Showing posts with label Social Media Advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media Advertising. Show all posts

Friday 27 November 2020

Tuesday 28 July 2020

10 TikTok Hacks For Those Who Don't Dance

Here are the reasons why you should include TikTok in promoting your brand, as well as how to use it without the synonymous dance routines.

I try to feature Gary Vaynerchuk each month as he is a master of brand promotion for business profitability

Look out for the tips on noting what other creators are doing, what is on trend and what consumers pick up on

Using TikTok For Marketing Success

If you are fascinated by the idea of using all socialmedia to promote your brand and grow your online business then you have probably thought about TikTok and maybe even more probably dismissed it

But why? There is a fair market share using TikTok every day. Some of them are kids for sure, but then that means they probably have a large say in what their parents will purchase

Here Jean Taylor looks at promoting to that younger audience with an insight into the right methods to adopt. Please feel free to comment on any ideas you take from this article 

If you would like to promote your products to a younger audience, there's no doubt that TikTok provides a fantastic chance to get this done. With over 500 million global consumers, it's amazed many with its rapid expansion. To get the most out of TikTok, you have to understand what you're doing, and this guide will describe the best method to approach it.

Know the TikTok Platform

Just jumping on into the TikTok platform maybe not understanding precisely what you Do will turn away users so that you have to scrutinize it before getting involved. Have a peek at the most well-known movies on TikTok and workout why customers are drawn to them.

Also, you need to know how to interact correctly with TikTok users. If you receive this wrong, then you'll drive away users in droves. You must understand that TikTok is about pleasure and amusement. There are a lot of mini music movies which do nicely in addition to entertaining films also.

There's not any location on TikTok for pushy messages. From the United States that the vast majority of consumers are between 16 and 24 years old, and they're not interested in sales pitches. You've got to be imaginative in the manner that you join to TikTok users.

Your Content Needs To Be Interesting

You Need to Be Ready to create quite fun Content for TikTok. You may create quite inexpensive videos with a significant effect on the platform when you become accustomed to doing so. TikTok users aren't expecting high-quality Hollywood fashion videos, so it is possible to record in your smartphone, which is going to be wholly acceptable.

It is Ideal to keep it simple and never attempt to be overly bright. Produce light-hearted movies that exhibit your products utilized in a fun manner. TikTok users are going to love this and feel that you're genuine and will trust you.

Utilize Hashtag Challenges

Many manufacturers and associations have experienced Lots of success with hashtag challenges. You produce a branded hashtag then use this to market a battle where consumers participate by making their videos with your hashtag.

A Fantastic example of that was that the hashtag challenge made by Guess Jeans. They struggled to request TikTok consumers to make videos of themselves wearing their Guess clothes" their way." Their hashtag has been #inmydenim.

Utilize Influencers

There happen to be influencers on TikTok, which have enormous Followings of countless. This is a superb way to expand your brand to achieve the stage. Not many influencers will be prepared to work together with you. Your brand and fashion should match theirs, or they'll turn you back down.

Influencers have to be comfier with your products. If They enjoy them, then they'll be inclined to showcase them for your viewers. Please do your homework and use external resources to check on possible influencer bios until you devote to working with them.

TikTok Advertising

Lately, TikTok established its advertisements program. Here you can cover For various ad types that are in short type video format to expand your reach. There are four Kinds of TikTok advertisements:

1. Native Advertisements (in feed)

2. Hashtag Challenges

3. Brand Takeovers

4. Branded Lenses

These advertisements strategically You'll Have the Ability to achieve Out to numerous TikTok users. There are all targeting options that you narrow down Your viewers, and those may enhance over time. Time will tell how successful TikTok advertising is.

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Saturday 11 July 2020

How much does it cost to run a TikTok Ad Marketing Campaign?

TikTok is making a rapidly rising impact on the world right now
Some people are even polarised in their outlook on the platform

Take a look at this analysis if the costs involved in using TikTok for your Ad Marketing campains

Thursday 9 July 2020

Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Income With This Clear and Straight-Forward Advice

On the theme of affiliate marketing, a clear strategy is needed to be successful. We all need a bit of advice now and then and in this article Ruth Barringham tries to lay it out clearly for us.
How does Ruth's approach tie in with your own?
Affiliate marketing has been around nearly as long as the internet itself, and it used to be so easy to make money online this way. All it took was a banner or two placed at the top of a website page and "boom" you could earn a fortune from clicks and sales.
But that was then and this is now and everything has changed. Now if you put a banner on your website, not only will no one click on it, but it can deter people from wanting to visit your site.
Yet despite this, there are still plenty of high-earning affiliate marketers all over the world.
So how are they doing it, and, more importantly, how can you do it too?
The answer is to put your affiliate marketing efforts on steroids, which means doing much more than putting up a banner or two. And thankfully, one thing that hasn't changed is that once you set up your online marketing, it can go on working for you for years. So your initial efforts can work well, and then can go on to keep generating passive income while you work on your next project.
So what exactly should you be doing?
Well, they say that these days a customer needs to see (or be told about) a product at least 7 times before they buy.
So first you need to write at least 7 online articles about it and 7 marketing articles.
Naturally, 7 is the minimum number you need to write, so more is better - much better.
Next, write a minimum of 7 automated emails so that interested people can sign up for more information and receive your daily emails in return. So again, writing and setting up more emails would be better. I usually try and write 30 emails so that I have a month's worth.
And don't forget, these emails and online articles should be about how the customer will benefit from owning the product, rather than talking about the product itself.
Social media is another great place to market a product, but again, it shouldn't look like advertising. It should sound like great person-to-person advice about improving things/skills/life.
Of course there are other things you can do to market an affiliate product, but to me, these are the main ways and the most effective.
To further boost your income and to not waste effort, stick to the same niche. This way you can look for high-paying and popular products and all your previously written content will still be relevant to your customers and they may even make multiple purchases from you.
For instance, if you have a weight-loss blog, you might begin by selling diet books, exercise machines and supplements, and your customers may buy all three. You could then promote other related products to them like gym memberships, active wear, and even backyard swimming pools.
There really is no end to the number of products you can promote as an affiliate marketer.
Want to discover even more ways to earn money from your writing? Ruth Barringham is a writer, author, and online marketer and she can show you how you can write more and earn more. Sign up for regular updates, download all her free eBooks, and start writing and earning more money today.

Monday 29 June 2020

How Social Media Marketing will help you?

This interesting article by Lokesh Sharma, as the title suggests, looks at “How Social Media Marketing will help you?”

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach your customers and tell about your business in more effective way.

Social media is very important to build a strong and consistent brand across all social media platforms.

Do you have a SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE for your business?

Nowadays no business can thrive without social media handles, some of the best social media platforms include FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND LINKEDIN.

All these platforms have a daily combined active user of up to 2 billion… Imagine your possibilities.

Think of it as an investment in your business.

I encourage business owners to think of their marketing as an investment and not an expense. The purpose of marketing is to create brand awareness as well as AMAZING return on investment. (Marketing)

So, a lot of small/local businesses only see the upfront cost when initially thinking about marketing and not the long-term impact that it will have on their business. Think in the long term…

There are some Social Media Marketing strategies that you should be focusing on
  • Define goals and objectives.
  • Put together a winning team.
  • Understand your audience.
  • Look and listen.
  • Choose a social platform
  • Create a content plan and calendar.
  • Monitor, analyses, engage and repeat.

What’s new in Social Media?
Social Media offers some of the new feature that you are going to witness on the social platforms in the coming days
Facebook is testing a new option to cross post FACEBOOK stories to Instagram.
LinkedIn will make 16 LinkedIn courses for free in coming days.
INSTAGRAM shares new information prompts on coronavirus in home feeds.
INSTAGRAM IS testing new option to reshare live videos on IG TV
YOUTUBE changes trending tab to explore which will show more content categories at one place.

Goals of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can’t be summed up with just 3 goals but these 3 goals right here should be your main focus:

As a Social media consultant, it is your business to take care of another business.
BY THAT I MEAN it is your business to grow your brand that isn’t yours. You create brand awareness which in turn builds a community around a brand which also builds leads and drive sales.

Business that realize this will thrive
The others will regret….”

It isn’t just Advertising. Its brand/business

EXPOSURE it becoming the dominant force in your local community.

Reasons Why You Advertise on Social Media
  • Social media advertising allows you to connect with the people who need your services or products.
  • Social media provides varied platforms and numerous advertising formats.
  • Social media platforms allow you to create specific target audiences.
  • Social media platforms drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page.
  • Social media marketing will get you more sales.
  • The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.
  • Advertising on social media offers insights of your customers.

Social Media Platforms
Every social media platform is different and important!
Its time to treat them that way! You shouldn’t share the same piece of content to each platform. You have to adapt to that specific platform and repurpose it.

INSTAGRAM: This is where you are telling people about your content piece by taking a picture of your shake at a cute café. Instagram is about showing the content.
FACEBOOK: This is where you are telling people about your content. For ex you could write a post about how you re loving your new dress. This is where you can let your copywriting skills shine!
TWITTER: This is where you popup your followers. Post about things on the go and short snip bits of your days. Tweet that you are all about that VENTI life nowadays (and don’t forget the hashtags)
PINTREST: Here is where you get to share your expertise! Have a great skinny vanilla latte recipe Go ahead and pin it!
LINKEDIN: We are going to go ahead and tell you LINKEDIN is not dead! It’s a great place for business owners to connect! So, if you are coffee shop owner, don’t forget to include it on your profile.
YOUTUBE: We all love YouTube. It’s the best place for long video content. Go ahead and share some coffee reviews taste tests and tutorials on YouTube!

You can certainly drive sales through #socialmedia by posting products and offers but establishing loyalty between your customers and your company is the true purpose of social media. Don’t you agree?

Social Media Platforms Explained Above

Which platforms are you on for your business?
Share in the comments!

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Author's Bio: 
Lokesh Sharma is a Indian Computer Architect and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of PaceLab International Group. Lokesh has over 10 years of experience in Technology, building complex platforms and accelerating sales and growth through use of Technology.
Lokesh obtained Masters in Computer Science from Coventry University and MBA from University of Leicester in England. As the CEO of PaceLab, Lokesh vision is to help brands connect with the customers globally driving sales and revenue for the success of the firm.

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