Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 August 2020

How to Manage an E-commerce Website?

This BusinessTech content article from July 2020 looks at different aspects relevant to e-commerce businesses

E-commerce businesses range from start-ups to globally renowned organizations—all after one goal of growth. Growth is not only about succeeding but also managing the successful business efficiently. If you have a small e-commerce business, you need to reach a point where you can use specialized functions and responsibilities.

In this article, we are describing how you can manage your e-commerce website effectively.

Sourcing Function: Customers’ interest can change anytime. They can go for a new brand living your brand waiting for their return. You need to deliver the ordered product within the expected time to remain a trust-worthy brand to them. Situations like this will minimize the unfavorable outcomes of many possible scenarios.

Marketing: Most e-commerce pros know the importance of marketing. There are many options available, like pay-per-click (PPC) ads and search engine optimization (SEO). Some spend their energies on optimizing their PPC services in San Francisco and some drive traffic through SEO and focus on link building. The approach to enhance sales varies as per the business’s objective.

Technology: Digital marketing is a technology-enabled play. So you need to be at the top. This starts with making decisions like choosing your host, domain name, and shopping cart software, and many more. You need to continually upgrade your tech-factor by measuring and managing your websites well.

Finance: The growth potential of e-commerce businesses is not related to the infusion of money. The finance function is not just about funds provided; it’s about deliverables management, accounting, financial engineering decisions that allow innovative payment options to customers, and more.


The above five functions are not sufficient for you to manage your e-commerce business. There are more functions, like human resource management. But the motive is to address any small e-commerce business where everything is done, to gain success eventually. Then a proper management strategy from a digital marketing agency in Sacramento is required for the company to remain at the top.

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Friday 24 July 2020

Difference between video production and video marketing

As an industry, marketing has been a long term user of video in promoting goods and services.
This is only getting bigger with over 87% of marketing professionals using video as a marketing tool

But how do you make the most of video for marketing rather than just producing a cinematic epic?

In the following article, Pushpa Srivastav discusses just that problem

Video production and video marketing is two different fields dealing with same subject of video. Read this article to get more.

Video production means making videos of any kind while video marketing means making videos to reach out different audiences and channels. Both offer different services though nature and disciplines overlap each other. One involves with the creation and production process while other involves with the end process or marketing process. Most of the people get confused over the terms video production and video marketing, here in this article I will try to explore the difference between them. Let’s start with:

Video Production Services

Brands seeking to create product or company video would approach to a video production company. A New York based production company also known as a video production house. It has all the necessary skills like equipment, talent, crew members and production planning ability including technical solution and budgeting. In simple word it produces video according to client’s requirement. It produces video based on technical knowledge and capability. It has ability to produce documentary, video narrative, TV commercial, live events, testimonial and even movies also. Video Production Company doesn’t bother about marketing plan. Their main focus is to make sure the technical superiority of the end result. They work on brief and deliver the final product.

Video Marketing Services

Video marketing is only possible with the advancement of technology, data streaming, and internet which focus light to open up digital video capability for social and marketing purposes. Their main focus is to deal with video marketing videos to reach out to maximum targeted audience. They mainly work on principle of end results and then decide their work from that point onwards. It also helps business owner to identify what it needs. Their main objective is to engage targeted audience by posting the video assets at right time for the right people. In marketing, video length can vary with platform. Their work also involves running their video campaign on different social media platform and also enhances return- on- investments (ROI).


Both video production and video marketing services belongs from same category but addressing different needs. People favors to those who narrate well and connect audience emotionally and of course meaningful. Both the services are looking forward to evolve their work continuously in future. In both the scenario, the one who really wins in brand. These two functional areas are working in the same field but their way of working is far differ. There is more option in market to help them addressing their specific needs. The one who solves client’s marketing problem easier, quicker, better and laser focus solution would be the winner at the end. In order to deliver your message to your targeted audience only marketing company can help you but before that creating a valuable script for audience and frame them is done by video production company.  Always remember a great without any views are useless so your message should be very genuine and reaches out to your audience with full of positive attitude.

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Pushpa Srivastava is an SEO strategist that helps online business owners figure out how to grow their business in a way that energizes them. Her zone of genius focuses on visibility, boosting traffic, finding the gaps in their market, competitors' analysis and then zoning in to get results without paying for ads. She is currently working in the Marketing department of Sinema Films - a video production company based in New York City.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Top Five Reasons to do a Website Redesign

Top Five Reasons to do a Website Redesign
By: Stephanie Diamond

Small business owners need to monitor whether their investment in a website is providing a good return.  Are your products and services easy to buy?  If they aren't, you are wasting time and money and probably doing more harm than good.

Ask yourself the following five questions to see whether it's time for a redesign:

Has the size of the site grown substantially?
If your site continues to grow and change like most business sites, you need to evaluate whether it's still meeting your objectives. As you add new products and services you need to re-organize your information.  In addition, you should consider adding multimedia information (audio, video) to sharpen your message.

Is some of the content outdated or unnecessary?
Does your website have up-to-date content?  Someone should be revising spec sheets, changing promotion dates and adding new material weekly.  If your website appears static, it looks like you're not a serious business.

Is the most important content buried below?
Here's where you need to do an "easy to buy" audit.  By that I mean you need to evaluate how easy it is to find information and actually buy your products.  This sounds like common sense, but we've all purchased online and know that it can sometimes be frustrating.

Are you using the latest technology, instead of hard-coding?
If you created your website more than 18 months ago, you are probably due for a technology update.  This is also true if you started with a very basic site and "hard-coded" everything.  Ask your webmaster whether he has some suggestions.  You can be sure he will.

Does the home page design suit your current business objectives?
Does your website communicate the depth and breadth of your current business?  If you have changed the focus of your services, added new products or want to communicate a different face to your visitors, consider a redesign for your overall website.

Author Bio
About Digital Media Works
Digital Media Works, Inc. ( is an Internet marketing and design firm that specializes in solutions for high tech and e-commerce companies. A seasoned 25+ year management/marketing professional, founder Stephanie Diamond is experienced in building profits in a broad range of product and services businesses. She created a highly successful line of multimedia software products that sold millions of copies for America Online, and has developed unique business strategies and products for a variety of companies, including AOL Time Warner, Redgate New Media and Newsweek, Inc.

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