Thursday 11 June 2020

How To Promote Your Website and Build an Email List The Simple Way

Following on from his great article on ethical approaches to email lists, today's blog features Paul Luciw's tips on promoting your website and building that essential email list.
Expert Author Paul Luciw
Paul Luciw
There are a number of ways to promote your website and create an email list. The people who will view your website need to spend time on it as the information it features is of value to them. This will often direct them to be a subscriber. This means they will agree to accepting you emails. But how do you create traffic to your website and get these subscribers?
Creating traffic to your website requires that you advertise that it exists. This can be easily done. You won't require a billboard or a mobile sign. You could have a thousand business cards made up featuring your website and the product you are selling. Then you could go door to door leaving potential customers with your business card and a testimonial about the fine product your company is promoting.
You could also have one page description of your product printed and then post them in various places such as grocery store bulletin boards and even on telephone poles at busy intersections. These are great ways of getting free traffic to your website so that potential customers can consider buying your product.
Of course you will have to create a website. This actually can be done for free. There are a number of companies that will allow you to create a blog for free and you can feature the product anywhere on what you have created. Of course there will guide lines you will have to follow. You need to come up with original content and be able get your message across in well written manner.
You could also promote your product by writing articles. These companies will allow you to write articles about something related to the product you promoting. Please understand it has to be related to the product you are promoting and not a direct sales pitch. Therefore you will not be able to directly market your product. You will be allowed to direct the readers of your article to a blog or website that will direct your potential customer to the direct sales pitch. This actually turns out to be in your favour as these articles will be featured on Google because of their original content. As a result you article will create traffic to your blog or website. Traffic to your website or blog will be key to your monetary success. So creating original content for your articles and the website that your article directs them to is very important.

How to Build an Email List Fast and for Free — 5 List Building Tips

This week my blog has been featuring content on mailing lists and autoresponders.

I feel this great video from Think Media really underlines the reasons why your online business needs to concentrate on creating and servicing a mailing list.

It also gives 5 fantastic tips on how to go about it.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Why You Need to Capture Leads, Not Sales

(Image by Gordon Johnson on Pixabay)
If your goal is to generate passive income, then you might well be hoping to accomplish that by selling a product. This could be a product you've made, or it might be a product that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer. Either way, you'll likely have set up a sales page, creating an ad campaign to send visitors there and then hopefully begun to rake in the profits!
The problem is that it can be tough trying to convince people who visit your page to buy. Your success in this endeavor comes down almost entirely to your conversions and the percentage of visitors that end up buying from you.
And to this end, many marketers will jump straight in with the hard sell. That means that they'll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click buy as soon as they get there.
This doesn't tend to work. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it's absolutely essential that you don't try to go straight in for the kill. Far more effective is to try to capture leads first instead. Here's why.
Why Cold Sales Don't Work
Just because you're making money passively, that does not mean that you should be impatient about how you are collecting your sales.
If you try to convert your visitors as soon as they land on your page, then this is the equivalent of walking up to someone you like in a bar and asking them for their number, without saying hello or even introducing themselves first. Or it's a little like walking up to someone in the street and offering to sell them a watch for $500. Would you be receptive to that sales technique?
Of course not! And the reason is that you know nothing about the person selling, you know nothing about the product and you have no reason to trust that what they're offering is as good as they say it is.
If someone lands on your page and you try to sell to them right away, then they'll think your site is essentially spam and they'll be frustrated at the lack of value. Chances are they'll leave.
How to Convert
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2140604">Mediamodifier</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2140604">Pixabay</a>So instead, talk to them about how they can get free information by signing up to your mailing list, or provide them with an article and then offer to share more through your Facebook.
Now you have the opportunity to build that relationship and to build trust and eventually, you'll find that this puts you in a position where they are more likely to want to buy from you!
You might be wondering how this model is still passive. In fact, though, it still can be: there's no reason you can't use automated emails for example through an auto-responder. Or you can write a ton of blog posts and then schedule them to post over time.
You can still make your model passive. Just don't go straight in for the kill!
Article by A. Hall

Article Source:

Best Email Marketing Platforms 2020? Email Marketing Comparison

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Understanding Email Autoresponder and Follow-Up Messages

Expert Author Terry Phong
Terry Phong
Did you know that you can make sales on auto-pilot simply by using your autoresponder and the follow-up messages you provide to your subscribers? But before I go any further, please allow me to explain what exactly autoresponders are, for those who may not be in the know.
An autoresponder is a software script that automates your email messages and replies. It's something you would use to send out your follow-up messages to a new subscriber that's on your e-mailing list. Not to confuse you, but those messages are also often called autoresponders. The Autoresponder gives you the ability to create and manage your autoresponders (your messages) if that makes sense.
You can think of email autoresponders as the quiet workhorses in your email marketing. Basically, they are any type of automated emails or even a series of emails (your follow-up messages) that you write one time, schedule, and send out automatically from your Autoresponder (the software script).
I hope that wasn't too confusing. Let's move on to how marketers use autoresponders to streamline their email campaigns to cut down on the amount of work they have to do. For example, rather than emailing each individual who signs up for your newsletter or email list, an autoresponder can easily send out a welcome email with follow-up messages that are all personalized.
At the heart of email marketing are autoresponders. You use it to promote your business. It's also used to build relationships with your potential customers, keep current customers informed and updated, offer coupons to encourage customer loyalty, and a whole lot more!
The problem is, most website visitors won't buy something from you on the first visit. It normally takes on average a visitor 6 or more times before they decide to make a purchase from you. In order to keep them interested and eventually make the sale is where your follow-up messages come into play.
When you start writing your message, you'll need to come up with some compelling subject lines or headlines. Your subject lines are what draw attention from your subscribers, making them feel excited to read the rest of your message. If you send a message with a boring or irrelevant headline or subject line, chances are your subscribers may not even open your email let alone pay much attention to it.
A great way to grab your subscriber's attention is by way of personalization, like using their names. Most autoresponder software scripts or platforms out there will give you this ability to personalize your messages through the insertion of codes. When you send a message out, the code is replaced with the personal information of your subscriber. When receiving the email, the reader will see his or her personal information instead of the code. This is a great way to use personal information to further engage your subscribers.
The first message that you send out to your subscriber should be the welcome or introduction email. The welcome email is the most important one as it will set the stage towards giving your reader what to expect from you and your following messages. The welcome email is a great way to start branding yourself or the company by giving them a little background of what you do and how you can help them.
The second email message in your follow-up series should inform your subscribers about your products and services. Make sure that you explain what your products or services do and how they can benefit from them. People are more likely to be sold on the benefits over the features of a product or service. You can then make them an irresistible offer by giving them a limited time discount if they buy now.
In the third message to follow, try putting some added emphasis on your services and products. Tell your subscribers how they simply must have your product or service because they are a cut above the rest, then prove it to them by offering a sample or trial offer or better yet a buy 1 get 1 free deal. To ensure that you get a sale, you should include comparisons between what you offer and what competitors offer. This way, you'll show potential customers that you are indeed the best, with the best features and the best prices.
Once you have a few satisfied customers, you'll start to build up your credibility. You can also ask your subscribers for feedback in your follow-up messages on how you can make their experience better or how you can personally help them. Once a customer has praised your products or services, you can add it to a testimonial and send it out in another future follow-up message.
A great way to keep your subscribers looking forward to your next email is by ending your message with a teaser for the next message. For example, "Don't forget to keep an eye out for my next email where I'll be sending you something special." This could a flash sale, coupon, or simply a free download.
Leverage your autoresponder and your follow-up messages like your own personal sales team and you'll soon be making sales on auto-pilot. Practice weaving your company contact and website information as well, so your subscribers can easily place an order without any problems or whenever they like. If you put some time and thought into your follow-up messages, you'll soon be turning your subscribers into your customers.

A Complete 2020 Marketing Strategy That Requires No Budget | Digital Age...

Monday 8 June 2020

Building a Proper Email List Requires That You Use an Ethical Approach

Expert Author Paul Luciw
Paul Luciw
Building a proper email list requires an ethical approach. This means spam is a very bad idea. Using spam to build you email list is not ethical and will fail in the long run. The best way to build a proper list is to use the ethical approach which involves getting potential subscribers to opt-in. This means they agree to receive your emails because they find the content in your emails to be useful.
There are a number of ways to get people to subscribe to your email offers. One of the best ways to obtain potential subscribers is to provide them with engaging content. The content has to be relevant to the potential subscribers needs. This is very important because you want the potential subscriber to be a customer. Good email marketing will yield repeat customers, who will help your online business become be successful.
Getting your email list started will require some creativity. Consider starting up some social media accounts. There are numerous social media websites to consider. Most will allow you to direct your sales pitch to your website. They also will allow you to interact with other account members using email. You can use these accounts to pitch your offer via an email news letter. Your email letter will talk about information and products which will be of interest to your potential subscribers. Creating a fan base on these social networks will create loyal followers and potential customers. This will potentially build-up your email list. Remember building up your email list will give you more potential customers more sales.
Of course one of the best ways to build an email list is to use your website or blog. This is where most of your audience will become engaged with your ideas and brand. So this is the place to place sign-up forms to gain subscribers.
There are a number of sign-up forms that you can use to gain potential subscribers. These include the exit pop-up, scroll form, fixed bar and pop-up or light box. These are described in great detail on the internet. Many of the more popular email list building sites will give you detailed instructions with regards to creating these various sign-up forms. Of course you will have to use your own creativity and understand what your audience wants to read and ultimately purchase.
To make a sale on the internet you must provide your potential customer with something they need. Proper email marketing can give your customers the information and products they need and desire.

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