Friday 10 July 2020

Welcome to the SEO Unlocked! Free SEO Course with Neil Patel | SEO Training

Two days in a row I'm featuring content from Neil Patel!
Some of you may involve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in your strategies.
This video introduces you to Neil's approach to SEOs

How do you maximise SEO effectiveness?

Five Most Powerful Twitter Tools

Social media marketing relies on having an established presence on multiple platforms.
Twitter is a key tool for your online business identity. Here Silvia Pencak explains the ins and outs

I�m a Twitter enthusiast. I use it on a daily basis to both, connect with other like-minded people out there and promote my business to those who might benefit from working with me. Even though I use other social media sites as well, I still find Twitter the most powerful tool out there for those who market to businesses.
If you use Twitter daily like me, you might as well start using some of the smart tools and resources to get the most out of your time.
1. Hashtags
Hashtags or �#� help group tweets within the same topic. They�re great if you�re looking to promote your event or connect with audience interested in specific theme. For example, you can use hashtag #quote when posting a quote and quote lovers will find it way easier. As a brand strategist I like to use hashtags like #brand, #branding, #strategy, #MagneticBrand etc. You can also use hashtags mentioning brands #coke, #starbucks; places #Hilton, #Toronto; hobbies #swimming #blog; events, or anything else. You can search for a specific hashtag to connect with people with similar interests to yours.
2. Tweet Chat
Tweet chat is a great way to find other people who talk about topics that interest you and build lasting relationships. There are dozens of tweet chats running almost simultaneously. Simply find your favorite, ask about the schedule and enjoy. Some of my favorite: #leadfromwithin, #bizforum, #smallbizchat. Share your favorite tweet chat in the comment section below.
3. @ (�AT�) Messages
Connect with others out there by sending them a public tweet. Compliment them for something they recently did, whether it�s a blog post, book or event; share your insight or feedback, answer their question or recommend a great resource. AT messages are your ticket to getting noticed on this crowded network and building relationships that make a difference in your business.
4. Retweets (RT)
This is yet another great tool to help you both, share great content and gain attention of people you�d like to connect with. With over 20K twitter followers it�s very hard (and almost impossible) for me to stay in touch with everyone personally, but trust me, when people retweet my stuff, they get my attention. I usually check their profiles, mention them in my own tweets, send them a quick helpful tip or idea, or even add them to one of my lists. I believe many out there do it similarly. Remember, reaching out on social media helps you get noticed much faster.
5. Lists
If you�re not using your twitter lists, it�s about time to start. It might be fun to read through full twitter stream if you have couple followers, but trust me, it�s not fun with couple thousand followers. With twitter you can create up to 10 lists where you assign those you want to follow more closely. For example, some of my lists are: branding, influencers, RT friends, friends & groups, small biz, etc. Some of them are locked, as I don�t want anyone to see them. I use locked lists for my competitors, clients and prospects. Some of them are public, because I want people to see my friends or resources (e.g. designers, bloggers, etc.). Also, you might want to know that I almost never check my public stream. I only check my lists. So chances are, if you�re not on one of my lists and you don�t keep in touch with me by �AT� messaging me or �RT�-ing my content, I probably never get to see your tweets. (Oops!) What lists can you create to get more out of your twitter time?
Silvia Pencak is The Magnetic Branding Expert and Mentor. For over 7 years Silvia kept building successful venues in Europe and Canada. She became known as the expert in building a powerful brand and is often asked for advice in management, marketing and organizational areas of building a powerful small business brand. She understands that the power of branding, authenticity, relationship building and marketing efforts can make or break a successful business.

Thursday 9 July 2020

14 Chrome Extensions That Will Save HOURS of Marketing Work

Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Income With This Clear and Straight-Forward Advice

On the theme of affiliate marketing, a clear strategy is needed to be successful. We all need a bit of advice now and then and in this article Ruth Barringham tries to lay it out clearly for us.
How does Ruth's approach tie in with your own?
Affiliate marketing has been around nearly as long as the internet itself, and it used to be so easy to make money online this way. All it took was a banner or two placed at the top of a website page and "boom" you could earn a fortune from clicks and sales.
But that was then and this is now and everything has changed. Now if you put a banner on your website, not only will no one click on it, but it can deter people from wanting to visit your site.
Yet despite this, there are still plenty of high-earning affiliate marketers all over the world.
So how are they doing it, and, more importantly, how can you do it too?
The answer is to put your affiliate marketing efforts on steroids, which means doing much more than putting up a banner or two. And thankfully, one thing that hasn't changed is that once you set up your online marketing, it can go on working for you for years. So your initial efforts can work well, and then can go on to keep generating passive income while you work on your next project.
So what exactly should you be doing?
Well, they say that these days a customer needs to see (or be told about) a product at least 7 times before they buy.
So first you need to write at least 7 online articles about it and 7 marketing articles.
Naturally, 7 is the minimum number you need to write, so more is better - much better.
Next, write a minimum of 7 automated emails so that interested people can sign up for more information and receive your daily emails in return. So again, writing and setting up more emails would be better. I usually try and write 30 emails so that I have a month's worth.
And don't forget, these emails and online articles should be about how the customer will benefit from owning the product, rather than talking about the product itself.
Social media is another great place to market a product, but again, it shouldn't look like advertising. It should sound like great person-to-person advice about improving things/skills/life.
Of course there are other things you can do to market an affiliate product, but to me, these are the main ways and the most effective.
To further boost your income and to not waste effort, stick to the same niche. This way you can look for high-paying and popular products and all your previously written content will still be relevant to your customers and they may even make multiple purchases from you.
For instance, if you have a weight-loss blog, you might begin by selling diet books, exercise machines and supplements, and your customers may buy all three. You could then promote other related products to them like gym memberships, active wear, and even backyard swimming pools.
There really is no end to the number of products you can promote as an affiliate marketer.
Want to discover even more ways to earn money from your writing? Ruth Barringham is a writer, author, and online marketer and she can show you how you can write more and earn more. Sign up for regular updates, download all her free eBooks, and start writing and earning more money today.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

How To Create A FREE High Converting Landing Page (Step by Step 2020)

Crucial to your marketing success is your landing page or optin page.
Look at the great info here from the Passive Profits channel to get some great ideas

Let me know in the comments if this works well for you

Importance Of Using Social Media In Business Growth

Occasionally we can forget which social media platform was set up for which purpose and how they can be better used today.
Here Steve Hopwood serves to meet that need (from the perspective of P4C Global).

If you are looking to promote your business online using social networks, then you might have realized their importance. Social media branding is very important for people that are looking to grow their online businesses. To succeed on social networks it is important to create a brand for your company. It is very important to know what you should push and promote. Many businesses are going wrong since they are pushing the business or product rather then creating value for their clients. P4C Global is a company that offers value, at the same time provides ways of cleaning up the environment.


Almost everyone has a facebook page and it has the power in creating and maintaining connections. Facebook allows you to create a page for free; if you are using it on a personal level then you should consider it for business as well. Creating a facebook page linked to your site, depending on the content posted, you can improve your search engine rankings and visibility. P4C Global facebook page has a massive fan base. The company is able to send updates to all its fans cutting down immensely on advertising revenue. They are able to effortlessly and instantly send an update to thousands of potential clients. P4C global fans also act as a tiny advertiser, since they all have a link back to the company’s page.


LinkedIn was basically created to allow people to connect with friends, co-workers, customers and business partners. This social media is centered on business and it is the center for online networking more or less like handing out business cards. The site is more professional compared to other social networks offering valuable business information about the business. P4C Global LinkedIn page allow users to ask as much as possible about the business, giving them a better insight on the company.


P4C twitter page allows the company to easily and quickly update their followers on the internal happenings of the company. The best thing about twitter is that updates can be posted through mobile phones allowing updates as they unfold.


It’s pretty expensive to buy bandwidth for hosting a video, and at the same time it’s slow. Youtube allows you to create a video channel and upload your video for free. The P4C global youtube is another way of advertising the company.

5.Blog posts.

P4C Global blog helps them advertise their services and create a link to the website.

It is therefore important to note that the content that you put on social media will determine whether you will succeed or fail in your social network marketing. To have people trust and like you, give them doses of what you offer, do not rump it down their throats at once. P4C Global offers solutions to people on their day to day lives and at the same time provide them with a variety of products. The social media has made the world a single market place where you can sell your products. P4C Global is using social networks for marketing.

Author's Resource Box

Steve Hopwood is the author of this article on P4C Global.
Find more information on P4C Global Blog here.

Article Source:

Tuesday 7 July 2020

How to Write Facebook Ads That Convert Like CRAZY

What do you think of these tips on Facebook Ad writing?
Will Wes McDowell's ideas work for you?

Let me know in the comments box if they generate more sales for you 

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...