Showing posts with label online business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online business. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 October 2020

How To Do Digital Marketing For My Business

Getting your online business right can be scary, unless you have a guide. Whether it's your online presence, your lead generation or your communication system, Calvyn Lee gives his personal outlook

When launching a new business, making yourself known within the business sector is key to getting off to a good start. If before the digital age there were not many methods of dissemination and the few that did have a high cost and an impact that is difficult to measure or of doubtful success, the arrival of digital has democratized these practices and has incorporated a world of possibilities to promote a deal. Digital marketing and its different actions allow each entrepreneur to make their business known and thus boost their activity.

A common question toward all the new business owner: "how to do digital marketing for my business", let me share you,

5 digital ways to publicize your business

Among all the actions that can exist, what is the best to start with? What are the almost obligated actions? Do you need to use all actions from the beginning to get results? These are some of the thousands of questions that arise when starting a digital communication strategy. The first answer that is here that it is not necessary to do everything at once, you will have to choose the first actions based on your strategy.

1. Create a company website

A topic so talked about that it is still surprising that many companies do not take it as a priority. Web agencies have tried for years to highlight the need for any company, whatever the sector of activity, to have a website. Actually, this page happens to be the first platform for your business. Before going to the store, the consumer looks for information on the internet. From the moment a company creates a web page, this page becomes the store's first showcase.

2. Create content to boost your page's ranking on Google

Once your website is available with all the "static" content ready, it will be time to work on the natural positioning or SEO of your business. To have a better position in Google, it is necessary to keep your website "alive" and the best way is to add content regularly. The best way to create content for your page quickly and easily is through a blog. Thanks to this you can tell everything related to your business to your community and your customers.

3. Communicate with your clients with emailing campaigns

Email marketing continues to be the first means of communication: Newsletter, promotional offers, private sales, invitations to events, thanks, birthdays there are many opportunities to communicate with your client, especially taking good advantage of the data you have since you can reach to high customization.

4. Keep in direct contact thanks to SMS marketing

To complete email communications, it may be interesting to use a more direct channel. Digital Marketing Agency Malaysia is the ideal one to assist you out in this situation so that you don't be lacked behind. The goal is to communicate with your customers quickly and have the guarantee that they will have your information. With an almost total insertion of mobile phones, a method as direct as SMS, 98% of these are read within 5 minutes after sending. This means that bulk SMS constitutes a very useful channel to send relevant information.

5. Find and encourage your community on social media.

Last method of this article: encourage communities on social media. It is the ideal channel to group your customers and exchange information with them. Facebook, about to reach almost 2 billion users, constitutes an advantage to be known, acquire and retain. It is an immediate method of feedback with your followers.

Well, if any business owner found difficulties to start their business using digital marketing, or no idea how to do digital marketing for your business? You have a great choice by attending best digital marketing course. Checkout resources below.

If you require to learn Digital Marketing, checkout our best Digital Marketing Course & lead generation course using social media platform, a.k.a Social Media Marketing Course

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Saturday 22 August 2020

Success Requires Lots of Commitment

Working from home has involuntarily taken off in 2020. For some it is a necessary extension of their existing businesses. For others it is a brave new world possibly brought about through need or redundancy. This overview of working from home by Irene Mori gives a useful perspective

With a worldwide pandemic because of the spread of the coronavirus, many people are having financial hardships. They may have lost their jobs or been cut back on their work because the economy has basically closed except for essential services. They might be fortunate and have a job which was not affected or may have the privilege of working from home and maintaining their income.

Some people may be looking for a new way to earn money. According to the so-called gurus, there are hundreds of ways to earn income from home based businesses. They are careful to tell you that their program works, but they make claims that 98% of the "deals" are fakes and scams. Of course, theirs is one of the few honest opportunities out here.

There have likely been hundreds of network marketing (MLM or multi-level marketing) companies over the years which have drawn in perhaps millions of people hoping to find financial success and even wealth with them. While it is true that some people have been successful and possibly even became millionaires in that type of business, there are likely millions of people who have joined those companies with high hopes for success only to find that they lost money without making a cent. Maybe they even lost friends in the process as they pestered others to join them. Recruiting others such as is necessary in this type of endeavor is difficult. It is not an easy business although it can work. Some people like the products well enough to stay with the company even though they don't earn money from the business.

Investment gurus often promise huge returns when you sign up for their newsletters or service. Of course, many of their programs cost thousands of dollars. Even then, they seldom fulfill the promises made. Their testimonials sound remarkable, but it is difficult to find that same kind of success which you can expect. Some of the testimonials are said to be fake and possibly actors being paid to read a script. It is best to investigate the "opportunities" thoroughly before signing with any of them. If they offer a money back guarantee, that is a plus.

People can receive dozens or hundreds of emails per day or week touting home based internet and online business opportunities. There are lots of opportunities out there, but finding a legitimate and workable program is not easy. It takes a lot of work and study, but there have to be some honest opportunities to earn money. Sometimes it takes trial and error, but success could be possible.

No matter what you try to do to earn money, finding success requires a lot of commitment. People always say to work smarter not harder, but hard work and dedication are usually necessary to find success in anything.

Success requires a commitment to learn all you can and not to depend on others for your success. Making goals and reviewing them each day should help. Determine to succeed. Keep trying and don't give up too soon. Commitment is a vital part of your road to success.

A free eBook is available by checking out the website. Many in the general public know very little about this part of American history which includes racism, perseverance, hard work, and success. The book covers civil rights issues and is available on Amazon.

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Monday 17 August 2020

Creating A Blog To Promote An Existing Business

Who would keep a blog and why? Mal Keenan gives the reasons why blogging can help your business and how to make it effective

If you belong to any of the following groups, then this article is for you.

You already have a business and a website that serves as the official hub for your online sales. The website may be serving as an online store for your enterprise.

You need a venue wherein you can promote your affiliate links.

Your already have a website, which may not necessarily be a commercial one, and it is enrolled with a Pay Per Click (PPC) program, like Google AdSense.

Success in these fields depends on one essential principle which you might have already realized: traffic is the key to your online business thriving.

You may have in your digital inventory the best products in the world, but they won't mean squat if no one would get to see them. This is why each and every online businessman will fight tooth and nail just to have a piece of the Internet traffic. After all, the more visitors who get to visit your site, the more potential clients you have.

And blogs can most definitely help you drive visitors to your pages. Here is how you could use them to achieve such a purpose:

1. Download the Wordpress blogging software, which is available for free at . An alternative is to go with I have posted instructions for setting up a Blogger blog at your own server in this PDF file:

2. Remember that good content is always at the heart of a progressive online traffic stream. People are always looking for information, and if you will give them that, they would read what you have to offer. Dedicate your blog to the subject of your main website. Publish informative entries that would hook your readers and make them come back for updates. In between purely educational entries, strategically include a link to your site by suggesting their importance to your readers.

3. Using the above mentioned strategy, you could also include your affiliate links to pre-sell your affiliate products. The more traffic you drive to your affiliate merchant's site or sales page, the more chances you will have of effectuating a successful sale and bigger commissions.

4. Links from blogs are unilateral, meaning, they are one way links to your websites. The more traffic a unilateral link generates, the more it becomes prominent in online searches. Avoid reciprocal links at all costs! Do not include a link to your blog from your website. Search engines abhor reciprocal linking.

5. 80% of your traffic will come from the search engines. You have to tweak your blog to attract the attention of the search engine spiders. Now, blogs are already search engine friendly. However, there is a very big possibility that you would be competing with other blogs on the same subject. You have to make sure that once you upload your blog, it is able to outperform its competitors in the search engine rankings.

One way you can do this is by using the title of your post to match the keyword phrases you are targeting, plus put a sprinkling of your keyword phrase in the post itself. I am doing this with great results.

6. Check your blog offline. It should be as readable and as navigable as possible for your prospective readers. Make appropriate adjustments if necessary.

7. Upload your blog to a reliable server that has enough bandwidth to accommodate many viewers.

8. Constantly update your blog. Search engines love regularly updated content, so publishing new entries will greatly increase your blog's page rank, and consequently, your main website's traffic.

9. Accepting links from other related blogs will also bring to your site some traffic from sources other then search engines. The way that a blog is designed fosters the building of a community of blog sites, and this will provide for an added stream of visitors for you.

10. You could also decide to enroll your blog site in the Google AdSense advertising program. This will give you an additional income stream. We will discuss this in future articles.

Blogs are excellent promotional tools for your existing business. Use them well and you will harvest the rewards in a matter of weeks.

Author Promo from Mal Keenan
Get Your Hands on My FREE and Exclusive 7 Day Blogging Report by Sending a Blank Email to In this Report I Reveal All The Secrets for Creating and Running A Successful Online Blog.

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Monday 10 August 2020

How to Start Your Dream Business and Create a Full-Time Income Using the Internet and Your iPhone

If you follow my blog regularly you've probably seen featured articles by AJ Simon, who writes some great starter guides for online businesses

How about this for a step by step intro? Note, although AJ promotes Builderall, don't forget about the free page builder and sales system offer on GrooveFunnels (current in August 2020)

In this article I will reveal how to start your dream business and create a full-time income using the internet and your iPhone. These methods work for 2020 and will continue to work in the distant future.

How to Start Your Dream Business and Create a Full-Time Income Using the Internet and Your iPhone:

When I first started online back in 2007, I was so eager to learn all the tricks to creating income from the internet. I was obsessed with the idea of having complete freedom and enjoying my life on my own terms.

It was a HARD journey for me. But fortunately for you, I figured it out.

Here are the exact steps for creating an online business from scratch:

Step Number One

First off, we need to identify your target niche. The niche is the most important step out of all four steps. If you get this wrong, you will waste a ton of time.

Make sure to pick a niche in one of these topics: How to make money online, how to lose weight, how to pay off debt, how to attract what you want or how to find your soul mate.

These topics are full of hungry buyers. These people have problems they want to solve. So these are the niche topics I'd suggest you start your dream business around.

Step Number Two

Second, we need to pick a product to promote or have one created around the niche topic we chose. You can find affiliate products on affiliate networks or you can outsource the product creation on UpWork or Fiverr.

You'd be surprised how many online marketers don't even create their own information products. If you are going to do affiliate marketing, I suggest picking a commission payout of 50 percent or higher. Step Number Three

Third, we need to create an automated selling system to do the "selling and telling" for us. BuilderAll is my favorite sales funnel creator. You can find all sorts of information online for using it.

You will need to create a landing page and email marketing follow-up series. These will get you the leads you need and do the hard task of selling on your behalf.

Step Number Four

Finally, we need to get targeted website traffic to our sales funnel so we can convert those leads to paying customers. Solo ads, Google Ads and Bing Ads are the "go to" methods I'd choose.

Now that you know exactly what you need to do to create a full-time income online using the internet and your iPhone, I wish you the best of luck on your adventure!

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

About the author:

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Sunday 26 July 2020

New Facebook Shop Sales Channel Setup | Shopify 2020

One of the many available channels to sell through is Shopify
Curious Themes explain how it can be linked to the new Facebook Shops feature of 2020


Saturday 25 July 2020

Facebook Shops Tutorial for Beginners | How to Sell Products Directly Th...

The new Facebook Shops has been running since May 20
If you want a walk through on how to set up your shop then this tutorial from Stewart Gauld does just that

Tuesday 21 July 2020

8 Invisible Risks In The Online Home Business Industry

Although this article is five years old it interestingly remains equally relevant today. Jon Allo really called out some risks to be aware of

When you start an online business it does involve more than putting up a website with a few products on it and then sitting back waiting for the money to magically start rolling in. So, if you want to start an online business from home, what are the risks that you need to look out for?

When you start an online business there it is more than producing a website with a couple of products on it and then waiting for the money to start rolling in like magic. So, if you want to start an online business from home, what are the risks that you need to watch out for?

1. Believing You'll Get Rich Quick.

Starting your own online business takes time, effort and resources. What you put in, is what you get out. There is no such thing as a 'get rich quick' system where you can do a few minutes work each day and earn millions in a matter of weeks.

2. Being Regarded As A Spammer.

Everyone on the internet has an email address that they check regularly and email marketing is one of the best ways to stay in touch with potential customers. But it is important that you get somebody's permission to send them emails, or else your online home business could be labelled as a spam.

3. Selling Poor Products.

One of the easiest ways to start an online business is with affiliate marketing where you sell other people's products or services. But not all products are created equally so make sure that before you start selling anything that it is a reputable and quality item.

4. Critics And Naysayers.

Friends and family do not always make the best business advisers. They can also undermine your efforts, whether it is deliberate or not. Separate your online home based business activities from your family and friends and look to join an online community of compatible entrepreneurs for assistance with your business.

5. Overwhelm.

There will be times when it can seem like there are too many internet home business opportunities to choose from and too many new things to learn. To avoid overwhelm, take some of the pressure off of yourself. All of this information you need to digest is not going anywhere. It's going to be here tonight, next week, and a year from now.

6. Poor Quality Traffic.

Every online home business needs traffic but traffic is nothing without conversion. So driving traffic is fine, but without a good conversion environment from a market that wants to buy, it's a waste of time and money.

7. Slow Website Loading.

The average person will give your page about 7 seconds to load and after that, they're gone to one of your competitors. The faster computers getFind Article, the less patience people have. Make sure your online business is hosted on server that guarantees fast load times.

8. Trying To Do It On Your Own.

The online business world is competitive and it is vital to keep up to date with the latest technology and you have to know what works and what does not work. Invest some time and resources in learning from others who have gone before you and had success.

Sunday 19 July 2020

How to start business online

Do you remember when you first started on your online business journey? Maybe you are just starting out now or quite recently.
It can be an exciting but scary time with so much to consider

This article by Sam Jeet takes us through (or back through) many of the considerations

You can choose the best ecommerce platform to create a website wherein you can choose any features as per your need. You can choose themes as well; it means that you can customize your website as per your need.

There are numerous examples of overcoming adversity about individuals who became famous doing on the web business. On the off chance that you read about what these individuals have encountered, you will definitely get roused.  

You can have your own business on the web regardless of whether you need more money to put out as capital. To assist you with the beginning of doing any of the ease approaches to begin a business on the web, here are some arrangement tips that you can follow.

Advantages to Starting Business Online

Beginning a business online doesn’t require enormous capital. Working one such business can be from your own home. No need for leasing a business premise. Overheads can and will below.As long you got a web association, quick or moderate association doesn’t make a difference, you can begin an online business anyplace. Off base, speed is points of interest.This business can work without human intercession. When setting up, all issues can be worked at your own time; as and when you like.No need of keeping up a customary hours and activity can be of your comfort. Most online businesses fired up on low maintenance premises.
You are focusing all in all worlds as you showcase. It is a worldwide market, no limitations or limits. Also, the market is ever augmenting.

How to Take Offline Business to Online Business

Now when you know the what are advantages of online business, lets take a deep dive in what steps are mandatory to start an online business

·         Create Online Store

When you want to start the online business or online selling you need a website where in you can show your products and services to potential customers.You must display the products so effectively that it attracts the customers and the product description has to be there and that too very professionally.

·         Choose the Payment Gateway

This is one of the most important aspects from the security point of view, as customers will make the online payment for the order they placed, so it’s the companies the responsibility that the payment gateway has to ve very safe and secured.When customers make the payment they are so much assured about the security that they should not think twice before making the payment and the secure payment gateway will build trust among the customers.

·         Hiring Right

Hiring the best talent is always beneficial for the online business, as they know how to handle the traffic which will come to your online store.If there is a high traffic on weekends so that should know how to handle the traffic and they must make sure that the website is up and fine all the tie so that you won’t lose the business.

·         Online Presence

Once you create the website for your business now it ties to let everybody know that now you are selling online as well for this you have to build the audience and letting them know that what all are you selling through your online store.

·         Social Media

This is one of the most important platform if you want to get the success in your online business, after creating the online store that goes for social media and creates facebook and Instagram. Social Media will help you to v=crea the audience and keep posting on social media and post all the new offers and new arrivals on the social media.
So beginning Business Online is very simple in the event that you know how presently you do…..what are you hanging tight for, you realize what to doArticle Search, Go Do It……

Wednesday 15 July 2020

What Is Amazon FBA... And How Do I Make Money From It?

Have a look at this descriptive of Amazon FBA and promotion for a free online course by Dan Vas
(FBA is "Fulfilment by Amazon")

  • If you are new to ecommerce and  follow Dan's system, keep us posted on how you get along
  • If you are already running an online business, do you think you could have done things differently using Dan's methods?

Please feel free to comment here

3 Tips for Creating a Contact Us Page for Small Businesses

You have your online business in place and you are attracting customers. Your customers need your help, so how do you keep their attention to serve their needs?
This article by Dale Harris considers just that

Starting a business is easy. The hard part is keeping your business alive, especially in times of crisis like right now. One of the biggest reasons new small businesses fail is that they don’t know how to get repeat business from clients.
A well-designed, easy-to-navigate contact us page is vital to drawing customers in and bringing them back. If you’re not the most design-savvy and are worried about communicating with customers, don’t worry. Here are three helpful tips for creating a small business contact us page.

1. Getting International Attention

If you write, sell internationally, or do other intercontinental work, contact us pages can present difficulty. If you’re based in the United States, a Canadian caller might be turned off from your business if they don’t have a way to call you without incurring long-distance charges.
Luckily, virtual calling services eliminate this problem. It’s simple to get a Canadian phone number and other international numbers. Taking a moment to add this feature to the list of emails and phone numbers on your site helps you expand your business to other countries.

2. Making Your Contact Us Page Accessible to All

One commonly overlooked aspect of making a contact us page is that not every client has the same physical ability to see, read, and process information.
The accessibility features you know from your computer’s settings can only do so much, leaving blind and vision-impaired computer users, people with sensitivities to bright and clashing colors, and others in a difficult position. Images without alternate text are impossible to parse with screen readers, and certain fonts are confusing to dyslexics and others.
Disabled people need to use services like yours as much as any others do, but when websites are hard to read, they’re forced to go elsewhere to find information, goods, and services. Following accessibility guidelines and using a template is a good way to ensure that everyone can get in touch without issue.

3. Think Professional Design

Throwing together a contact us page might seem like easy work. After all, it’s just your company building address, an email and phone number, and maybe an embedded contact form. You can make one in five minutes, right?
Sure, you can, but a contact us page that looks like a middle schooler made it in Microsoft Word isn’t going to get the most value out of your contact us page. If you don’t have design experience, it’s a good idea to invest in hiring a web designer to do the work.
Aesthetics matter more than you might think, and a sleek and professional contact us page gives customers confidence in your business.

Improve Business With Marketing Articles and Advice

Now that you’ve read these three great tips for creating a contact us page, you can improve your website and draw in more business. Once you’ve perfected your contact us page, take a look at our other articles to keep improving your website and other aspects of your business.
In these lean times, it’s important to jump on all the business opportunities you can. Lucky for you, we have all the business news that matters right now lined up right here. Get to reading and get on top of your game.

Monday 13 July 2020

How to Start an Online Business Fast - The 3 Steps You Should Take This Year!

We all have to start somewhere, but that is often the hardest point where many people can give up. There's a lot of great info out there on running an online business but sometimes we just need a general overview to understand what it's all about.

This great article by AJ Simon takes that first step

How to start an online business fast and easy using these simple to follow strategies that anyone can implement starting today. Discover how easy it is to get your own business off the ground.
In this article, I will reveal the fastest way to start an online business from scratch and how you can easily quit your 9 to 5 day job using simple marketing systems. Let's get started...
1.) First you need to pick a target niche. This is a VERY IMPORTANT step. If you pick the wrong niche, you won't make as much money. I suggest sticking to the top niche topics like Insurance, Health and Wellness, Finance and Make Money Online.
These topics are full of hungry buyers who are eager to solve their problems as fast as possible. It's up to you to give them the solution to these problems. If you can solve their problems, you can become a very successful internet marketer.
2.) Second, you need to set-up an auto-responder series. This will give you the ultimate POWER over your business. You can set up a series of emails that will give value to your potential buyers and start selling them relevant content.
However, don't pitch in each email you send. Make sure to give free tips, advice and tactics they can use to benefit their own lives.
3.) Third, you need to send targeted traffic to your lead magnet and start generating leads. I'm sure you've heard the term "Traffic is King." Well, it's true!
If you don't have people seeing your products, you will never make money from home. So make sure to get the best targeted traffic there is. I suggest "Search Traffic." It's the highest targeted traffic you can get.
Articles are a great way to get search engine traffic and promote your online business through SEO. Search engine optimization can drive free traffic to your websites and grow your email marketing list at no cost.
This will take some time to research the right keywords, but it's totally worth the effort. I suggest that you plan out at least an hour of work per day on this endeavour.
You need to test out different sources of advertising and scale up your business ventures. That's the golden recipe for success in the online business arena. These 3 steps have taken thousands of people from 0 to 6 figure business's in as little as a year.
These steps are the best ways you can start an online business fast. Hope you enjoyed!
Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?
If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

Article Source:

Saturday 27 June 2020

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes
By: Richard Meredith

So... you're a new marketer, and you want to make extra money or even perhaps a great living!  One of the first things you do is join an affiliate program or downline club of some sort.  Or maybe even you are trying your hand at Ebay or another auction service by marketing some nicely profitable product.  Now, once you have some sort of online business vehicle, your mind must gravitate to exactly what kind of advertising to generate sales or memberships.

Online business is an awful lot like regular advertising. What draws you to a business in your home town? Coupons? Specials? Give-aways? A personal recommendation from a friend or trusted associate?

Oh yes - and here is a little secret that is often not known or ignored:

When it comes to building any kind of business online you do the same thing!  Give away a free report, an informative ebook, a trial software, an online course, or maybe a subscription to a free newsletter or ezine.  This is just simply the way it is done with online business, period.  But here is the most critical part... you MUST capture the name and email address FIRST before you give access to it!

It is widely known by all of the top marketers online that your PRIMARY task to be successful is to compile a list of people (prospective customers) that are interested in the type of thing you are giving away!  This is so easy to do with an autoresponder.  They just fill a form, and they are automatically added to your list, and then are redirected to your download page or membership site.

Then the next task is to automatically send a series of messages with that autoresponder that tell more about the reasons why your product or products (or membership program) are BENEFICIAL to them!  WHY? Because it is infinitely better to contact a prospect several times rather than only once.  It is a proven fact that most people will NOT  buy from you or join your program until they have been approached at least 5 to 7 times.  This is done as I said, automatically, on a timed basis slowly tapering off until it is a slow drip of messages until they buy or join- or unsubscribe from your list.  And when you run special promotions of any kind, a feature of the best autoresponders allows you to broadcast to your entire list any time you want.  This is how many marketers can make huge amounts of money and sales ON DEMAND- whenever and as often as they like!

Details about which autoresponders are best, and the techniques of developing a list and how often to mail to that list are subjects that deserve more time and attention than can be given here... but suffice it to say that if YOU are not FIRST developing a list, and then marketing to your list AFTERWARDS- you're just missing the boat!

Pure and simple!

So if you are advertising an affiliate link, or your products' sale page... or anything other than your free subscription, report, ebook, or course - it can indeed be the most tragic mistake you can make in your online business strategy!

If this is you, pull back and regroup, and completely re-think your marketing strategy now before you lose too much time, money, energy, or motivation.

And remember... BUILD your LIST!

Author Bio
Richard Meredith is the author of the critically acclaimed ebook "The BLACK BOOK of Online Business"- the must-have source book for anyone doing business online... or even THINKING about it!

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Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...