Friday 19 June 2020

Why Every Business Owner Should Need Digital Marketing

Why Every Business Owner Should Need Digital Marketing

Since the industrial revolution has been introduced, the global market has undergone its most significant transformation. The advent and efficient adoption of the internet has changed the way the businesses used to operate. The marketing opportunities have become countless, along with quick access to statistics and data. In such a scenario, which is dominated by the digital world, hiring an SEO agency Toronto to establish an online presence for the products and services offered by your company seems essential.

This article will outline the reasons why every business should fall back on the digital marketing agencies to allow their business to grow. Read on to find out!

1-You can focus better on running your business:
As a matter of fact, when you have hired an accountant you don’t have to worry about the taxes and maintaining the books; hiring a digital marketing or social media marketing agency Toronto works in the same way. The agency will take care of your online presence, and you can utilize that remaining time to focus on creating strategies and taking initiatives that lead to greater success.

2-The experts know their job:
When you plan on hiring a website development company Toronto you are just looking at a piece of the pie –that is the development of the website for your company. But what comes along is their expertise in making use of your resources to grab the attention of your potential audience. The experts in the field of digital agency know how to create an unmatched level of digital presence for your brand.

3-Marketing costs will be reduced:
Hiring a digital marketing team or a web development agency Toronto will be particularly substantial. The agency will have a group of people who have ample experience in leading, monitoring, researching, analyzing, and writing your marketing strategy and also improving your online presence at an adequate budget. When you hire a qualified team of experts, your chances of growing with the business increases manifold times.

4-Measurable results are obtained:
On hiring a digital marketing service provider, you are automatically broadening the chances of receiving their specialized skills and area of expertise. The website design services Toronto will offer you with reports and analytics and give you a tangible measurement of the services that you are receiving through the agencies help. The approach a digital marketing agency uses enhances your chances of growing with your business and attaining heights of success.

5-You can get countless ideas:
A digital marketing and SEO agency Toronto has collective fingers on the pulse of trends involved in marketing irrespective of the business that you have. A competent marketing agency can fetch you the following benefits:
• Ideas on which the marketing strategies are obtaining best results
• Newer perspectives on the field of digital marketing
• More in-depth and profound analysis of the targeted audience and their behaviour

Bottom line:
As quickly as technology has manipulated our world, it has changed the marketplace as well. It is an exhaustive task to stay on the top of marketing trends and make use of it in different ways in your favour. This can only be possible with the help of an excellent digital marketing agency with expertise in the field of SEO.

Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work

Are you starting out in digital marketing?
Maybe you are looking to revamp?

Have a look at this great video with 7 great strategies to follow

Thursday 18 June 2020

4 Ways to Boost Your Website Engagement and Conversion

People often ask me why, as a business coach, I specialize in working with creative professionals. The answer is, I love to see talented people fulfilled in their work, as busy as they want to be, and be compensated really well for what they do.

But what I learned from my 15+ years as an agent for independent copywriters, art directors and fashion illustrators is that talent and taste aren't enough. If you're going to land those coveted projects, you need to stand out, connect and be ready to close the deal.If the mere mention of closing the deal makes your feel queasy, take a deep breath! I'm going to share 4 easy-to-implement ways in which your website can help you do that. Ready?

1) Incorporate language into your website

Even if your work is 100% visual, adding language gives your work context, communicates your mission and helps clients get to know, like and trust you. Bonus, if your text is keyword-rich SEO rating will benefit from a nice boost.

Not a writer? No problem. Here are some ways you can easily incorporate language:


Nothing boosts your credibility more than having other people say how awesome you are. Sprinkle testimonials throughout your site and be sure one is on your home page.

A positioning statement:

This can be a short paragraph, or 2-liner. Your goal is to state what you do, who you do it for and what they get out of the process. For example, mine is: "I help freelancers and creative entrepreneurs define what makes them unique, create a clear marketing message and strategy, and get more clients".

Your story:

I'd much rather read someone's story than another boring bio. That said, your story must have a purpose, structure and flow. Rambling childhood memories are not client attractive!

2) Present work that resonates with the client you want to attract

I recently did a website VIP planning and strategy day with a photo artist and one of her challenges editing and presenting her work. We started out by selecting only the images that she really loved and felt represented her vision. Sounds simple, right? But when factors such as what colors people in certain regions like and what you images you have in inventory (and therefore, are motivated to move) get involved, your vision can quickly become clouded. Next we printed out the image select and laid them out, left to right, on the floor (an old agent trick) to see how they flowed. We immediately saw that the edit would be much more impactful if we reversed the order. Funnily enough the opening image was one she had initially felt ambiguous about, but now made sense within context of the edit and flow.

Be objective, look at your work with fresh eyes and edit, edit, edit. If you can't do it alone, recruit an objective and constructive partner to help you.

3) Drive traffic to your site

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs and freelancers make is subscribing to the belief that if they build it, people will come. It's a nice idea, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Prospective clients need several points of contact before they're ready to buy, so you need to be consistently on their radar. I've tried every method from cold-calls to promotional mailings, and the best way I know is to share high-quality, high-value content with your prospects - no strings attached. Whether it's a newsletter, blog, social media or give-away on your website, building and nurturing your list is invaluable.

4) Get clients to take action

One of the first questions I ask my coaching clients is "what do you want people to do when they get to your website?" Answers range from a blank expression to "enjoy the work". If you don't know what you want people to do, how are they going to know what to do?

Here are a few things you might want them to do, along with suggestions of how to get them to do it:

Join your mailing list:

Create something helpful/educational/gorgeous that they can download once they subscribe. Make sure that the offering really is of value and is related to the services you offer. For example, I offer a free 5-step guide to building a thriving creative business.

Call you:

Have a call to action that clearly communicates what you want them to do and what they will get e.g. "for a free 20-minute consultation call me" or " call me to discuss your next campaign". Make sure that you include a link that takes them to your contact page or your on-line calendar.

Check out your services:

You might create a 'Work With Me' button or link that takes them directly to your services page. Whatever your call to action is make it really easy for them to follow through on it.

5) Bonus tip: Have a submission form on your contact page.

If your contact page features just your email address and phone number, your visitors now have to find a pen, write it down, open their email, type it in... You get the point: the more obstacles there are between them and you, the less likely they are to make contact. Make it really easy!

Article source:

[How To] Find Winning Products During Quarantine - Dropshipping 2020

How do you find winning products at any time, let alone during the 2020 quarantine?

Are dropshipped popular product sales a part of your e-commerce business?

If so, how do you decide which products to promote or how to set your pricing?

Watch this super informative video to learn more

Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Key to Hire an Effective Virtual Assistant

Ok, so this blog is about web marketing and the techniques and tips that may help you there. Many people who market through the internet do so by operating third-party sales businesses to great effect.

There are also many traditional primary product or service providers who equally need to market online whilst getting other elements of the business done offline.

Depending on the nature of your business there may be a good call for not doing all the work yourself but to hire somebody to take these elements from your busy schedule and deliver them for you.

So, what is the key to hiring an effective virtual assistant?

Hiring a Virtual Assistant plays an important role on the success of a business. They are the one doing the less important role of a business owner so that they can focus on more important task, such as business development. However, hiring an efficient VA may be a challenge to some start up entrepreneurs. Here are some tips to help you find an efficient one:

Post Your Job Opening to a Best Site

It is recommended to have you post your job opening so that you can hire the best employee that you need. There are several outsourcing platforms that can serve you well in providing Virtual Assistant candidates. I personally recommend and, you can find a lot of candidates with specified skills and experience that can definitely help you choose on a project basis, full-time or part-time.

Identify the Job Description

In hiring an employee you must consider the details of the work that you will assign, it is the same thing you will apply in hiring a virtual assistant.

  1. The number of hours that he/she will work to accomplish your assigned task efficiently
  2. The task should be done in a specific time you allotted or in a daily basis
  3. The skills and experience a VA must have to provide the services you are expecting
  4. The equipment he/she must have in order to accomplish your assigned task
  5. What specific work values you are expecting them to have
  6. The amount of task you will initially give and then later on you will increase based on the performance

Specify Your Budget

You must be mindful on the budget of hiring a virtual assistant. This is also not to waste your time on outsourcing a candidate that you can't afford the rate. A discussion is necessary to meet the goal effectively, especially if you are hiring on a project basis. If you need an assistant for full-time or part-time basis, if necessary allot a budget to give an incentives based on the performance for a job well done.

Conduct an Interview

You must know what skills and qualities a prospective candidate must possess for you to work compatibly. Look for a virtual assistant who knows and understands your business, make sure they understand your target market, and make sure they understand social media. The interview process must not focus on their prior work experience but on how they will handle a specific situations, and most importantly is that they are willing to learn and accept feedback.

The process in selecting a Virtual Assistant is very crucial as they will be a part of your team in the crucial stage of the development of your business. It is beneficial also for you to be aware on the activity of the shortlisted candidate based on what they posted on their social media accounts. Most of the time you can determine their previous projects and clients tagged on their profile, the people associating them and their work experiences, and the services they are offering to public. It is not necessary, but the serious applicants are normally cautious on the impression they will build to public as what is being shown on their Facebook account/page, instagram, twitter, linkedIn profile. If they can maintain their positive impression to the public, most probably they will also handle your company's public impression cautiously.

Original article by Erna Argullano at:

[Free Course] $0-500K in 60 Days Dropshipping (Shopify & Facebook Ads)

This video has been getting some serious attention on YouTube as another example of free learning materials.

What do you think are the most useful parts of this presentation?

For ease of viewing, the breakdown of content is:

01:37 - How to get over product saturation
05:12 - Winning product method
07:50 - How to do audience research
10:35 - How to do competitor research
12:08 - How to do product research
14:44 - How to make effective video creatives
16:55 - How to test advertisements using facebook
28:50 - Revenue Breakdown

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Generate More Leads and Get Return On Investment by Using WordPress Web Site for Your Business

Most of us have probably heard of WordPress but how many of us use it and all its functionality?
How can we generate more leads and get return on our investment by using WordPress in our business?  In this article John Mac investigates on our behalf.

What is WordPress? At its core, WordPress is the simplest, most popular way to create your own website or blog. In fact, WordPress powers over 60% of all the websites on the Internet. Yes, more than one in four websites that you visit are likely powered by WordPress.
On a slightly more technical level, WordPress is an open-source content management system licensed under GPLv2, which means that anyone can use or modify the WordPress software for free. Many years ago, WordPress was primarily a tool to create a blog, rather than more traditional websites. That hasn’t been true for a long time, though. Nowadays, thanks to changes to the core code, as well as WordPress’ massive ecosystem of plugins and themes, you can create any type of website with WordPress. For example, not only does WordPress power a huge number of business sites and blogs, it’s also the most popular way to create an eCommerce store as well! With WordPress, you can create:
  • Blog or Personal Website
  • Business Website
  • eCommerce
  • Job Board
  • Business Directory
  • Question & Answer Website
  • NonProfits and Religious Websites
  • Portfolio Websites
  • Online Communities
  • Coupon Website
  • Auction Websites
  • Multilingual Websites
  • Knowledgebase / Wiki Websites
  • Podcasting Websites
  • Niche Affiliate Websites
  • Photography Websites
  • School or College Websites
  • Private Blogs
  • Family Blogs

WordPress was created as a standalone project all the way back in 2003, originating as an offshoot of a previous project called b2/cafelog. WordPress is open-source software, so nowadays it’s made by a huge community of contributors. But if we were to trace WordPress’ origins back to its roots, its original creation was a collaboration between Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Since then, Matt Mullenweg has largely become the face of WordPress. And he’s also the founder of Automattic, which is the company behind the for-profit service. The history of WordPress between its founding as a blog platform back in 2003 and today is a long one… But suffice it to say, WordPress has pushed forward and, thanks to its contributors and huge community, developed into the most popular solution to create any type of website.
One of the questions that we often get asked is: Why should I use WordPress? Isn’t my old site good enough? Why do I need to switch to WordPress from another platform? If you’re asking these questions, here are important reasons why you should use WordPress.
WordPress is Free as in Freedom
WordPress is a free software. It means you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website.
WordPress is Easy to Customize with Themes and Plugins
WordPress themes are easy to customize because a lot of them come with their own options panel allowing you to change colors, upload logo, change the background, create beautiful sliders, and truly customize it to your needs without writing any code at all.
WordPress is SEO Friendly
WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this makes Google and other search engines love WordPress.
WordPress is Easy To Manage
WordPress comes with a built-in updates management system. This allows you to update your plugins and themes from within your WordPress admin dashboard. WordPress also notifies you when there is a new version of WordPress available, so you can update your site by simply clicking a button.
WordPress is Safe and Secure
WordPress is developed with security in mind, and it is considered to be a very safe and secure platform to run a website. However, just like the real world, the internet can be an uncertain place.
WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types
WordPress is not just limited to writing text. It comes with a built-in media uploader to handle images, audio, and video files.
Online business is in trend today. Everyone wants to start an Online business and make quick money. There are several benefits of Online Business over Offline business like :
It doesn’t need physical infrastructure.
No big workforce is needed.
Investment is comparatively small.
With these benefits, there comes a problem also that every Online business does have a tech part. If you are yourself not a brilliant programmer, you will need someone to create a Website / Application for your business. Creating such an application may cost huge if developed on a coding platform or framework.
WordPress can be of great help in this situation. Solution developed on WordPress may cost only a fraction. If you are a moderately technical person, you may learn to work on WordPress yourself or hire a company / freelancer who work on WordPress development. WordPress is a very vrsatile platform and almost any type of website can be built over it. There are two types of web designing methods on Wordpress, one is using theme and plugins, which cost around 25 to 50USD and other one is customize web designing, which is cost around 500 to 1000 USD. So, if you are a statup business, I recommend to use first designing method.
With all the extensive advantages that WordPress CMS brings, it emerges as an excellent choice for creating a new business website, e-commerce store, or blog. After all, having an impressive online presence is essential for connecting with the potential customers and taking your business to the next level. So, I recommend DilMAX-IT web designing service is the best choice for your web designing needs. you can have a better wordpress website for Just $ 25 USD. For more details, please visit
They Help You Make An Impact Online No Matter What Industry You’re In. Using The WordPress CMS, they will Build You The Perfect Web Solution That Generates Leads And Gets Return On Investment.

How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...