Wednesday 30 September 2020

How To Market Online With Ease

 By: Robin Harris

You can ignite your marketing efforts and passion for the game by learning to use your personal story and expertise to get potential clients subscribing to your opt-in list.

I want to show you 10 simple steps you can implement with a low-cost investment and a little effort that you can use as a springboard for more aggressive online marketing campaigns.

By creating an interesting web site, which consist of one simple, yet, well-designed web page you can begin a relationships with qualified prospects. The "Interest Site" is designed to share content and offer a customized introductory e-product to someone who would qualify to be considered your ideal client. The focus of the site has to be a HOT TOPIC for your ideal client and it has to tie back to your product theme in some logical way.

The Interest Site will include the following components:

1. The reason why the ideal client should read the content and subscribe to your list to get the introductory product. You written communication should be compelling, not contain hype, and impress the ideal client so they know free product does not mean no-value, low-value product, but it means you are a generous person, you are a skilled business person, and you are beginning your relationship with them on good and ethical terms.

2. Weave in a soft introduction that is designed to create affinity with your ideal client so they know you are like them, understand them, and share some of the same concerns and interests as they relate to this topic. Be brief.

3. Discuss one to three key points related to the topic that the ideal client would find very interesting. Notice I said the ideal client would find them interesting, you may not, and the non-ideal client may not. You may have expertise in this area or you may have to go and do some research. Either way, make sure the information is highly relevant to your ideal client and related to your primary business offering.

4. Include a message that lets the ideal client know that this content is incomplete and they can get more advanced information by signing up for the complimentary ecourse or workbook. Don't offer just a newsletter or special report. These things are over used and are often perceived as low value until your credibility is well established.

5. Give the ideal client a teaser preview of the HOT HOT HOT TOPICS covered in the ecourse or workbook. Summarize what you have provided and remind them to subscribe.

6. Provide a Bio-box with 3 or 4 lines about you, written in third person to start imprinting the ideal client with the perception that you are a great resource, expert, etc. Be sure to include email contact. Get yourself an official domain and email address. Make sure the web address you pick for your interest site relates to the topic being discussed. Remember to represent yourself as being an established professional. Do not use an ISP email address. is much more attractive than

7. Use an autoresponder to create an online signup form for your opt-in list. Include this sign-up form directly into your web site page. I use an autoresponder which allows for attachments and can create both text and html messages. You can use the HTML software inside the autoresponder to create simple yet elegant messages without knowing HTML. I recommend you stay away form text based messages, there quick, fast and cheesy looking. Imagine getting a text-based email from Amazon, it just wouldn't look all that professional, would it?

8. Set up your autoresponder so the subscriber gets an immediate message congratulating them on their new subscription. Assure that the e-product is sent with the first message. You can either attach the product or store it on a web server and include the link. The first option is the easiest if you use the full-featured autoresponder.

9. Instead of trying to push people to your replicated site or your affiliate site, or convince them to spend money with a stranger, you want to get them to your interest site and get them into your opt-in database before sending them off to some other web site or having a serious sales conversation with them.

10. You can get more information about tools and resources for the Interest Site Project and you can also receive a complimentary template for creating your first ecourse when you subscribe to our online newsletter at

Author Bio
Robin Harris is a Certified Coach and the Founder of She works with entrepreneurs who want to market with ease by using their personal experiences, knowledge, and passion to attract their ideal clients. You can reach Robin via email at

Article Source:

Tuesday 29 September 2020

How to Make $1,000 A Month Online From Affiliate Marketing With Kartra

What do you think of when you read claims of monthly profits? Are you looking for a Clickfunnels alternative? How about this Profitcopilot video using Kartra as an affiliate marketing tool? 

Monday 28 September 2020

Steps To Starting Your Own Podcast

One of the growing media channels of 2020 has been podcasts. Podcasts are becoming an excellent tool to show the market how well you know your business area and to generate brand awareness and real interest from clients.

If you want to get your podcast off the ground then Robert Thibodeau has some great tips

You may have listened to a podcast or two or just simply heard about podcasting, but how do 
you start podcasting yourself? Especially if you are a Christian or interested in starting a Christian Podcast? Podcasting isn't the most difficult thing to do, but it can be challenging to become a successful podcaster. Many people, when they start a podcast, want to be so general that anyone will want to listen. But that does not really appeal to anyone!

It takes a lot of time and hard work to start, run and have a successful podcast. But for those that do have a successful podcast, they are targeting a very specific audience.

Figure Out What Your Podcast Is About

Before you even start recording, you have to figure out what it is you want to talk about. What do you want your podcast to accomplish? It should be something relatively specific, but most importantly, it should be something that you are passionate about.

Plan Your Podcasting Schedule

To be successful in podcasting, you will need to consistently upload new episodes. You cannot develop a loyal audience if they do not know when you will publish your next program.

My recommendation is to start slow. Maybe once per week or twice per week at the most. It will take you some time to get started. You are learning new things and that will take a lot more time than you realize.

After a month or two, you will have a system down and you will find everything is moving a lot faster for you. You can expand your production schedule from twice per week to three or even five days per week. But do not jump into that from the start.

Record It!

Now that you have some idea of what you want to talk about and have a strict schedule, you get to the most important part - RECORDING IT!

Some people do not like pushing the record button! You've done all the planning and preparation, just hit the button! Press record. Pressing record on your machine is one of the hardest things you can do.

But once you pass that mental barrier of "should I do this," podcasting becomes easy and enjoyable! If you are a pastor or speaker, you probably remember the first time you gave a sermon or stood up to speak in front of people. You will feel the same way the first few times you hit "record" for your podcast.

The more episode you record, the easier (and the better) it becomes.

Required Equipment

You do not need to have a fancy podcast setup. I know a lot of "guru's" out there will tell you to "buy this microphone" and provide you recommendations (and sometimes links - affiliate links) to purchase the "recommended" equipment. They will usually emphasize how great it will make you sound, etc., etc.


You probably have all of the required equipment you need, right now, to get started. Most computers have a recording device pre-installed. Most have a camera (especially modern laptops). If not, a camera that sits on your monitor is cheap enough off of Amazon. You can also use your smart phone. Although it will not be the best audio, it will do as you find your way and get started.

Editing Your Episodes

Now that you have finished recording your podcast episode, you need to edit the file. There may be a minor edit to remove an awkward silence (like when you were looking for a particular scripture reference). You may want to add an "intro" and "outro" to your finished product. If that is the case, you can hire a voice over artist to create one for you.

I have used "" to find voice over artists for years. I have a few favorite people I work with for very particular things. You could use "Fiverr" or you may have someone you know that has a great voice to help you out.

None of this is required to start. These are things we can go over to make your podcast better in the future. But you do not need them to start out.

You can use Audacity (PC) or GarageBand (Mac) to make minor edits, add intro our outro's and then save your finalized podcast episode file.

Upload Your Episode To Your Podcast Host

Once you have your final episode file ready to load, follow your particular host provider's policies and procedures for loading it to their platform.

You will need a photo or logo. You should create show notes for each episode (simply a brief summary of what is covered in that particular episode).

Once it is loaded, you will be provided with a link from your provider. When you share this link (either on your website or on social media), anyone who clicks the link will be taken directly to that episode.

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated about 4,000 episodes and conducted 600+ interviews in that time. He has helped many people to launch their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website. He has also created a Christian podcast hosting and marketing platform at

About the author:

Article Source:

Saturday 26 September 2020

5 Best Productivity Apps that Changed ClickFunnels th...

Russell Brunson is the public face of Clickfunnels
He is also affected by this year's restriction, just like we are

So how does he operate his business successfully from remote or distanced locations?

Friday 25 September 2020

Master Affiliate Marketing - 7 Ways To Take Your Earnings To The Next Level

 By: James Simpson

It's a fact that affiliate marketing is one of the quickest ways to get a web business up and running. After all, you don't need a website, you don't need a list and you can start advertising someone else's product just 5 minutes from now.

And the great thing is you really can make money by doing it. But the truth is, if you are
making money from a particular product you're promoting in this fashion, you're almost certainly leaving money on the table.

To explain why, we need to look at your average affiliate marketing strategy:

-- Pick a product to promote with a high affiliate payout ($50 or more)

-- Set up a pay-per-click campaign to promote your affiliate link

That's it! Those two steps are what the vast majority of affiliate marketers do. And that's why 95% of all affiliate payouts are made to just 5% of the people doing the marketing... because those top 5% are doing far more to earn their commissions than just a simple PPC campaign.

You need to understand that if you're fortunate enough to be making money from the product you're promoting just by doing those 2 basic steps, then it's almost a racing certainty that you're missing out on a mass of additional income.

Let's look at how you could increase your commissions and future related sales on just one product you're already making money from:

1. Build a 'name squeeze' page to capture your prospect's name and email address. It's a fact
that virtually all product sales are made after the customer's fifth visit to the website.

If you're not capturing your prospect's details, how are you going to make sure they go back to the sales page using your affiliate link? To greatly improve the chances of this you can set up a 7-series autoresponder to automatically send your lead additional information and reminders about the product they're interested in. This approach will keep the product fresh in their mind.

2. Build a website reviewing the product you're promoting, including a newsletter to catch your prospect's details. You can give full details about how the product will solve your prospect's problems, giving an impartial review of the features and benefits with some real-life results.

The newsletter will allow you to keep in touch with your prospects in the same way as the name squeeze page method.

3. Offer additional bonuses for buying through your affiliate link. This gives your prospect a reason to buy from you, especially if they know you're going to make a commission from the sale.

The important thing here is that your bonus products are related to the product you're selling. I mean, there's no point advertising a bonus book on 'how to make your parrot talk' if your initial product is about training dogs to perform tricks.

4. Create video tutorials on how to use the product you're promoting. This works especially well when you're promoting a software product. You can show people how to get started as quickly as possible without them having to read the manual.

The vast majority of people learn visually, so they're much more likely to use your videos than read the manual supplied with the software. You can even tie this in with option 3; give your prospect free training videos if they buy through your affiliate link.

5. Make your own product to cross-promote. It can be an add-on to the product you're promoting as an affiliate. Again, you could easily offer it for free or at a discounted price if they buy through your affiliate link.

6. Promote related products via email. This works by creating an 'A ' Grade list out of your newsletter and squeeze page sign-ups, i.e. the people who have actually gone on to buy the product you're promoting.

It's a known fact that people who have a proven track record of buying online are more likely to buy from you again. You can easily recommend to them a related product that will further enhance their original purchase, resulting in more affiliate commissions for you.

7. Tie all of the above together. You don't have to use just one of the methods above. Use all of them.

Create a name squeeze page, build a review website with newsletter, add some bonuses to your affiliate link, make some video tutorials, develop your own related product and promote other affiliate products via email to the lists you've built with your name squeeze page and newsletter.

But before you do any of this, make sure you're promoting a product that sells. After all, spending your time doing all of the above for a product that is poorly supported, doesn't work properly or has a high refund rate is going to be time wasted.

Author Bio
James Simpson is an internet marketer and product developer. Currently he is producing 'how to' videos, showing how to properly use and benefit from XSitePro, over at

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Thursday 24 September 2020

Wednesday 23 September 2020

12 Basic Steps For New User To Grow On Instagram

 If you want a dozen steps for Instagram growth this guide from "ChrisJames1211" will give you  thirteen (a bonus number 2 tip too!)

Instagram is one of the largest and most important channels for your brand or business to be found by consumers.  An active and growing Instagram is an essential tool for building credibility and revenue in 2020 and beyond.

In order to grow your business, and stand out from competitors, you must have a large and growing following and a whole lot of likes. 

With the continued popularity of influencer marketing, brands and people are become famous, almost overnight, with a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Sometimes it can feel like your Instagram engagement has barely scratched the surface. 

So how do you Increase Instagram Engagement and get likes on Instagram? The best approach is to use a mix of the organic building as well as reputable growth services, such as CertifiedLikes.  Growth services can help you instantly add real likes, add real Instagram followers, and build your Instagram profile overnight. Purchasing or “boosting” likes and engagement will show credibility and popularity to potential consumers, who will then follow and engage with your profile or product because they now have a better perception and confidence in your brand. CertifiedLikes also offers a free trial for free likes and free followers to test the quality of their service.

There are other tips and tricks which we recommend to engage to help build your Instagram profile over time, to gain the most organic followers and likes.  Here are our top 10 ideas, strategies, and tips from social media experts to help you get likes on Instagram. 

1. Complete Your Profile 

This tip might seem too simple to mention, but you’d be surprised how many brands or influencers leave their account incomplete or void. 

It is a social etiquette that you should always fill out your account bio and use a profile image. Remember that people use your profile to judge or gauge whether or not they can trust, learn, or understand who or what your brand is on Instagram. 

Take the time to select an appropriate profile image… it can be a logo, product, or brand persona. Remember that your profile image will be small, so try to pick something that will allow followers to easily identify you. 

Instagram only allows you to use 150 characters in your bio, so use them wisely. Think of your profile bio as an elevator pitch, by the end of it all, followers should know a lot or little about your brand. 


2. Use High-Quality Photos

Instagram is a highly visual social media app… from your first selfie to brands showing off new their newest products and happy customers. If you want to stand out or compete with brands, you must post high-quality images. If photography and editing is not your top skill, have someone assist you with this critical part of your profile.


2. Make Your Account Public 

Another no brainer, make your Instagram account public. When your account is private, it limits new followers and likes from reaching your account. There’s a trend that making your Instagram account private gives followers the illusion of exclusivity or “fear of missing out.”

This may be true for popular Instagram accounts with a large following, but it will work against brands looking to increase their Instagram engagement and quickly build a following.


3. Use Relevant and Local Hashtags

Hashtags are what makes your post discoverable. The more you use hashtags, the more exposure your post will receive. Instagram limits users to 30 hashtags per post (in captions, stories, or comments), so you’ll have to find the popular and relevant hashtags related to your post. 

Avoid using hashtags that have nothing to do with your brand or your image; as this can feel like spam and can turn people away from your account. 


4. Have a Consistent Theme

People love the consistency as much as they love creativity. Going beyond the constant use of filters. Consistency also includes the type of content you promise people in exchange for likes. 

Brands that suffer from lack of Instagram engagement should step back and see if there are any inconsistencies with their branding or Instagram content theme. 

For example, if people want to know that if they follow an Instagram account about dogs, they’re going to see cute puppies, not clothing or shoes. Have a consistent theme to attract followers and increase likes. 


5. Master Your Online Branding 

As a social media manager (or the person posting content on your blog), your online brand determines a lot more than what you might think. Your online brand defines the type of content, what your photos say about you with or without captions. For example, Burger King is a fun, fast food brand that has mastered a colorful and youthful online branding on Instagram. Without the need for a logo, users can instantly spot and identify Burger King content. 


6. Tag Your Geo-Location

Make sure to always tag your geo-location in your post. Let Instagram users know where you are, and connect with your content more easily. Tagging a general location (like “New York City” instead of a specific restaurant) will increase the chances that people will see it. People looking for photos near them will be likely to engage with them, meaning you have an excellent opportunity to get more likes on your photos!


7. Partner with Other Accounts

Grow quickly with partners and other Instagram influencers!  Reach out to a complimenting brand and do a co-promotion or Instagram takeover. Combing your followers and audience will help to increase your Instagram engagement and likes. 

Be sure to tag each other so viewers interested can quickly find you both. 


8. Use Your Instagram Stories 

More than 42% of users have become more interested in a brand/product after seeing their  Instagram Story. Instagram stories have made their way into the daily lives of users and is one of the best ways to show how active your account is as well as highlight your new post to get more likes. 

Tip: You can also add hashtags to your stories to make them more discoverable to other Instagram followers who aren’t following your account. 


9. Share Your Post on Other Platforms 

Sharing your content on other digital platforms helps to expand your reach to new likes and increase engagement. You can share your post on other platforms with these three easy tips: 

  • Add an Instagram widget or feed to your blog
  • Automatically share content right on Instagram with button options
  • You can directly share a link to your post in blog articles or other platforms, directing likes to your post. 

Check out how brands such as West Elm share their Instagram feed on their website, allowing shoppers to see how real customers style their products. 


10. Share Behind the Scenes Photos 

Everyone loves to take a peek behind the curtain, people are curious to see how something is made, and the synergy between your team. 

You aren’t just sharing behind the scenes content, you’re growing loyalty with the quality of your products and the people behind it, as well as building a relationship with life-long customers.


11. Run a Tag-to-Enter Giveaway

Giveaways are one of the best tools to get likes on Instagram and help to make your account more noticeable!  Host a giveaway with an Insta-worthy prize and ask participants to tag a friend or friends to gain automatic entry. 

This technique allows new followers and users to see your account, follow, like, and engage with your brand to grab your attention and win. 

Once you have a giveaway method and prize down, simply wash, rinse, and repeat for future giveaways. 

12. Reply to Comments 

If you want to get likes on Instagram, engagement is the name of the game. The more engagement your post gets, the more it’s noticed by others, and the more likes it can receive. 

Always be sure to reply to comments and talk with your followers each time you post. Open up the conversation and watch little by little as people begin to interact with you. 

Remember also to always post consistently! Posting every now and then won’t cut it if you want to get likes on Instagram. One thing popular influencers and marketing experts have sworn by in regards to their Instagram success is posting consistently on social media. 

This can range from 7 days a week to only a few select days. But once followers expect you to post daily or on certain days, you’ll have to keep that schedule, or you’ll resist losing followers and likes.   Following these tipsFind Article, combined with a reputable social media boosting service to help give your account an automatic boost is a formula for success used by most top brands and influencers today.

Source: Free Articles from

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...