Showing posts with label targeted traffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label targeted traffic. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Free Article Writing Tips to Increase Website Traffic


To get people to your website and interested in your business you'll need to be telling them things about it. A big part of this is letting your customers know you have the expertise they are looking for John Michaels' article really assists in understanding what you need to think about.

If you're not doing so already, you may want to consider writing articles about your website's topic. Writing copyright free articles is a great way to:
  • Establish your credibility and build your reputation and brand
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field
  • Increase your exposure on the internet
  • Gain laser targeted traffic to your website
  • Increase the number of one way links to your website, which should help your website in the search results.

Writing articles about the topic of your website is a fantastic way to demonstrate your expertise and credibility and at the same time allows you to build your reputation and your brand. Submitting your articles to the various free article sites gives your articles the opportunity to be picked up by other webmasters for their websites and newsletters. When your articles get used on these other websites they must be used with the author bio section un-edited. This means that you can generate one way links to your website, which in turn leads to greater exposure and better rankings in the search engines. If the readers of your articles on other sites click through to your site, you gain targeted traffic.

Some Article Writing Tips
To get the greatest benefit from your article writing endeavors, try to keep the following article writing tips in mind:

  • Try to stay away from turning your article into a sales pitch. Give your readers credit - they will be able to distinguish a sales pitch right away. Once they think they're just reading another sales pitch they will quickly click away from your article. I can just about guarantee that no one will pick up your sales pitch and use it on their website, unless it's one of your affiliates.

  • Don't include too many hyperlinks within the article body and stick to only one in the author bio section. Most webmasters will not pick up an article, no matter how good it is, if there are too many outgoing links. I would recommend not having any links within the article body but sometimes this is unavoidable.

    Which situation would you rather have: 1 article with 1 outgoing link to your website that gets picked up by 1,000 webmasters or 1 article with 10 outgoing links that gets picked up by 10 webmasters?

  • Check, re-check and then check your article again for typos and grammatical errors. Have someone else proofread it for you before submitting it. Nothing says amateur more than typos and grammatical errors.

  • Write articles that complement the topic of your website. Don't write about something totally unrelated to your website. Remember, you want to establish your credibility and expertise. Write about what you know.

  • When adding that one link back to your site, make sure to include a keyword targeted link back to your site. I'm talking specifically about the words between the anchor tags. For example, this is how you should structure the link back to your website: <a href="">keywords go here<a>.

    When the search engine robots come across this link they will index the anchor text and it will help you with those keywords in the search engines. Do not waste this valuable link by just having your website address ( as the anchor text unless you have your main keywords in the website address. Try to vary the keywords a little as well when creating this link. There is speculation that having too many "uniform" links to a site may hurt you - just something to keep in mind.

  • Do not place a copyright notice at the top of your article. This leads to confusion and may cause webmasters to stay away from posting your articles on their website and in their newsletters.

  • It may be a good idea to write completely new content for your articles. Some writers just copy and paste parts of their websites and put them into articles. This may lead to a "duplicate content" penalty and may end up hurting your search engine results. I would recommend that you should play it safe and come up with totally new content for your articles.

How Many Articles Should I Write?
The number of articles that you will have to write really depends on how good your competitors are. If you're competing against many highly optimized websites, then you may have your work cut out for you. On the other hand, if you notice that your competitors are not all that great at the SEO thing, your road to article writing will be much shorter. Any way you look at it, writing articles can bring too many benefits that are yours for the taking.

Author Bio
John Michaels is a part-time editor for John has developed many websites over the years in many different business areas. He is a professional web developer/designer/architect. ArticleGeek is a free website content resource for publishers and webmasters and a place where authors may submit articles for FREE!

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Friday 7 August 2020

The 4 Step System For Working At Home and Making $300 Per Day Online

Want an outline guide to getting started making money online? Don't get caught up in the $300 a day title. Maybe you want more, maybe less is ok for you. but look at the steps from AJ Simon for a simple outline to start up step by step

In this article I will show you a proven 3 step system for working at home. You'll see exactly how average people are making $100,000 per year online working from their own home.

Let's get started!

Step 1.) Choose an affiliate program.

This is a critical step. Make sure that the affiliate program you choose pays on a monthly recurring basis. This will ensure that you make the most money possible.

The niche you choose should have a hungry audience of buyers. These people will be highly motivated to purchase products within the market you have chosen to start your home business around.

I look for affiliate programs that pay 50% or more commission per sale I refer. This will be the best way to succeed with a work at home business model. I suggest you do the same.

You can find great products to promote in the "make money online" niche topic on WarriorPlus, ClickBank and Maxbounty affiliate networks.

Step 2.) Create an automated marketing system or use one prepared for you.

You wouldn't want to go door to door trying to sell your products would you?

No way! That's why you need your own marketing system in place to sell the information products on your behalf. This system will have sales materials in place to sell your affiliate products. Some networks will give you "Don for you" solutions.

Step 3.) Drive traffic to your automated marketing system

When your system is complete, you can send clicks or website visitors to your sales funnel system. This will ensure that you make a positive return on investment.

This is especially important if you are using paid marketing strategies like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Bing Ads or Media Buys.

Step 4.) Follow-up with your new leads to close as many sales as possible

Write a follow-up email marketing campaign that is around 14 days. So each new subscriber will get a new email from you every single day.

This ensures that you can get them to purchase your affiliate courses over time. Not everyone will buy a product the first time they see it. So it's important to have this in place.

As you can see, the steps are pretty straight forward. But the key to your success at working from home is to have all these things in place so you don't have to worry about results not being profitable. Cheers to your future success my friend!

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

About the author:

Article Source:

Monday 27 July 2020

Online Stores in the Period of COVID-19

Following on from our articles about using ecommerce to assist traditional marketplaces during these hard times, Muhammed Abdullah gives a frank overview of how localised shutdowns have necessitated embracing the e-commerce world for otherwise face-to-face sellers

Customers are purchasing goods, products, and items,  from online stores and choosing them up in stores at more than five times higher volume than before the COVID-19, according to the latest study from eCommerce platform provider Kibo Commerce. That increase topped in the month of April, when customers picked up online orders at stores 6 times more often than in April 2019.

Currently, with everything we have experienced and continue to live today through the Covid-19, Online Stores have become more important so that companies can continue to offer their products to customers.  

The closure for several months of the stores at street level has caused many losses to their owners, for which many have been forced to invest in the creation of Online Stores to cope with these losses and that their regular customers could continue shopping despite being unable to leave home. 

Also, many companies that already had their Online Store have reinforced it by offering a better and more complete service so that there would be no inconvenience when making purchases. 

Online Stores in times of pandemic  

The creation of Online Stores began several years ago , when technology began to advance by leaps and bounds and penetrated into the lives of people, making their way of shopping and relating change to the point that without a technological device, "no we can live ”therefore, the stores decided to reinvent themselves and develop Online Stores. Now with the situation experienced, many people prefer to shop online for fear of being infected if they go to physical stores.   



Both in this situation, as before, Online Stores become more important since people prefer to buy online or via the App rather than go to stores and queue endlessly to buy the products they like.  


By having all the products by categories, it is much faster to see what you want to buy and acquire it with a single click, it also gives you the option to register and save your data so that every time you go to buy you do not have to waste more time writing again everything.  


When buying Online, registering at the Store always offers you an added value such as having discounts every x time that physical stores do not offer. Or contests and games through the Online Store to win new collectables.  


There are many people who feel more secure acquiring their products online since they always leave the factory directly and have not been treated or exhibited in stores, also, given the situation, many do not trust that the products once They are tested in a physical store and disinfected so that they can be tested by someone else, so they prefer to buy directly through the Online Store and thus avoid possible inconveniences.  


I am Muhammad Abdullah, an SEO expert at Intelvue, which is a web and Mobile App Development Company. Recently, we published an article Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2. For more details, visit our website

Saturday 18 July 2020

Why should a business go for Digital Marketing?

Are you just looking to get started in digital marketing and visiting this blog for the first time?
If so your timing could not have been better

In today's featured video Pranshu Khanna does a very thorough analysis of the reasons why a digital marketing strategy is crucial for your business. The video may be a couple of years old but the rationale is as fresh as ever

Highlighting the benefits of digital marketing helps you see the way ahead

Monday 13 July 2020


Have a look at this summary video of getting into online selling
It is an honest and open appraisal of how to get going from Silicon Valley Girl where the steps you need to take are broken down really well

Let me know how you get on

How to Start an Online Business Fast - The 3 Steps You Should Take This Year!

We all have to start somewhere, but that is often the hardest point where many people can give up. There's a lot of great info out there on running an online business but sometimes we just need a general overview to understand what it's all about.

This great article by AJ Simon takes that first step

How to start an online business fast and easy using these simple to follow strategies that anyone can implement starting today. Discover how easy it is to get your own business off the ground.
In this article, I will reveal the fastest way to start an online business from scratch and how you can easily quit your 9 to 5 day job using simple marketing systems. Let's get started...
1.) First you need to pick a target niche. This is a VERY IMPORTANT step. If you pick the wrong niche, you won't make as much money. I suggest sticking to the top niche topics like Insurance, Health and Wellness, Finance and Make Money Online.
These topics are full of hungry buyers who are eager to solve their problems as fast as possible. It's up to you to give them the solution to these problems. If you can solve their problems, you can become a very successful internet marketer.
2.) Second, you need to set-up an auto-responder series. This will give you the ultimate POWER over your business. You can set up a series of emails that will give value to your potential buyers and start selling them relevant content.
However, don't pitch in each email you send. Make sure to give free tips, advice and tactics they can use to benefit their own lives.
3.) Third, you need to send targeted traffic to your lead magnet and start generating leads. I'm sure you've heard the term "Traffic is King." Well, it's true!
If you don't have people seeing your products, you will never make money from home. So make sure to get the best targeted traffic there is. I suggest "Search Traffic." It's the highest targeted traffic you can get.
Articles are a great way to get search engine traffic and promote your online business through SEO. Search engine optimization can drive free traffic to your websites and grow your email marketing list at no cost.
This will take some time to research the right keywords, but it's totally worth the effort. I suggest that you plan out at least an hour of work per day on this endeavour.
You need to test out different sources of advertising and scale up your business ventures. That's the golden recipe for success in the online business arena. These 3 steps have taken thousands of people from 0 to 6 figure business's in as little as a year.
These steps are the best ways you can start an online business fast. Hope you enjoyed!
Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?
If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

Article Source:

Sunday 12 July 2020

How To Make Extra Money During Covid-19 Lockdown - Consider Affiliate Marketing

Back in April 2020 Gerard Mohamed wrote this article on using your lockdown time to get into affiliate marketing. By the end of June many countries were starting to come out of lockdown

Would you take his call to action at the end of the article?
Do you agree with his sentiments? 

The Coronavirus lockdown is changing every aspect of the world. In particular, people are realizing that formal employment will not be a future certainty and thus looking at how to make extra money during Covid-19. Massive job losses are certainly looming and alternative professions or additional revenue are now being looked. Most at risk are freelancers, contract workers and just about anyone one else with current and future cash flow challenges.
There are many professions that you can ultimately choose, but not all of them have an exceptional money-making potential. Everyone is yearning towards financial freedom, but most people don't put in the hard work to get it. Being an affiliate marketer is like picking any other profession, but the good part is that you don't have to work set hours in a confined space. As an affiliate marketer, you decide what needs to be done and you have complete reign over your company.
That's right, it's not a job nor a project handed to you from a company, it's a real business where every single rule is clear. You give the outcome to the product owner by making sales or leads and earn an income for what you do. This could be your perfect cushion to counteract the negative effect of Covid-19 job losses and reduced formal incomes.
If you have constantly considered getting into internet marketing, but didn't for numerous reasons, maybe you should reconsider it and get into it now. There aren't any other businesses that can compare to the easiness that affiliate marketing has. It can provide the financial freedom that you crave and get you to your goals if you know exactly how to do it correctly. In this article we will examine a few tips that can help you as an online marketer. Of course, there are many methods to achieve this, but these few suggestions will get you on your way.
  • When you have identified your preferred affiliate products, make sure that you are exercising some degree of caution. Your reputation relies on the types of products that you choose.
So if you choose products just because of the high commissions, you will have to live with your choices. Do your homework and due diligence to choose products that your prospective clients will truly like. If possible, try out the product yourself, so that you are completely satisfied with it before recommending it to others. When you are confident that it is a quality product, you can advertise it knowing that it does not have any hidden blemishes or flaws.
  • The entire affiliate marketing model is based upon honesty.
During the uncertainty and volatility of Coronavirus, it is essential that your marketing efforts are built on trust. You as an affiliate trust your product owners for the commissions you earn, while your prospects trust you for recommending the right products. It is vital therefore, that you realize how trustworthiness and successful affiliate marketing depend upon each other. When you become a source for trust to your prospects, you'll end up making many more sales and build a business that actually deliver results.
The only way that you will have a heads up on your competition is by gaining the trust of your targeted audience, so do all that you can to gain trust. As long as you continue to learn and put your knowledge into practice, your abilities as an affiliate marketer will grow, along with your earnings. You will have to put what you know to the test.
  • The main thing is to take steady action, and not to get discouraged by setbacks.
There will be times when you will want to quit, but that's when you actually stick to it until you see results coming in. Under the threat of a potential global recession, it is important to have a plan B, that earn you extra money during the Coronavirus lockdown period.
Still looking for a reputable source of extra money during Covid-19 Lockdown? Stop being misled by online crooks who know nothing about Marketing During Coronavirus. Simply go to This site will give you the plain facts on proven Work From Home programs to supplement reduced earnings from layoffs and job losses.

Article Source:

Sunday 5 July 2020

Why Targeting Your Audience Matters With Email Marketing

In the last week a lot of the material I have posted has been concerned with customer interfaces such as your social media, online shop or chatbot tools.

Today I am featuring an article by VicoNeal on the strategically crucial topic of email marketing and what you should and shouldn't do in your customer targeted communication.

Do the tips resonate well with your approach? How do you employ email marketing? 

Email is a shrewd choice when it comes to marketing your business. If you are considering starting your email marketing campaign, this article will provide you with some advice that can help you start today.

Create a personal email for your readers. As with any other kind of marketing, the more personal you are, the more willing a customer is to do business. For instance, if you are aware of the reason that the person decided to join your email list, mention that reason when you write the email.

Send emails to people who are familiar with you and request your notifications. Mailing people who are not familiar with you or your product can look like spam. They'll be wondering if they know of you from somewhere and whether they care about what you're attempting to sell to them. They may just delete your message; what a waste of time!

When developing an email marketing plan, make sure that every customer on your email list has voluntarily "opted in" to be on that list and provided you with an email address for that specific reason. If you don't have permission, be prepared to not only receive spam complaints but also to lose customers.

Always have one clear message in each email. If your email has too much information, clients will feel annoyed, bored or even overwhelmed. Focus on a single message within your email and write a short copy which entices your customer to click through to read more. Audiences are sure to appreciate your willingness to limit the message to just the most relevant material.

Don't send emails to people who have not given their express consent. If you fire off unsolicited emails, the recipients are not likely to take you seriously. It could go as far as people not desiring to do business with you any longer.

Avoid major email promotions around holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. People are often not at work and are busy with families, not checking their emails. Keep in mind that there could be exceptions to this. Such exceptions may include emails with Black Friday promotions or other messages that are centered around a specific holiday.

It is good to ask individuals who want to get your emails to opt-in twice. This might seem difficult, but it will ensure that those are customers who want to get your emails. As a result, you are less likely to get in trouble in the future.

Branding your email marketing in a similar fashion to your other marketing endeavors will ensure your customers instantly recognize your content. For that reason, you should take the time to design a template that allows you to incorporate your company logo, colors and any special fonts also featured on your site or other marketing materials. This will cause your readers to instantly recognize your company.

Email marketing proves to be a smart way to keep in touch with customers and clients. Use the tips you have learned in this article. Think up some wrinkles of your own, and you will see the results pay off. It's pretty simple to promote your business when you use an effective email marketing campaign.

Saturday 4 July 2020

4 Proven Email Marketing Templates

Believe it or not, there are STILL great opportunities out there for email marketing if you can meet certain key conditions.

Alex Cattoni looks at great ways you can start a customer conversation that builds trust. Just watch the video here to find out.

Do you still use email for marketing? How do you maximise it for your business?

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Managing Your Tags Systematically

Tags are essential tools in publishing online but can quickly become unwieldy. Which tags do you use, how do you make them relevant and effective? These are certainly questions I have often wondered about. In the following article, Andrea Dittrich describes a good approach and offers some practical tools to manage your tag usage.

Let me know what you think about these systems? Have you tried Andrea's toolkit or do you use another?

Managing Your Tags Systematically

Online marketing has gained popularity and one of the best ways of making it a success is having a website that is engaging to the users who come across it. You should also be in a position to track the different happenings on the marketing campaign or website in general. To successfully manage this, you will need to apply different tags to underlying codes.

Tags can be quite hard to manage and they can end up complicating issue. In such as instance you will need to have in place a tag management system. It will simplify the management of all your tags making the easier to handle. There are different features meant to make a site more functional and user friendly through the management system. This functionality powers different systems, solutions and platforms among them email, surveys, web analytics and ad servers among others.

Tag management systems work with a tag container which allows technology resources to fully control the use and deployment of tags. It is a process that is quite similar to the content management which allows full control over the content. It is true to say that tag management is tracking technology's future and is a kind of site development. The systems are elegant solutions to IT problems and are offered in a range of deployment models, hosting and purchase.

When faced with the need to have a tag management system in place, you will need to work with a platform that has all the features bound to make your dreams come true. You can seek professional help from reputable individuals or companies to help in realizing the objectives that you have in place for your company website.

Tag management system should be handled with care and the seriousness it deserves as it can greatly improve on the company profits through proper communication between the company and the potential market. You can always weigh your options before deciding to have the system in place. It is common for tags to become difficult to handle and therefore sooner or later you will need the help of a tag management system.

The only way a company can make an impact in the market is by making it easy for people to check products and services freely and even find it easy to communicate with the company giving any kind of feedback they feel is important with regards to the services and products. Tag management therefore plays a overall important role.

Author's Resource Box

Do you know anything about tag management? Just check online tagunite system which is work for all your website tags, snippets, widgets etc. Its universal tag container supports all kind of stuff: web analytics, split testing, mouse tracking, forms, popups and more! Deploy or undeploy tags in minutes - not weeks!

Author : Andrea Dittrich

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners 2020 (Step by Step)

How about this for an in-depth discussion of how to benefit from affiliate marketing?

Would you agree it's quite rare to get such detail for free rather than paying?

Thursday 11 June 2020

How To Promote Your Website and Build an Email List The Simple Way

Following on from his great article on ethical approaches to email lists, today's blog features Paul Luciw's tips on promoting your website and building that essential email list.
Expert Author Paul Luciw
Paul Luciw
There are a number of ways to promote your website and create an email list. The people who will view your website need to spend time on it as the information it features is of value to them. This will often direct them to be a subscriber. This means they will agree to accepting you emails. But how do you create traffic to your website and get these subscribers?
Creating traffic to your website requires that you advertise that it exists. This can be easily done. You won't require a billboard or a mobile sign. You could have a thousand business cards made up featuring your website and the product you are selling. Then you could go door to door leaving potential customers with your business card and a testimonial about the fine product your company is promoting.
You could also have one page description of your product printed and then post them in various places such as grocery store bulletin boards and even on telephone poles at busy intersections. These are great ways of getting free traffic to your website so that potential customers can consider buying your product.
Of course you will have to create a website. This actually can be done for free. There are a number of companies that will allow you to create a blog for free and you can feature the product anywhere on what you have created. Of course there will guide lines you will have to follow. You need to come up with original content and be able get your message across in well written manner.
You could also promote your product by writing articles. These companies will allow you to write articles about something related to the product you promoting. Please understand it has to be related to the product you are promoting and not a direct sales pitch. Therefore you will not be able to directly market your product. You will be allowed to direct the readers of your article to a blog or website that will direct your potential customer to the direct sales pitch. This actually turns out to be in your favour as these articles will be featured on Google because of their original content. As a result you article will create traffic to your blog or website. Traffic to your website or blog will be key to your monetary success. So creating original content for your articles and the website that your article directs them to is very important.

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...