wondering what exactly a niche is? So, let's say if you have a lot of knowledge about beauty related products or basically if beauty is your industry, then beauty products can be your niche. You should make sure that your interest and expertise in that niche is enough to ensure your audience trusts your recommendations.

3.Selecting the product, you will promote
This is the most crucial step; for instance, you have chosen electronics and your niche. Let's take an example of laptops; then, you can find various brands in the markets.

Firstly, you can select a product based on its popularity and brand name, in this case, you will go for big brands.

The second technique involves choosing the product to promote based on your individual opinions.

If you choose to promote products of big brands, then we all know that these brands already have a good reputation. So, all you need to do is focus on creating quality content that can persuade the customers to buy the product.

On the other hand, if you have decided to promote products based on your personal preferences, you need to develop content with extra effort. When you are promoting products about which a customer may or may not have much liking as the brand may or may not be big, you need to develop content that strongly encourages customers to click on the link. Of-course, the level of persuading skills you require is much greater than that required for the first case.

Also, remember in digital marketing, relevant stuff will always be valued.

These were the three steps that can take your affiliate marketing strategies to the next level. With our tips, we are sure that you will be able to fetch good traffic to the trader or the merchant's site.


So, we have reached the end of this article. We hope that you got an insight into how to set yourself up as an affiliate marketer.

You should follow all of these tips to be successful as an affiliate. Remember that there is immense scope for affiliate marketers in India, as very few bloggers are doing it. So, this is the right time to start. With smart work, no one can stop you from becoming a profitable affiliate marketer. Besides, this following the latest marketing strategies and long-term planning will help you a lot.

At we are dedicated to simplifying the product research process for our consumers. By cutting through the noise of hundreds and thousands of product reviews and specification comparisons online, we help you find the product that best fits your lifestyle and budget.

About the author:

Thursday 23 July 2020

Thursday 16 July 2020

How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon: The Ultimate Guide

Amazon is one of the most well known companies in the world today.
It is also one of the best places to build your ecommerce business around.
But what about product selection for effective selling?

Dale Harris has investigated this and his article gives some great tips. What do you think?

When was the last time you were scrolling through Amazon looking for something to buy? There are loads of different options and an almost unlimited amount of products selling on this giant global marketplace.
But deciding what are the best items to sell on Amazon can be a nightmare with all this choice.
If you have a business or are looking to earn some extra cash as an Amazon seller, here’s all you need to know about how to find products to sell on Amazon.

1. Know Your Market

The most important aspect of selling online is knowing your market. You need to understand who you are selling to and what products they purchase.
When you understand this you can start to understand your competition and how you can conquer them.
One way in which the market can be divided up and the traditional way it has always been done is by country. An American customer might not necessarily purchase the same products as a British person or an Indian customer. A product that sells well in one of these markets might also not sell at all in another.
However, the rise of the internet and hyper-communication through social media has broken down these barriers to a certain extent. 
If you are selling for the female market – for instance, beauty products – then there are ethical concerns you need to consider about the ingredients that are used in the products and whether they were tested on animals and are vegan-friendly. Some countries also have different regulations on what chemicals are allowed into the products.

2. Sell Great Products Not Cheap Junk

It is easy to think that selling cheap products at low prices is the easiest way to make a quick buck on Amazon. But this couldn’t be further from the case. Customers are savvy and will soon stop purchasing a product if they feel it is inadequate.
Furthermore, most customers use Amazon’s review system to leave reviews of products for future customers.
Instead, you should focus on sourcing or even creating your own great products to sell on Amazon. You should do this even if you have to charge a higher price than your competitors.
Customers are willing to pay a higher price for a product if there is a clear justification or it offers something special and unique. You can easily generate excitement around these products with a clever marketing strategy. 

3. Choose a Product That You Can Market Well

Customers don’t always buy the product based on purely practical considerations. Often people buy a product because they are buying into the vision or the lifestyle that the product represents.
This is often down to clever marketing. The best products are ones that can be marketed well. Often they are simple and it is obvious what they do. 
Apple is a clever example. Ostensibly, their products are laptops, smartwatches and cell phones. But they cleverly marketed these products, suggesting that owning all of these products together is a lifestyle choice.
Those who own them can use them in tandem to have an easier and more fulfilled life, able to be more productive at work as well as in the gym and during exercise routines. Simplicity is the key to Apple’s message even though what they are selling are extremely complex products.

4. Do Some SEO Keyword Research

Another way in which people access products is not always through Amazon itself but through affiliate links and blogs and websites that have been Search Engine Optimized.
If you’re struggling to get your head around this then be sure to hire a company that specializes in amazon seo services might be of use to you.
Using an SEO keyword research tool you can help you see which products and keywords are currently ranking highly on Google. Once you have established what products are popular you can start to see where products that you want to sell might fit in.
Remember though SEO does take time.
Once you know where the products fit in terms of Google and which keywords you want to target you can then start to think about ways of increasing its profile on Google which will then lead to increased traffic to its Amazon page.
You can pay blog owners to include an affiliate link to your product along with the keywords that are likely to boost its ranking on Google and you can also extend this to social media as well, hiring influencers to help you.

How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon? Marketing is Key

The key to selling great products on Amazon is not just product choice but also great marketing. By creating a buzz around your product and ensuring that you are selling a lifestyle or a brand as well as the product you can start to build a loyal client base.
On top of this, you can then start to grow this audience through SEO. By ensuring your product ranks highly on Google you can increase the traffic to your product.
Part of SEO is also reaching out to other brands and websites to see if they can include an affiliate link to one of your products in their own blogs or content. Of they will want a small fee for doing this but it can be rewarding.
Finally, social media influencers can also ensure your product as a strong following on Instagram, Facebook, and even Pinterest.
If you are interested in learning more about how to find products to sell on Amazon or the best items to sell on Amazon be sure to check out the rest of our site.

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