Tuesday 22 September 2020

Facebook Ad Funnels For 2020 - The Perfect Facebook Ad Sales Funnels

Facebook Ads are an artform in themselves if they are to be effective.
The funnel system Jason Wardop presents gets lots of positive feedback

Monday 21 September 2020

How to Build a Dangerously Effective Sales Funnel

If you're attracting clients from various channels you'll need an effective funnel to get conversions.
Here Gillian Perkins describes how that funnel can really drive conversions

Saturday 19 September 2020

Build Better Funnels and Websites

In this day and age, any business that wants to thrive must go online.

With so many things going on around the world, and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option.

Not only to maintain their success, but even just to survive.

Sure, there are tools that are already available that any business can use to run their entire company and processes digitally.

However, any minimum amount of research will tell you that most of these products are expensive, complicated and limited in customization.

In other words, not very user-friendly, and definitely not suitable for all business owners, especially those who are less tech-savvy and might even be on a budget.

I mean, who can afford to invest thousands of dollars a month into a bunch of complicated tools, and on top of that, hire employees to manage the systems, right?

Well, if this sounds familiar in any way, I have some good news for you.

As an online marketer and blogger myself, I am always looking for new solutions for these everyday challenges we face as business owners.

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to my latest discovery.

GrooveFunnels is, by far, the best way I have found to be able to build websites, sales funnels and sell digital products online.

The best part? It’s FREE.

But the free value does not end there…

You see, GrooveFunnels is not just a website and sales funnel builder.

The co-founder of GrooveFunnels, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space, and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suite of marketing tools I have ever seen.

I’ve also signed myself up for an account (it’s free), and for the past few days, I’ve had the chance to play around with it.

And you know what?

I can definitely tell you that this 100% free tool is perfectly capable of running your entire business, maybe even better than some of the expensive complicated tools out there.

I’m not exaggerating by any means…

From what I’ve seen so far, GrooveFunnels includes everything that I need to run my online business, all for absolutely free.

Here’s just a quick list of what I’ve gathered so far:

FREE sales, page and funnel building platform

Possible to build my own branded websites with full navigation

Can integrate with my own custom domain name

Able to sell my products with what they call a 1-click upsell

Capability to integrate upsells, downsells, and order bumps

Even has a way to create my own powerful affiliate program for my products!

And that’s just for starters, because there is so much more for me to explore!

I’m not even joking when I say that I am planning to change my ENTIRE online business over to GrooveFunnels!

I mean, why wouldn’t I?

It’s FREE, and it’s probably the BEST suite of marketing tools I have ever seen in my life.

By the way, there’s more…

I didn’t even mention some of my favourite benefits of GrooveFunnels.

As a member, I’ve also received a TON of community benefits.

I’ve been able to join their private Facebook group, connect with marketing experts inside, get help with all my problems, access private training within their own academy, ask questions through their helpdesk, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs just like me to make the best use of these tools.

So, if you’re like me… Striving to grow your business, looking to learn more about marketing and getting to know some of the best in the industry at a more personal level, then you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Sounds great, right?

But you might be asking… what’s the catch?

The catch is that GrooveFunnels is free, but for a limited time only.

GrooveFunnels is in its pre-launch phase, which means that many of the products have still yet to fully launch.

When they do, and as the products continue to get upgraded, GrooveFunnels may no longer be free anymore.

This means that now is the time to sign up for your free account, which would also qualify you for the additional software upgrades that they make as time goes on.

Awesome deal, right?

It’s called being at the right place, at the right time.

And that’s where we’re at right now :)

Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly not sure when this free offer is going to go away.

Do yourself a favour and sign up for your free GrooveFunnels account right now, and I will see you inside of the Facebook group.

Friday 18 September 2020

Making Your First Groove Page - Groove Funnels How To Create And Easy Fu...

This year's big news for webpage, sales and general funnel building HAS TO BE Groovefunnels
Their free offer on Groove Pages and Groove Sell is a good start

Their full package is still available on the promo price too, working out similar for lifetime access than some of their competitors charge for a single year

In this video The Business Mentors show how to create your first page using Groovefunnels

To get access for free, just go to https://bit.ly/CresFreeGroove

Wednesday 16 September 2020

How To Video Marketing

With the growth of the internet and technology, videos have increasingly become a more powerful tool in getting more leads and growing one's business.

The commercialization of video editing tools and ease of sharing videos via video sharing sites such as YouTube has made the growth of the video industry explode rapidly.

Currently, it doesn't matter if you are a small-time marketer or a corporate giant, you stand lots of gain through leveraging on videos to grow your business.

The trends of internet marketing have always been evolving. Back then, it was article marketing. Then came the paid advertising era of PPC and PPV. Today, we have Video Marketing.

What is video marketing? Video marketing is the art of using videos to market and grow your business. This could be in the form of using videos for getting leads, building traffic or selling a video product.

Video marketing is great because it has the ability to grow virally. Viral marketing as in it spreads as fast and as widely as a biological virus, but in the marketing sense. This can help you reach a wide audience in a short amount of time and at a low cost.

People love watching videos, so much more because you can incorporate visual and audio elements which can excite emotions and make content interesting. E-books are so yesterday and have a hard time keeping up with videos which have been getting better and better.

One of the most useful sites out there is YouTube - The world's largest video sharing site. We shall look into the power of YouTube in the next section.

The Power of YouTube

As mentioned earlier, YouTube is the world's largest video sharing website. Why are they called video sharing sites? It's because everyone who uploads videos are like a TV channel of their own - You can get subscribers and people who watch your videos can freely share it with others through a wide variety of social media sharing tools available.

The popularity of YouTube has exploded, and businesses, big or small stand a lot to gain by tapping into this phenomenon.

YouTube allows you to upload videos for free, and if your videos meet their standards they will offer you a director's status, where you can post up videos longer than 10 minutes.

One good thing about YouTube, is that you can post descriptions down at the bottom box of your videos. This allows you to draw traffic to your website and write descriptions about your videos.

YouTube also has that added benefit of being owned by Google, the largest search engine in the world. Because of that, YouTubes videos rank highly on Google, and you can draw tons of traffic by targeting keywords with high search volume and are related to your niche.

We have seen the potential of YouTube - Huge user base, easy to upload videos and easy to share them as well.

Here's how you start marketing your business using YouTube:

1) Create a video worth of valuable content related to your niche

2) Make sure there's a call to action at the end of the video 

3) Upload your video to YouTube

4) Add a description below each video

5) Be sure to include a link to your website (traffic drawing purposes)

6) Share your videos with your target audience

Remember, a very important part of video marketing is the sharing component. Get your subscribers or followers to share your videos with others to get more views. The more views you get, the higher your video will be ranked.

Videos with higher rank will usually be featured in YouTube's channel listings and this will further garner you more views.

Basic Tools For Video Marketing

Let's look into some simple tools for creating videos for marketing purposes. One of my favorite combinations is Microsoft Powerpoint + Camstasia.

Microsoft Powerpoint allows you to create video content through slides, animations and sound effects. Camstasia allows you to record a screen capture, so when you play your slides in real time, you can record every single thing that is happening.

Combo-ed with some cool music, you can make powerful informative videos which your customer base will like.

Camstasia also allows you to edit your videos with basic features such as audio editing, slide transitions etc. Post video production is followed by uploading to YouTube, all can be done instantly via Camstasia.

Last but not least, you will need to sign up for a YouTube account before you can start uploading videos.

In short, these tools will help you create simple yet powerful videos for getting traffic and customers, as long as you have good content that your target market would enjoy.

Videos are a great powerful tool for helping you grow your online business in many aspects.

Rome wasn't built in a day, the same way traffic doesn't happen in an instant. However, if you diligently practice these video marketing methods, your business will surely have a lot to gain.

The best way to build a budding business online is to leverage not just on videos, but on as many marketing methods as well such as article marketing, SEO and paid advertising.

Once you have found what works best for your business, replicate and multiply your efforts and in no time you've built yourself a solid business empire streaming with thousands of followers.

I wish you all the best in your video marketing, and your online business journey!

To Get Access To Some Of The Best Training Lessons On The Internet That Teach You Step By Step How To Set Up And Grow Your Very Own Profitable Online Business Around Your Hobby Or Passion Please Visit, https://lurnprofit.com/ We Can Teach Anyone How To Set Up An Online Business

Bob Edwards

About the author: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Bob_Edwards/2759003

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10313278

Tuesday 15 September 2020

8 Things You MUST Do BEFORE Launching Your Business | Admin Tasks to Sta...

If you are just starting out you will have big goals and great ideas
Don't forget the essential background things too as Erin on Demand takes us through in this great video

She focuses on the framework for the USA , but the principles apply everywhere
Just be sure to check your own country's equivalent laws and organisations to those Erin mentions

Monday 14 September 2020

Selling on an ECommerce Site Vs. A Social Media Marketplace

Do you now the difference between eCommerce and social media selling? Susan Friesen elaborates in her July 20 article

The Difference Between Social Media Selling & eCommerce

Over the past few weeks, I've shared some tips on improving your eCommerce website as well as some of the different ways to sell on social. This week, I'm going to help you choose whether you should focus on selling on an eCommerce store or opt for a social media marketplace.

But first, a quick refresher:

  • Selling on an eCommerce store means you're selling products or services on your own domain. You're responsible for everything from web design to creating compelling content and managing SEO.
  • Selling within a social media platform or marketplace involves utilizing the platform's selling capabilities to actively market your products. Generally, if someone clicks, they're driven back to your website to complete the purchase.

You'll have to figure out how to process transactions either way and install shopping cart software or drive buyers to a third-party site like PayPal.

Here are some of the marketplaces you can sell on:

  • Facebook Shops: Allows you to add products in different categories, communicate with customers and get insights around data.
  • Facebook Messenger: While still a part of Facebook, this involves communicating with customers (either manually or with chatbots) to reach your target audience.
  • Shoppable Instagram posts: You can tag brands and products in organic Instagram posts, then your audience can tap to see more details and buy the product.
  • Pinterest (stats show that nearly half of all users are logging onto the site just to shop).

The Differences Between Selling on an eCommerce Store & Social Media Marketplace

Now, if you're selling on an eCommerce store, you can use a combo of SEO, content marketing and paid ads to drive traffic to your products or services. Because you can use your branding and content to your advantage, this can offer a more authentic experience to your customers.

If you're using an online marketplace, it's less time-consuming. The platform is already there, and you're populating it with your images, copy and products/services. It may be easier for some small business owners to engage with their audience on a site like Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram vs. growing visitors to their website organically.

However, the competition is high. You're competing against many other brands, both big and small. Your company could get lost in the noise, so to speak.

You'll also often pay a fee to sell. For example, the selling fee on Facebook Shops is 5% per shipment, or a flat fee of $0.40 for shipments of $8.00 or less.

So what's a small business owner to do?


READ: Your Guide to eCommerce Social Media Marketing

Your social media accounts aren't just platforms for sharing content and engaging with visitors to accomplish those goals. From Facebook to Instagram, it can be a powerful way to market your products and services to your followers.

But despite these statistics, many small business owners still don't understand the value of using these popular platforms to sell. That's why I created this guide: to not only help you understand how important eCommerce social media marketing is, but to give you actionable tips to drive traffic, leads and sales.

Read more on our website.


Sell on eCommerce First & Social Media Second

I recommend you start out with a website that allows people to buy what you're selling on your own site. Then, as part of a bigger strategy, if it makes sense to your target audience, you can use a service like Facebook Shops to increase the size of your audience.

I don't advise you to only sell on a third-party platform. Here's why:

  • You have far less control over technical issues. If something breaks or the service goes down, it could create a negative experience for your customers-and you may not even know it.
  • If you are having a technical difficulty or issue with your online store, you'll have to connect with the site's third-party customer support vs. contacting your web development company.
  • There can be marketplace limitations around how your business can brand itself. Your own site allows you complete control over the visuals, content, coding, videos and of course, SEO.

4 Tips for Selling on eCommerce or on a Social Media Marketplace

While there are some important differences between selling on a third-party platform or on your own eCommerce store, there are some similarities in how you should approach things.

1. Build, don't push.

Focus on building relationships, not pushing your products or services on people. You'll have to spend time nurturing relationships and growing engagement, whether that's through in-depth blog articles on your site or replying to comments on Facebook.

2. Know your customers.

There are so many questions that can help you understand your buyers. Who's your target audience? What networks are they active on? Do they leave reviews? Do they prefer to consume video content or written content?

3. Understand your website weaknesses.

You're driving potential customers to your site, so make sure it's at its best. If traffic isn't converting into leads or sales, it might not be your paid ads or product images.

Check your CTAs, look for broken links and take a long, hard look at your navigation. Also, check your Google Analytics data to learn what's working and what isn't.

4. Listen to your customers.

Whether you're selling on social media or through your website, your reputation depends on how you treat your customers. Monitor your comments, answer questions and complaints promptly and keep tabs on online reviews on sites like Google My Business and Yelp.

So there you have it: if you can, take both approaches to connecting with your target audience! These two tactics can really complement each other and be a key part of your multi-channel marketing strategy.

However, there's more to the process than buying a domain name and loading your site with products or services or creating a profile on a social media marketplace.

Hiring a professional marketing company can save you both time and money. Contact us today to learn how we've helped many small business owners succeed.

To your business success,


About the author:

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.

Visit http://www.ultimatewebsiteguide.ca and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results".


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10329697

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