Showing posts with label online store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online store. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Profiting With Private Label Rights

Private label selling is a great brand building method for your online business. In this blog we often feature affiliate marketing articles where you sell other people's products because it is a great way to start online selling.
But why not sell your own branded products. It is only a few steps more and can really set you aside

In this article  Bob Bastian helps us understand how to do just that and the benefits we can get

There are three basic rights you should know about when it comes to resale rights marketing. These are resale rights, master resale rights and private label rights

Whenever you purchase a product with resale rights, you will only have the license to sell the said product to other people. When you purchase a product with master resale rights, you will have the license to sell the product to other people, and you will also have the option to sell the resale right for the same product as well. This means that the people to whom you sell the resale rights of the product whose master resale rights you own will consequently acquire the license to sell the said product to other people.

Confusing as this may sound, our focus for this article are private label rights which, of the three rights enumerated above, is undoubtedly the most empowering and the most profitable.

Private label rights are embodied in a license that comes with an information product you may be able to purchase. These rights would allow you to alter, modify, enhance and rearrange the contents of the said product to suit your own needs and wishes. What exactly does this mean?

With private label rights, you could divide the chapters of, say, an eBook, and sell them as a series of articles. The reverse is also true. If you purchased a set of articles with accompanying private label rights, you could compile them into one nifty and seemingly novel eBook or special report.

Better yet, you could add any information on the said information product, without having to seek the permission of the original author. You feel that one section is wanting in details? You could freely insert your own additions!

But the best part of information products with private label rights is that, in most cases, you could put your name as the author of the work, without having to pay royalties or ghostwriting charges to the original author.

There are many benefits to private label rights. Some are quite apparent. Others only manifest after a deeper scrutiny. Let's take a look at some of them

Private label rights would allow you to come up with a variety of new products from the original source. Being empowered to alter the contents to suit your needs, you have the liberty to repackage them as novel offers for different markets.

Private label rights would allow you to improve on a work that you may have found lacking. Tired of purchasing products to sell, when such products do not meet your standards of quality and they are disappointingly unalterable? You won't have to worry about such with private label rights. You have the freedom to change and improve on what is written as you see fit.

Private label rights are perfect for branding yourself and your business. You need to get the word out about your online venture. Purchasing a number of information products with private label rights and naming them as your own would impress upon the online world that you are an expert in your chosen field, and they would trust you more easily when the need arises to procure your services or avail of your products.

The purchaser is not the only person who stands to earn from private label rights, however. An information product creator can also consider this route if he wishes to make some fast money. The information product creator can offer the private label rights to his works at a substantially higher price, considering all the perks that are attached to it.

There has been an age old debate as to whether or not a creator should sell the private label rights for his products. Though there are many schools of thought on the matter, the following scenario seems to be the most beneficial
for the information product creator: he should sell the private label rights for his products only when the same is nearing the end of its market life.

At this point, it is widely believed that the product has already been squeezed dry of its moneymaking potentials, and by allowing other people to alter it in creative ways, the said product might find new life in different markets.

Private label rights are excellent offerings in the world of Internet marketing. When you encounter a hot commodity that would give you the liberty to alter its essence and call it your own, it is very much worth your time to study the profitability of purchasing the same. Offers this good don't come everyday.

Author Bio
Bob Bastian is a successful Internet entrepreneur and expert in resale rights and private label rights marketing. Visit to get weekly private label articles for free!

Saturday 1 August 2020

OBSHacks | How to Start Dropshipping in South Africa

If you're just starting out selling online there are a lot of terms to get your head around

Dropshipping is one such term

Using the example of Dropstore, Adewale Adejumo takes us through a clear explanation of what dropshipping is and how it can work

Friday 31 July 2020

Fastest Way to Build an eCommerce Store

Shane Emerson

Looking for the quickest possible way to start your online store? Pick the right eCommerce platform and rest assured building your store would become an effortless process.

When it comes to choosing an eCommerce solution, you have mainly two options, viz., self-hosted, and hosted eCommerce platform.


Why Choose Hosted eCommerce Platform?

Server Space is Rented

A hosted solution will enable you to quickly build an eCommerce store. You don't have to handle the technical hassles of running your online business. When you choose a hosted solution, you only rent server space; no buying server, or looking after its maintenance.


No Handling Technical Aspects

Your website is hosted on someone else's server, which means you don't have to worry about web hosting, upgrades, and maintenance. The hosted eCommerce provider takes care of everything so that you can focus on designing your store.

Focus on Marketing

When you launch an online store with a hosted eCommerce platform, you can spend a majority of your budget and time on the most important aspect of your business - marketing. You are in a position to amplify your marketing efforts and grow your business.

Run your Business from Anywhere

A hosted solution is a cloud-based eCommerce platform, meaning the server is hosted on the Internet. This allows you to handle your online business from any Internet-enabled device. No depending on office PCs to manage your business.

Internet connectivity to your laptop is all that is needed to connect to your business. To put it simply, a hosted solution gives you the flexibility to run your business from any Internet-enabled device.


You have to pay a reasonable monthly fee to use the hosted solution. Any customizations and upgrades to the software are delivered via the Internet. The operational cost dramatically reduces when you choose a hosted platform.

Also, hosted eCommerce platforms come with drag and drop functionality that eliminates the need for coding to design the store. Without knowing CSS and HTML, you can design the store as per your needs.

Why Avoid Self-Hosted eCommerce Platform?

High Capital

Honestly speaking, a self-hosted solution is not suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. Startups and new entrepreneurs should stay away from self-hosted eCommerce platforms. This is because a fair amount of investment is needed to launch an online eCommerce store using this platform.

Purchase your Own Server

With a self-hosted solution, your eCommerce software runs on a dedicated server that has been specifically designed for your online business. You own the server, which means you are fully responsible for its maintenance.

Server Management

The headache of managing your own server can be a daunting task. Server management includes installation, monitoring, backups, and maintenance. You will be left with no option but to hire a dedicated IT team for server management. Regular server maintenance and backups are very important to ensure website speed.

High Operational Cost

What's the point of choosing an eCommerce solution that increases your operational cost and lowers your margins?

Self-hosted solutions are typically offered on a monthly/annual licensing fee. Moreover, hosting and development requires considerable investment in IT infrastructure. The large upfront cost is one of the major disadvantages of using a self-hosted solution.

A self-hosted solution is commonly described as an on-premise eCommerce platform. This is because the server and other IT infrastructure lie within the premises of your organization. So connecting to a device that is outside your organization can be a daunting task.

On the whole, a hosted solution provides a cost-effective way to run your eCommerce business. Without handling any technical aspects, you can comfortably run your business from any laptop that is connected to the Internet.

If you want to be successful in your online venture, choose an eCommerce platform that makes it easy to manage an online business. With a hosted solution, you can spend more time on designing strategies that help you to increase the conversion rate.

About the author:
Shane is an American writer for various digital news publications. After being in the e-commerce industry for more than 15 years, Shane has a good understanding of what it takes to make an eCommerce business successful. He also likes to cover newsworthy events related to business management software, customer relationship management (CRM) and Quoting software

Thursday 30 July 2020

I Paid Fiverr to Create a Shopify Dropshipping Store

You want to set up your online store
You've chosen Shopify as the platform for your sales

... and you OUTSOURCE the whole creation process rather than do it yourself. Right?

See what is revealed in this interesting look at just that from Sharif Mohsin

Monday 27 July 2020

Online Stores in the Period of COVID-19

Following on from our articles about using ecommerce to assist traditional marketplaces during these hard times, Muhammed Abdullah gives a frank overview of how localised shutdowns have necessitated embracing the e-commerce world for otherwise face-to-face sellers

Customers are purchasing goods, products, and items,  from online stores and choosing them up in stores at more than five times higher volume than before the COVID-19, according to the latest study from eCommerce platform provider Kibo Commerce. That increase topped in the month of April, when customers picked up online orders at stores 6 times more often than in April 2019.

Currently, with everything we have experienced and continue to live today through the Covid-19, Online Stores have become more important so that companies can continue to offer their products to customers.  

The closure for several months of the stores at street level has caused many losses to their owners, for which many have been forced to invest in the creation of Online Stores to cope with these losses and that their regular customers could continue shopping despite being unable to leave home. 

Also, many companies that already had their Online Store have reinforced it by offering a better and more complete service so that there would be no inconvenience when making purchases. 

Online Stores in times of pandemic  

The creation of Online Stores began several years ago , when technology began to advance by leaps and bounds and penetrated into the lives of people, making their way of shopping and relating change to the point that without a technological device, "no we can live ”therefore, the stores decided to reinvent themselves and develop Online Stores. Now with the situation experienced, many people prefer to shop online for fear of being infected if they go to physical stores.   



Both in this situation, as before, Online Stores become more important since people prefer to buy online or via the App rather than go to stores and queue endlessly to buy the products they like.  


By having all the products by categories, it is much faster to see what you want to buy and acquire it with a single click, it also gives you the option to register and save your data so that every time you go to buy you do not have to waste more time writing again everything.  


When buying Online, registering at the Store always offers you an added value such as having discounts every x time that physical stores do not offer. Or contests and games through the Online Store to win new collectables.  


There are many people who feel more secure acquiring their products online since they always leave the factory directly and have not been treated or exhibited in stores, also, given the situation, many do not trust that the products once They are tested in a physical store and disinfected so that they can be tested by someone else, so they prefer to buy directly through the Online Store and thus avoid possible inconveniences.  


I am Muhammad Abdullah, an SEO expert at Intelvue, which is a web and Mobile App Development Company. Recently, we published an article Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2. For more details, visit our website

Saturday 25 July 2020

Facebook Shops Tutorial for Beginners | How to Sell Products Directly Th...

The new Facebook Shops has been running since May 20
If you want a walk through on how to set up your shop then this tutorial from Stewart Gauld does just that

Sunday 19 July 2020

How to start business online

Do you remember when you first started on your online business journey? Maybe you are just starting out now or quite recently.
It can be an exciting but scary time with so much to consider

This article by Sam Jeet takes us through (or back through) many of the considerations

You can choose the best ecommerce platform to create a website wherein you can choose any features as per your need. You can choose themes as well; it means that you can customize your website as per your need.

There are numerous examples of overcoming adversity about individuals who became famous doing on the web business. On the off chance that you read about what these individuals have encountered, you will definitely get roused.  

You can have your own business on the web regardless of whether you need more money to put out as capital. To assist you with the beginning of doing any of the ease approaches to begin a business on the web, here are some arrangement tips that you can follow.

Advantages to Starting Business Online

Beginning a business online doesn’t require enormous capital. Working one such business can be from your own home. No need for leasing a business premise. Overheads can and will below.As long you got a web association, quick or moderate association doesn’t make a difference, you can begin an online business anyplace. Off base, speed is points of interest.This business can work without human intercession. When setting up, all issues can be worked at your own time; as and when you like.No need of keeping up a customary hours and activity can be of your comfort. Most online businesses fired up on low maintenance premises.
You are focusing all in all worlds as you showcase. It is a worldwide market, no limitations or limits. Also, the market is ever augmenting.

How to Take Offline Business to Online Business

Now when you know the what are advantages of online business, lets take a deep dive in what steps are mandatory to start an online business

·         Create Online Store

When you want to start the online business or online selling you need a website where in you can show your products and services to potential customers.You must display the products so effectively that it attracts the customers and the product description has to be there and that too very professionally.

·         Choose the Payment Gateway

This is one of the most important aspects from the security point of view, as customers will make the online payment for the order they placed, so it’s the companies the responsibility that the payment gateway has to ve very safe and secured.When customers make the payment they are so much assured about the security that they should not think twice before making the payment and the secure payment gateway will build trust among the customers.

·         Hiring Right

Hiring the best talent is always beneficial for the online business, as they know how to handle the traffic which will come to your online store.If there is a high traffic on weekends so that should know how to handle the traffic and they must make sure that the website is up and fine all the tie so that you won’t lose the business.

·         Online Presence

Once you create the website for your business now it ties to let everybody know that now you are selling online as well for this you have to build the audience and letting them know that what all are you selling through your online store.

·         Social Media

This is one of the most important platform if you want to get the success in your online business, after creating the online store that goes for social media and creates facebook and Instagram. Social Media will help you to v=crea the audience and keep posting on social media and post all the new offers and new arrivals on the social media.
So beginning Business Online is very simple in the event that you know how presently you do…..what are you hanging tight for, you realize what to doArticle Search, Go Do It……

Saturday 18 July 2020

5 Steps to Help You Build an eCommerce Store

In need of a reminder of how to get started in E-Commerce?
Susan Friesen gives us a great guide to get going

Let me know how you intend to get going (or how you first got started)

If you have decided to take the plunge and set up a web-based shop, starting an eCommerce business can be a rewarding venture but it can also be a stressful one. Here are 5 steps to starting an online business that will help make the process clearer and less stressful.

Your Guide to Starting an Online Business

Whether COVID-19 pushed you to pivot from a brick-and-mortar store to an online environment, or you’ve decided to take the plunge and set up a web-based shop, starting an eCommerce business can be a rewarding venture.

From 2017 to late 2019, approximately 28.1 million Canadians made purchases online. That’s a lot of people who are landing on webpages and whipping out their wallets if they like what they see. 

But there’s more to the process than buying a domain name and loading your site with products or services. There are technical aspects to navigate and content to consider.

Do you DIY with a website builder or hire a pro? Should you stick to SEO or focus on paid ads too?

As a small business owner, I’ve helped many clients create successful online companies. So I’m sharing this five-step guide to starting an online business with you to make the process clearer and less stressful.

1) Figure out what you want to sell.

If you’ve already got an established store, this might be a breeze. But if you’re just starting an eCommerce business and are focusing on products, you’ll need to think about what you’ll offer, and where you’ll get it from.

The first thing in figuring out what to sell and in what form is to ensure it’s relevant to today’s consumer. COVID-19 has made consumers much more in tune with their spending habits. Ensure there is a consumer first and foremost who is willing to spend their money for the product you aim to sell.

Next define how you want to sell your products. Here are just a few of the options:

Business-to-consumer (B2C): This is the most common business model, with many different approaches. Basically, you sell to the end user, but there may be a third party acting as a middleman (think Amazon).
Direct-to-consumer (D2C): From design and manufacturing to sales and promotions, the company does everything. Dollar Shave Club is a good example of a D2C business who started small and grew using this model.
Subscription service: Books, clothing, organic produce, baby gear...I could go on and on. Nearly every industry out there has harnessed the power of subscription services to deliver cost and time savings to customers on a regular basis.
Dropshipping: Rather than having to stock a warehouse full of products, when you sell a product on your site, you’re essentially purchasing the item from a third party, who ships it directly to the customer.

2) Buy a domain name.

If you already have a business name, this part could be simple. However, you’re not going to get a short and sweet dot com name unless you lay down big bucks. And you don’t want a domain name that runs five words long or is difficult for customers to remember (or spell).

Ideally, you use your company name like we did, with a dot com—or a dot ca if you’re in Canada. There are a lot of other TDLs (Top Level Domains) to consider such as .net, .co and .org but strive to get the revered .com as your primary domain if at all possible.

3) Build an eCommerce store

From incorporating branding into your layout to loading products/services, there are so many things to consider when you’re starting an eCommerce business, including:

Your shopping cart software. Shopping carts can be built with a variety of coding languages including ASP, PHP, JavaScript and HTML. They can be provided by a 3rd party service provider (such as Shopify) or installed in your Wordpress website like WooCommerce to avoid monthly fees.

Choosing the best shopping cart software requires a lot of pros and cons analysis of each choice. Many times the choice depends on your needs, your budget and the desired functionality.
The visuals (copy and images). How your store looks and feels to the shopper has a significant impact on whether they will trust making a purchase from you. Moreover, how each of your products are described along with using professional-looking photos can make or break a sale if not done properly.
Installing a Secured Security Layer (SSL) Certificate. This keeps your website secure and is mandatory in today’s online commerce environment. Even Google will favour your site’s search ranking if it detects an SSL installed.
Your shipping model. If you’re selling physical products, you need to decide how they are going to get into the hands of the purchaser. Are you sending customers items directly? Or are you using a third-party? Will you offer free shipping, or ship internationally? Do you want the shipping automatically calculated on checkout or will it be a flat shipping rate?
Your payment gateway. Are you going to accept only credit cards, or debit cards and PayPal too? Will you use a hosted gateway that takes people off your site to pay, then redirects them back, like our client Ripping Vintage Packs? Or is an integrated payment gateway more your style?
This is where it is so worth it to hire a professional web development company. You won’t have to spend your time Googling “SSL Certificates” or trying to set up shopping cart software. Learn how much cheap SEO and website design really costs you here.


READ: 3 eCommerce Challenges & Solutions for Tough Times

To call these “tough times” may be a bit of an understatement to you, or perhaps you’ve pivoted your marketing strategy nicely and aren’t negatively affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

There’s no arguing this pandemic has led to increased internet traffic as people work, socialize, and entertain themselves online.

That’s why I’m sharing 3 eCommerce challenges and solutions to help you maintain and even grow as an entrepreneur during this crisis.

Read more here.


4) Focus on SEO

Did you know that SEO has the highest ROI of any online marketing tactic? Despite this fact, many small business owners build their sites with very little consideration of how the search engines see their content.

SEO means doing keyword research to discover the keywords that your target audience is using to find what they need.

Your SEO strategy will be focused largely on on-page techniques like keyword-rich content and meta tags.

5) Create valuable content

Your customers don’t just want to see pages and pages of products, or a one-liner selling them services. They want you to be a trusted expert who can provide them with everything from useful tips to reassurance that their credit card info is safe.

Content marketing is an ongoing process. If you want to please your target audience and the search engines, you’ll need to be regularly posting articles, blogs and videos that are valuable to your audience.

No matter what your small business model is, you’ll need to keep testing and tweaking after you build an eCommerce store. You’ll want to dive into your data to see your customers’ behaviour, like:

Are they spending time reading your carefully crafted content?
Is there a broken link that’s causing people to abandon their shopping carts before they’re finished buying?
How many of your website visitors are converting into customers?
Of course, there’s a lot more to starting a web-based business than what I’m able to cover here! From promoting your business on social media to creating paid ads to drive traffic, you’ll want to have a marketing strategy in place as you move forward. But this guide to starting an online business will help you lay a solid foundation for a successful eCommerce site.

To your business successFree Reprint Articles,

Susan Friesen

Article source:

Friday 17 July 2020


In a  week when I have featured entry tips into online stores, this video from Lyn Allure sets out some of the basics to get you going
Lyn Allure's video has received many comments from different perspectives.

She takes a very personable approach. How do you feel you could use her framework?

Social Media Marketing for E-commerce Store

When it comes to using social media for your marketing, the choice of platforms can seem endless.
In this November 2019 article AJ Infosoft detail the histories and reach of some familiar big player platforms

  • Which platform or combinations of platforms do you use?
  • Are you on them all?
  • Which are most effective for your business?

Social Media networking is with an end goal to progress web based business that prompts bring helpful results and gives a successful method to draw in light of a legitimate concern for the focused on spectators accessible in web-based social networking.

The most effective method to Use Social Media Marketing for ecommerce

Social media life has totally changed the manner in which that we live in the present society. Has it changed how we impart, yet it has additionally changed the manner in which that we shop. Indeed, online networking based life has assumed a tremendous job in the move toward web based shopping or buy from Ecommerce store. Before the years over, it's normal that cell phones will overwhelm work area in ecommerce Business income.

Today, on the off chance that you are an online dealer or Ecommerce store vendors, you can't stand to be latent via social media networking media. 75% of individuals confess to purchasing something since they saw it via Online networking, and 90% of individuals state that they will go to social media life in the event that they need assistance on a purchasing choice.

How you utilize social media life—which stages, what applications, the post, platform —will rely upon the subtleties of your business. Fortunately, online networking enables you to make an altered battle to contact your group of spectators and get new level of Ecommerce store. Here, we will go into the stages, objectives, and strategies.

Social Media platform


At present, there are more than 319 million clients on Twitter, a famous channel for continuous news and discussion. Clients can send and get tweets — 140 - character messages. Twitter has been used as an online networking platform for a wide variety of purposes in many scenarios by different industries.


Propelled in March 2010, Pinterest is generally a newcomer in the social media based life field. User can pin their content from any websites or Ecommerce store. Pinterest announced in September 2015 the ecommerce security of 100 million customers. Independent companies whose intended interest group is for the most part comprised of ladies should put resources into Pinterest as the greater part of its guests are ladies.


This is the greatest social online networking system on the Internet, both as far as absolute number of clients and name acknowledgment. Built up on February 4, 2004, Facebook has 15 year figured out how to gather more than 1.59 billion month to month dynamic clients and this consequently makes it probably the best vehicle for interfacing individuals from everywhere throughout the world with your business. You can develop your own ecommerce store on Facebook page and connect it directly with website. It is evaluated that more than 1 million little and medium-sized organizations utilize the stage to promote their business.


Instagram is another visual social online networking website that as of now gloats more than 500 million individuals, a considerable lot of which are Millennials. The site, propelled on October 6, 2010, has in excess of 400 million dynamic clients and is claimed by Facebook. Instagram enables clients to presents photographs on their site, with the site's numerous channels In 2012, it turned out to be a piece of the Facebook family when they got it for $1 billion dollars.


LinkedIn permits its 450 million clients the capacity to interface with different experts and offer substance with their adherents. Established on December 14, 2002, and propelled on May 5, 2003, LinkedIn is hands-down the most famous internet based life webpage for expert systems administration. The site is in 24 Languages and has in excess of 400 million enlisted customers. LinkedIn is extraordinary for individuals hoping to associate with individuals in comparable ventures, organizing with nearby experts and showing business related data and measurements. 

Article source:

Tuesday 30 June 2020

How to Select an Ecommerce Platform for Your Online Store

Whilst looking for a great summary of things to consider in setting up an e-commerce store, this week I came across this amazing article by Satish Ithamsetty. I think it is well worth a read. What do you think?

If you are considering running an eCommerce store, it’s likely that you’ve been trying to decide which platform to run it from. Of course, you could pay a designer to build you a personalized website, but this is expensive and is hardly ever the best option for a small business. So that leaves you with a few choices. Do you set up a store on an online marketplace like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy, or do you use a standalone platform provider like Magento or Shopify? Here we take a look at these options so you can determine which is best.

Online Marketplaces and Online Store
At first glance, you may think that selling on an online marketplace like Amazon or eBay is your best option. After all, you don’t need to build your own website, spend money on hosting or a domain name, and you can literally set yourself up within minutes. Online marketplaces also provide you with a host of eager buyers, which can help you to start selling products right from the get-go. However, there are fees involved with selling through platforms such as these, and there are also guidelines that need to be followed. Here are the BlackFriday Deals for Bloggers, which comes every year for you.

The main reason why many people choose to sell on online marketplaces is because of their potential for sales and the ability to reach customers who didn’t previously know they existed. However, in order to use them effectively, you need to be aware of the fees they charge and whether you can afford to pay these within your margins. You’ll also need to determine which platforms to use – you may prefer the professionalism of Amazon for example, or the ability to showcase your brand on eBay.

Online Shopping Platforms:
A step up from the online marketplaces are online shopping platforms. These give you full design over your layout, branding, and sales prices, and typically just charge a fee for the software, domain, and hosting. Again, these are easy to set up and Shopify and Magento support are readily available from online companies if you need help.

Shopify is an especially popular option for small businesses and even comes with an app that you can use from your smartphone. Magento is the far better option for eCommerce website stores that have high hopes for the future as it gives you full control over everything you could ever think of. This does mean that you’ll need to spend time learning how to use the software (unless you hire someone to help you), but the results will far outweigh your effort.
Of course, when using an online shopping platform, you will be responsible for your SEO and marketing in order to draw people to your site.

Which is Best?
Many people opt to use the online marketplace whilst having their own website, and this is often the best course of action for small eCommerce stores. You will be given the ability to reach a wider audience and can send leaflets with the items you post directing your customers to your online store. Long term, having your own shop is always the better option, but there is no harm in trying a few different options until you find one that you are happy with. This is the smart guide on Best Online Marketplace for Sellers.

Article Author: Satish Ithamsetty

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...