Monday 24 August 2020

Google AdSense and AdWords - Like Yin and Yang

You're probably aware of AdSense and AdWords, but would you know how to go about using them?Nicholas LaPolla gives a great overview.

Many websites include a section or two with the "Ads by Google" above it or below it. These are ads displayed via Google's AdSense. When you do a search on Google and see ads in the search results pages, they are generally AdSense ads.

AdSense - The Yin:

Google's AdSense is programming that "senses" the content of a page or search. It finds keywords on a web page or in a search phrase to determine the subject of the content. It does this by either "reading" the page, or taking a look at the search term that was typed into Google Search. It can "Sense" which ads in the system are relevant to the content or search and display them - thus: "AdSense."

Before ads on a page are displayed, AdSense searches its database of advertisers and finds ads that are associated with keywords on the page or in the search. Now AdSense needs to decide which of the thousands of ads vying for position are actually displayed. To make this decision, AsSense looks at the advertiser's bids for the relevant keywords. The advertisers that have a combination of the highest bid, keyword relevance and best click through get displayed first.

Google tracks clicks on ads and advertisers pay Google the bid price for each click. When the AdSense ad is on someone's web page, Google pays the website owner a portion of the payment for each click. The term "monetizing" your site refers to taking your existing site and placing ads like AdSense on it to make money (or finding other way to make money with websites). If you get 10,000 visitors and 10% of them click an ad that pays you, theoretically, $0.75 per click, you just made $750! Not bad for just copying some AdSense code (which Google provides) into your popular website's HTML (if your site is not popular, learn about SEO - Search Engine Optimization - from sites like AcmeWebResources).

AdWords - The Yang:

The other side to AdSense is AdWords. AdSense ads have lists of relevant keywords associated with them. Each keyword is bid on by the advertisers for placement in the results pages and on web sites around the world. The words that will prompt a display of an advertiser's ad are bid on by the advertiser. When an ad matches the words on a page, the ads are displayed; thus: AdWords. AdWords is the system in Google that is used to place ads that display in AdSense.

You can enroll in AdWords to pay for AdSense ads to drive traffic to your site. The first step is to sign up with Google. The next step is to associate keywords to associate with your site.

The idea is to drive traffic to your site through the use of relevant ads. The more relevant the ad to your content, the more targeted your traffic will be. Compose your articles around your list of keywords. Next, write an ad based on the keywords and assign keywords to the ad. You will bid on the keywords at the time you associate keywords with the ad. If one of your keywords is searched for or relevant to a site, and you have a good bid and relevant ad, your AdWord ad will be displayed. Only when someone clicks your ad are you charged by Google.

The more popular keywords are wanted by many competitors, so the prices per click can get pretty high. It is not uncommon for a click to cost $5 or even $10. If you have 10,000 ad clicks, after you account for your conversion rate (the rate that you convert visitors into buyers) you better be sure you are making more than the ad click costs! But it should never break your bank because you can set the bid limits and the monthly budget.

What if you can't afford $5.00 per click? Since the more popular keywords are so expensive, it is best to bid on less popular keywords because the cost per click is lower. Google presently has a minimum bid of $0.05 per click. If you can get those, you can reduce your advertising budget.

A popular site can make a lot of money, however, a lot of money and time can be wasted. To avoid waste, you have to learn as much as possible and get the right tools to do the research.

Author bio: Author Bio

Nicholas LaPolla has been a web applications developer for 11 years. He created to help others build or improve, market, and monitize their websites with a focus on web design, website seo / internet marketing, and working to make money online.

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Sunday 23 August 2020

How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel

More solid gold tips from the one and only Neil Patel
If you want to write your own blog posts well then you won't go far wrong with Neil's guidance

How to Make Money Online Writing EBooks

If you've ever thought bout writing a book but didn't know how to go about it or how to get it published, why not consider writing an ebook? This guide by Ruth Barringham will help

I've been a writer for a long time and digital publishing (eBooks) is a way that I've earned a lot of my income. I publish webpage content, blog posts and eBooks. All three can be done easily and for free, if you know how to do it.

Writing and publishing eBooks is a great way to earn money from your writing because you can write them on your computer then digitally publish them. This leaves you free to keep on writing more eBooks.

You can also earn money online selling other people's eBooks.

There are several ways to make money online, whether you have your own books to sell or not.

But without your own eBooks, you're not completely in control of what you're doing.

I've been an affiliate marketer for years and find it an easy and enjoyable way to earn money.

But because I'm selling eBooks that aren't mine, I have no control over them.

I was once promoting an affiliate product which was an eBook course on how to be persuasive.

I was happily marketing it to writers who lacked confidence and told them how this product could help them write more persuasive sales pages so they could sell more books.

Everything was going well with this course for a couple of years and I was making regular sales.

Then one day, when I was checking the links on my website, I discovered that the links to this product were broken.

I checked it out and guess what? The product had been withdrawn from the market and was no longer available.

How long it had been gone I didn't know, and I couldn't understand why because it was a consistent seller. But now it was gone and there was nothing I could do except remove all the material about it from my website.

That's why it's better to have your own eBooks to sell.

Write Your Own eBooks.

eBooks are great because they only need to be written once and they can be sold over and over, AND, the whole selling process can be automated so that customers buy and download your eBooks without you having to do anything - and you earn money from every sale automatically too.

And even if you've never written an eBook before it's still possible to write your own.

Where to Get Ideas

You can write a book on any subject that interests readers. You can even write a book about what you do online.

If you want more ideas you can browse your local library, magazines, blogs, or you can browse (on Amazon) similar books to the one you want to write to get more ideas of what to include in yours. Readers' reviews are a great source of information of what readers liked and (most importantly) what they didn't like about the book. It's surprising how many ideas you can get once you start browsing books online.

Some authors use their own websites as inspiration and re-write all their online content and expand their articles into eBook chapters.

Other eBook authors do it the other way around. They write their eBook and reduce each chapter to an article to put on their website to help promote it.

Selling Your eBook

Once your eBook is written and published you need to spend some time marketing it.

It's best to have a marketing plan before you write your book, because it saves time later and you can also pre-market it so that people are eager to buy it as soon as it's available.

And your eBooks don't have to be huge. Some authors earn money from writing only 20 to 30 pages and selling them as 99cent Kindle eBooks. And what they find is that as long as the book is packed with inspirational and useable information, or they've written an entrancing piece of fiction, readers love their eBooks so they keep buying more.

And if you can't write a book yourself you can always outline your chapters and hire a freelance writer to write it for you.

But whichever way you choose to do it, having your own eBooks to sell is a win-win.

You win because you make money automatically and your customers win because they buy a great eBook and have instant access to it.

So don't wait any longer.

Start writing and publishing great eBooks

Want to write and publish an eBook by this time next week AND start making sales? Can you imagine how great it will feel to a published author 7 days from now? With 'The 7 Day eBook Writing and Publishing System' you'll have your first eBook written, published, and earning money in just a week. Not only that, but this amazing course walks you effortlessly through the whole process, and the bonus chapters show you how to write a short report or eBook in just 2 hours. That's right. Sit down now and in just 2 hours your short report or eBook is finished. Click the link below to find out how.

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Saturday 22 August 2020

7 Types of eBooks You Can Write & Launch Fast! #BSI 31

Have you ever wanted to write an ebook but had fear of it not doing well? Sasha Evdakov of Backstage Income introduces us to 7 types of ebooks and putting them together

Success Requires Lots of Commitment

Working from home has involuntarily taken off in 2020. For some it is a necessary extension of their existing businesses. For others it is a brave new world possibly brought about through need or redundancy. This overview of working from home by Irene Mori gives a useful perspective

With a worldwide pandemic because of the spread of the coronavirus, many people are having financial hardships. They may have lost their jobs or been cut back on their work because the economy has basically closed except for essential services. They might be fortunate and have a job which was not affected or may have the privilege of working from home and maintaining their income.

Some people may be looking for a new way to earn money. According to the so-called gurus, there are hundreds of ways to earn income from home based businesses. They are careful to tell you that their program works, but they make claims that 98% of the "deals" are fakes and scams. Of course, theirs is one of the few honest opportunities out here.

There have likely been hundreds of network marketing (MLM or multi-level marketing) companies over the years which have drawn in perhaps millions of people hoping to find financial success and even wealth with them. While it is true that some people have been successful and possibly even became millionaires in that type of business, there are likely millions of people who have joined those companies with high hopes for success only to find that they lost money without making a cent. Maybe they even lost friends in the process as they pestered others to join them. Recruiting others such as is necessary in this type of endeavor is difficult. It is not an easy business although it can work. Some people like the products well enough to stay with the company even though they don't earn money from the business.

Investment gurus often promise huge returns when you sign up for their newsletters or service. Of course, many of their programs cost thousands of dollars. Even then, they seldom fulfill the promises made. Their testimonials sound remarkable, but it is difficult to find that same kind of success which you can expect. Some of the testimonials are said to be fake and possibly actors being paid to read a script. It is best to investigate the "opportunities" thoroughly before signing with any of them. If they offer a money back guarantee, that is a plus.

People can receive dozens or hundreds of emails per day or week touting home based internet and online business opportunities. There are lots of opportunities out there, but finding a legitimate and workable program is not easy. It takes a lot of work and study, but there have to be some honest opportunities to earn money. Sometimes it takes trial and error, but success could be possible.

No matter what you try to do to earn money, finding success requires a lot of commitment. People always say to work smarter not harder, but hard work and dedication are usually necessary to find success in anything.

Success requires a commitment to learn all you can and not to depend on others for your success. Making goals and reviewing them each day should help. Determine to succeed. Keep trying and don't give up too soon. Commitment is a vital part of your road to success.

A free eBook is available by checking out the website. Many in the general public know very little about this part of American history which includes racism, perseverance, hard work, and success. The book covers civil rights issues and is available on Amazon.

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Friday 21 August 2020

Jeff Bezos: 3 Top Tips for Success in Ecommerce

3 top tips from Jeff Bezos? Really? Well, his tips are offered through the guys at Jungle Scout

How To Generate Online Leads 24 Hours a Day

For almost any business lead generation is key and needs to be effective. Brian Rooney has a great take on who should be concentrating on it and how

If you want to close sales, either online, offline, or both, you are going to have to learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You may be the worst sales person on the planet, but if you learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, you can beat the best sales person on the planet. How? Sheer volume. A bad sales person who can generate leads will out produce a great sales person who doesn't have leads coming in.
The lead generating sales rep will constantly have new opportunities to pitch.
Now, when I talk about lead generation, this includes face to face prospecting, of course. When I am out around humans, and I identify someone who can benefit from what I offer, I will talk to them directly. But if I'm not out there talking to people, how am I generating leads on a daily basis?
I user online lead generating tools like an autoresponder.
I have capture forms set up on all my blogs.
I have autoresponder campaigns set up for all my offers.
When you see me posting on social media and running ads, you will see me linking to these capture pages I use to generate leads for my offers. As people want to learn more about my offers, they fill out the form. My automated followup letters take care of building the know like and trust factor. Sales come in on a regular basis.
Sounds simple, right? That's because it is! I think that is what trips up most people when they start looking in to how to generate leads for their offers. They keep expecting it to be complicated so they avoid actually taking appropriate action. If it seems complicated, that's because it's new. At one time, walking was new to you. Eating solid food was new. Reading was new. The job you currently have was, at one time, new. Getting on the internet was new. We learn new things by getting information and taking action.
Google and YouTube make it incredibly easy to learn how to generate leads. You can literally be up and running by the end of the day, generating leads 24 hours a day for whatever it is that you are wanting to sell.
As you go through the learning process, feel free to ask questions. I love getting and answering questions and helping people learn how to generate leads no matter what business you are involved with.
Feel free to post comments or questions here. I check in regularly and love hearing from my readers!
Brian Rooney is the Founder of TrafficWave provides powerful Email Marketing and AutoResponder solutions to thousands of businesses worldwide. Visit online for a Free 30 Day Trial.
His personal business blog is located at

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How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

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