Showing posts with label video marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video marketing. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 September 2020

How To Video Marketing

With the growth of the internet and technology, videos have increasingly become a more powerful tool in getting more leads and growing one's business.

The commercialization of video editing tools and ease of sharing videos via video sharing sites such as YouTube has made the growth of the video industry explode rapidly.

Currently, it doesn't matter if you are a small-time marketer or a corporate giant, you stand lots of gain through leveraging on videos to grow your business.

The trends of internet marketing have always been evolving. Back then, it was article marketing. Then came the paid advertising era of PPC and PPV. Today, we have Video Marketing.

What is video marketing? Video marketing is the art of using videos to market and grow your business. This could be in the form of using videos for getting leads, building traffic or selling a video product.

Video marketing is great because it has the ability to grow virally. Viral marketing as in it spreads as fast and as widely as a biological virus, but in the marketing sense. This can help you reach a wide audience in a short amount of time and at a low cost.

People love watching videos, so much more because you can incorporate visual and audio elements which can excite emotions and make content interesting. E-books are so yesterday and have a hard time keeping up with videos which have been getting better and better.

One of the most useful sites out there is YouTube - The world's largest video sharing site. We shall look into the power of YouTube in the next section.

The Power of YouTube

As mentioned earlier, YouTube is the world's largest video sharing website. Why are they called video sharing sites? It's because everyone who uploads videos are like a TV channel of their own - You can get subscribers and people who watch your videos can freely share it with others through a wide variety of social media sharing tools available.

The popularity of YouTube has exploded, and businesses, big or small stand a lot to gain by tapping into this phenomenon.

YouTube allows you to upload videos for free, and if your videos meet their standards they will offer you a director's status, where you can post up videos longer than 10 minutes.

One good thing about YouTube, is that you can post descriptions down at the bottom box of your videos. This allows you to draw traffic to your website and write descriptions about your videos.

YouTube also has that added benefit of being owned by Google, the largest search engine in the world. Because of that, YouTubes videos rank highly on Google, and you can draw tons of traffic by targeting keywords with high search volume and are related to your niche.

We have seen the potential of YouTube - Huge user base, easy to upload videos and easy to share them as well.

Here's how you start marketing your business using YouTube:

1) Create a video worth of valuable content related to your niche

2) Make sure there's a call to action at the end of the video 

3) Upload your video to YouTube

4) Add a description below each video

5) Be sure to include a link to your website (traffic drawing purposes)

6) Share your videos with your target audience

Remember, a very important part of video marketing is the sharing component. Get your subscribers or followers to share your videos with others to get more views. The more views you get, the higher your video will be ranked.

Videos with higher rank will usually be featured in YouTube's channel listings and this will further garner you more views.

Basic Tools For Video Marketing

Let's look into some simple tools for creating videos for marketing purposes. One of my favorite combinations is Microsoft Powerpoint + Camstasia.

Microsoft Powerpoint allows you to create video content through slides, animations and sound effects. Camstasia allows you to record a screen capture, so when you play your slides in real time, you can record every single thing that is happening.

Combo-ed with some cool music, you can make powerful informative videos which your customer base will like.

Camstasia also allows you to edit your videos with basic features such as audio editing, slide transitions etc. Post video production is followed by uploading to YouTube, all can be done instantly via Camstasia.

Last but not least, you will need to sign up for a YouTube account before you can start uploading videos.

In short, these tools will help you create simple yet powerful videos for getting traffic and customers, as long as you have good content that your target market would enjoy.

Videos are a great powerful tool for helping you grow your online business in many aspects.

Rome wasn't built in a day, the same way traffic doesn't happen in an instant. However, if you diligently practice these video marketing methods, your business will surely have a lot to gain.

The best way to build a budding business online is to leverage not just on videos, but on as many marketing methods as well such as article marketing, SEO and paid advertising.

Once you have found what works best for your business, replicate and multiply your efforts and in no time you've built yourself a solid business empire streaming with thousands of followers.

I wish you all the best in your video marketing, and your online business journey!

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Bob Edwards

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Tuesday 8 September 2020

How To Maximize Your Reach and Sales Using Video Marketing | Neil Patel

Learning from the masters about video marketing will get you far.
Neil Patel is definitely in the master category, so give this video your attention

Monday 7 September 2020

3 Things To Know About Video Marketing

 Video marketing is really growing. Think about how many times you see video content on social media these days and how you're more likely to watch that than read a post

For some great information on video marketing, read what Terry Phong has to say

Videos not only add life to your presentations, but it's also the fastest-growing type of media online. If you're looking to promote or grow your business with Video Marketing then you're in luck. You will discover in this article 3 tips on how to make use of this visual technique.

For starters, videos do a great job of grabbing the attention of people surfing on the web. The truth is, most people are much more likely to become excited about the dynamic content of a video than they would be over just some plain written text. Also, given the fact that most people have short attention spans these days, they prefer to watch a video over reading an article post.

Tip #1 - Know Your Audience and Create Videos They Want

You need to know what your audience wants and then give it to them. This may seem obvious but a lot of businesses are so focused on their products or services that their target audience may get lost in the shuffle. People will have questions that they want answers to in your niche, so make it your business to find out what these are and create videos around them.

Videos can definitely transform your static presentations into lively, more engaging messages that trigger emotions, and help to communicate on a deeper level than nearly any other form of marketing. There's nothing wrong with using videos to establish your presence within your market or to define your brand, you just need to know who your target audience is. This brings us to the next tip.

Tip #2 Optimize your Videos for Search

Do some keyword research in your niche. Figure out what your audience may be searching for when they are doing a query on the search engines, then create appealing, keyword-rich titles for your videos and a keyword-rich description that tells people what the video is about. Be honest though, people do not want to be deceived so don't say that it is about something when it isn't. Also, use related keywords in your video tags.

Try to add the word "Video" to your title too as this will help you to rank in Google and the other search engines. Lastly, upload your video to YouTube if you want your video to rank highly in a YouTube search. Do this even if you have your own video hosting. Your video is now ranked and you're starting to see some traffic, all you need now is some sales!

Tip #3 Monetize Your Video

So, if you want people to buy your product or try a service from you in a video, you need to attach a working link to it. The link should be in the video player. This way, your link will always be available, especially if your video is being shared. You can do this through the use of a text box on your video. This is a great way to let people know where they can go to find you and your products. If you don't include the URL, they'll just watch the video and move on with no way to make a purchase even if they wanted to.

As you can see, video marketing is one of the best ways to promote your business. Through video marketing, you can reach an entirely new audience that will help your business experience growth and success. Remember the contents of this article when it's time to enhance your business with video marketing and be sure to visit my blog for more online marketing tips.

For more online marketing tips, please visit:

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Thursday 3 September 2020


In this explanatory YouTube film, Vasily Kichigin proposes NOT starting up a YouTube channel, but instead working your long form video content through Instagram's IGTV

Friday 7 August 2020

How to generate leads via video marketing with Jeff Bullas

Does your marketing strategy include video marketing?

Video is such a massive proportion of consumed internet traffic that it may well be worth looking into this if you don't already do it to strengthen your business 

Watch the great Jeff Bullas video here

Saturday 25 July 2020

Best Video Marketing Tips You Should Know About

Video marketing is very much our theme these last few days
Showcasing your product or service is key

Keeping things simple is a good tip
Keeping things interesting is a better tip

... and stay consistent to your overall strategy

I'll let Cameron Nvack explain in the article that follows

If you're responsible for marketing a business, you need to get involved with making videos for your company. No two ways about it; video marketing is an effective and evolving tool for marketing that nearly every marketing manager can benefit from. Check out the tips in the following article to get started on your video marketing campaign today.

Don't be afraid of complex video marketing strategies. It is simple to make a good video with basic equipment. You can show customers your workplace, manufacturing centre or just discuss your expertise.

Videos can easily be used to explain your products or services to potential customers. Seeing how a product works will help your customers understand how to use your product and why buying from you is preferable to other sellers. So, learning to make videos to explain what you are selling will easily help build your customer base.

After you have published your video, include your web address in the video description. You will also want to include several keywords that describe your video in the description. This will help users find your information and search engines effectively rank your video. Your web address can also be included in your video.

When shooting a video it is okay to keep things simple with your equipment. In most cases, it's not the technical brilliance of the clip that achieves the desired results. Some of the most basic video marketing has been done by large corporations like Dell or Apple.

Remember how important a catchy title is to the success of your video. More viewers will be interested in your videos if the titles make sense and attract their attention. This is what makes them more interested in the topic you're discussing. Take some time to brainstorm titles that are creative if you want your video marketing to be successful.

If you are thinking of using video marketing to increase your sales and website traffic, then look to your competition for some clues. See what is working for them and try to capitalize off of this information. You do not have to copy them, but see what is working for them and try to make it work for you.

Don't only rely on videos in your marketing campaign. They are great marketing tools, however, they should not replace your other marketing tactics. Videos should not replace content creation like article writing or blogging. Videos should simply be used to enhance the content in your marketing campaign and to build up your link portfolio.

The content you use needs to be interesting. Make your video really pack a punch. Popular video hosting sites such as YouTube can expose you to many potential customers, but there is no way to attract them with boring videos. A lot of people want to watch videos that are relevant. Interesting videos ultimately increase traffic.

Maybe you aren't going to be the star of your show, but you do need to find a good spokesperson or mascot to help market your videos. Try to find somebody that is natural when speaking and generally makes people around them feel comfortable. People want to watch somebody they feel that they can trust.

If you have a product that is quite difficult to use, you should create a video that will give step-by-step directions to users. They will appreciate the time you took to explain your products to them. This will make it more likely they will come to you when looking for additional products.

Keep in mind that some people surf the Internet using large screen televisions for their monitors. YouTube accepts large video files now. So, do not turn your nose up at high-definition content. Someone looking at your content on a fifty-inch plasma will not buy from you if they just see pixels.

Make sure each video contains a clear call to action. Inform your viewers of where your products and services are located and insist that they act immediately. Make it easy for your visitors to follow through by making your instructions simple and clear. Specific, bold calls to action are smart ways to conclude your videos.

Perfection is not your goal! You do not need professional equipment to create quality videos. A webcam or a basic camera will be enough. Also, if you have a cell phone with a video camera on it, you can utilize it for your work. So long as you have solid information and remain professional, people are going to watch your videos.

Try to let your unique personality come through in your videos. Your audience is predominantly interested in seeing exactly what you have to offer. The more viewers feel that they know you, the more likely they are to develop a relationship with your brand and not with your competitors! Many customers appreciate the chance to link a friendly face to a company and its products and services.

Don't think in terms of a single video. Think of an entire series of videos, which can become a marketing campaign. If you create a show which appears every week on a specific topic, for example, people will come back to see what's new, and you'll grow a loyal viewer base.

Once you begin with video marketing, you'll probably find it impossible to stop. It's effective, easy, cost-effective and really fast to produce! It can also put your business on the Internet map, boosting your customer base right along with the bottom line. Get started soon and realize your potential in video marketing.

Cameron Nyack is an Accountant and Business Consultant currently involved in the TeleMedicine field, a fast-growing part of the healthcare system and is looking for Independent Brokers. Learn more about Cameron at his website,

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Friday 24 July 2020

How to use Video Marketing to Grow Your Business

Video marketing is not only great but pretty much essential now

If you have a product to sell and a customer to sell to then you really will need to start adopting video marketing

Check this informative film from Ahrefs so find out more

Please comment below about how it applies to you or what you would do instead

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