Showing posts with label shopping platforms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping platforms. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 August 2020

10 Ideas For Affiliate Marketing In 2020

Just like the title, Ferdy gives us 10 ideas for affiliate marketing

He has been doing it for 5 years so he should know a fair bit

Sunday 9 August 2020

Best 6 E-commerce Platforms for Your Brand
Lately we have been promoting the one stop shop of GROOVEFUNNELS a lot, due to the products of GroovePages and GrooveSell being FREE

However, if the offer on GROOVEFUNNELS is not for you and you are still looking for alternative ECommerce platforms, this article by "Daily brewed content" gives a fair selection of well known products

Selecting the right e-commerce platform is vital for the success of your brand. It would help if you were careful while choosing as those platforms will be responsible for your brand to grow or change.

Firstly, you need to analyze which e-commerce platform is ideal for your brand as not all of them focus on the same thing.

After listing your priorities, you can look at the given below e-commerce platforms that might boost your sales.

1. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is ideal for those brands that need a customizable platform, know WordPress well, and have coding chops. It is a platform that has high customizability, built-in analytics, and 24/7 customer support. However, it doesn’t allow proper SEO and social media marketing.

2. Shopify

Shopify is extremely popular in the world of e-commerce marketing. It is the platform for those who rely on social media marketing to sell or who do drop shipping. It is simple, flexible, and scalable for small and medium-sized brands. As Shopify focuses on marketing and gives customer experience management, it struggles to handle the most significant brands.

3. Big Commerce

Unlike Shopify, Big Commerce can handle large brands and with better SEO performance. It has a one-page checkout experience that can boost your conversion rate, but it fails to give the one-click up-sells that Shopify does. But if you go for Big Commerce, you can get high customizability and constant customer support.

4. OpenCart

If you find Big Commerce expensive, you can go for OpenCart. It’s open-source and free-to-use, but you can invest in add-ons costing from free to $100. It would help if you had a strong coding ability to use its high customizability as their support isn’t as strong as others.

5. Squarespace

Squarespace is used by small brands, who don’t need much coding skills. It is an appealing platform with excellent design from a simple drag-and-drag interface based on several beautiful templates. But it is not ideal for you if you want high sales or focus on e-commerce.

6. Magento

Magento, by Adobe, is especially prevalent in Asia. NowFree Web Content, North American companies have started to acknowledge the power behind this platform. Magento eCommerce development is an ideal platform for small or large brands that can handle a more complicated interface than Squarespace.

For more details: Click here

Source: Free Articles from

Saturday 4 July 2020

5 Tips to hire Magento specialists in the UK

How far are you in your journey in E-Commerce? Whether you are established or new I'm sure that choosing the right online shopping platform for you has been a crucial bit of research. There are many platforms out there such as Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento which seem to be amongst the common choices.

Have you got your online store set up with the right platform for your business? Who do you go to for getting it set up/

In this article, by Jason Hope, the specific platform of Magento is looked at. Jason gives 5 key tips in selecting the right Magento developer before you commit

Are you looking to build an impactful customised Magento eCommerce store, or are you simply at the inquiry stage? Whichever stage you are at this is a decision that must be researched and thought about thoroughly. Magento stores have increased immensely due to its amazing features and functionalities. Can you believe that since it’s release in mid-2008 the internet guesstimates that there have been over 1 million sites built and they are growing at triple the rate in comparison with other merchants

You will be investing time and money when hiring a Magento developer so it is vital that you ensure that you get the best. Before you explain your requirements start by writing a detailed brief so both of you are clear from the start on what is to be expected & delivered.
Building & managing a Magento e-store can be a daunting task. Hiring the right Magento specialists in the UK will make your life much simpler and easier.

The question is, how will you know if you are hiring the right developer or not? We have made a quick checklist that will help you make the right decision.

1. Always Check Reviews and Ratings
Checking reviews and star ratings is not just a trend but is essential! Going through reviews will often provide honest & relevant feedback about a prospective developer’s experience, professionalism, work ethics and reputation. Be sure to visit their professional social media accounts and website to gain further insight. Clients are bound to have left valuable remarks and comments on everything from work ethics to implementing & delivering the website. Don’t shy away from asking for references and follow them up as this will give you a clear insight of who you may be about to work with.

2. Take a look at their work portfolio and credentials Before you get started
It is imperative to look at their portfolio to check if they are experienced & to see the standard of work to be expected. Are they Magento certified? You need a reputable & qualified developer to be able to guide you and implement your eCommerce site.

3. Check their availability and communication
Before any decision is made you must find out what their current availability is and if they have the required resources to get your project underway. There is no point in committing if you need an immediate start and the best they can offer is within the next few weeks or they only have one developer who is unable to communicate effectively. Channels of communication must be precise and clear at all levels and stages to ensure that everybody is on the same page and are working towards the same goals.
Also, make sure that you are fully aware of the working hours, be sure you know what to do if you need to contact the developer in case of an emergency & what is the preferred way of communicating & when. For example, What happens if your products are displaying the incorrect prices on your site and your developer is in a meeting? Will there be someone else on hand to assist you? Do you email, Skype or message or call?

4. Make sure you brief is specific
This is crucial to get right from the beginning. Outline your main brief, give a general overview of how you envision your site and then discuss all technical requirements, as well as, User Interface specifications. Every detail, even the tiny ones need to be ironed out from the get-go. This way you will know if it is feasible and eliminates any miscommunication or time wastage. Deadlines must be laid out to ensure that you are on schedule and to safeguard you from further problems or hidden costs.

5. Try a paid test project
If you are still unsure or skeptical in any way regarding the developer’s capabilities, ask if they would consider doing a paid test project.
This quintessential step will give you some perspective & will definitely help you in choosing the perfect developer for you.

Undoubtedly there are other checks and tips out there that you can follow. Research as much as you can to make the right decision for you. You will get there in the end and overall, make sure you choose a reputable & qualified Magento developer in the UK.

Friday 3 July 2020

The Best Ecommerce Platform in 2020

Simply put, here is a super concise guide from Travis Marziani to choosing an appropriate E-Commerce platform for you, your business and your skillset.

What did you go for and why? Let me know in the comments please

Tuesday 30 June 2020

How to Select an Ecommerce Platform for Your Online Store

Whilst looking for a great summary of things to consider in setting up an e-commerce store, this week I came across this amazing article by Satish Ithamsetty. I think it is well worth a read. What do you think?

If you are considering running an eCommerce store, it’s likely that you’ve been trying to decide which platform to run it from. Of course, you could pay a designer to build you a personalized website, but this is expensive and is hardly ever the best option for a small business. So that leaves you with a few choices. Do you set up a store on an online marketplace like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy, or do you use a standalone platform provider like Magento or Shopify? Here we take a look at these options so you can determine which is best.

Online Marketplaces and Online Store
At first glance, you may think that selling on an online marketplace like Amazon or eBay is your best option. After all, you don’t need to build your own website, spend money on hosting or a domain name, and you can literally set yourself up within minutes. Online marketplaces also provide you with a host of eager buyers, which can help you to start selling products right from the get-go. However, there are fees involved with selling through platforms such as these, and there are also guidelines that need to be followed. Here are the BlackFriday Deals for Bloggers, which comes every year for you.

The main reason why many people choose to sell on online marketplaces is because of their potential for sales and the ability to reach customers who didn’t previously know they existed. However, in order to use them effectively, you need to be aware of the fees they charge and whether you can afford to pay these within your margins. You’ll also need to determine which platforms to use – you may prefer the professionalism of Amazon for example, or the ability to showcase your brand on eBay.

Online Shopping Platforms:
A step up from the online marketplaces are online shopping platforms. These give you full design over your layout, branding, and sales prices, and typically just charge a fee for the software, domain, and hosting. Again, these are easy to set up and Shopify and Magento support are readily available from online companies if you need help.

Shopify is an especially popular option for small businesses and even comes with an app that you can use from your smartphone. Magento is the far better option for eCommerce website stores that have high hopes for the future as it gives you full control over everything you could ever think of. This does mean that you’ll need to spend time learning how to use the software (unless you hire someone to help you), but the results will far outweigh your effort.
Of course, when using an online shopping platform, you will be responsible for your SEO and marketing in order to draw people to your site.

Which is Best?
Many people opt to use the online marketplace whilst having their own website, and this is often the best course of action for small eCommerce stores. You will be given the ability to reach a wider audience and can send leaflets with the items you post directing your customers to your online store. Long term, having your own shop is always the better option, but there is no harm in trying a few different options until you find one that you are happy with. This is the smart guide on Best Online Marketplace for Sellers.

Article Author: Satish Ithamsetty

Monday 29 June 2020

Top Ecommerce Platform and Online Marketplace Comparison - Printful Inte...

A hot topic for marketing products online is the choice of which online shopping platform to use for your business. I was impressed by the video here from the guys at Printful Custom Printing.

They give an excellent and concise guide to the pros and cons of a whole host of shopping platforms.

Cost, complexity, skillset required and suggested purposes for business types are all covered.

Has this guide reinforced your choice or will you now be looking at an alternative?

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...