Friday 7 August 2020

How to generate leads via video marketing with Jeff Bullas

Does your marketing strategy include video marketing?

Video is such a massive proportion of consumed internet traffic that it may well be worth looking into this if you don't already do it to strengthen your business 

Watch the great Jeff Bullas video here

The 4 Step System For Working At Home and Making $300 Per Day Online

Want an outline guide to getting started making money online? Don't get caught up in the $300 a day title. Maybe you want more, maybe less is ok for you. but look at the steps from AJ Simon for a simple outline to start up step by step

In this article I will show you a proven 3 step system for working at home. You'll see exactly how average people are making $100,000 per year online working from their own home.

Let's get started!

Step 1.) Choose an affiliate program.

This is a critical step. Make sure that the affiliate program you choose pays on a monthly recurring basis. This will ensure that you make the most money possible.

The niche you choose should have a hungry audience of buyers. These people will be highly motivated to purchase products within the market you have chosen to start your home business around.

I look for affiliate programs that pay 50% or more commission per sale I refer. This will be the best way to succeed with a work at home business model. I suggest you do the same.

You can find great products to promote in the "make money online" niche topic on WarriorPlus, ClickBank and Maxbounty affiliate networks.

Step 2.) Create an automated marketing system or use one prepared for you.

You wouldn't want to go door to door trying to sell your products would you?

No way! That's why you need your own marketing system in place to sell the information products on your behalf. This system will have sales materials in place to sell your affiliate products. Some networks will give you "Don for you" solutions.

Step 3.) Drive traffic to your automated marketing system

When your system is complete, you can send clicks or website visitors to your sales funnel system. This will ensure that you make a positive return on investment.

This is especially important if you are using paid marketing strategies like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Bing Ads or Media Buys.

Step 4.) Follow-up with your new leads to close as many sales as possible

Write a follow-up email marketing campaign that is around 14 days. So each new subscriber will get a new email from you every single day.

This ensures that you can get them to purchase your affiliate courses over time. Not everyone will buy a product the first time they see it. So it's important to have this in place.

As you can see, the steps are pretty straight forward. But the key to your success at working from home is to have all these things in place so you don't have to worry about results not being profitable. Cheers to your future success my friend!

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

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Thursday 6 August 2020

GrooveFunnels Promotional Video (Featuring GroovePages & GrooveSell)

Getting your online business set up can be unexpectedly costly.

You need to create your funnel which has your opt in pages working and your products easily accessible; not to mention servicing a mailing list and automating its actions, whilst being sure to have a payment and cart function in place.

Right now one product is out there that is disrupting the whole market.

GROOVEFUNNELS is an all in one system that lets you build your own pages and operate your funnel, as well has having a sales and affiliate platform, GrooveSell, right alongside.

SO why mention this above all the other existing funnel builders, autoresponders etc?

Quite simply, for the moment GrooveFunnels is FREE, yes, FREE

Watch the video to find out more:

Hope you enjoyed the video!

Why not experience the magic for yourself? No fee, no card details required!!

Sign up for your FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to GrooveFunnels at

Are Chatbots an Effective Tool for Entrepreneurs?

When your client first makes contact you really need to give them something to help drive them to where they want to be. Well designed chatbots offer just this capability, but you need to consider them carefully as Pamela Wigglesworth points out:

Asking whether chatbots are right for your business is like asking if social media marketing is right for you. If they haven't made it to your industry yet, bots are well on their way.

Messaging apps are becoming the next big thing in marketing. Social media is still king, but messaging apps are slowly taking over. The way to capitalize on this is through bots.

Tread carefully, though.

When a new channel starts to show promise, we tend to get overexcited and overwhelm our audience.

A little restraint will go a long way, especially with chatbots. As efficient as they are, research shows that people really don't like them. They can be the key to overwhelming success but their proper application is crucial.

What Exactly Is a Chatbot?

There's a simple answer and a complicated answer to that question. Forget the complicated answer, as it doesn't pertain to you as a marketer.

All you need to know is that a "bot" is a piece of software that automates a task or a group of tasks.

There is a variety of bots available. Some are able to handle a range of tasks, while others are more limited. Bots are designed and built to do very specific things.

In practical terms, this means that the chatbot program will have a series of pre-written responses to interact with humans.

For example,imagine your company that manufactures harmonicas. People often find themselves on your website trying to find the best harmonica for them. Instead of directing them to support staff, you implement a chatbot. When the person visits your site, the chatbot initiates interaction. It then reads the visitor's questions and uses preprogrammed responses to answer them.

Instead of communicating with another person, your customer gets an answer from an automated system. It's more streamlined, faster, and, best of all, instantly available.

The Benefits of Bots

The surface benefit of using chatbots is pretty obvious. You don't have to pay a staff member to engage in customer service. But that's not all. Bots are useful in a lot of other ways, as well.

Bots are easy to build and implement. You can design a bot for Facebook Messenger in under half an hour. Granted, this won't be the most sophisticated bot ever made but it will get the job done. Even a simple chatbot can be very useful and cost-effective.
Bots give simple answers to simple questions. A lot of people just want a quick and simple answer to a short question. So, instead of having to sift through the database or speak with a person, people can get their answers instantly and be on their way.
Bots always put your best foot forward. An interaction with a bot will always be predictable. Your brand image will be presented in the best possible light every time. A chatbot won't lose his temper or insult anyone.
The potential of bots is still unexplored. Bots are being adopted en masse and the sky's the limit for them. At present, it's hard to predict how the use of bots will evolve. However, it's worth considering the earlier statistic about messaging apps. When messaging apps finally take over, companies with the best bots will lead the pack.

Chatbots Are Already Here

To answer the original question: bots are not only effective they are a necessary tool for 21st century entrepreneurs.

Just about every enterprise can benefit from using chatbots. Not to mention the very real ROI potential of bots as compared to humans.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows here. Poor implementation of bots can signal that a brand is losing touch with its customer base. Even a short string of negative experiences are enough for customers to walk away from a brand.

To sum it all up, bots are definitely a great tool, but they can do more harm than good if they're not implemented correctly.

Pamela Wigglesworth, CSP is an international marketing consultant, speaker and the CEO of Experiential Hands-on Learning based in Asia. She is the author of The 50-60 Something ™ Start-up Entrepreneur and works with organizations across multiple industries to help them increase brand awareness, increase leads and ultimately increase sales.

To learn more about Pamela, visit the Experiential website at or email her at

About the author:

Article Source:

Wednesday 5 August 2020

How to Use LinkedIn to Get Clients - LinkedIn Lead Generation (LinkedIn ...

Often overlooked by social media marketers, LinkedIn is a great tool for business to business selling (B2B)
The key is in getting good lead lead generation. Jordan Platten explains

Profiting With Private Label Rights

Private label selling is a great brand building method for your online business. In this blog we often feature affiliate marketing articles where you sell other people's products because it is a great way to start online selling.
But why not sell your own branded products. It is only a few steps more and can really set you aside

In this article  Bob Bastian helps us understand how to do just that and the benefits we can get

There are three basic rights you should know about when it comes to resale rights marketing. These are resale rights, master resale rights and private label rights

Whenever you purchase a product with resale rights, you will only have the license to sell the said product to other people. When you purchase a product with master resale rights, you will have the license to sell the product to other people, and you will also have the option to sell the resale right for the same product as well. This means that the people to whom you sell the resale rights of the product whose master resale rights you own will consequently acquire the license to sell the said product to other people.

Confusing as this may sound, our focus for this article are private label rights which, of the three rights enumerated above, is undoubtedly the most empowering and the most profitable.

Private label rights are embodied in a license that comes with an information product you may be able to purchase. These rights would allow you to alter, modify, enhance and rearrange the contents of the said product to suit your own needs and wishes. What exactly does this mean?

With private label rights, you could divide the chapters of, say, an eBook, and sell them as a series of articles. The reverse is also true. If you purchased a set of articles with accompanying private label rights, you could compile them into one nifty and seemingly novel eBook or special report.

Better yet, you could add any information on the said information product, without having to seek the permission of the original author. You feel that one section is wanting in details? You could freely insert your own additions!

But the best part of information products with private label rights is that, in most cases, you could put your name as the author of the work, without having to pay royalties or ghostwriting charges to the original author.

There are many benefits to private label rights. Some are quite apparent. Others only manifest after a deeper scrutiny. Let's take a look at some of them

Private label rights would allow you to come up with a variety of new products from the original source. Being empowered to alter the contents to suit your needs, you have the liberty to repackage them as novel offers for different markets.

Private label rights would allow you to improve on a work that you may have found lacking. Tired of purchasing products to sell, when such products do not meet your standards of quality and they are disappointingly unalterable? You won't have to worry about such with private label rights. You have the freedom to change and improve on what is written as you see fit.

Private label rights are perfect for branding yourself and your business. You need to get the word out about your online venture. Purchasing a number of information products with private label rights and naming them as your own would impress upon the online world that you are an expert in your chosen field, and they would trust you more easily when the need arises to procure your services or avail of your products.

The purchaser is not the only person who stands to earn from private label rights, however. An information product creator can also consider this route if he wishes to make some fast money. The information product creator can offer the private label rights to his works at a substantially higher price, considering all the perks that are attached to it.

There has been an age old debate as to whether or not a creator should sell the private label rights for his products. Though there are many schools of thought on the matter, the following scenario seems to be the most beneficial
for the information product creator: he should sell the private label rights for his products only when the same is nearing the end of its market life.

At this point, it is widely believed that the product has already been squeezed dry of its moneymaking potentials, and by allowing other people to alter it in creative ways, the said product might find new life in different markets.

Private label rights are excellent offerings in the world of Internet marketing. When you encounter a hot commodity that would give you the liberty to alter its essence and call it your own, it is very much worth your time to study the profitability of purchasing the same. Offers this good don't come everyday.

Author Bio
Bob Bastian is a successful Internet entrepreneur and expert in resale rights and private label rights marketing. Visit to get weekly private label articles for free!

Tuesday 4 August 2020

How to Make Money on Clickbank with [Clickbank for Beginners]

Online Hustle TV is a great resource from Gerald Umeh for learning about how to run an e-Commerce business in rapidly growing markets

In this video Gerald takes us through using ClickBank for selling affiliate products when complemented by strong product reviews in associated blog articles written specifically to support the sales

If you want to see more of this kind of content please let us know in the comments

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...