Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 September 2020

12 Basic Steps For New User To Grow On Instagram

 If you want a dozen steps for Instagram growth this guide from "ChrisJames1211" will give you  thirteen (a bonus number 2 tip too!)

Instagram is one of the largest and most important channels for your brand or business to be found by consumers.  An active and growing Instagram is an essential tool for building credibility and revenue in 2020 and beyond.

In order to grow your business, and stand out from competitors, you must have a large and growing following and a whole lot of likes. 

With the continued popularity of influencer marketing, brands and people are become famous, almost overnight, with a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Sometimes it can feel like your Instagram engagement has barely scratched the surface. 

So how do you Increase Instagram Engagement and get likes on Instagram? The best approach is to use a mix of the organic building as well as reputable growth services, such as CertifiedLikes.  Growth services can help you instantly add real likes, add real Instagram followers, and build your Instagram profile overnight. Purchasing or “boosting” likes and engagement will show credibility and popularity to potential consumers, who will then follow and engage with your profile or product because they now have a better perception and confidence in your brand. CertifiedLikes also offers a free trial for free likes and free followers to test the quality of their service.

There are other tips and tricks which we recommend to engage to help build your Instagram profile over time, to gain the most organic followers and likes.  Here are our top 10 ideas, strategies, and tips from social media experts to help you get likes on Instagram. 

1. Complete Your Profile 

This tip might seem too simple to mention, but you’d be surprised how many brands or influencers leave their account incomplete or void. 

It is a social etiquette that you should always fill out your account bio and use a profile image. Remember that people use your profile to judge or gauge whether or not they can trust, learn, or understand who or what your brand is on Instagram. 

Take the time to select an appropriate profile image… it can be a logo, product, or brand persona. Remember that your profile image will be small, so try to pick something that will allow followers to easily identify you. 

Instagram only allows you to use 150 characters in your bio, so use them wisely. Think of your profile bio as an elevator pitch, by the end of it all, followers should know a lot or little about your brand. 


2. Use High-Quality Photos

Instagram is a highly visual social media app… from your first selfie to brands showing off new their newest products and happy customers. If you want to stand out or compete with brands, you must post high-quality images. If photography and editing is not your top skill, have someone assist you with this critical part of your profile.


2. Make Your Account Public 

Another no brainer, make your Instagram account public. When your account is private, it limits new followers and likes from reaching your account. There’s a trend that making your Instagram account private gives followers the illusion of exclusivity or “fear of missing out.”

This may be true for popular Instagram accounts with a large following, but it will work against brands looking to increase their Instagram engagement and quickly build a following.


3. Use Relevant and Local Hashtags

Hashtags are what makes your post discoverable. The more you use hashtags, the more exposure your post will receive. Instagram limits users to 30 hashtags per post (in captions, stories, or comments), so you’ll have to find the popular and relevant hashtags related to your post. 

Avoid using hashtags that have nothing to do with your brand or your image; as this can feel like spam and can turn people away from your account. 


4. Have a Consistent Theme

People love the consistency as much as they love creativity. Going beyond the constant use of filters. Consistency also includes the type of content you promise people in exchange for likes. 

Brands that suffer from lack of Instagram engagement should step back and see if there are any inconsistencies with their branding or Instagram content theme. 

For example, if people want to know that if they follow an Instagram account about dogs, they’re going to see cute puppies, not clothing or shoes. Have a consistent theme to attract followers and increase likes. 


5. Master Your Online Branding 

As a social media manager (or the person posting content on your blog), your online brand determines a lot more than what you might think. Your online brand defines the type of content, what your photos say about you with or without captions. For example, Burger King is a fun, fast food brand that has mastered a colorful and youthful online branding on Instagram. Without the need for a logo, users can instantly spot and identify Burger King content. 


6. Tag Your Geo-Location

Make sure to always tag your geo-location in your post. Let Instagram users know where you are, and connect with your content more easily. Tagging a general location (like “New York City” instead of a specific restaurant) will increase the chances that people will see it. People looking for photos near them will be likely to engage with them, meaning you have an excellent opportunity to get more likes on your photos!


7. Partner with Other Accounts

Grow quickly with partners and other Instagram influencers!  Reach out to a complimenting brand and do a co-promotion or Instagram takeover. Combing your followers and audience will help to increase your Instagram engagement and likes. 

Be sure to tag each other so viewers interested can quickly find you both. 


8. Use Your Instagram Stories 

More than 42% of users have become more interested in a brand/product after seeing their  Instagram Story. Instagram stories have made their way into the daily lives of users and is one of the best ways to show how active your account is as well as highlight your new post to get more likes. 

Tip: You can also add hashtags to your stories to make them more discoverable to other Instagram followers who aren’t following your account. 


9. Share Your Post on Other Platforms 

Sharing your content on other digital platforms helps to expand your reach to new likes and increase engagement. You can share your post on other platforms with these three easy tips: 

  • Add an Instagram widget or feed to your blog
  • Automatically share content right on Instagram with button options
  • You can directly share a link to your post in blog articles or other platforms, directing likes to your post. 

Check out how brands such as West Elm share their Instagram feed on their website, allowing shoppers to see how real customers style their products. 


10. Share Behind the Scenes Photos 

Everyone loves to take a peek behind the curtain, people are curious to see how something is made, and the synergy between your team. 

You aren’t just sharing behind the scenes content, you’re growing loyalty with the quality of your products and the people behind it, as well as building a relationship with life-long customers.


11. Run a Tag-to-Enter Giveaway

Giveaways are one of the best tools to get likes on Instagram and help to make your account more noticeable!  Host a giveaway with an Insta-worthy prize and ask participants to tag a friend or friends to gain automatic entry. 

This technique allows new followers and users to see your account, follow, like, and engage with your brand to grab your attention and win. 

Once you have a giveaway method and prize down, simply wash, rinse, and repeat for future giveaways. 

12. Reply to Comments 

If you want to get likes on Instagram, engagement is the name of the game. The more engagement your post gets, the more it’s noticed by others, and the more likes it can receive. 

Always be sure to reply to comments and talk with your followers each time you post. Open up the conversation and watch little by little as people begin to interact with you. 

Remember also to always post consistently! Posting every now and then won’t cut it if you want to get likes on Instagram. One thing popular influencers and marketing experts have sworn by in regards to their Instagram success is posting consistently on social media. 

This can range from 7 days a week to only a few select days. But once followers expect you to post daily or on certain days, you’ll have to keep that schedule, or you’ll resist losing followers and likes.   Following these tipsFind Article, combined with a reputable social media boosting service to help give your account an automatic boost is a formula for success used by most top brands and influencers today.

Source: Free Articles from

Sunday 6 September 2020

How to Improve Instagram Engagement?

For an insight to boosting your Instagram engagement, Kim Lyon tells us how.

Instagram is an ideal marketing platform for brands and businesses. To make a successful marketing on Instagram, in addition to the number of followers, the Instagram engagement is a much healthier metric to measure.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. There are 1 billion active users monthly on Instagram. 90% of accounts follow at least one business on Instagram. 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile daily. Without doubt, Instagram is an ideal marketing platform for brands and businesses.


So how to make a successful marketing on Instagram? The first thing you may think about is the number of followers, but Instagram engagement is a much healthier metric to measure. Besides, engagement is one of the key three things the Instagram algorithm considers when ordering content in users’ feeds and explore pages, which means you should focus on the engagement in addition to the number of followers. High engagement can make your post reach more users and have an exposure in the explore pages. High engagement can also make your followers more trust you.

What is Instagram Engagement?

Instagram Engagement refers to how your followers interact with your Instagram posts. It can be a "Like", "Comment" or "Save" on a post or a “View” on a video. It can be measured by Instagram engagement rate.

How to calculate Instagram engagement rate?

There are several ways to calculate the Instagram engagement rate. You can also use some tools like Instagram Insights to track your engagement rate.


Instagram engagement rate is the sum of the comments, likes, saves and views that you receive per post, divided by the number of followers you have.


Instagram engagement rate is the sum of the comments, likes, saves and views that you receive per post, divided by the number of unique views your posts and Stories have.


Instagram engagement rate is the sum of the comments, likes, saves and views that you receive per post, divided by the total number of times all your Instagram posts and your Stories are seen.


How to improve Instagram engagement?

Here are some tips to help improve Instagram engagement.

Target the right audience

The right audience share the same interest with you. They are more likely to engage with your content.

Post consistently but not too often

New posts are more likely to show in your followers' feeds. Posting consistently is a very effective way to improve your engagement.

Post at the right time

Posting at the right time can make your content reach more users, which means a higher engagement rate.

Choose the right hashtag

When you use a hashtag, your post will appear on the page for that hashtag and the feed of users who follow the hashtag.

Try Instagram stories

Instagram Stories are a new way for users to share pictures. Stories are shared with followers at the top of the regular feed. There are many interactive elements in the stories such as polls, stickers and Boomerangs that can be taken advantage of to boost your Instagram engagement.

Try videos

Video on the platform is available in four forms: video posts, Stories, livestreaming, and IGTV. A good video strategy can greatly boost your followers and engagement. Sponsored Instagram videos generate 3x more comments than sponsored Instagram photos.

Be creative with Instagram AR filters

AR filters have quickly become Instagram's most powerful marketing tool. They can give you a lot of creativity and allow you to create more creative content to attract audience and increase engagement.

Write an engaging caption

Captions can be up to 2,200 characters in length, include emoji, and up to 30 hashtags. Good Instagram captions will lead to more engagement.

Respond to comments

Comment is a kind of engagement. When you respond to comments, you can improve the engagement on your posts and can attract more people to engage with the post.

Ask questions

Questions are powerful. They encourage users to share ideas and help promote a sense of community. Asking questions can encourage your followers to engage and help increase engagement. It can also help you and your followers know one another on a deeper level.

Buy likes and comments

Another quick way to boost engagement without effort is to buy likes and comments. Buying Instagram comments can also save you the time and effort of creating the type of content. Buy likes and comments when you buy followers can really help boost your visibility, exposure, engagementArticle Search, and sales.

Source: Free Articles from


GainFollowers is an Instagram Services Provider in United States. We provide real & active Instagram likes + followers. With these Instagram presence booster, it's easy and effective to improve your social power, help your Instagram profile popularity, and increase the credits to your business.

Saturday 5 September 2020

my DAILY Instagram engagement routine

With thirteen thousand followers, Katie Steckly gives her top tips on increasing your Instagram engagement. Regular short interactions are key. Watch and learn from her experience

A Detailed Guide on How To Use Instagram Stories

Social media marketing has many avenues. Within each avenue there are even more tools to use.

Instagram Stories are fairly well known now, but are you using them to market your business? This Mary Kyle article helps explain a bit about it all

Instagram Stories is used as a marketing strategy by almost all businesses. the article outlines how to effectively use them for businesses.

The number of people using Instagram stories keeps escalating day by day with the emergence of more businesses. This article explains how to use Instagram Stories. One important thing to remember is that posting too many stories on a single day can cause discomfort to your fan base to a greater extent.


What are Instagram Stories?

Instagram stories are a content format in which users can create slideshows with images or videos or a combination of both and stories posted disappear in 24 hours. A story lasts longer than 24 hours if it is posted as a highlight. Your followers can view the stories you posted, and you also can see the number of people who viewed your story.


How to watch Instagram Stories?

Firstly, you should be a follower of the one whose story you want to watch. Stories usually appear at the top of the news feed in your profile. Profile photos appear within a circle that is surrounded by a ring of the Instagram color logo. This kind of appearance denotes that the particular person has posted some story on his/her account. You need just to click the circle-shaped photos to take a look at their stories.


How Can I Know Who Viewed My Instagram Stories?

You can see who viewed your stories only when your story is live, i.e, within 24 hours from posting the story. After that, you can see only the number of people who viewed your story. There is a little eye icon in the bottom left position, which you can click to see the number. When you click on the number, you can see who watched your stories.


How Can I Add Instagram Stories


  1. Once you press the circle button, the camera turns on so that you can capture a photo.
  2. Note that you need to tap and hold on the button if you want to record a video.
  3. Having done with the picture or video, you can apply the desired filter by sliding the screen. There is a pencil mark in the upper right corner of the screen, which you can click to draw or write something.
  4. Next, just press the ‘’Your Story’’ button at the bottom left of the screen to add your Instagram story.


Users can also add previously captured photos or recorded videos in the gallery to their stories provided they must be taken within the past 24 hrs. To do this, you need to pull down the screen on moving to the “Story” section. Now the story gets shared with your followers. Make sure to turn “Save Shared Photos” on in the settings section to save the photos and videos in your device’s camera folder. Your images and videos will be kept on your profile if you choose to save them to your story highlights.


How Do I Share Regular Feed Posts on Instagram Stories

  1. Just click the paper airplane icon from the post you want to be shared as a story.
  2. Then select ‘’create a story with this post’’ option
  3. This post can now be shared with custom elements like background color, user-defined text, stickers, and relevant hashtags.


Adding stickers that represent location, mentions, polls can add potential value to stories. These extra elements seem to arouse the interest of your fans and followers.


Easy Tips to Follow To Get More Story Views On Instagram

There is a wide range of options on Instagram to get more views on stories. Firstly you need to set your account to public to make it possible for followers to view your stories. Some of the options are visible at the bottom of the screen and can be accessed just by swiping the screen and are briefed below:


  • The Boomerang option allows you to record very short videos (say 5 seconds) repeatedly.
  • The Superzoom option can be used to share 10-second videos with zoom sound effect.
  • A rewind(up to 10 seconds) of a video can be shared using the rewind option.
  • In addition to color filters, Instagram provides face filters to create various face-effects for your photos.
  • Instagram allows you to add hashtags specifying location, brand, campaign name, which can bring some followers to your account.


Scaling innumerable options, the newly launched feature, “Instagram Stories” could avail a lot of benefits for brands and marketers in various niche. Brands who are new to Instagram who are still in need to gain traction for their account can buy Instagram Story views without a second thought add up to the effort they work on their strategies.


With Instagram opportunities beyond the horizon and the intense competition, some of the tips mentioned in the articleFree Reprint Articles, and your ideas can make your Instagram stories interesting for people who watch and look out for.


Source: Free Articles from


Mary Kyle is a Content Developer and Marketing manager who works at Snaphappen. She has written more trending articles on social media and has a handful of experience in delivering engaging content.

Friday 4 September 2020

Instagram Algorithm Updates 2020 | IGTV GOODBYE, PHOTOSHOPPERS TOO

This video from Dominik at heyDominik gave not just an insight into changes in the algorithms of Instagram at the outset of 2020, but also his observation on IGTV

Thursday 3 September 2020


In this explanatory YouTube film, Vasily Kichigin proposes NOT starting up a YouTube channel, but instead working your long form video content through Instagram's IGTV

Wednesday 22 July 2020

The Best Way to Do Instagram Marketing

Having a strong social media presence is important to get faith in your brand

If you get asked "Which entrepreneur is always putting out content on social media?" you'd probably answer "Gary Vaynerchuk"

So, who better to tell you how to grow your Instagram following to boost your marketing?

Friday 17 July 2020

Social Media Marketing for E-commerce Store

When it comes to using social media for your marketing, the choice of platforms can seem endless.
In this November 2019 article AJ Infosoft detail the histories and reach of some familiar big player platforms

  • Which platform or combinations of platforms do you use?
  • Are you on them all?
  • Which are most effective for your business?

Social Media networking is with an end goal to progress web based business that prompts bring helpful results and gives a successful method to draw in light of a legitimate concern for the focused on spectators accessible in web-based social networking.

The most effective method to Use Social Media Marketing for ecommerce

Social media life has totally changed the manner in which that we live in the present society. Has it changed how we impart, yet it has additionally changed the manner in which that we shop. Indeed, online networking based life has assumed a tremendous job in the move toward web based shopping or buy from Ecommerce store. Before the years over, it's normal that cell phones will overwhelm work area in ecommerce Business income.

Today, on the off chance that you are an online dealer or Ecommerce store vendors, you can't stand to be latent via social media networking media. 75% of individuals confess to purchasing something since they saw it via Online networking, and 90% of individuals state that they will go to social media life in the event that they need assistance on a purchasing choice.

How you utilize social media life—which stages, what applications, the post, platform —will rely upon the subtleties of your business. Fortunately, online networking enables you to make an altered battle to contact your group of spectators and get new level of Ecommerce store. Here, we will go into the stages, objectives, and strategies.

Social Media platform


At present, there are more than 319 million clients on Twitter, a famous channel for continuous news and discussion. Clients can send and get tweets — 140 - character messages. Twitter has been used as an online networking platform for a wide variety of purposes in many scenarios by different industries.


Propelled in March 2010, Pinterest is generally a newcomer in the social media based life field. User can pin their content from any websites or Ecommerce store. Pinterest announced in September 2015 the ecommerce security of 100 million customers. Independent companies whose intended interest group is for the most part comprised of ladies should put resources into Pinterest as the greater part of its guests are ladies.


This is the greatest social online networking system on the Internet, both as far as absolute number of clients and name acknowledgment. Built up on February 4, 2004, Facebook has 15 year figured out how to gather more than 1.59 billion month to month dynamic clients and this consequently makes it probably the best vehicle for interfacing individuals from everywhere throughout the world with your business. You can develop your own ecommerce store on Facebook page and connect it directly with website. It is evaluated that more than 1 million little and medium-sized organizations utilize the stage to promote their business.


Instagram is another visual social online networking website that as of now gloats more than 500 million individuals, a considerable lot of which are Millennials. The site, propelled on October 6, 2010, has in excess of 400 million dynamic clients and is claimed by Facebook. Instagram enables clients to presents photographs on their site, with the site's numerous channels In 2012, it turned out to be a piece of the Facebook family when they got it for $1 billion dollars.


LinkedIn permits its 450 million clients the capacity to interface with different experts and offer substance with their adherents. Established on December 14, 2002, and propelled on May 5, 2003, LinkedIn is hands-down the most famous internet based life webpage for expert systems administration. The site is in 24 Languages and has in excess of 400 million enlisted customers. LinkedIn is extraordinary for individuals hoping to associate with individuals in comparable ventures, organizing with nearby experts and showing business related data and measurements. 

Article source:

Tuesday 30 June 2020

How to Enable Instagram Product Tagging for your Business | Step by Step...

You need to get your customers to your products if you want to sell them and you need your products tagged in your posts to do this.

Instagram product tagging is recognised a great and effective tool and the sooner you get this in place the better. 

In this great video I discovered how Lidia S makes it so easy to get your Instagram Product Tagging done

Monday 29 June 2020

How Social Media Marketing will help you?

This interesting article by Lokesh Sharma, as the title suggests, looks at “How Social Media Marketing will help you?”

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach your customers and tell about your business in more effective way.

Social media is very important to build a strong and consistent brand across all social media platforms.

Do you have a SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE for your business?

Nowadays no business can thrive without social media handles, some of the best social media platforms include FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND LINKEDIN.

All these platforms have a daily combined active user of up to 2 billion… Imagine your possibilities.

Think of it as an investment in your business.

I encourage business owners to think of their marketing as an investment and not an expense. The purpose of marketing is to create brand awareness as well as AMAZING return on investment. (Marketing)

So, a lot of small/local businesses only see the upfront cost when initially thinking about marketing and not the long-term impact that it will have on their business. Think in the long term…

There are some Social Media Marketing strategies that you should be focusing on
  • Define goals and objectives.
  • Put together a winning team.
  • Understand your audience.
  • Look and listen.
  • Choose a social platform
  • Create a content plan and calendar.
  • Monitor, analyses, engage and repeat.

What’s new in Social Media?
Social Media offers some of the new feature that you are going to witness on the social platforms in the coming days
Facebook is testing a new option to cross post FACEBOOK stories to Instagram.
LinkedIn will make 16 LinkedIn courses for free in coming days.
INSTAGRAM shares new information prompts on coronavirus in home feeds.
INSTAGRAM IS testing new option to reshare live videos on IG TV
YOUTUBE changes trending tab to explore which will show more content categories at one place.

Goals of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can’t be summed up with just 3 goals but these 3 goals right here should be your main focus:

As a Social media consultant, it is your business to take care of another business.
BY THAT I MEAN it is your business to grow your brand that isn’t yours. You create brand awareness which in turn builds a community around a brand which also builds leads and drive sales.

Business that realize this will thrive
The others will regret….”

It isn’t just Advertising. Its brand/business

EXPOSURE it becoming the dominant force in your local community.

Reasons Why You Advertise on Social Media
  • Social media advertising allows you to connect with the people who need your services or products.
  • Social media provides varied platforms and numerous advertising formats.
  • Social media platforms allow you to create specific target audiences.
  • Social media platforms drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page.
  • Social media marketing will get you more sales.
  • The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.
  • Advertising on social media offers insights of your customers.

Social Media Platforms
Every social media platform is different and important!
Its time to treat them that way! You shouldn’t share the same piece of content to each platform. You have to adapt to that specific platform and repurpose it.

INSTAGRAM: This is where you are telling people about your content piece by taking a picture of your shake at a cute café. Instagram is about showing the content.
FACEBOOK: This is where you are telling people about your content. For ex you could write a post about how you re loving your new dress. This is where you can let your copywriting skills shine!
TWITTER: This is where you popup your followers. Post about things on the go and short snip bits of your days. Tweet that you are all about that VENTI life nowadays (and don’t forget the hashtags)
PINTREST: Here is where you get to share your expertise! Have a great skinny vanilla latte recipe Go ahead and pin it!
LINKEDIN: We are going to go ahead and tell you LINKEDIN is not dead! It’s a great place for business owners to connect! So, if you are coffee shop owner, don’t forget to include it on your profile.
YOUTUBE: We all love YouTube. It’s the best place for long video content. Go ahead and share some coffee reviews taste tests and tutorials on YouTube!

You can certainly drive sales through #socialmedia by posting products and offers but establishing loyalty between your customers and your company is the true purpose of social media. Don’t you agree?

Social Media Platforms Explained Above

Which platforms are you on for your business?
Share in the comments!

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Author's Bio: 
Lokesh Sharma is a Indian Computer Architect and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of PaceLab International Group. Lokesh has over 10 years of experience in Technology, building complex platforms and accelerating sales and growth through use of Technology.
Lokesh obtained Masters in Computer Science from Coventry University and MBA from University of Leicester in England. As the CEO of PaceLab, Lokesh vision is to help brands connect with the customers globally driving sales and revenue for the success of the firm.

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...