Monday 9 November 2020

Intro to GrooveFunnels for new members

Groovefunnels offer a range of prime business software tools to get you business running efficiently. It is also currently available in a free edition through our affiliate link here

Did you know you can build your webpages in GroovePages and your shopping kart and affiliate program in Groovesell?

The Groovepages and Groovesell products are not only designed to be fantastic for building up your business and enhancing your marketing but are also available for free at the time of writing.

Check out David Lemon's video for an overview of the fantastic product range and indeed training on the systems for new members

If you haven't yet signed up to Groovefunnels FOR FREE you can do it here

or indeed here

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Copy & Paste To Make $$600+ With a SIMPLE Digistore24 Tutorial (Make Mon...

Affiliate marketing is a great idea, but how do you get started?
Did you know there are companies out there who specialise in products ready to sell as affiliates?

For a run through one such example, Alan's Smart Money Tactics give you a look in on Digistore24
Digistore24 is a great example of one place you access other people's products to market

Before you think you'll be rich overnight, please bear in mind that this requires work at your end. Remember, nothing great comes around without love, care, attention and effort 

Monday 2 November 2020

How to Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners in 2020 [Step-by-Step]

One of the easiest entry points to online revenue is often considered to be affiliate marketing
In this video Charlie Chang examines how you can start yourself off

The $14 Billion Global Industry That Can Make You Rich

Did that title spark your attention? John Lynch certainly hoped so when he wrote it!

So what is all the affiliate marketing fuss about? Is it an entry level e-commerce model or a business in itself? Read on to see what John Lynch has to say

Often you hear suggestions that affiliate marketing is dead and that there is no money to be made in it. These ideas are ridiculous as quite the opposite is happening.

Affiliate marketing is a $14 billion global industry that will not decline as increasing numbers of the world's population come online and want to buy products and services. Anyone who can sell to this increasing audience will make money.

Affiliate Marketing Myths Exposed

Affiliate marketing has changed. Online marketing has left a lot of the old style marketers behind. The old lazy methods don't work any more. Pasting banners on second rate content won't do.

Old school approaches are done and so are the people who use them. And that's good news because this means there are new ways to market successfully online.

Another myth is that Google hates affiliates. Not so. What Google hates is a certain approach to marketing on the Internet where low quality content stuffed with keywords is put out by affiliates who expect sales.

There is now a great opportunity for affiliates who learn to play by Google's rules. Top marketers run their business by taking advantage of Google's tough criteria. There are thousands of great products on the market that are easy to rank for but Google hates the old school approach to selling them.

Do you need to post Content daily?

No. People are looking for good content not fluff that is put together just to promote a product. What you do need is to create the right type of content that provides a high level of value.

A small website with quality information is far more valuable than a mega site full of generic information.

What people value is quality, not quantity. And that leads to opt ins and sales.

You Do the Work Once and Get Paid Over and Over

Your entire system should be built on recurring affiliate programs. You do the work once and you get paid over and over month after month, year after year.

That is how the world's most successful affiliates do it. This is a $14 billion industry (affiliate marketing) that's growing. Somebody is making that money.

And some people want to say affiliate marketing is dead!

Develop Sales and Marketing Skills

To be successful you will have to develop sales and marketing skills. These are so important that until you are earning a good income you should spend about 80% of your time on nothing but selling and marketing. These are the most important skills. Building an email list to keep in contact with your prospects and customers is also vital.

Affiliate marketing allows you to focus your time in this way without the demands of product creation or customer support or the need to keep stock in a warehouse with staff employed. These overheads cost a lot in an ordinary bricks and mortar business and this is another reason why online marketing will always attract ambitious entrepreneurs.

Helping Affiliate Marketers of all levels of experience access Free Training on How to Make Endless Commissions Without Selling. Totally Free Tuition in all aspects of affiliate marketing. Click here:

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Saturday 24 October 2020

4 Proven Email Marketing Templates

Email is still one of the most effective and personalized ways for businesses to communicate with their audience
Alex Cattoni always has great tips for people looking to upgrade their marketing performance and she does exactly that on email marketing

Wednesday 21 October 2020

How To Do Digital Marketing For My Business

Getting your online business right can be scary, unless you have a guide. Whether it's your online presence, your lead generation or your communication system, Calvyn Lee gives his personal outlook

When launching a new business, making yourself known within the business sector is key to getting off to a good start. If before the digital age there were not many methods of dissemination and the few that did have a high cost and an impact that is difficult to measure or of doubtful success, the arrival of digital has democratized these practices and has incorporated a world of possibilities to promote a deal. Digital marketing and its different actions allow each entrepreneur to make their business known and thus boost their activity.

A common question toward all the new business owner: "how to do digital marketing for my business", let me share you,

5 digital ways to publicize your business

Among all the actions that can exist, what is the best to start with? What are the almost obligated actions? Do you need to use all actions from the beginning to get results? These are some of the thousands of questions that arise when starting a digital communication strategy. The first answer that is here that it is not necessary to do everything at once, you will have to choose the first actions based on your strategy.

1. Create a company website

A topic so talked about that it is still surprising that many companies do not take it as a priority. Web agencies have tried for years to highlight the need for any company, whatever the sector of activity, to have a website. Actually, this page happens to be the first platform for your business. Before going to the store, the consumer looks for information on the internet. From the moment a company creates a web page, this page becomes the store's first showcase.

2. Create content to boost your page's ranking on Google

Once your website is available with all the "static" content ready, it will be time to work on the natural positioning or SEO of your business. To have a better position in Google, it is necessary to keep your website "alive" and the best way is to add content regularly. The best way to create content for your page quickly and easily is through a blog. Thanks to this you can tell everything related to your business to your community and your customers.

3. Communicate with your clients with emailing campaigns

Email marketing continues to be the first means of communication: Newsletter, promotional offers, private sales, invitations to events, thanks, birthdays there are many opportunities to communicate with your client, especially taking good advantage of the data you have since you can reach to high customization.

4. Keep in direct contact thanks to SMS marketing

To complete email communications, it may be interesting to use a more direct channel. Digital Marketing Agency Malaysia is the ideal one to assist you out in this situation so that you don't be lacked behind. The goal is to communicate with your customers quickly and have the guarantee that they will have your information. With an almost total insertion of mobile phones, a method as direct as SMS, 98% of these are read within 5 minutes after sending. This means that bulk SMS constitutes a very useful channel to send relevant information.

5. Find and encourage your community on social media.

Last method of this article: encourage communities on social media. It is the ideal channel to group your customers and exchange information with them. Facebook, about to reach almost 2 billion users, constitutes an advantage to be known, acquire and retain. It is an immediate method of feedback with your followers.

Well, if any business owner found difficulties to start their business using digital marketing, or no idea how to do digital marketing for your business? You have a great choice by attending best digital marketing course. Checkout resources below.

If you require to learn Digital Marketing, checkout our best Digital Marketing Course & lead generation course using social media platform, a.k.a Social Media Marketing Course

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Tuesday 20 October 2020

Your email marketing options

Following on from the earlier post on email marketing, here is the sequel to that video
This time the guys at Digital Garage look at the features and interactions of email marketing tools, as well as ways to best tailor then for your own needs

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...