Showing posts with label niche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label niche. Show all posts

Saturday 3 October 2020

28 Secrets to Become an Influencer & the Need to Digital Marketing Leadership

In this Article, you will find secrets to how to influence online in an authentic way and secrets and formula to the fundamentals of Digital Marketing Success.

(Article by Yasmin Muhammad Elias) 

28 Secrets to Become an Influencer

  1. Ask as an Equal

While dealing with your customers, clients or anybody, always remember the rule. "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you". Never do anything or demand anything without injecting politeness into your conversations. Always go for a win-win deal and nothing less. When asking, ask as an Equal so you are neither subordinate nor you subordinate others. Never go servile for your own self-respect. Business is business and it must be win-win. I strongly recommend you read the of Dr. Stephen R Covey on 7 Habits of Highly Effectively People and show your honest leadership as an Equal with anybody you deal in life.

  1. Stay Ordinary

One thing that has helped me climb the greater heights and land back to to lower heights is my ability to stay humble. In my Total Quality Management and Leadership classes back in in 2001 to 2004 that I pursued so ardently on one side and on the side I focused on tutoring Mathematics and Science subjects to the High School and College Students is that I could wind it up in 2 simple sentences:

(a) Humility Seeks to Bless. Humble in Spirit progress as the other Higher Spirits take charge of the humble ones and try to bless you in a way we are unaware of though we might be at the best conscious and conscientious level of endeavors and leadership traits. Being Ordinary and staying humble never gets outdated and always remember that.

(b) Pride Hopes to Impress and it falters. Arrogant shouts "I Know the Best" and it falters and is a sure sign of downfall. Penitent man will pass. However, humility dressed in pride progresses.

  1. Leap of Faith

Having faith in yourself and still more important having faith in God is everything. The rules of the Game always boils down to Character i.e. first and foremost starts with faith in God and faith in one's own self.

The book of Joe Girard " How to Sell Anything to Anybody" says it all. While selling any products, faith in oneself is mandatory and is far more superior than the faith in the products you are selling's. It's only when we have faith in ourselves despite trials, adversities, hardships and living with 'hope' that everything will turn out right despite the current difficulties, that's when we win. It doesn't matter if you are on the first staircase of of 1000 staircases or on the first rung of a new ladder, even though you cannot see the next second rung or staircase step, we must proceed forward with a 'Leap of Faith' with 100% trust in God.

  1. One True Fan

In online and social media, we get excited by the number of likes and fans we have such as on Instagram and Facebook and so on. Always remember, it's far better to have 'One True Fan' who is authentic than in thousands or millions who are not true. Live an authentic life and don't get faked my just likes and number of friends of Facebooks.

  1. Start with Skills you already know

While beginning your Leadership towards Digital Marketing, learn not to worry where others have reached. Just be satisfied with where you are and keep moving forward step by step in a strategic systematic approach. The best way to do that is by start with Skills you already you know. Your attempts, efforts, perseverance and persistence will help you on the journey towards permanent success in Digital Marketing and Financial Freedom. Follow the Rules of the Game. As drops make an ocean and so do each step you pursue towards your goal counts. "A journey of a 1000 miles always begins with a first step". Be Proactive and take actions and the rest will follow systematically.

  1. Ignorance of the Big Picture

Many people who start their journey towards financial freedom and Digital Marketing Leadership do not understand the need to see the 'Big Picture'. It's called the "Law of Lid" in Dr. John C Maxwell's book on "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". This book is awe inspiring and a must read for anybody who want to succeed in any kinds of leadership be it Digital or otherwise.

  1. Give 100%

Whatever you put your hands into, do it with high discipline, dedication, determination, persistence and Integrity.

  1. Everyone's Guessing

Anticipate. "The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting" -Andy Warhol

Do your part of focus on planning and anticipate to give and receive the best.

  1. Benefits and Limitations

In any task you undertake, always remember the pros and cons. I mean the benefits and Limitations in each of the tasks you have got to do. For example, when you are doing online business via Digital Marketing Leadership, the Benefits is the long term investment in your flexibility in your leisure hours and also the financial freedom you will attain with it. Nevertheless, there's Limitations too, and that is initially for the first few years just like developing your own business offline, you must undergo a huge discipline, determination and persistence until you see the fruits. Just take an example of a tender coconut seed. In order for the coconut to yield the fruit and give plenty of coconuts, they must be germinated methodically, fenced from harm or damage done by animals, then needs to be watered for 5 consecutive years. It's only in the fifth years of watering the coconut plant that has now become a small tree starts yielding the fruits and now it starts yielding plenty of them every three months. Therefore, foresee the Benefits of Financial Freedom and the hardships to be undergone in Digital Marketing Leadership by honing one skill at a time. Here, Patience, Determination and Discipline is a Virtue.

  1. We Rather than I

Always remember "Teamwork is Dream work". Always get the attitude right i.e. it should always be "We" rather than "I". Getting this right is so important. I cannot emphasize the importance of you reading "17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork" by Dr. John C Maxwell.

  1. Failure is the part of the Game

Failures are the stepping stone to success. The lessons we learn when we fail cannot be learnt otherwise. In fact to be success, failure is a part of it and inevitable. Thomas Alva Edison failed 9999 times before he invented the electric bulb. The lessons he learnt was simple: Thomas Edison learnt 9,999 ways he should not do to achieve his targeted vision. I recommend you reading the book "Failing Forward" by Dr. John C Maxwell as he has given umpteen examples on different great and popular personalities failed before they achieved total success.

  1. Show an Insight of your life

Digital Marketing Leadership is hard and I cannot under emphasize the reasons why I assert this statement. Besides, keeping learning the latest upcoming Social Media working and procedures to implement, the different plugins and different apps that come up to make our life easier, there's something I must admit i.e. Digital Marketing journey is a struggle because it's so impersonal and it's very difficult for people to Buy In to your ideas unless and until you express your Insights of your life with a finesse and a personal touch. You must treat your customers with same due respect, subtle care and warmth though professionally just as you would treat your guest. Therefore, it's so important to take a friendly approach and show an Insight of your own life yet maintain professionalism.

  1. Avoid Negative People like the Plague

An Optimist see the cup half-full and a pessimist see the cup half-empty. Therefore, it's so important to avoid the negative naysayers who will try so hard to convinces and give you hundreds of reasons why it cannot be done. This negative attitude spreads like plague or a pandemic. So, first and foremost, avoid the Negative people and the ignorant ones who try to convince like the plague.

  1. Don't be a Show Off

Humble down and humble yourself. Just like any offline business, it's going to take your dedication, time, investment and the most important of all your genuine efforts. Therefore, humble yourself and never Be a Show Off.

  1. Become Obsessed

Become so obsessed with your Life Vision and Success and do write them down in your Life Vision Journal Book. Just be Monomaniacal focused on the goals by building a routine and daily rituals.

  1. Become Transparent

In Digital Marketing Influence and Leadership, it's so important that you become transparent yet maintain the professionalism. Do not pretend to be perfect. Accept the Imperfection because we are humans at the end of the day and going through the same struggles and putting in efforts sometimes and not yielding the results we choose to. Therefore, become transparent professionally.

  1. The Power of Story

Revealing your secrets to success in your earlier successes or failures by having the ability to reveal the truth and hardship with the power of your own story is so important. Since computer and informational technology is so impersonal, we must touch people's heart and that can be done only by the ability of telling your past story connected to the leadership tips you are offering. This helps to build authenticity and trust with your customers.

  1. Advertising Works

The investment, efforts and time spent on advertising in different social media and the ability to learn the skills how to go about to expose yourself to more and more customers really works. In Short Adversity Works.

  1. A Journey in Social Proof

When it comes to Social Proof, play the turtle game. Let your Social Proof such as in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter grow and develop slow and steady just like a turtle. At the end of the day for a long term success, authenticity matters the most.

  1. Sacrifice to Success

We must give up to go up. In any leadership including Digital Marketing Leadership, it's so important to sacrifice especially the first few years, until you really build your online rapport and build your brand. So, the Law of Sacrifice counts a lot.

  1. The Power of Routine

The Power of Discipline and building a regular routine cannot be under-estimated. The great monuments such as Taj Mahal and the Pyramids were built in years by carrying one stone or working few hours' daily consistency. Therefore, a routine must be established such as your prayers, meditation, exercises, investing certain amount of hours daily, taking care of your health, heart, mind and soul set. Do not compromise one for another. Both the spiritual and the worldly part of the goals and your power of routine matters. I strongly recommend you read "5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma to build a standard Power of Routine and then build your own to choose your spiritual, financial and family goals.

  1. Quality vs Quantity

More always doesn't mean better. Remember, more money could imply more problems. Therefore, broaden your horizon and keep your vision nobler. Focus on Quality rather than Quantity.

  1. Choose your Work / Niche Carefully

Whatever you choose to embark your journey on, choose it wisely and carefully. Let the work be nobler and that's when the joy of financial freedom is greater. The joy of giving is greater than the joy of taking. Be a giver.

  1. There is no Magic Pill

Just like any business, there isn't any Magic Pill to success. The Magic Pill is only smart work combined with hard work, dedication, sacrifice, discipline, persistence besides striking a proper balance in personal and your professional life.

  1. You Don't Need to Reinvent the Wheel

We don't need to reinvent the new wheel. It's already there and you must reflect, contemplate and figure out step by step how to go about.

  1. Be Like Water

Be like Water, do not have the destination disease. Keep moving where the journey takes you. As long as you are living a principle-centered life, just relax and enjoy the journey. Do not have a fixed mindset. Just flow like water and focus on the principles and the compass.

  1. 90% of Success is just showing up

The great percentage of Success in life is showing up and being there in the game. No matter how hard, do not take a long break. Even if you are imperfect, just keep showing up. That's the rule of any game. Don't think of winning alone. Winners become winners by consistently showing up.

  1. Our Life's Purpose

Focus on your life's purpose and ask yourself why you are here. The clearer the picture you have of your Life's Purpose, then the better it's for you and will stay focused consistently no matter what adversities throw on your life. I strongly suggest you read the book by Simon Sinek titled "Find Your Why".

  1. The Importance of Leadership in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a marathon and not a 200 meter Sprint Race. The reasons why it's so important to focus on Leadership than Digital Marketing Management can be summarized in points as follows:

  • As Technology has become the source of our bread and financial earning, we must realize that there's no short cut strategies, procedures and techniques to the long-term success.
  • The unethical approaches in Digital Marketing Management such as click baits (which is nothing but an approach to trick the customers and drag them into your website) may gain short term benefits yet does not fetch long term benefits at all. So, the need to focus on Digital marketing Leadership is so important.
  • Taking a systematic approach than a haphazard approach will be like the Turtle and Rabbit Race where rabbit relaxes too much thinking it's quicker and smarter, whereas turtle always moves slow and steady stretching its neck to cross the finish line.

Learn all the intricacies of Digital Marketing Leadership by learning about the plugins and the dire need for the right plugins. Having a product to sell with the great content of your choice does not work any longer. Please remember for every two hours even during your sleep time, there are 200s of new websites coming up. So, it's so crucial to learn the secrets and get the right leadership training in matters such as Keywords, SEO Ranking techniques, using the right plugins, having original content though it can be either rewritten or your own and short, ability to track the pain points of your potential customers, and systematically train to develop your own leadership skills in Digital marketing industry and thus achieve financial freedom.

Thank you and enjoy your journey towards Digital Marketing Leadership and Financial Freedom.

(Resources: 42 Secrets to become an Influencer by Mr. Jerry Banfield (

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Sunday 6 September 2020

How To Build An Affiliate Marketing Website in 2020 (Make Money Online)

All you need to know about getting your website set up for your affiliate marketing business, including bonuses on niche and product selection

Wednesday 2 September 2020

How Can You Brand Yourself?

 Big brands, we all recognise them immediately. What's the one with the curly letter "M" again?

How do you get to be as instantly recognised as those big brands though? Start somewhere. Jon Allo gives a run through some techniques to get you off the mark

Personal branding is important for any business owner or person who wants to promote their business, products or services. When the public views you as an expert, they are likely to trust you more and want to hear more about what you are saying about a variety of topics. They will buy from you more readily because they trust you as an expert.

Become an Author

Publishing a book as an author can open many doors, especially if the book is well received. Today it's easier than ever to add "author" to your list of accomplishments due to Kindle Direct Publishing. Don't allow anyone to tell you that it won't work and it's not a good way to become an expert. It does, and it is.

Become a Speaker

If you have a lot of knowledge about a particular topic, consider adding public speaking to your resume. Speaking to groups of people has long been established to advance expertise, and nothing has changed. After all, the audience members will automatically assume you know what you are talking about or you wouldn't be talking.

Create an eCourse

Teaching what you know to others is a clear sign that you've mastered something enough to demonstrate and teach it to others. You can put courses on your own website, deliver them through email, or put them on a third party site like

Blog Regularly

Don't stop using your blog as a method to get your words out to your audience just because you move up in the world. Keep blogging at least weekly, but perhaps create longer content that is more authoritative in nature, providing a lot of in-depth information to your viewers.

Become a Regular Guest

You can be interviewed on radio, in print, and online by making yourself available. Contact your local press and let them know that if they do stories on your niche, you are available to speak to them. They are good people but busy, so they'll be more likely to use someone who's offered than to chase down those who haven't.

Start a Mastermind Group

A private mastermind group is a great way to establish and build your personal brand. You'll end up with a good solid fan base that knows your secrets and understands how you tick. They'll become promoters of your work, and in the process you'll earn some extra income.

Study Your Niche

Never stop studying. Time goes forward and things change. What was true just a month ago might not be true today. Don't be afraid to change your opinions and ideas based on the information you learn. To stay relevant in a niche you have to stay connected enough to understand what's new.

Branding is important for small business owners as well as large ones. If you have a limited budget, smart branding is perhaps the most inexpensive business tool you can create. To learn more about how to make you and your business stand out, download my free checklist, Branding For Small Businesses at

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Wednesday 19 August 2020

How to Get Traffic To Your Website (Fast!) 2020

When looking to accelerate traffic to your website, this guide from Caffeinated Blogger will really assist you in just that, as long as you are in the right tribe ... watch to see what this means

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Invasion of the Blogs

For great tips on what to put in a blog, Meryl K. Evans goes in depth to help you understand why a blog can be so much more than just a blog

Lemmings are cute, but dumb. If you tell them to jump off a cliff, they will. Just like the people who start blogs because everyone is doing it. Guess what happens after a little while? The blogs die.

In managing a list of many Web sites, most of which are blogs, I deleted countless sites from the list because the sites and blogs no longer existed. The people ran out of steam or had no reason to start them in the first place.

How do you know when a blog is right for your business? Learn why people start blogs, how they find their niche and how blogging tools can be used for more than blogs.

Blog content is king

Some people like to read blogs, others like to read newsletters, still others like to rely on feeds and some read a few or all of them. No matter the method the information is distributed, each medium has one thing in common: content. Having a blog connects your newsletter and your business with all of these readers and delivers important content in a particular style.

I've been blogging since June 2000. If you review my early blog entries in meryl's notes, you'll notice they're more personal. When blogs first hit the scene in the late '90s, they were personal diaries and journals. Like the blog business, my blog has transformed from personal to business speak, although I still add personal notes here and there.

A few bloggers tend to talk about their work, their products and their little world. That might work for celebrities where fans want to know everything about them, but it doesn't work for the average business person. Other business people want information on how to succeed and when a blog spends time hawking products offering information of no value, few people will return. The people whose products sell well are the ones who provide valuable information. Readers already know what kind of information they're getting, so they trust that when they buy something, it will be of the same or better quality. This value must be reflected in their blog. It's much like people who only sign up for a newsletter after first seeing an example.

Who should venture where one has not blogged before?
No one wants to be a lemming (I would hope). How do you decide whether or not to set up a blog? The answer isn't black or white (what did you expect?). Ask these questions:

Can you regularly update it -- at least five times a week?

Do you have something to say other than just linking to others?

Do you read other blogs or feeds?

Can you provide information of value to others not just to yourself?

How large is your newsletter subscriber list?

How many unique visitors do you get on an average day, week or month?

The big decider is whether or not you can write in the blog almost daily. The people behind the high traffic blogs post multiple times a day. Though resourceful, merely linking to other sites doesn't give visitors much reason to make the effort to come to yours. Reading other blogs or feeds is a great way to learn how to carry a discussion. Find other blogs covering topics similar to yours and check them out. Disagree with their opinions? Write about it and explain your reasons. Cross-blog discussions are common, and that's where trackback comes in handy.
Trackback is a blog feature. If you decide to comment on another blog posting in your blog instead of in that blog's comments page, then you link to the conversation through the trackback link. Trackback is similar to the permalink, the permanent URL for the blog entry, but it has a different URL for copying and pasting in your blog's trackback box.

Aside from the technical aspects of operating a blog on a daily basis, subscriber list size and Web site traffic are good indicators of what kind of reaction you'll get when opening a blog. Starting from scratch with little traffic means you have a long road ahead and lots of work to do. There is no magic formula anyone can sell you for $97 to make your blog an overnight success. But with some perseverance and ingenuity, your blog can engage many prospects and clients.

Pick a niche

Considering there are numerous blogs out there, pick a niche topic when starting a blog for a better shot at attracting and keeping an audience. meryl's notes focuses on three areas: webby, geeky and wordy. In reality, this is too much. What I need to do for my readers is create three separate blog entry points, so those interested in writing, newsletters and Internet marketing get nothing but the wordy entries. Those interested in Web design get the webby stuff and the technophiles receive the geeky content.

I also manage a personal blog separate from meryl's notes. It's about cochlear implants and deafness. This could fall under the geeky category, but it's a personal blog and doesn't belong in meryl's notes. This blog is written for a different audience.

The blogging tools for both of my blogs come with syndication capabilities so those using feed readers or aggregators can read the content through the software. For an explanation of syndication and feed readers, refer to What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, and Atom Business? When sending a new issue of a newsletter, comment on it or link to it in the blog, that way the blog and feed readers will get the goods, so all three bases are covered.

Blogs in disguise use the same tools

Blogging tools aren't just for, well, blogging. Such tools are an excellent way to help you update your Web site more often than you otherwise would. I use it to manage the list of tableless Web sites. Using blogging tools is much easier than the way I managed it before, updating the HTML files by hand. Though using a blog tool, it isn't a blog. In this case, the blog tool has become a content management system (CMS).

Small business owners don't have a need for the fancy and pricey CMSes out there. They find it easier to use blogging software to manage their sites or hire someone to adapt the tool for their site. Women's Spirituality is one such site. Karen Casey may not use the blog, but she does have discussions surrounding the articles she writes.

Blogs have found a place in businesses and people are finding creative ways to use them. Some companies have a blog on the intranet for communicating project status, jeopardies and metrics. They're used for knowledge management. With information pouring in, blog tools provide a way to share, organize and process the information.

Being a follower can be good or bad. No one wants to walk off a cliff with the lemmings, but everyone wants to succeed. Best practices won't help, since the decision to blog is based on the organization's mission, needs and goals along with its target market's desires and needs. A blog about lemmings? There is one, sort of. Or maybe you'd like to start your own and talk about dumb business moves.

Author Bio
Meryl K. Evans (, Content Maven, is the editor of eNewsletter Journal and Shavlik's The Remediator Security Digest. She writes columns for PC Today, InformIT, and MarketingProfs. Contact her to get content that inspires action.

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Friday 14 August 2020

Cold Email: How We Use It To Get Clients In 2020 [Step-By-Step Tutorial]

Having an email list to build your funnel is well-known and crucial to many businesses

But what about "cold emailing"?

  • What is it?
  • How would you use it?

Watch how Sean Anthony explains:

Monday 10 August 2020

How to Start Your Dream Business and Create a Full-Time Income Using the Internet and Your iPhone

If you follow my blog regularly you've probably seen featured articles by AJ Simon, who writes some great starter guides for online businesses

How about this for a step by step intro? Note, although AJ promotes Builderall, don't forget about the free page builder and sales system offer on GrooveFunnels (current in August 2020)

In this article I will reveal how to start your dream business and create a full-time income using the internet and your iPhone. These methods work for 2020 and will continue to work in the distant future.

How to Start Your Dream Business and Create a Full-Time Income Using the Internet and Your iPhone:

When I first started online back in 2007, I was so eager to learn all the tricks to creating income from the internet. I was obsessed with the idea of having complete freedom and enjoying my life on my own terms.

It was a HARD journey for me. But fortunately for you, I figured it out.

Here are the exact steps for creating an online business from scratch:

Step Number One

First off, we need to identify your target niche. The niche is the most important step out of all four steps. If you get this wrong, you will waste a ton of time.

Make sure to pick a niche in one of these topics: How to make money online, how to lose weight, how to pay off debt, how to attract what you want or how to find your soul mate.

These topics are full of hungry buyers. These people have problems they want to solve. So these are the niche topics I'd suggest you start your dream business around.

Step Number Two

Second, we need to pick a product to promote or have one created around the niche topic we chose. You can find affiliate products on affiliate networks or you can outsource the product creation on UpWork or Fiverr.

You'd be surprised how many online marketers don't even create their own information products. If you are going to do affiliate marketing, I suggest picking a commission payout of 50 percent or higher. Step Number Three

Third, we need to create an automated selling system to do the "selling and telling" for us. BuilderAll is my favorite sales funnel creator. You can find all sorts of information online for using it.

You will need to create a landing page and email marketing follow-up series. These will get you the leads you need and do the hard task of selling on your behalf.

Step Number Four

Finally, we need to get targeted website traffic to our sales funnel so we can convert those leads to paying customers. Solo ads, Google Ads and Bing Ads are the "go to" methods I'd choose.

Now that you know exactly what you need to do to create a full-time income online using the internet and your iPhone, I wish you the best of luck on your adventure!

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

About the author:

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Sunday 9 August 2020

Best 6 E-commerce Platforms for Your Brand
Lately we have been promoting the one stop shop of GROOVEFUNNELS a lot, due to the products of GroovePages and GrooveSell being FREE

However, if the offer on GROOVEFUNNELS is not for you and you are still looking for alternative ECommerce platforms, this article by "Daily brewed content" gives a fair selection of well known products

Selecting the right e-commerce platform is vital for the success of your brand. It would help if you were careful while choosing as those platforms will be responsible for your brand to grow or change.

Firstly, you need to analyze which e-commerce platform is ideal for your brand as not all of them focus on the same thing.

After listing your priorities, you can look at the given below e-commerce platforms that might boost your sales.

1. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is ideal for those brands that need a customizable platform, know WordPress well, and have coding chops. It is a platform that has high customizability, built-in analytics, and 24/7 customer support. However, it doesn’t allow proper SEO and social media marketing.

2. Shopify

Shopify is extremely popular in the world of e-commerce marketing. It is the platform for those who rely on social media marketing to sell or who do drop shipping. It is simple, flexible, and scalable for small and medium-sized brands. As Shopify focuses on marketing and gives customer experience management, it struggles to handle the most significant brands.

3. Big Commerce

Unlike Shopify, Big Commerce can handle large brands and with better SEO performance. It has a one-page checkout experience that can boost your conversion rate, but it fails to give the one-click up-sells that Shopify does. But if you go for Big Commerce, you can get high customizability and constant customer support.

4. OpenCart

If you find Big Commerce expensive, you can go for OpenCart. It’s open-source and free-to-use, but you can invest in add-ons costing from free to $100. It would help if you had a strong coding ability to use its high customizability as their support isn’t as strong as others.

5. Squarespace

Squarespace is used by small brands, who don’t need much coding skills. It is an appealing platform with excellent design from a simple drag-and-drag interface based on several beautiful templates. But it is not ideal for you if you want high sales or focus on e-commerce.

6. Magento

Magento, by Adobe, is especially prevalent in Asia. NowFree Web Content, North American companies have started to acknowledge the power behind this platform. Magento eCommerce development is an ideal platform for small or large brands that can handle a more complicated interface than Squarespace.

For more details: Click here

Source: Free Articles from

Monday 3 August 2020

Affiliate Marketing Trending in India 2020!

Affiliate marketing is great for selling someone else's products and getting a commission for your efforts. It's availability may not be completely worldwide, but it certainly offers huge marketplaces

In this article Mallika Joshi explains how it is working in India

So, What Exactly Affiliate Marketing Is?

Affiliate marketing involves referring other people to purchase the product of a specific company. Whenever any person purchases your referral, the company will give you a commission. Now, this seems to be a simple process or technique of earning money conveniently.

Let's just take an example. Suppose you promote a smartphone brand such as Samsung, you can easily provide a link to the product through your social media handles. When any of your followers click on that referral, and if any of them buys the smartphone, you will be paid a commission by Samsung for every sale.

How Affiliate Marketing Works?

Note that affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing. When you do affiliate marketing, you play the role of a marketer.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you act as an online salesperson who sells the products of a certain company. Of course, you are not going to be an employee of that company. The person who owns the product is called a trader or merchant; on the other hand, the person who promotes it is called the affiliate marketer.

You might be wondering how you can connect with the trader; then, you need to understand that affiliate networks help you achieve that.

Also, whenever anyone purchases the product via your referral, it is a win-win situation for you(the marketer), the merchant and the affiliate network.

The reason why affiliate marketing in India is trending nowadays is that many people or businesses have profited a lot from this whole ecosystem. It is worth mentioning here that even an ordinary person can become a millionaire with the help of affiliate marketing.

Let's discuss further in detail about four major players involved in this ecosystem of affiliate marketing. This is highly important if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer.

1. Owner of the product-Merchant or Trader
As said earlier, the owner of the product is called a merchant. When we talk about e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc, these also come in the category of merchants.

Brands like Samsung,Apple,Intex,Dell,etc are also merchants.

2. The Affiliate
Next comes the affiliate marketers who can also be called as the publisher. The affiliate is the one who receives a commission for every sale via his or her referral. It would help if you understood that you don't require any significant investment to get a website created. That is why we said earlier that if you are looking for a passive income, nothing can be easier and cheaper than affiliate marketing.

Through videos, blogs, and social media posts, you can easily promote the product.

One of the most critical pieces of advice for you is that you should promote products that are in accordance with the kinds of blogs you post, the videos you post, etc. If you post educational content on your blogs, it would be inappropriate to promote fashion stuff.

3. Affiliate Network

The publisher or the affiliate can connect with the merchant or trader with the help of an affiliate network.

An affiliate network can be better understood as the link between the affiliate and the merchant.

It's crucial to understand that the affiliate network provides payment processing tools to the publisher.

On the other hand, the affiliate network provides ad tracking tools to the merchants.

If you are curious to know how affiliate networks will help you in earning money, then you need to understand that there is something called CPC.

Besides, CPC(Cost Per Click), there are other ways like CPI(Cost Per Install) and CPS(Cost Per Sale).

4. Customers or Consumers
The last player of the whole ecosystem is the customers. Whether the above three players will be profited only if the consumers buy products, anyone can be a customer. It is the responsibility of the affiliate to influence the customers to buy a particular product. As said earlier, for this content marketing can be used by the affiliate, even YouTube videos can be used to influence the customers. The tracking mechanism works as soon as the customer follows the affiliate link to make a purchase.

Where To Begin?

If you want to start affiliate marketing, go through these simple steps.

1. Signing up for an Affiliate Program
First and foremost, to become an affiliate marketer, signing up for an affiliate marketer program is required.

Some of the options which work best for beginners are Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate, BIGROCK Affiliate, etc.

The reason such types of big affiliate programs are recommended is that they already have a wide customer base.

2. Affiliate Link
An affiliate link customized specifically for your username related to the product you will promote for them.

3. Influencing Potential Customers
Now comes your turn as an affiliate marketer to promote the product through various social media or online platforms. In order to publicize the product, blogs, along with the affiliate link will work best.

Even Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram posts,etc can be beneficial.

So, this was all about how you can easily set yourself up as an affiliate.

How To Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

There are a lot of affiliate marketers out there, so it can be quite difficult to be successful as an affiliate. Don't worry; we will help you to stand out in the crowd.

1.Choosing the most profitable niche
You need to understand that the most profitable niches can vary from time to time. So, staying updated is going to help you throughout the journey of affiliate marketing.

Besides this, it is very significant to choose a particular niche, so that you can target a particular audience for greater conversion.

With your blog posts, you will not only be delivering useful content to your audience but also you can promote them to buy certain products with the help of a referral.

Some of the most profitable niches which have a lot of scopes are the beauty industry, health and wellness industry, travel, adventure sports, etc.

2.Choosing the right niche for your blog posts
Some of you might be wondering what exactly a niche is? So, let's say if you have a lot of knowledge about beauty related products or basically if beauty is your industry, then beauty products can be your niche. You should make sure that your interest and expertise in that niche is enough to ensure your audience trusts your recommendations.

3.Selecting the product, you will promote
This is the most crucial step; for instance, you have chosen electronics and your niche. Let's take an example of laptops; then, you can find various brands in the markets.

Firstly, you can select a product based on its popularity and brand name, in this case, you will go for big brands.

The second technique involves choosing the product to promote based on your individual opinions.

If you choose to promote products of big brands, then we all know that these brands already have a good reputation. So, all you need to do is focus on creating quality content that can persuade the customers to buy the product.

On the other hand, if you have decided to promote products based on your personal preferences, you need to develop content with extra effort. When you are promoting products about which a customer may or may not have much liking as the brand may or may not be big, you need to develop content that strongly encourages customers to click on the link. Of-course, the level of persuading skills you require is much greater than that required for the first case.

Also, remember in digital marketing, relevant stuff will always be valued.

These were the three steps that can take your affiliate marketing strategies to the next level. With our tips, we are sure that you will be able to fetch good traffic to the trader or the merchant's site.


So, we have reached the end of this article. We hope that you got an insight into how to set yourself up as an affiliate marketer.

You should follow all of these tips to be successful as an affiliate. Remember that there is immense scope for affiliate marketers in India, as very few bloggers are doing it. So, this is the right time to start. With smart work, no one can stop you from becoming a profitable affiliate marketer. Besides, this following the latest marketing strategies and long-term planning will help you a lot.

At we are dedicated to simplifying the product research process for our consumers. By cutting through the noise of hundreds and thousands of product reviews and specification comparisons online, we help you find the product that best fits your lifestyle and budget.

About the author:

Sunday 26 July 2020

How to make money through Internet Marketing

What a title right? "How to make money through internet marketing".
That is the reason we promote our materials, to help people get an insight into what they can do to stay current and effective in today's digital  marketplace. Kenny Lim takes us through the overview:

Earning money has always been associated with traditional ' offline ' methods in the real world. With the Internet taking over much of our lives, more people are looking for ways to make money online and improve their financial cash flows.

How to make money through Internet Marketing:

The amount of research proving the positive effects of Internet Business is growing. It is never too late to ride into this tremendous world of Internet Market wagon.

First of all, just take a look into the Internet Marketing System which is essentially the 4 basic steps:


A)Niche Market

For this article, I would like to begin with the “Niche” market. Internet Business starts with the idea of providing a solution to the problem peoples are facing. Lots of people searching on the internet to look for information to solve their problems. An example of a niche will be the pregnancy where people want to have children and wish to get their wives pregnant but are not able to do so. Another example of what we want to do in this section is to run an internet business with the most profitable and the most Evergreen business. You don't have to worry about your business going out of style or your customers going away and you may not be able to do it for a long time.

Niche Examples: 

Pain Relief
Personal Development
Weight Loss
Internet Marketing
Home Business

Internet Business is where people want to learn how to make money online and the process of learning how to make money online never ends even I continue to learn every single day in this business and this is good news because you can continuously market and sell products for a very long time without fail.

B)Find a Profitable Niche that you are passionate about

Evergreen long-term Niche Market that you can consider when you are choosing one. Choose one that's already proven to be popular. But the second point is you should be passionate about when you go into any single business. You need to have a genuine interest in the business otherwise it's very difficult for you to go the long way.

C)Find Niches in Market Place

You can do some research on the Internet and here's just to introduce one of the popular places to find niches and it is essentially the Marketplace.

In their website, some of the popular categories:


There are more categories, ClickBank is a billion-dollar company and so it does not place categories there for fun, every single category has been painstakingly researched over the years and proven to be profitable so all of these are good examples of markets that you can consider going into because they have been proven to be profitable.

A relevant example of the market that I know very well and have been in for a very long time is the e-business & e-marketing. So, you can sign up a free account and login to understand the marketplace more in detail and to check out the products if you want to further specialized

D)Research Keywords or Key Phrases  

To target the right audience and market more specifically, one of the important points is to research with so-called Keywords or Key Phrases which peoples are searching for. And it turns into our product or services business opportunity that is very likely what peoples are eventually looking for a solution to solve their problems.

There are a few free Keyword research website recommended:

When people search the keyword for "Internet Marketing" or "Make Money Online," you can't get a better customer by analyzing people who have a problem with making money online on the internet to look for available resources. and what you want to do is to provide people with solutions to the problems so we grab the keyword and it does give you a very good indication of how many people are searching for the keyword “make money from home”

These Keyword searching websites are very good Market intelligence tools where you can have in the back of your head what is going to be great as this tool can help you build your future Targeted Audience.

There's nothing like a little inspiration to get you started, so I thought I'd share what I've been working.


Thank you for reading this article. The next article will be touching on “Product”.

About the author: I am an Operation Manager in Electronic Manufacturing Industries for the past 30 years. An Internet entrepreneur by night. Creating Smart, Excellently-planned Internet marketing strategy to help to attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal and ultimately achieve long-term, more sustainable passive income. I write articles on topics of Internet Marketing, Personal Development, Business Psychology.

Monday 13 July 2020

How to Start an Online Business Fast - The 3 Steps You Should Take This Year!

We all have to start somewhere, but that is often the hardest point where many people can give up. There's a lot of great info out there on running an online business but sometimes we just need a general overview to understand what it's all about.

This great article by AJ Simon takes that first step

How to start an online business fast and easy using these simple to follow strategies that anyone can implement starting today. Discover how easy it is to get your own business off the ground.
In this article, I will reveal the fastest way to start an online business from scratch and how you can easily quit your 9 to 5 day job using simple marketing systems. Let's get started...
1.) First you need to pick a target niche. This is a VERY IMPORTANT step. If you pick the wrong niche, you won't make as much money. I suggest sticking to the top niche topics like Insurance, Health and Wellness, Finance and Make Money Online.
These topics are full of hungry buyers who are eager to solve their problems as fast as possible. It's up to you to give them the solution to these problems. If you can solve their problems, you can become a very successful internet marketer.
2.) Second, you need to set-up an auto-responder series. This will give you the ultimate POWER over your business. You can set up a series of emails that will give value to your potential buyers and start selling them relevant content.
However, don't pitch in each email you send. Make sure to give free tips, advice and tactics they can use to benefit their own lives.
3.) Third, you need to send targeted traffic to your lead magnet and start generating leads. I'm sure you've heard the term "Traffic is King." Well, it's true!
If you don't have people seeing your products, you will never make money from home. So make sure to get the best targeted traffic there is. I suggest "Search Traffic." It's the highest targeted traffic you can get.
Articles are a great way to get search engine traffic and promote your online business through SEO. Search engine optimization can drive free traffic to your websites and grow your email marketing list at no cost.
This will take some time to research the right keywords, but it's totally worth the effort. I suggest that you plan out at least an hour of work per day on this endeavour.
You need to test out different sources of advertising and scale up your business ventures. That's the golden recipe for success in the online business arena. These 3 steps have taken thousands of people from 0 to 6 figure business's in as little as a year.
These steps are the best ways you can start an online business fast. Hope you enjoyed!
Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?
If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

Article Source:

Monday 15 June 2020

How To Choose The Best Affiliate Program And Make Money Online

Throughout this article, which has been adapted from the original by Christian Battistoni, we consider how there is so much choice in affiliate programs and how we should consider what is best for our own business.

Advertising products and services via the net is certainly less difficult and more profitable when compared to conventional advertising strategies. With the hundreds of thousands of people worldwide getting online every day, there’s an enormous opportunity for a service provider to promote their products and generate huge income.

However, merchandisers are not the handiest ones who can gain from online advertising. A booming enterprise nowadays offers high-quality opportunity as properly to individuals as associate entrepreneurs. In affiliate marketing, an affiliate marketer doesn’t need to have his very own products and services to sell. All he desires to do is to refer human beings to the merchant’s enterprise web page for them to buy the goods and thereby, earn a fee.

The important thing to an affiliate marketer’s achievement is to pick out a good affiliate application and to employ splendid advertising strategies in promoting the products to clients. Why exactly is there no single clear winner amongst associate programs? There is no “quality associate advertising and marketing program,” as one software might make one affiliate marketer a millionaire and the opposite an annoyed marketer. In other words, it could be a fulfillment to one and a failure to every other. However, there genuinely is great affiliate marketing software, to start out with. A way to make it exceptional could now rely upon you.

But before you reflect on consideration on how you're going to make it pleasant and financially worthwhile, first reflect on consideration on how you are going to land on an awesome associate software with the lots of affiliate advertising possibilities abounding on the internet these days. Try to inspect the following hints and recommendations on a way to fine pick out the affiliate software that’s proper for you.

Data, that’s what you need so that you can make the right preference. It's remarkably useful when you have already focused your niche to a specific hobby, which can be the topic of your internet site (if you have already got one). In this manner, you'll be capable of directing yourself in the direction of a program that honestly fits your desires, wishes, and assets. It might be less complicated to be able to eliminate options that are not proper to your personal standards for an excellent associate advertising and marketing application. You can join affiliate forums and research a few recommendations and get guidelines from skilled affiliate marketers. However, be wise enough to weigh up their benefits before you buy them.

Internet affiliate marketing software networks are the correct places to search for choices. Right there you can encounter traders and affiliate entrepreneurs. The traders advertise their associate applications to interested affiliates who join up inside the network totally free. Third-party affiliate program networks are beneficial considering they provide you with getting right of entry to a big range of advertisers (merchandisers) concurrently. You may easily track and compare their sales statistics, performances, benefits, products, and services.

So now you have choices, the next query is which amongst the options is the right one. Right here are a few things to take into account in identifying which to take and which to reject. First is the pleasantness of the goods and offerings. As an affiliate marketer your intention isn't best to make visitors of your site click on the link to another business site; but more importantly, to promote the product in order that they might buy it. If the customers are not convinced upon going to the enterprise web site, then you definitely don’t earn. Be certain the products you are endorsing are worthwhile or in the enterprise context, saleable. Ask yourself: if I were the consumer, would I buy it? Would I endorse it to my circle of relatives or a associates? If you can’t convince yourself or those you know to buy it, test your next alternative.

Next is the affiliate program or the merchandiser’s records. Look into their preceding and present sales records, their validated and examined affiliate advertising structures, and their companions’ studies with them. Even though the fulfillment of this system simply relies upon you, this one remains very important. The sales statistics don’t necessarily display how right the associates are, but they speak approximately of the products’ reliability, marketplace availability, and the corporation or the merchandisers’ reputation as well. Moreover, check out and thoroughly study the enterprise’s reimbursement plan. Your purpose for joining this system is to earn, so ensure you’ll be paid for all your efforts fairly.

In case you do now not have tons of time to promote intensively the affiliate products by means of growing banners, pics, and articles, choose affiliate packages that help you create these on your web web site. It would be awesome if the agency provides education on how to effectively market merchandise on-line. Take into account that affiliate advertising is a partnership, so make certain your companion is capable of guide you as you help him promote his services and products.

Note all the benefits and disadvantages of every program you are thinking about so you can truly see the difference among your options; then later, evaluate the best parts of the packages with your own tick list. Take time to acquire all the data you need to pick out the proper software. Bear in mind a knowledgeable preference is an excellent outcome.

Original article source:

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