Saturday 15 August 2020

How To Write Sales Copy That Sells: 4 Types of Scarcity Marketing

How do you call your customers to action to take up your service?

Scarcity is a really effective tool used everywhere. Like when you are looking on a hotel website and it says "only 2 rooms left at this price" right?

Alex Cattoni has a great video here about what scarcity is in marketing and how you should and should not use it

Promoting Your Affiliate Products

You've set up your online business, you've got your affiliate partners sorted. Now all you need to do is start, or, as the article author, Mal Keenan, puts it:

Once you have your affiliate link, you're ready to go!

All you have to do, as we've discussed earlier, is to pre-sell your affiliate's products by marketing the same through your affiliate link. An affiliate link leads the would-be buyer to the affiliate merchant's payment processing page. Once you have managed to do that, your job is done, and the affiliate merchant will take care of the rest. This system makes affiliate marketing a very convenient home based business for anyone!

Pre-selling, however, should be carried out through effective marketing strategies to make this venture really profitable for you. These marketing strategies should be able to ensure a high conversion rate, or the power to convert the people who would be exposed to your affiliate link into successful sales.

Here are some of the more popular types of marketing campaigns being used as promotional tools in this home based business:

Promoting your affiliate links through viral marketing.

Viral marketing is a very powerful strategy that would rapidly expose your business message, or your affiliate links in this case, in just a short period of time. Viral marketing tools usually involve eBooks, special reports and other information products. We will discuss this effective promotional tactic for your home based business in the succeeding lesson.

Marketing your affiliate links through forums.

 As we've discussed in a previous articles, promotion in online communities is an affordable and efficient way in spreading the word about your products or website, including your affiliate links. You could try to be active in these forums, befriend other members if you have to, and before you know it, you'll have more traffic for your site and more referrals that could rake in some good commissions for your home based business.

Article marketing. 

As we've likewise discussed in a prior article, writing articles and submitting them in various venues, with your resource box firmly attached at the end of each piece, is a magnificent way of promotions. People would scour the Internet for information, and if you write something about what they're looking for, you'll win their favor and expose your affiliate links to them aswel. This could only redound to the benefit of your home based business.

Search engine optimization.

 As we've mentioned earlier in these lessons, having your own website would help a lot in marketing your affiliate links. If your website carries your affiliate links, you could always optimize the same for the search engines and drive a humongous amount of traffic to your pages. Every visitor you'll have would always carry with him the chance of clicking on your affiliate links.

Create your own mailing list. 

With a mailing list in place for your home business, you won't have to lose any visitors. You could always "capture" them, warm them up for an offer later on, or present to them new packages that they might be interested with in the future. Most successful affiliates make a killing with their mailing lists alone! We will discuss this in detail in one of the the forthcoming lessons.

These are but some of the ways by which you could market your affiliate links. If done well, they could assure for you a very successful business that can be easy to sustain as well.

Author Bio
Mal Keenan can show you step-by step how to set up and run a successful online home business. Learn the 7 essential strategies to internet marketing success. To receive your free 7 day mini-course visit:
For a home business you can believe in, check out:

Article Source:

Friday 14 August 2020

Cold Email: How We Use It To Get Clients In 2020 [Step-By-Step Tutorial]

Having an email list to build your funnel is well-known and crucial to many businesses

But what about "cold emailing"?

  • What is it?
  • How would you use it?

Watch how Sean Anthony explains:

How Can Shopify Boost Your E-Commerce Business?

If you are after an easy set up online store, many people choose Shopify

But why?

The team at Sales Banner Maker take us through the platform 

E-commerce business has completely changed the business scenario. With the sudden boost in digitalization E-commerce store are the next big thing and the sellers are showcasing their products online rather than brick and mortar store.  So, there is a need to develop E-commerce store that perfectly blends with the aesthetics and functionality. Let me tell you that there is not a better platform than shopify when it comes to selling products online, especially shopify is best for the sellers that want quality and efficiency along with the simplicity and rich features.

What is Shopify great for?

Shopify is especially great for the stores that sells goods and services that needs minimal amount of configuration. You will be amazed to know that you can easily sell a single or a handful for product by implementing an advanced shopify homepage section as per the business requirements.

Here is how shopify can boost your E-commerce business

Easy set-up

The last thing that you want while you start E-commerce store is a complicated setup. Trust me, we at shopify understand that, and that is shopify is so easy to set-up and they are so user-friendly. Create Promo banner shopify is the best for those who want a complete solution, with no technicalities related to development and hosting on the E-commerce store.

Shopify has an in-build software and hosting that is needed for the launching of the website.

Visually appealing online-store

You know what is the one thing that attracts the customers towards a particular site? Well, it is the presentation of the site. The platform bundles up a variety of professional templates that facilitates the creation of unique and visually appealing online stores.

App integrations

The platform boosts of amazing customization abilities of the easily integrated apps.  It means that sellers can easily add some extra features and functionalities to its store and enhance the sale.  One such app is create custom banner ads shopify, that promotes the site and all the latest offers and with the services. Often these banners are found on the homepage of the website that attracts the attention of customers as who do not want to shop of the sale and enjoy limited time discount. These banners encourage the customers to shop and utilize the offers to the fullest.

Security and reliability

Another major benefit of shopify is security and liability. Security is an essential feature when it comes to online business because it deals with the confidential persona and financial information of the customers. Both of these features are taken care of with this hosted solution that takes care of maintenance and up-grades.

Amazing loading speed

The best part about shopify is that being a globally hosted solution, shopify has a reliable infrastructure along with optimized hardware and software. This gives the platform a super fasting loading speed and E-commerce made it load in a matter of seconds.

 SoFind Article, these are some of the benefits that you will enjoy once you use shopify for your E-commerce store. Good Luck!

Article authored by the team at "Sales Banner Maker | Create, design & schedule seasonal holiday sales announcement banners on your Shopify store. Various banner ad templates are available."

Source: Free Articles from

Thursday 13 August 2020

How to Set Up Facebook Shops to Sell Your Products

A couple of months ago Facebook launched Facebook Shops

Mari Smith at Social Media Examiner looks at exactly who Facebook Shops will be best for

Top Predictions and Expectations of Shopify Experts for 2020

First published in July 2020 this article by Zobi Web Solutions aimed to show how the Shopify platform performs for its users in the competitive market of ecommerce

How does it represent your experiences? We'd love to hear your opinions

Nowadays, online shopping is one of the toppest growing field. In this busy life nobody wants to waste their time for window shopping. So, that's why every store owners are making an eCommerce store to compete this online market. So, in this article we are going to know you about the predictions and expectations of Shopify experts.

Shopify is one of the ideal platform for small and medium-sized businesses for developing an efficient solution for an eCommerce store. Shopify offers a professional experience to run an online shopping store. The main benefit of using Shopify is that it can be developed as a trunkey solution to be handed over to the shop owners quickly. Shopify makes it easy to integrate some powerful eCommerce features including unlimited products, discount codes, and financial & other reports.

Before you start searching for the Shopify Development Company, you should be aware of some future expectations and the latest trends from the solution. For getting the best of all the features and easy development solution you need to hire experienced Shopify developers or a Shopify development company.

So, here we are going to know you about the eCommerce predictions for 2020, which will help you to hire Shopify developers or a Shopify development company.


Shopify experts increased their focus on building conversion with the people and creating integrated opportunities. The architecture of eCommerce is radical changes in terms of customer service. Customers need to have opportunities to deliver their feedback, that's why they can see the improvements in their interaction with brands. When brands try to sell aggressively on their websites, customers will away from there.

It would be more effective and helpful to allow customers to explore whatever they want through the interaction of the website rather than displaying the products for the sale. Shopify is one of the best way to deliver a great experience to your customers with conversation-starting opportunities that ready your brand.

Delivering best eCommerce Experience

Websites are going well with designing and now aim to serve full-scale experience, as per the Shopify experts. Because of better data processing and management, it becomes easy that makes simple upgrades that do not costly. As, a recent Shopify, merchants are more excited with the potential to develop a better user experience that provides a competitive edge. So, If you are going to hire a Shopify developer, make sure that this point is addressed.

AI Chatbot

Nowadays, most of the customer support and services are integrating with virtual assistants. Experts feel that this is due to the customer's demand for prompt and accurate answers to their questions. That's why chatbots are powered by machine learning. They analyze all customer communication to understand the questions better. With all the customer data they can provide personalized support to every specific customer.

Voice Search

The main thing of the prediction at the Shopify unite conference was the importance given to the voice search. With the voice search platforms like Alexa, Siri, and Google Home, a very soon voice search will be implemented to the shopping websites and applications. As per the recent report experts predict that voice-based search industry will grow to a valuation of a minimum of $7 billion, and by 2020 as half of all the searches will be done through voice. Most of the merchants can hold this trend to build a strong website that can be optimized for voice shopping.

Social Media Shopping

InstagramFree Reprint Articles, the largest social media platform has recently announced that Instagram directs shopping where merchants can sell their product direct via this platform. This platform moves from just advertising to selling with a few essential features that will help customers to complete the transaction without leaving the application.

Facebook is also providing selling features. Social media gives to reach and address the customers who spent most of their time on social media. Shopify also able to sell products on Instagram and that's why the website is fully loaded and ready to go.

On-Site Personalization

Around 40 to 45 percent of customers prefer brands that personalize the shopping experience over those that have generic experience. That's why the merchants are investing in building on-site strategies for better conversion rates. In dynamic websites the data of customers is one of the important input selections like "You also like" and others are becoming more important to deliver customized content for visitors. This can help to build a better conversion rate.

Faster and Better eCommerce

Shopify Plus and Shopify are making eCommerce business faster and this trend will grow. Shopify experts are positive that most of the brands and companies will move away from the outdated software to platforms like Shopify which are affordable and easy to use. These brands and companies grasp greater control and better efficiency on developers.


The Shopify platform has changed the development and making of eCommerce brands with scalable and secure solutions. If you are going to hire a Shopify development expert than it's crucial to understand both merchants and the customers. Zobi Web Solutions is one of the best Shopify Development Company that can give you complete control of the eCommerce store and can actively help you in the complete development process.


Zobi Web Solutions is the best ASP.NET Development company with an enviable track record. As a top Website Development Company, Zobi Web Solution also provides world-class solutions with Microsoft Blazor Development and AngularJS Development Services.

Source: Free Articles from

Wednesday 12 August 2020


Shopify, WooCommerce or another?

What do you use?

See Travis Marziani's review of Shopify and WooCommerce as comparables

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