Friday 4 September 2020

Instagram Algorithm Updates 2020 | IGTV GOODBYE, PHOTOSHOPPERS TOO

This video from Dominik at heyDominik gave not just an insight into changes in the algorithms of Instagram at the outset of 2020, but also his observation on IGTV

Write Articles 7 Different Ways For Easier, Faster, Better Results

 If you want an insight into the techniques authors use to get SEO effective copy out there, Ruth Barringham explains it right here

There's a reason that online marketers spend time (and often money) to find the right SEO keywords, and that's because the more targeted the keywords are, the better the results.

But personally, I found that all this keyword research, and then writing the resulting keyword-rich articles, takes time. Sometimes it takes too much time, especially when you want to write really information-packed and entertaining articles.

Fortunately I found a way to really speed this process up and get better search engine results at the same time. Not only that, but it also makes it all much simpler and faster to do.

The way I do it, is first I look for long-tail keywords that have an average search volume and low competition. This is so that my articles are more likely to be on the first page of the search results, because, let's face it, getting on the first page is THE most important thing when it comes to search results and it's what we're all aiming for.

Next, I write my article and I usually, but no always, place my main keyword in the title and the first paragraph.

Once I've completed my article the hard work is done because I then rewrite this article several different ways which gives me more unique articles all written from just one original article so that the keyword research and the article research are already done.

I have perfected my article writing system so that I can write one article a total of seven different ways.

This works really well for search engine marketing because it means that anyone competing for the same long-tail keyword (and there won't be many because I use low-competition keywords) have to compete with me seven times for the prized number one spot in search engine results.

Also, using this seven article system helps to increase my chances of being on the first page of results seven times.

Look at how this works:

Say I write just one article and it shows up third on the first page of results. That's not bad and it will probably bring me plenty of online visitors to my website. And using long-tail keywords means that my visitors are more targeted which helps increase sales.

But when I write seven articles, not only can my original article show up as the third result, but my other articles can also show up as number four, five, six and seven. So working this way means that my site shows up seven times more in search results.

It also means that writing multiple articles seven different ways will help me dominate any niche and get seven-times more visitors to my site.

And I do all this using my simple article writing system.

Try my article marketing system for yourself which not only shows you the seven different ways to write an article, but also how to write an article in 15 minutes or less AND shows you 10 different ways to earn money writing articles.

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Thursday 3 September 2020


In this explanatory YouTube film, Vasily Kichigin proposes NOT starting up a YouTube channel, but instead working your long form video content through Instagram's IGTV

How Google's Mobile First Indexing Is Affecting Your Website

As more of the world is online every year, a larger percentage is accessing your business through mobile devices rather than traditional computers.

In line with this the big players are adjusting their indexing towards mobile devices as priority.

Will you keep your game up with them? Laura Wolf wrote this article alongside the timing of Google's foray into mobile first indexing.

Things have only ramped up more since the article was first written

If you would like to make sure that you are holding on to your SEO results and are keeping your search engine rankings, you'd better pay attention to the latest updates of the largest search engine; Google. Below you will find a few reasons why Mobile First Indexing might be affecting your page.

Mobile Usability Issues On Your Site

If your site has mobile usability issues, and it is hard to navigate on tablets or phones, it will hurt your search engine rankings. you will need to ensure that the links and buttons are not too close together, and the text can be read on every screen. Chances are that - if you are using an older template - this will be a problem. You might want to get a responsive theme, but this is not enough.

Mobile Speed Test

Once you are confident that your site performs well on mobile screens, and it is giving your visitors the best user experience possible, it is important that you test the speed. Most sites, such as Google page speed checker and Pingdom Tools will tell you about the page speed on desktop and mobile devices. Anything under three seconds is good, but anything over six seconds will simply ruin your search engine rankings.

Google Page Score

You will also have to look at your page quality and performance score. Log into your Google Webmaster Tools account and search for issues. If there are none, you can still make improvements, especially if your site is loading slowly. Take into consideration the origin of traffic. If you have an international audience, you might be better off using a CDN service. CDN stands for Content Distribution Network. As an example, if your host is located in Austin, Texas, and all the servers are there, and your traffic is coming from Europe, it will take while for the server to respond. A CDN service can solve this issue.

How To Get Your Site Updated

It is important that you get your website updated and check the loading time regularly, especially after installing new plugins or widgets. However, changing to a lighter theme is another option that can work really well. Instead of paying thousands to a web designer to create a new site, you can just add speed optimization plugins or change the settings manually. Getting a fresh installation will be likely to solve the problem. You can also get a mobile first optimised site developed by LMNts Marketing.

Your website's mobile performance matters. Make sure that you check your rankings and your page speed to keep the traffic flowing.

Laura is the owner of the UK online consultancy firm: LMNts Marketing.

She is devoted to helping small and medium sized businesses achieve their marketing goals, by creating customized websites, integrated automatic sales funnels, and engaging online marketing campaigns at a low price,

She is also the winner of Corporate Vision Awards 2015, and an expert in responsive web design. She holds a marketing degree and a PhD in Journalism, studying business administration in her spare time.

Her motto for customers confused about online marketing is: "Leave it to Laura".

About the author:

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Wednesday 2 September 2020

Google Begins Mobile-First Indexing: What Is It?

In the first of two features here, we look at Mobile First Indexing, which Google started in 2018

This is a really easy to follow guide by The Quint

How Can You Brand Yourself?

 Big brands, we all recognise them immediately. What's the one with the curly letter "M" again?

How do you get to be as instantly recognised as those big brands though? Start somewhere. Jon Allo gives a run through some techniques to get you off the mark

Personal branding is important for any business owner or person who wants to promote their business, products or services. When the public views you as an expert, they are likely to trust you more and want to hear more about what you are saying about a variety of topics. They will buy from you more readily because they trust you as an expert.

Become an Author

Publishing a book as an author can open many doors, especially if the book is well received. Today it's easier than ever to add "author" to your list of accomplishments due to Kindle Direct Publishing. Don't allow anyone to tell you that it won't work and it's not a good way to become an expert. It does, and it is.

Become a Speaker

If you have a lot of knowledge about a particular topic, consider adding public speaking to your resume. Speaking to groups of people has long been established to advance expertise, and nothing has changed. After all, the audience members will automatically assume you know what you are talking about or you wouldn't be talking.

Create an eCourse

Teaching what you know to others is a clear sign that you've mastered something enough to demonstrate and teach it to others. You can put courses on your own website, deliver them through email, or put them on a third party site like

Blog Regularly

Don't stop using your blog as a method to get your words out to your audience just because you move up in the world. Keep blogging at least weekly, but perhaps create longer content that is more authoritative in nature, providing a lot of in-depth information to your viewers.

Become a Regular Guest

You can be interviewed on radio, in print, and online by making yourself available. Contact your local press and let them know that if they do stories on your niche, you are available to speak to them. They are good people but busy, so they'll be more likely to use someone who's offered than to chase down those who haven't.

Start a Mastermind Group

A private mastermind group is a great way to establish and build your personal brand. You'll end up with a good solid fan base that knows your secrets and understands how you tick. They'll become promoters of your work, and in the process you'll earn some extra income.

Study Your Niche

Never stop studying. Time goes forward and things change. What was true just a month ago might not be true today. Don't be afraid to change your opinions and ideas based on the information you learn. To stay relevant in a niche you have to stay connected enough to understand what's new.

Branding is important for small business owners as well as large ones. If you have a limited budget, smart branding is perhaps the most inexpensive business tool you can create. To learn more about how to make you and your business stand out, download my free checklist, Branding For Small Businesses at

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How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...