Friday 21 August 2020

Jeff Bezos: 3 Top Tips for Success in Ecommerce

3 top tips from Jeff Bezos? Really? Well, his tips are offered through the guys at Jungle Scout

How To Generate Online Leads 24 Hours a Day

For almost any business lead generation is key and needs to be effective. Brian Rooney has a great take on who should be concentrating on it and how

If you want to close sales, either online, offline, or both, you are going to have to learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You may be the worst sales person on the planet, but if you learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, you can beat the best sales person on the planet. How? Sheer volume. A bad sales person who can generate leads will out produce a great sales person who doesn't have leads coming in.
The lead generating sales rep will constantly have new opportunities to pitch.
Now, when I talk about lead generation, this includes face to face prospecting, of course. When I am out around humans, and I identify someone who can benefit from what I offer, I will talk to them directly. But if I'm not out there talking to people, how am I generating leads on a daily basis?
I user online lead generating tools like an autoresponder.
I have capture forms set up on all my blogs.
I have autoresponder campaigns set up for all my offers.
When you see me posting on social media and running ads, you will see me linking to these capture pages I use to generate leads for my offers. As people want to learn more about my offers, they fill out the form. My automated followup letters take care of building the know like and trust factor. Sales come in on a regular basis.
Sounds simple, right? That's because it is! I think that is what trips up most people when they start looking in to how to generate leads for their offers. They keep expecting it to be complicated so they avoid actually taking appropriate action. If it seems complicated, that's because it's new. At one time, walking was new to you. Eating solid food was new. Reading was new. The job you currently have was, at one time, new. Getting on the internet was new. We learn new things by getting information and taking action.
Google and YouTube make it incredibly easy to learn how to generate leads. You can literally be up and running by the end of the day, generating leads 24 hours a day for whatever it is that you are wanting to sell.
As you go through the learning process, feel free to ask questions. I love getting and answering questions and helping people learn how to generate leads no matter what business you are involved with.
Feel free to post comments or questions here. I check in regularly and love hearing from my readers!
Brian Rooney is the Founder of TrafficWave provides powerful Email Marketing and AutoResponder solutions to thousands of businesses worldwide. Visit online for a Free 30 Day Trial.
His personal business blog is located at

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Thursday 20 August 2020

7 Copywriting Exercises You Can Do Right Now

Copyrighting to be an effective marketer is a real skill, but not an impossible one to master

Dan Lok gives 7 great practices you can use to get better
(spoiler alert for one of the seven - do you talk to your customers?)

5 Blog Traffic Sites With Over 750M Visitors!

In looking to help people understand why so many are blogging and how it can help your businesses we thought we'd share this article that Deon Christie put out earlier this year.

  • What is supply and demand blog traffic?
Supply and demand blog traffic is just that. Also known as establishing a common need. Which is done through engagement. And the options are endless from Groups and Pages to Communities and Forums. There are various techniques to create traffic. Leveraging popular blogs and blog sites for example. To drive traffic to new blogs and established blogs alike. Supply and demand blog traffic is the cornerstone of your blog. The key however is to create curiosity. Therefore, presentation is of paramount importance. You can only supply something that sells. Once you have established a demand for it.

Google SEO is all about strategy. A sequence of objective steps in the right direction. Which is what this blog post is about. More than just the method of driving traffic. But rather the technique to attract buyer traffic. Therefore, not only will you get a few great traffic methods. But also learn how to optimize your content.

Driving traffic to a new blog, however. Starts before launching the blog. While the supply and demand research. Contributes to the quality of traffic attracted by the new blog later through SEO. And strategic target keyword placement.

  • Commenting Techniques that drive supply and demand blog traffic.
Commenting. Which also contributes nicely to building reputation. But the key is to add value to the conversation. Therefore, also important to read the post you plan to comment on. Read other comments to see what the audience is looking for. And then create curiosity by offering something the audience can use. Never hold back, share your knowledge.

Use tools like "Put My Link" and "Drop My Link" to research sites to comment on. Search for blogs with the CommentLuv Premium plugin. That way you will also display your latest blog post in your comment. Just get to know your way around these tools. And search for specific keywords. Directly related to your content.

Attracting visitors will also depend where you comment. And you need to check on the amount of traffic a site receives. But also, the quality of visitors to the site. Focus on top tier country volumes. By using a Google Chrome Extension called "Similarweb" you will be able to determine all that. But you can also use another tool called "Check Page Rank" to target the high authority sites. And access popular blogs.

  • Social Networking for WordPress Blogger Traffic.
The whole point of social networking to drive blog traffic. Is to target the right audience. From followers to share and likes. Your content is shared with likeminded people. Create Facebook pages and Groups. And although I would love to guide you. All these methods cannot be covered in a single post. There are steps to follow with everything you do online. Just follow the steps, you'll be fine.

When you create a new group, then change the settings. So new group members must be approved by admin. Set your Twitter to "Protect Your Tweets". Then all new followers will have to be manually approved. Build a targeted audience. And to drive supply and demand blog traffic you need followers and audiences related to your blog niche. Carefully targeted through common interests and demography. Which also determines affordability. Another aspect of supply and demand blog traffic.

All social profiles must be as professional as possible to generate supply and demand blog traffic. And your content must be proof of your resume. You cannot be an SEO "expert" but don't have a blog for example. Or a social media management "expert" with a faceless profile. Be who you say you are!

  • Supply and demand blog traffic for WordPress through SEO.
With SEO the snippet appearance is important. Therefore, also the importance of the blog title. And must create curiosity. Which is why rich snippets being so important. The blog title should be short and suggestive to generate supply and demand blog traffic. Almost like breadcrumbs for search engines. But target keyword placement is discussed in another post. Along with LSI keywords. What they are and why they are important to dominate search result pages. - Writing Dominant SEO Content Strategically.

Blog post and page content should be 1000 - 2000 words. Although word count is not a ranking factor. It is a great way to generate supply and demand blog traffic. Strategic keyword placement is of paramount importance. Especially when starting a blog. Along with sub-headings. The table of contents contain the sub-headers. H2 sub-headings along with H3. Use WordPress blog plugin called "LuckyWP Table of Contents". And ad a table of contents to your WordPress blog.

To generate supply and demand blog traffic. Also consider word count. Paragraphs do not exceed 300 words. With sentences no more than 20 words but preferably less. Supply and demand blog traffic is simply turning research into targeted goals.

Create compelling featured images. With titles, alt attributes and descriptions. Because search result snippets on mobile will display the image in 2020.

  • Leveraging Facebook pages and groups.
Don't go on a posting frenzy with blog links and blog posts. Driving supply and demand blog traffic with Facebook Groups and Pages is about a whole lot more than that. Especially when you want to drive traffic to new blog. It's not about how much you post. But rather the quality of your post. Research each group and check the demography. Groups with large amounts of members are not necessarily the best ones to join. Facebook groups is a great way to explore and attract supply and demand blog traffic. Joint the ones most relevant to your target keyword. And then engage and post consistently, not frantically.

With Facebook pages you may want to focus more on engagement. And a little less on posting content. Two to four great posts per group/page per week is quite enough. The rest must be comments and engagement. Build your recognition with engagement. Find the supply and demand blog traffic. By establishing what audiences are looking for.

  • More supply and demand blog traffic to your WordPress blog.
Create memberships on the following sites to drive supply and demand blog traffic. And include a link to your blog in your professional profiles. Engage with the audiences, find out what they need. Answer questions on Quora and comment on blogs using Disqus. With BuzzFeed try sharing original pictures and videos. Nothing edited or software generated videos. Here are over 750 Million visitors combined over these sites. How you make them curious and drive traffic is entirely up to you.

Quora (485 Million visitors / 55% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Medium (147 Million visitors / 45% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Buzzfeed (135 Million visitors / 75% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

Disqus (25 Million visitors / 60% US | UK | Canada | Australia)

To drive supply and demand blog traffic requires a lot of work. Because your content must be better than already ranking blogs. Do the research and sacrifice the time to create outstanding content. And compelling design.

Affiliate Marketing with SEO for consistent passive online income. Learn to leverage SEO and generate online sales with affiliate marketing.

About the author:

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Wednesday 19 August 2020

How to Get Traffic To Your Website (Fast!) 2020

When looking to accelerate traffic to your website, this guide from Caffeinated Blogger will really assist you in just that, as long as you are in the right tribe ... watch to see what this means

Free Article Writing Tips to Increase Website Traffic


To get people to your website and interested in your business you'll need to be telling them things about it. A big part of this is letting your customers know you have the expertise they are looking for John Michaels' article really assists in understanding what you need to think about.

If you're not doing so already, you may want to consider writing articles about your website's topic. Writing copyright free articles is a great way to:
  • Establish your credibility and build your reputation and brand
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field
  • Increase your exposure on the internet
  • Gain laser targeted traffic to your website
  • Increase the number of one way links to your website, which should help your website in the search results.

Writing articles about the topic of your website is a fantastic way to demonstrate your expertise and credibility and at the same time allows you to build your reputation and your brand. Submitting your articles to the various free article sites gives your articles the opportunity to be picked up by other webmasters for their websites and newsletters. When your articles get used on these other websites they must be used with the author bio section un-edited. This means that you can generate one way links to your website, which in turn leads to greater exposure and better rankings in the search engines. If the readers of your articles on other sites click through to your site, you gain targeted traffic.

Some Article Writing Tips
To get the greatest benefit from your article writing endeavors, try to keep the following article writing tips in mind:

  • Try to stay away from turning your article into a sales pitch. Give your readers credit - they will be able to distinguish a sales pitch right away. Once they think they're just reading another sales pitch they will quickly click away from your article. I can just about guarantee that no one will pick up your sales pitch and use it on their website, unless it's one of your affiliates.

  • Don't include too many hyperlinks within the article body and stick to only one in the author bio section. Most webmasters will not pick up an article, no matter how good it is, if there are too many outgoing links. I would recommend not having any links within the article body but sometimes this is unavoidable.

    Which situation would you rather have: 1 article with 1 outgoing link to your website that gets picked up by 1,000 webmasters or 1 article with 10 outgoing links that gets picked up by 10 webmasters?

  • Check, re-check and then check your article again for typos and grammatical errors. Have someone else proofread it for you before submitting it. Nothing says amateur more than typos and grammatical errors.

  • Write articles that complement the topic of your website. Don't write about something totally unrelated to your website. Remember, you want to establish your credibility and expertise. Write about what you know.

  • When adding that one link back to your site, make sure to include a keyword targeted link back to your site. I'm talking specifically about the words between the anchor tags. For example, this is how you should structure the link back to your website: <a href="">keywords go here<a>.

    When the search engine robots come across this link they will index the anchor text and it will help you with those keywords in the search engines. Do not waste this valuable link by just having your website address ( as the anchor text unless you have your main keywords in the website address. Try to vary the keywords a little as well when creating this link. There is speculation that having too many "uniform" links to a site may hurt you - just something to keep in mind.

  • Do not place a copyright notice at the top of your article. This leads to confusion and may cause webmasters to stay away from posting your articles on their website and in their newsletters.

  • It may be a good idea to write completely new content for your articles. Some writers just copy and paste parts of their websites and put them into articles. This may lead to a "duplicate content" penalty and may end up hurting your search engine results. I would recommend that you should play it safe and come up with totally new content for your articles.

How Many Articles Should I Write?
The number of articles that you will have to write really depends on how good your competitors are. If you're competing against many highly optimized websites, then you may have your work cut out for you. On the other hand, if you notice that your competitors are not all that great at the SEO thing, your road to article writing will be much shorter. Any way you look at it, writing articles can bring too many benefits that are yours for the taking.

Author Bio
John Michaels is a part-time editor for John has developed many websites over the years in many different business areas. He is a professional web developer/designer/architect. ArticleGeek is a free website content resource for publishers and webmasters and a place where authors may submit articles for FREE!

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Is Blogging Dead? Does it Really Have a Future in 2020 and Beyond?

For a different take in our series of features on blogs, we're back with the guys from Create and Go to see what they predict for the future of blogging

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...