Showing posts with label Selling online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selling online. Show all posts

Monday 14 September 2020

Selling on an ECommerce Site Vs. A Social Media Marketplace

Do you now the difference between eCommerce and social media selling? Susan Friesen elaborates in her July 20 article

The Difference Between Social Media Selling & eCommerce

Over the past few weeks, I've shared some tips on improving your eCommerce website as well as some of the different ways to sell on social. This week, I'm going to help you choose whether you should focus on selling on an eCommerce store or opt for a social media marketplace.

But first, a quick refresher:

  • Selling on an eCommerce store means you're selling products or services on your own domain. You're responsible for everything from web design to creating compelling content and managing SEO.
  • Selling within a social media platform or marketplace involves utilizing the platform's selling capabilities to actively market your products. Generally, if someone clicks, they're driven back to your website to complete the purchase.

You'll have to figure out how to process transactions either way and install shopping cart software or drive buyers to a third-party site like PayPal.

Here are some of the marketplaces you can sell on:

  • Facebook Shops: Allows you to add products in different categories, communicate with customers and get insights around data.
  • Facebook Messenger: While still a part of Facebook, this involves communicating with customers (either manually or with chatbots) to reach your target audience.
  • Shoppable Instagram posts: You can tag brands and products in organic Instagram posts, then your audience can tap to see more details and buy the product.
  • Pinterest (stats show that nearly half of all users are logging onto the site just to shop).

The Differences Between Selling on an eCommerce Store & Social Media Marketplace

Now, if you're selling on an eCommerce store, you can use a combo of SEO, content marketing and paid ads to drive traffic to your products or services. Because you can use your branding and content to your advantage, this can offer a more authentic experience to your customers.

If you're using an online marketplace, it's less time-consuming. The platform is already there, and you're populating it with your images, copy and products/services. It may be easier for some small business owners to engage with their audience on a site like Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram vs. growing visitors to their website organically.

However, the competition is high. You're competing against many other brands, both big and small. Your company could get lost in the noise, so to speak.

You'll also often pay a fee to sell. For example, the selling fee on Facebook Shops is 5% per shipment, or a flat fee of $0.40 for shipments of $8.00 or less.

So what's a small business owner to do?


READ: Your Guide to eCommerce Social Media Marketing

Your social media accounts aren't just platforms for sharing content and engaging with visitors to accomplish those goals. From Facebook to Instagram, it can be a powerful way to market your products and services to your followers.

But despite these statistics, many small business owners still don't understand the value of using these popular platforms to sell. That's why I created this guide: to not only help you understand how important eCommerce social media marketing is, but to give you actionable tips to drive traffic, leads and sales.

Read more on our website.


Sell on eCommerce First & Social Media Second

I recommend you start out with a website that allows people to buy what you're selling on your own site. Then, as part of a bigger strategy, if it makes sense to your target audience, you can use a service like Facebook Shops to increase the size of your audience.

I don't advise you to only sell on a third-party platform. Here's why:

  • You have far less control over technical issues. If something breaks or the service goes down, it could create a negative experience for your customers-and you may not even know it.
  • If you are having a technical difficulty or issue with your online store, you'll have to connect with the site's third-party customer support vs. contacting your web development company.
  • There can be marketplace limitations around how your business can brand itself. Your own site allows you complete control over the visuals, content, coding, videos and of course, SEO.

4 Tips for Selling on eCommerce or on a Social Media Marketplace

While there are some important differences between selling on a third-party platform or on your own eCommerce store, there are some similarities in how you should approach things.

1. Build, don't push.

Focus on building relationships, not pushing your products or services on people. You'll have to spend time nurturing relationships and growing engagement, whether that's through in-depth blog articles on your site or replying to comments on Facebook.

2. Know your customers.

There are so many questions that can help you understand your buyers. Who's your target audience? What networks are they active on? Do they leave reviews? Do they prefer to consume video content or written content?

3. Understand your website weaknesses.

You're driving potential customers to your site, so make sure it's at its best. If traffic isn't converting into leads or sales, it might not be your paid ads or product images.

Check your CTAs, look for broken links and take a long, hard look at your navigation. Also, check your Google Analytics data to learn what's working and what isn't.

4. Listen to your customers.

Whether you're selling on social media or through your website, your reputation depends on how you treat your customers. Monitor your comments, answer questions and complaints promptly and keep tabs on online reviews on sites like Google My Business and Yelp.

So there you have it: if you can, take both approaches to connecting with your target audience! These two tactics can really complement each other and be a key part of your multi-channel marketing strategy.

However, there's more to the process than buying a domain name and loading your site with products or services or creating a profile on a social media marketplace.

Hiring a professional marketing company can save you both time and money. Contact us today to learn how we've helped many small business owners succeed.

To your business success,


About the author:

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.

Visit and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results".

Article Source:

Sunday 23 August 2020

How to Make Money Online Writing EBooks

If you've ever thought bout writing a book but didn't know how to go about it or how to get it published, why not consider writing an ebook? This guide by Ruth Barringham will help

I've been a writer for a long time and digital publishing (eBooks) is a way that I've earned a lot of my income. I publish webpage content, blog posts and eBooks. All three can be done easily and for free, if you know how to do it.

Writing and publishing eBooks is a great way to earn money from your writing because you can write them on your computer then digitally publish them. This leaves you free to keep on writing more eBooks.

You can also earn money online selling other people's eBooks.

There are several ways to make money online, whether you have your own books to sell or not.

But without your own eBooks, you're not completely in control of what you're doing.

I've been an affiliate marketer for years and find it an easy and enjoyable way to earn money.

But because I'm selling eBooks that aren't mine, I have no control over them.

I was once promoting an affiliate product which was an eBook course on how to be persuasive.

I was happily marketing it to writers who lacked confidence and told them how this product could help them write more persuasive sales pages so they could sell more books.

Everything was going well with this course for a couple of years and I was making regular sales.

Then one day, when I was checking the links on my website, I discovered that the links to this product were broken.

I checked it out and guess what? The product had been withdrawn from the market and was no longer available.

How long it had been gone I didn't know, and I couldn't understand why because it was a consistent seller. But now it was gone and there was nothing I could do except remove all the material about it from my website.

That's why it's better to have your own eBooks to sell.

Write Your Own eBooks.

eBooks are great because they only need to be written once and they can be sold over and over, AND, the whole selling process can be automated so that customers buy and download your eBooks without you having to do anything - and you earn money from every sale automatically too.

And even if you've never written an eBook before it's still possible to write your own.

Where to Get Ideas

You can write a book on any subject that interests readers. You can even write a book about what you do online.

If you want more ideas you can browse your local library, magazines, blogs, or you can browse (on Amazon) similar books to the one you want to write to get more ideas of what to include in yours. Readers' reviews are a great source of information of what readers liked and (most importantly) what they didn't like about the book. It's surprising how many ideas you can get once you start browsing books online.

Some authors use their own websites as inspiration and re-write all their online content and expand their articles into eBook chapters.

Other eBook authors do it the other way around. They write their eBook and reduce each chapter to an article to put on their website to help promote it.

Selling Your eBook

Once your eBook is written and published you need to spend some time marketing it.

It's best to have a marketing plan before you write your book, because it saves time later and you can also pre-market it so that people are eager to buy it as soon as it's available.

And your eBooks don't have to be huge. Some authors earn money from writing only 20 to 30 pages and selling them as 99cent Kindle eBooks. And what they find is that as long as the book is packed with inspirational and useable information, or they've written an entrancing piece of fiction, readers love their eBooks so they keep buying more.

And if you can't write a book yourself you can always outline your chapters and hire a freelance writer to write it for you.

But whichever way you choose to do it, having your own eBooks to sell is a win-win.

You win because you make money automatically and your customers win because they buy a great eBook and have instant access to it.

So don't wait any longer.

Start writing and publishing great eBooks

Want to write and publish an eBook by this time next week AND start making sales? Can you imagine how great it will feel to a published author 7 days from now? With 'The 7 Day eBook Writing and Publishing System' you'll have your first eBook written, published, and earning money in just a week. Not only that, but this amazing course walks you effortlessly through the whole process, and the bonus chapters show you how to write a short report or eBook in just 2 hours. That's right. Sit down now and in just 2 hours your short report or eBook is finished. Click the link below to find out how.

About the author:

Article Source:

Sunday 16 August 2020

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Master Affiliate Marketing - 7 Ways To Take Your Earnings To The Next Level

You want to start affiliate marketing and you've seen all the YouTube success stories and tutorials

However you just want a simple outline. James Simpson obliges here:

It's a fact that affiliate marketing is one of the quickest ways to get a web business up and running. After all, you don't need a website, you don't need a list and you can start advertising someone else's product just 5 minutes from now.

And the great thing is you really can make money by doing it. But the truth is, if you are making money from a particular product you're promoting in this fashion, you're almost certainly leaving money on the table.

To explain why, we need to look at your average affiliate marketing strategy:

-- Pick a product to promote with a high affiliate payout ($50 or more)

-- Set up a pay-per-click campaign to promote your affiliate link

That's it! Those two steps are what the vast majority of affiliate marketers do. And that's why 95% of all affiliate payouts are made to just 5% of the people doing the marketing... because those top 5% are doing far more to earn their commissions than just a simple PPC campaign.

You need to understand that if you're fortunate enough to be making money from the product you're promoting just by doing those 2 basic steps, then it's almost a racing certainty that you're missing out on a mass of additional income.

Let's look at how you could increase your commissions and future related sales on just one product you're already making money from:

1. Build a 'name squeeze' page to capture your prospect's name and email address. It's a fact that virtually all product sales are made after the customer's fifth visit to the website.

If you're not capturing your prospect's details, how are you going to make sure they go back to the sales page using your affiliate link? To greatly improve the chances of this you can set up a 7-series autoresponder to automatically send your lead additional information and reminders about the product they're interested in. This approach will keep the product fresh in their mind.

2. Build a website reviewing the product you're promoting, including a newsletter to catch your prospect's details. You can give full details about how the product will solve your prospect's problems, giving an impartial review of the features and benefits with some real-life results.

The newsletter will allow you to keep in touch with your prospects in the same way as the name squeeze page method.

3. Offer additional bonuses for buying through your affiliate link. This gives your prospect a reason to buy from you, especially if they know you're going to make a commission from the sale.

The important thing here is that your bonus products are related to the product you're selling. I mean, there's no point advertising a bonus book on 'how to make your parrot talk' if your initial product is about training dogs to perform tricks.

4. Create video tutorials on how to use the product you're promoting. This works especially well when you're promoting a software product. You can show people how to get started as quickly as possible without them having to read the manual.

The vast majority of people learn visually, so they're much more likely to use your videos than read the manual supplied with the software. You can even tie this in with option 3; give your prospect free training videos if they buy through your affiliate link.

5. Make your own product to cross-promote. It can be an add-on to the product you're promoting as an affiliate. Again, you could easily offer it for free or at a discounted price if they buy through your affiliate link.

6. Promote related products via email. This works by creating an 'A ' Grade list out of your newsletter and squeeze page sign-ups, i.e. the people who have actually gone on to buy the product you're promoting.

It's a known fact that people who have a proven track record of buying online are more likely to buy from you again. You can easily recommend to them a related product that will further enhance their original purchase, resulting in more affiliate commissions for you.

7. Tie all of the above together. You don't have to use just one of the methods above. Use all of them.

Create a name squeeze page, build a review website with newsletter, add some bonuses to your affiliate link, make some video tutorials, develop your own related product and promote other affiliate products via email to the lists you've built with your name squeeze page and newsletter.

But before you do any of this, make sure you're promoting a product that sells. After all, spending your time doing all of the above for a product that is poorly supported, doesn't work properly or has a high refund rate is going to be time wasted.

Author Bio
James Simpson is an internet marketer and product developer. Currently he is producing 'how to' videos, showing how to properly use and benefit from XSitePro, over at

Article Source:

Thursday 6 August 2020

GrooveFunnels Promotional Video (Featuring GroovePages & GrooveSell)

Getting your online business set up can be unexpectedly costly.

You need to create your funnel which has your opt in pages working and your products easily accessible; not to mention servicing a mailing list and automating its actions, whilst being sure to have a payment and cart function in place.

Right now one product is out there that is disrupting the whole market.

GROOVEFUNNELS is an all in one system that lets you build your own pages and operate your funnel, as well has having a sales and affiliate platform, GrooveSell, right alongside.

SO why mention this above all the other existing funnel builders, autoresponders etc?

Quite simply, for the moment GrooveFunnels is FREE, yes, FREE

Watch the video to find out more:

Hope you enjoyed the video!

Why not experience the magic for yourself? No fee, no card details required!!

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Sunday 26 July 2020

How to make money through Internet Marketing

What a title right? "How to make money through internet marketing".
That is the reason we promote our materials, to help people get an insight into what they can do to stay current and effective in today's digital  marketplace. Kenny Lim takes us through the overview:

Earning money has always been associated with traditional ' offline ' methods in the real world. With the Internet taking over much of our lives, more people are looking for ways to make money online and improve their financial cash flows.

How to make money through Internet Marketing:

The amount of research proving the positive effects of Internet Business is growing. It is never too late to ride into this tremendous world of Internet Market wagon.

First of all, just take a look into the Internet Marketing System which is essentially the 4 basic steps:


A)Niche Market

For this article, I would like to begin with the “Niche” market. Internet Business starts with the idea of providing a solution to the problem peoples are facing. Lots of people searching on the internet to look for information to solve their problems. An example of a niche will be the pregnancy where people want to have children and wish to get their wives pregnant but are not able to do so. Another example of what we want to do in this section is to run an internet business with the most profitable and the most Evergreen business. You don't have to worry about your business going out of style or your customers going away and you may not be able to do it for a long time.

Niche Examples: 

Pain Relief
Personal Development
Weight Loss
Internet Marketing
Home Business

Internet Business is where people want to learn how to make money online and the process of learning how to make money online never ends even I continue to learn every single day in this business and this is good news because you can continuously market and sell products for a very long time without fail.

B)Find a Profitable Niche that you are passionate about

Evergreen long-term Niche Market that you can consider when you are choosing one. Choose one that's already proven to be popular. But the second point is you should be passionate about when you go into any single business. You need to have a genuine interest in the business otherwise it's very difficult for you to go the long way.

C)Find Niches in Market Place

You can do some research on the Internet and here's just to introduce one of the popular places to find niches and it is essentially the Marketplace.

In their website, some of the popular categories:


There are more categories, ClickBank is a billion-dollar company and so it does not place categories there for fun, every single category has been painstakingly researched over the years and proven to be profitable so all of these are good examples of markets that you can consider going into because they have been proven to be profitable.

A relevant example of the market that I know very well and have been in for a very long time is the e-business & e-marketing. So, you can sign up a free account and login to understand the marketplace more in detail and to check out the products if you want to further specialized

D)Research Keywords or Key Phrases  

To target the right audience and market more specifically, one of the important points is to research with so-called Keywords or Key Phrases which peoples are searching for. And it turns into our product or services business opportunity that is very likely what peoples are eventually looking for a solution to solve their problems.

There are a few free Keyword research website recommended:

When people search the keyword for "Internet Marketing" or "Make Money Online," you can't get a better customer by analyzing people who have a problem with making money online on the internet to look for available resources. and what you want to do is to provide people with solutions to the problems so we grab the keyword and it does give you a very good indication of how many people are searching for the keyword “make money from home”

These Keyword searching websites are very good Market intelligence tools where you can have in the back of your head what is going to be great as this tool can help you build your future Targeted Audience.

There's nothing like a little inspiration to get you started, so I thought I'd share what I've been working.


Thank you for reading this article. The next article will be touching on “Product”.

About the author: I am an Operation Manager in Electronic Manufacturing Industries for the past 30 years. An Internet entrepreneur by night. Creating Smart, Excellently-planned Internet marketing strategy to help to attract new customers and keep existing customers loyal and ultimately achieve long-term, more sustainable passive income. I write articles on topics of Internet Marketing, Personal Development, Business Psychology.

Thursday 16 July 2020

How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon: The Ultimate Guide

Amazon is one of the most well known companies in the world today.
It is also one of the best places to build your ecommerce business around.
But what about product selection for effective selling?

Dale Harris has investigated this and his article gives some great tips. What do you think?

When was the last time you were scrolling through Amazon looking for something to buy? There are loads of different options and an almost unlimited amount of products selling on this giant global marketplace.
But deciding what are the best items to sell on Amazon can be a nightmare with all this choice.
If you have a business or are looking to earn some extra cash as an Amazon seller, here’s all you need to know about how to find products to sell on Amazon.

1. Know Your Market

The most important aspect of selling online is knowing your market. You need to understand who you are selling to and what products they purchase.
When you understand this you can start to understand your competition and how you can conquer them.
One way in which the market can be divided up and the traditional way it has always been done is by country. An American customer might not necessarily purchase the same products as a British person or an Indian customer. A product that sells well in one of these markets might also not sell at all in another.
However, the rise of the internet and hyper-communication through social media has broken down these barriers to a certain extent. 
If you are selling for the female market – for instance, beauty products – then there are ethical concerns you need to consider about the ingredients that are used in the products and whether they were tested on animals and are vegan-friendly. Some countries also have different regulations on what chemicals are allowed into the products.

2. Sell Great Products Not Cheap Junk

It is easy to think that selling cheap products at low prices is the easiest way to make a quick buck on Amazon. But this couldn’t be further from the case. Customers are savvy and will soon stop purchasing a product if they feel it is inadequate.
Furthermore, most customers use Amazon’s review system to leave reviews of products for future customers.
Instead, you should focus on sourcing or even creating your own great products to sell on Amazon. You should do this even if you have to charge a higher price than your competitors.
Customers are willing to pay a higher price for a product if there is a clear justification or it offers something special and unique. You can easily generate excitement around these products with a clever marketing strategy. 

3. Choose a Product That You Can Market Well

Customers don’t always buy the product based on purely practical considerations. Often people buy a product because they are buying into the vision or the lifestyle that the product represents.
This is often down to clever marketing. The best products are ones that can be marketed well. Often they are simple and it is obvious what they do. 
Apple is a clever example. Ostensibly, their products are laptops, smartwatches and cell phones. But they cleverly marketed these products, suggesting that owning all of these products together is a lifestyle choice.
Those who own them can use them in tandem to have an easier and more fulfilled life, able to be more productive at work as well as in the gym and during exercise routines. Simplicity is the key to Apple’s message even though what they are selling are extremely complex products.

4. Do Some SEO Keyword Research

Another way in which people access products is not always through Amazon itself but through affiliate links and blogs and websites that have been Search Engine Optimized.
If you’re struggling to get your head around this then be sure to hire a company that specializes in amazon seo services might be of use to you.
Using an SEO keyword research tool you can help you see which products and keywords are currently ranking highly on Google. Once you have established what products are popular you can start to see where products that you want to sell might fit in.
Remember though SEO does take time.
Once you know where the products fit in terms of Google and which keywords you want to target you can then start to think about ways of increasing its profile on Google which will then lead to increased traffic to its Amazon page.
You can pay blog owners to include an affiliate link to your product along with the keywords that are likely to boost its ranking on Google and you can also extend this to social media as well, hiring influencers to help you.

How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon? Marketing is Key

The key to selling great products on Amazon is not just product choice but also great marketing. By creating a buzz around your product and ensuring that you are selling a lifestyle or a brand as well as the product you can start to build a loyal client base.
On top of this, you can then start to grow this audience through SEO. By ensuring your product ranks highly on Google you can increase the traffic to your product.
Part of SEO is also reaching out to other brands and websites to see if they can include an affiliate link to one of your products in their own blogs or content. Of they will want a small fee for doing this but it can be rewarding.
Finally, social media influencers can also ensure your product as a strong following on Instagram, Facebook, and even Pinterest.
If you are interested in learning more about how to find products to sell on Amazon or the best items to sell on Amazon be sure to check out the rest of our site.

Friday 3 July 2020

The Best Ecommerce Platform in 2020

Simply put, here is a super concise guide from Travis Marziani to choosing an appropriate E-Commerce platform for you, your business and your skillset.

What did you go for and why? Let me know in the comments please

Thursday 25 June 2020

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash
By: Paul Matthews

Your website looks great: solid words, easy navigation, graphics just so, and maybe even a bit of flash with some multimedia. 

But customers are not buying.

You wonder if it's the writing. How can that be? You remembered the two key mantras for website content - "write for the search engines" and "write for the medium." You used appropriate keywords to help search engines find you and traffic is up. Surely, customers enjoy reading your content because you laid it out with the internet in mind using short sentences, brief paragraphs, and bullets to list your key points. Customers might be reading, but they still are not buying.

Chances are your site copy has been optimized for technology not people.

Even on the internet, selling is still about connecting to people. So how do you press the flesh across broadband? Start where brick and mortar relationships do - trust. Why not become the trusted provider in your marketspace?  You can use words to raise your credibility in at least 25 different ways.

Here are two of them:

1) write the way customers speak and 
2) replace your pitch with a theme. 

People instinctively trust strangers who speak like them. If you find this article useful, how would you tell someone? Are you really going to say, "I read an unusually amazing article that fundamentally increased my sagging sales"? Not likely. Weak copywriters, not people, use too many modifiers. "Amazing,"  "fundamentally," and "sagging" weaken trust.  How's your site for modifiers?

Give it the finger test. 

You might not want fingerprints on your screen, so I suggest printing a copy of your homepage content. Now, put your baby finger on the first modifier you can find. Put your ring finger on the next adjective or adverb. Repeat until you run out of modifiers or fingers. If your page is a handful, you've got too many modifiers and your copy is hype heavy, not trustworthy. In addition to giving readers copy that matches how they speak, it helps to give them time to get to know you.
Customers need time before they trust. 

They will get used to your site in tiny steps, so hold off selling; buy some time. Have a theme for your site, introducing your offer only after your customer feels comfortable. Themes are a subtle form of repetition because they continually reinforce a single concept. Repeated exposure to an idea usually makes it familiar and safe. Remember the first time you used instant messaging or the family car - not so scary now.

Let's say your site is selling dental floss.

Instead of listing the benefits of DentaThread, you could tie the presentation together under the central idea "Some people have nothing to smile about." The opening section could point out how the discomfort of gingivitis wipes the grin off a person's face. Another segment would show how ugly cavities make someone too self- conscious to smile. Yet another piece would reveal how the high cost of root canal causes an individual to frown. In this way, three versions of one idea help the site grow on the visitor: one idea, three versions. Does your homepage have a theme? How many chances does your site give visitors to get comfortable with you?

In this article, I tried to use the language of my readers and hang it on a central idea, trust. Did it work? Did it help? If yes, I guess I proved my point. If no, I have 23 more ideas to go.

Author Bio
Paul Matthews is The Rezon8or specializing in high resonance copy that sells... all click, no slick. For a FREE site copy analysis and a chance to win a FREE homepage makeover go to

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Monday 22 June 2020

Let's Design A Website That Sells

Let's Design A Website That Sells
By: Glenn McDonald

Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in with the good meat or wasn't clean? Would you buy a car from a sales lot that had totaled automobiles on the front lot? I wouldn't and neither would you. Your website is your grocery store; your car lot. You must have an atmosphere that is pleasing to buyers. One that tells that buyer that you are not an amateur, but instead a trained, seasoned professional. Your site is a direct reflection of your product and that is why that having a well designed website can make or break your sales.

The first thing to keep in mind when designing your website, is "surfability". Take a few minutes a look around at several web pages. What makes them appealing? Were there some that you closed out of immediately? Why? Take notes and do your research. Keep in mind that when a person visits your site they have a goal in mind. They are either seeking information or shopping for a product. Give the person what they want without having to search for it. Be sure that all the information on your site is relevant to your product. Make the buyer think that they need your product to solve their problem.

Your main page serves a very specific purpose. It should be an avenue by which the customer can shop your site. It should be easy to view and load very quickly. This is your first impression and we all know that first impressions can either close the deal or loose the deal. Make it simple. It is best to have links that are easily viewable by the reader that will navigate them to where they want to be. Tables are often a great choice when deciding on a way to design the main page of your site. Your main page should load very quickly, chances are if it takes the page more than ten seconds to load even on a 56k modem, the customer will click away to save time, hoping to find the information or product elsewhere. To increase the loading speed of your main page you should avoid large graphics or excessive graphics. Too many banners or special effects can cause a page to load slowly as well.

To make your web site more appealing to the eyes, you should stick to mild colors. If your site is a content site where the user will be doing a lot of reading, it is best to stick to black and white. Color can be added when using tables, as a way to brighten up the page, but remember to keep the overall look of the page professional and appealing to the audience that will be visiting most often. Since screen resolutions vary among monitors, it is a good idea to set the pixels to a standard 800x600. You may also choose to set the tables in your web page to span a percentage of the page rather than a set number of inches. This will be sure to accommodate all screen sizes. You should remember that a lot of Internet users will not use the same browser as you, and therefore you should be sure that your site looks as good on other browsers as it does your own. You can do this by downloading several browsers through which to look at your page.

Be aware of the fact that the overall look of your website is a way to make money. The appearance of the site, if designed properly, can be an excellent marketing strategy for your product or service.

Author Bio
Glenn McDonald can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours... To learn more, visit:

Article Source: - Free Website Content

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...