Sunday 7 June 2020

Zoom: 5 Quick Tips to Use It Effectively

Expert Author Mike Brooks
Mike Brooks
By now, we're all settled in at home and seamlessly conducting our business by phone and Zoom meetings, right? Well, not so fast...
Like you, I've greatly increased my Zoom meetings, and I've been disturbed by what I've seen. There has been a surprising lack of professionalism, lack of preparation, and in general an unorganized and ineffective approach to conducting Zoom meetings.
As you know, first impressions are everything, and if you're meeting with a prospect or client over Zoom there are some things you definitely don't want to do, and others that you do want to do.
Follow this quick list of 5 tips to insure you not only make a great impression, but that you also easily place yourself above your competition.
Zoom Tip #1: Clear away any and all unprofessional distractions. Oh, I know, everyone is working from home so a dog barking or kids screaming in the background should be O.K., right?
Wrong. You are a representative of your company, and you are a professional. I wouldn't bring my dog to the office, would you? How about your kids? Of course not. It's key for you to present a professional, confident, and competent image, and that means one free of distractions.
So, get your wife or husband to mind the kids-they are probably at home with you-take the dog outside and shut the door. Create an environment of professionalism.
Zoom Tip #2: Speaking of professionalism, what are you wearing to your Zoom meetings? Because you're confined at home, are you showing up in a tee-shirt or sweatshirt? Or are you wearing business casual and at least wearing a nice button-down shirt?
And if you're a man, have you shaved? Combed your hair? Or do you look like you've just gotten off the couch? If you're a woman, is your hair looking neat? How about make-up, if you wear it?
How you appear makes a huge impression on your clients and prospects. You want to look your best, and it doesn't take much effort. Make it.
Zoom Tip #3: Lighting. Now I know you're not in the film industry, but lighting is crucial to any type of filming. I was on a meeting with someone just the other day and it appeared as if they were calling from a cave. It was so dark, I could barely see them.
And then I've been in meetings with people sitting in front of a sunlit window. Same thing: I couldn't see their face because they were drowned out in shadow.
When considering where to film, make sure you're not too backlit that your face will be dark, and if you're in a dark study or den, then turn the lights on or open your blinds.
You all know how much difference a well shot, well lit film looks compared to a B-film. Remember: Image is everything in front of a camera.
Zoom Tip #4: Background is important as well. Have you ever been on a Zoom meeting with someone and thought, "Ewe, that guy/gal is a slob! Look at that messy couch and bookcase and those crooked pictures. Yuck!"
Ladies and gentlemen, we know your home is your kingdom, and that you'll live any way you choose. And you should. But we don't need to see it all.
If you don't have a professional background, then the solution is simple: Use one of Zoom's greenscreen backgrounds. There are plenty to choose from and you can find even more by Googling "Zoom Background Images."
Oh, I know-if you move too fast then the background blurs. Two things about that: 1) Don't move so much. In fact, if you look at any professional newscaster, they move very little. You should practice that. 2) Everybody expects them to move so you've got some leeway there. Regardless, a background image is almost always better than what you've got going on now...
Zoom Tip #5: Be professional and respectful at all times. That includes:
• Being on time.
• Not speaking over someone.
• Sending an email afterwards thanking them for their time.
You know, all the things you would normally do if you were back at the office.
Incorporate these 5 Zoom tips and separate yourself from everyone else calling from their bedrooms, patios, and elsewhere. Remember: You want to present your best during every interaction with a client or prospect.

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Saturday 6 June 2020

How Online Communities Can Build Your Brand

Expert Author Jon Allo
Jon Allo
When you start thinking of your customers and potential customers as a community that you want to be involved with, a lot will change in terms of your branding efforts. Branding is all about what your customers (and people who aren't customers yet) think about you.
How does seeing your logo, your content, and your face make people feel? How do you want them to feel?
Building an active, purposeful community around your audience is a great way to build your brand even further than you may have thought possible. To do that, you can get started by setting up a Facebook group, a community, a forum on or even start your own network via It depends on what you want to accomplish.
One thing the customer expects today is personalized and customized experiences and right now, starting a Facebook group is an easy and effective way to deliver this to them.
Gives Your Audience Access to You
When you invite your customers into your community, giving them access to you, it will make them feel very special. They're going to love getting an inside look into your business as well as finding out early about new products or services that you're launching.
Builds an Emotional Connection with your Brand
When people get to talk to you and other customers or soon-to-be customers on a regular basis, they become emotionally connected to you and your brand. This means that probably they're going to buy almost everything you put out and promote you to their friends and family too.
Builds Brand Loyalty
Once they have access and a relationship has developed, and that emotional connection has formed, brand loyalty will be built. This means they're going to keep buying from you, tell people about you, and be part of your community for a long time.
Puts the Focus on Relationship Building
When you have a community and are communicating with them on a regular basis in this personal way, the focus ends up being on relationship building rather than sales. But, sales happen anyway, and it feels good and more natural.
When you put an online community on the front burner to help you get closer to your audience, build a connection with your audience, and build brand loyalty due to the relationships you're building, it will make all the difference in the world for your branding.
Facebook groups can generate leads, build your email list, give you access to more prospects and sell your products and services. But if you do it the wrong way it can lead to lasting damage to your reputation and brand. However doing it the right way ensures that you have the best possible chance for business success.

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Friday 5 June 2020

7 Actionable Strategies For Greater Social Media Impact

Expert Author Susan Regier
Susan Regier
With the growing expanse of social options to create brand awareness, do you know where you should be hanging out?
It's impossible to be everywhere, so choose two or three platforms where your customers and prospects are hanging out and post, share, and comment regularly.

To get the most out of your efforts, here are my top 7 actionable strategies to ensure your brand is receiving optimal impact.
1. Include an Engaging LinkedIn Headline or Facebook Intro: Don't say you're "Self Employed" or a "Business Consultant." Instead, tell people exactly what you can do for them; for example, "Copywriter, Marketing Strategist & Brand Storyteller to Accelerate Your Sales & Profits."
2. Write a Compelling Summary or About Section: Answer the question, "what do you do?" As with all your marketing messages, write from your customer's point of view. So what challenges do you solve or solutions do you provide - meaning the outcomes that your customers receive when working with you?
3. Update Your Contact Info: Please, please, please include your phone number, your complete address if you're a storefront (link to Google Maps), and a link to your Website. I'm probably not the only one who has been on the road searching for a particular store and feeling frustrated as I scroll around trying to find an address or phone number. And similarly, I've arrived at closed stores, even though their hours are listed as being "OPEN." If you change your operating hours, change your Website and all social media listings!
4. Use Brand Images: When it comes to graphics, be sure to use a professional headshot and not a cute image of your dog. Seriously! This is your brand we're talking about. Include a branded cover photo or background image as well - don't leave the default blue background (LinkedIn) or blank space. This could be your first impression - make it a great one!
5. Customize Visual Content: Each social platform has its own design standards when it comes to graphic size, so be sure to size your graphics accordingly. I use Canva to create my graphics as they make it simple to resize an image for various platforms with a quick click of a button and a few minor design adjustments.
6. Share Your Videos: According to LinkedIn expert. Goldie Chan, videos get shared three times more than static images. Create short (one to two minutes or less) videos that clarify a point, teach a lesson, or offer a helpful tip. Add your logo and a call to action.
7. Create a Social Media Calendar: By creating a framework of posts, you can easily share content that resonates with your audience and promotes your brand effectively. Use an Excel spreadsheet or download a free template online to get started. List the products and services that you want to promote each week along with inspirations (Motivation Mondays or Fun Fridays), customer stories, blog posts, video tips, shared articles, etc. The list is endless. Creating a framework for each week or each month takes the headache out of deciding what to post each day and ensure you're not too salesy. These are "social" platforms, not a sales call.

Original article by Susan Regier at:

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