Monday 31 August 2020

7 Best Clickbank Alternatives To Make Money Online! (Try These Affiliate...

Clickbank is a great tool, but if you are looking for alternatives to Clickbank, look no further.

3 Simple & Effective Ways To Make Real Money Online

Read on for Ryan Simon Smith's guide to a trio of ways to create an online income

Ever since the introduction of internet and the possibilities it offered a lot of businesses saw the potential of increasing their exposure and made themselves available online which is when the digital economy started. With technology constantly evolving and internet speeds reaching the phase they are in now it became clear that digital economy would topple the traditional economy by a lot and become much better for profit. Recently the digital economy is one of the key drivers of the economic growth in the US and it's grown for about 7.2% annually for the past decade which is a rate about 4 times faster than the GDP. The development of technology has also made way for many businesses to easily improve their efficiency in many fields while having lower costs.

The digital economy has a few advantages over the traditional one and those are:

1. Effective resource allocation - in the digital world there is an option to get an algorithm that has information on what people search on Google, what they want and how they want it and it's much cheaper than paying people who may or may not be able to help you sell your product.

2. Location - it doesn't matter where you are as long as you have an internet connection and an online presence. You can be sitting at home in your pajamas and be able to make millions selling services or other products if your online store is well marketed.

3. Faster growth of small businesses - when you get your business online it would about $20-$30 to reach an audience between 3000-4000 people which means it would only cost so little to make your new business known to so many people out there that might be interested in your product or service.

Affiliate Marketing

Having a website or a blog that is frequented by a lot of people it one of the better things you can have to be able to make money online because if you have one of those you can use it to put up affiliate links and refer people to services for which you'll earn commission. If this sounds simple it's because it is but the hard part is to get to a website or a blog that a lot of people are reading. It takes some time for a new website to become popular and have a lot of traffic. It involves working hard and putting up content regularly but once you build your audience you can truly enjoy the passive income and quit your job to work from home.

The way affiliate marketing works is by offering commission for the products or services sold. There are a lot of websites that have various products and services listed and available, and all you have to do is sign up for their site and apply to be an affiliate for a product. Once you get approved (this usually happens really fast) you will get a unique link that you need to embed in you posts so your audience can see it and if they buy the product or service through this link you'll get a commission for it which can be anywhere from 20% to 200% depending on the product and the company offering it.

Make sure you refer your readers to products and services you really think are worth their trouble because if you refer them to something mediocre you might start losing your audience and your online income will take a hit. Do your research before you apply for any service to make sure you're an affiliate of something great and you can proudly present it to your readers.

There are various affiliate websites that you can sign up for and pick from the products and services they are offering including Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Commission Junction, ClickBank, Impact Radius and a lot more but you don't have to use these sites to be an affiliate. There are many companies that recognized the potential in offering affiliate options on their own without using one of the websites above and they implemented an option where you deal with the company directly.

Overall, affiliate marketing is definitely the best way to make money online and build up your passive income which will allow you quit your day job and work from home and eventually pay people to work for you so you can enjoy your day and spend your time as you see fit.

eCommerce Business

eCommerce is a very fast growing business that people can utilize to take advantage of the rise of digital economy and make money online. This method also involves working from home and eventually it can be turned into a passive income stream that will only need maintaining rather than constant working and huge effort.

The model for eCommerce businesses starts picking a niche and persona. Once you've done that you'll need a website on which you can create your online store and pick a product that you believe will sell well and have the highest profit margin. It has to be within the niche you picked and match the persona you decided to represent. It's best to start with just one product rather than many because it can get messy if the orders start coming in and you can't cover the costs right away. There might be problems with shipping and returns which is really hard for newly made websites. Once you've established a good profit margin for one product you can expand and find out what else is selling like crazy so you can put it up on your page for your visitors to buy.

It's pretty straightforward model but the eCommerce market today is highly competitive and it's not easy to compete with websites that are already well established and trusted by consumers. However, it's still one of the simplest and most effective ways to make real income online using the growth of digital economy.

Coaching and Consulting

Take Advantage Of The Many Apps Available
Apps that are available on your smart devices aren't just for fun and games. There are many apps that have the potential to make you a lot of money if you are really devoted to becoming a part of the digital economy and make money online. There are few apps available that you can use to find a coaching or a consulting job and one of those is the Task Rabbit.

Task Rabbit

A very simple app to use that can make you some extra money. Clients post tasks on the app and you can apply for anything posted there. The various tasks can be simple and easy which would pay less and might go up to extremely complicated and require expertise in a field but they would also be paid more. To find a consulting or a coaching job you just need to search their database of jobs posted and see if there's anything available at the moment. You can also try other similar apps and not just stick to this one.

Utilize Money Making Websites

One of the better ways to join the digital economy and make money online is to use the websites available to everyone for making active and passive income. Some of the sites that are set up can be used to sell digital goods like designs for apparel but can also be utilized for consulting and coaching services. Basically the websites we're putting in this category are the ones that focus their attention on long term working relationships with freelancers in various niche areas including photography, design, content creation, online marketing, coaching and consulting. A few of the sites available on the web are the following.


An amazing marketplace for freelancers to find a part time or even a full time job. It's great for selling any kind of digital service you can possibly imagine. The best thing is that what you need for this site is to be good at what you do. No need for creating your own website or a special merchant account. If your service is top-notch and your knowledge in the field you're working in is exemplary you have nothing to worry about. The only downside might be that there is a lot of competition and you'll have to "fight" to get a job but other than that it's an awesome place you can make money online which can easily turn into passive income.


Another similar website to Upwork but on this one you're posting what you can do for a certain amount while the minimum amount is $5. So if you're looking for coaching clients you can post a gig that will let people know you're available for coaching sessions for an x amount of money and people who are looking for something like that will be able to see your gig and hire you to be their coach. Here's a link where you can sign up for Fiverr.


The digital economy is a very fast growing economy compared to traditional one and we should all take advantage of the opportunity it offers.

The 3 simple and effective ways that we present above are the ones that work best for building your passive income and while affiliate marketing is listed first and it's the best choice, eCommerce and offering consulting and coaching services are close seconds. Picking any of the three ways, or even a combination of them all is something that everyone who has a little knowledge and is ambitious should do. It's never been easier to go online and start your own small business while sitting comfortably on your couch and work from home.

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Sunday 30 August 2020

How To Promote Clickbank with Facebook Free [NO ADs, NO Website]

Are you using Clickbank to generate your sales but need to access more traffic?

Earlier this month we featured Gerald Umeh and his OnlineHustleTV Yutube Channel explaining how to make money with Clickbank.

Here is a further video from OnlineHustleTV with a hack for using Facebook to promote your Clickbank

3 Digital Marketing Secrets to Turn Opt-In Leads Into Customers

You work hard on compiling and nurturing your opt ins but you still need to get them as loyal customers. These tips from Jeff Traister should help give you some ideas to progress to success

Turning opt-in leads into customers is a top digital marketing goal for many companies. Yet optimizing sales conversion rate results is much harder than it may appear.

Part of the challenge to optimize sales conversion rate involves attracting qualified leads. The more qualified they are, the more likely you can boost your sales conversion.

A bigger challenge to optimize sales conversion rate is first learning as much as possible about each opt-in lead. That's so you can personalize the content you provide along their journey. This can lead to higher sales conversion rates.

Here are three digital marketing secrets to help you turn opt-in leads into customers. By optimizing sales conversion rate, you can see your revenues increase.

Digital Marketing Secret #1: Get Qualified Leads by Focusing on Your Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is perhaps the top priority in marketing. That's because these are the people and organizations most likely to buy your products and services.

The best way to determine your target audience is through surveys and focus groups. This is where you should spend your first marketing dollars. The more you can determine the variables that impact your target audience, the more cost-effective your digital marketing campaigns. Plus, higher response rates.

A quality survey does not just focus on demographics. It's more important to focus on psychographics, buying behavior and awareness of the problem your product or service solves.

A key to a quality market research campaign is to target people who best meet your target audience criteria. Then you can refine the parameters of your target audience based on the results of your research. You can get preliminary results in as little as one day.

Surprisingly, this strategy is too often overlooked by many companies. But if you invest in this strategy it can help you save money in the long run. Plus, increase your ROI.

Outsourcing this project can help you speed up the process. Plus provide an outside perspective to help you better understand your audience.

Digital Marketing Secret #2: Communicate With Your Audience Via Mobile

Your target audience is a moving target. They may not all be in the same place at the same time. So it may appear challenging on how best to capture them.

The best way to approach this is to first determine where a high percent of your target audience are at any given time. Then find a way to reach them there.

For example, if your target audience spends much time on social media, then you must first determine which type(s) of social media they spend time on. Then to focus your advertising and promotion on that location.

Another example is if your target audience spend much of their time in travel or out of the office, then communicating with them via mobile will more likely give you better opt-in lead results.

The thing is, most people will readily look at the mobile phone for incoming SMS text messages much sooner than their email. Adding a link to your SMS text message to take your audience to a landing page promoting your products and services can help lead to optimizing your sales conversion rates.

Faster response equals faster sales conversion.

Digital Marketing Secret #3: Persuade Your Audience With Relevant Content
Content marketing is a big part of digital marketing campaigns. Educating your audience through relevant content is a vital part of establishing credibility and trust.

But to sell, you must persuade. That's the third digital marketing secret. Persuasive content is a big key to optimizing sales conversion rates. It's why you should invest in hiring the best copywriters to help you create persuasive content.

This includes persuasive email letters and landing pages that contain sales letters and videos.

The key to optimizing sales conversion rates is to find a persuasive copywriter to provide you with persuasive content. In fact, investing in persuasive content is the single-most important thing you can do to generate sales. Everything else is just window dressing.

How to Maximize Sales Conversion Rate Results In Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign
Once you know the parameters of your target audience, you can develop a viable digital marketing campaign strategy. The key to optimizing sales conversion is to create persuasive content and deliver it to your target audience wherever they are. This includes reaching them on their mobile device. Investing is persuasive content starts with finding the best persuasive copywriter.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to My Marketing Superhero dot com

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Saturday 29 August 2020

Your Optin Page - The Top Of Your Marketing Funnel - High Converting Lan...

Are you generating interest but maybe not getting the opt-ins you need?

This video from Miles Beckler takes us through how to make an effective opt-in page at the top of that funnel

Follow These 5 Top Content Marketing Strategies, Generate More Leads!

When it comes to putting money into marketing their are many theories about the investment versus the return. In this article Sanjay Kumar Pandey considers the free options 

What is your strategy for generating leads? Paid, organic or a combination?

Digital Marketing experts employ many path-breaking strategies to generate leads and improve business. While some of them are paid ones, some of them aren't.

Many industry experts claim that paid marketing fetches better results and is faster as well.

Is it true?


Free Digital Marketing strategies--if followed rightly--can fetch better results and generate higher leads.

For example, let's take the case of Content Marketing!

It's 3 times more effective, vis-à-vis paid search. It's far less costly as well. Besides, you don't have to proffer freebies and discount codes for e-mail and other important details of your prospects & visitors. In addition, it's easy to start, and much more popular with clients.

No wonder, as high as 88% of the B2B marketers rely on the Content Marketing tool even while as high as 96% of the first-time visitors don't buy your products, or use your services straightway, without, at first, checking-out competition, and discovering which brands suit them the most.

Now the important question: what exactly Content Marketing is?

It's a kind of marketing that requires you to generate and share valued, appropriate, and consistent online content, through videos, webinars, blogs, social media posts, and infographics. Though these don't openly promote a brand, these DO--in many cases--arouse interest in your products and/or services.

The goal behind Content Marketing remains to entice and retain a clearly defined readers - and, eventually, to spur gainful customer action.

Content Marketing: What strategies to follow for lead generation?

Follow these 5 proven strategies for a highly effective lead generation exercise:

1. Build social reputation: Publish long and well researched content to emerge as an industry leader, and enjoy a good reputation in your niche. Posting and sharing bigger, braver and bolder content will help you win trust and draw potential customers and niche audiences towards your brand. To build and grow your social reputation, take the help of the different popular social media platforms, including LinkedIn and Facebook. Social media will help you locate your community, promote better relationships, and build a society you may trust. Going social will also make your brand become more personal and powerful.

2. Publish appropriate and right content: With right pages, carrying relevant right content, you can target the right audiences and prospects, and motivate them to share their personal details, including e-mail and phone numbers.

3. Provide useful content in exchange for vital statistics: Carry in-depth and appropriate content but don't reveal complete content, if your readers are unwilling to provide their e-mail ids or phone numbers. For this, though, you will have to publish highly engaging and effective content. If your content isn't interesting or useful enough, your readers won't read it further, and not share the data either which you could be seeking for lead generation.

4. Connect with your readers on an emotional level: Trigger your readers' and prospects' emotions, through engaging content, and the right timing. If you manage to do so, they will do what you may want them to do, and respond to your Call to Action (CTA).

5. Get them to speak: Inspire your readers and prospects to like and share your pages, and post comments on them as well. When your targeted groups get involved--through shares, likes and comments--your posts will not only become viral, you will also get useful data. You will learn about their age brackets, social & economic backgrounds, expenditure, etc.

Summing-up, follow these 5 most important Content Marketing Strategies, and generate more business leads online!

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Friday 28 August 2020

The Ultimate Content Marketing Strategy for 2020

When you want to learn a skill it is always good to listen to those who have already had success there.

Content marketing is no exception. Here Brian Dean gives the same step-by-step process he used to get 2M+ visitors to his site last year.

What Are The Dangers of Using Facebook to Grow Your Business?

Have a look at this article by Patricia A Gaines  for her insight into looking at Facebook from a different perspective.

Several years ago, if you wanted to grow your business, Facebook was the most popular method. And many people still feel today that using this Social Media Platform is practical.

This thought process is nativity glorified. When Facebook launched in 2004, my friend called and invited me to join her. After about a year I finally did it. It did not occur to me that I could grow a business using it.

Several years later after I closed my brick and mortar business, I helped other small business owners develop and grow their business on social media. And like most consultants, I recommended and used Facebook. My small business owners were successful, so I was successful.

Later when I retired from small business consulting, I decided to open my doors to on-line marketing. And it was enjoyable as well as educational. Like so many other people, I learned from failure. Marketing anything on-line is challenging because of the scams.

When I finally earned my master's degree from the University of Hard Knocks using Internet for my business adventures, I found that I too could use Facebook to grow and expand my bank account.

Using Facebook Groups, and building relationships was easy. I opened four groups of my own. All was going very well. Although I was not completely happy with Facebook it was producing results. And I did buy Facebook advertising occasionally.

Several of my business associates cautioned about changes on the horizon. But I was successful and did not listen. That was my mistake.

The point here is this; do not trust this platform. They have a unique way of selling our personal information, and an even more unique way of tracking our posts. (Yes, even our business content).

The insidious fact checking is primary. Mostly because the fact checking is not fact checking, it is a way to silence and control our content.

Be careful if you are building your business on this platform. At any moment they can disable your account. And much of the time you are not told exactly the reason.

I lost all my personal groups, plus my thousands of followers and my account. If I had only listened to my associates before this happened, I would never used this platform.

My business was moral, legal, ethical and above-board. I lost my Facebook account because my content didn't fit their narrative.

I have opened a new account. But never again will I trust a platform that controls my content; business or personal.

Anyone who suggests that you build your business with Facebook is naive. The marketplace and business environment is not what it was five or tens years ago. Today, it's about control. Your business is your livelihood; it's your hard work. Think about it before you move forward. Perhaps you may want to make changes.

One of my biggest goals in life is helping as many people as possible understand that they have the power to make their life as they want it to be. You can become successful. If you have a business, there are many ways to grow. You may want a Social Media presence but relying totally on one platform is risky. Visit my website to learn about many other alternatives.

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Thursday 27 August 2020

2020 Facebook Business Page Tutorial (For Beginners) Step by step

A Facebook page is one of the key essentials for many businesses
This walk through how to set yours up, by Santel Media, is hopefully useful to some of you, whether starting from scratch or looking for tips to make yours more current

Use These 3 Tips to Boost Your ECommerce SEO

arina Popa presents some useful tips to keep in mind for maximising your SEO effectiveness 

Use Relevant Keywords

In order for product information to be user-friendly to shoppers as well as search engines, a website should be easily found, read and understood in terms of its colors, measurements, sizes and prices, among other details. When its viewers come from different regions, it should have standard and/or metric measurements. The images of these products should match the physical items to make sure their color and size are accurate.

There are sellers who only display the prices of their products when these are added to the cart of users. Perhaps this is because they either have a special promotion or are trying to avail the minimum pricing of the advertising policy. However, even if hiding prices does not directly affect SEO, shoppers tend to leave at once when the product page does not show the pricing details. This can lead to a higher bounce rate, which will be discussed in the following section.

Design Thinking About Shoppers

A website and product page should be designed in such a way that will provide a great shopping experience. Granting that businesses offer the best products with the most reasonable products in their industry, if their website is difficult to search or navigate, shoppers can get frustration and leave.

Design is also an essential part of SEO. When search engines discover that a website has an exceptionally high bounce rate, wherein visitors leave as soon as they land on its web page, the site's rankings will begin to plummet. A website that is designed well is able to lower bounce rates and let visitors browse a number of pages even though they do not easily find the information they need or want.

For an eCommerce website to become successful, it should be easy to find and navigate, have reasonable menus and navigation options that let visitors know the information they will see once they click a link. Images should only be used sparingly because loading them can take time, which can make shoppers impatient and hit the back button. In this regard, load time is also a ranking factor. Therefore, it is best to have web pages that load fast.

Do Not Add Cluttered or Complex URLs

Visitors are able to access a webpage on an online shop by means of an address, which is called URL. This includes a lot of information squeezed into a small space. It can contain product names, category name, types of files and/or actions such as "_blank" to allow users to open a new link in another window

Based on SEO standards, URLs should be possibly clear and easy to read, with keywords that are relevant to the text on the resulting page.

Search engines can obtain many, different pieces of information from a URL like lawnmowers for sale or offers of a green and gas-powered variety. At first glance, users should be able to see what a URL leads to. When they send the link to others, the recipient will see that the site is about lawnmowers and click to view the products. A complicated URL such as the first example could confuse people, who would not know where it would lead to.

Do you need Las Vegas SEO services? Are you searching for a Las Vegas website design company? Come and visit our website to learn more about!

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Wednesday 26 August 2020

SEO for Ecommerce in 2020 - Rank your Shopify Store on Google!

Hasan Aanbar explains what you need to do in order for your store to rank in 2020

Do You Think Email Marketing Is Sexy?

Email marketing is very much a valid tool, with multiple tools such as auto-responders, available to facilitate it. In this article Roy Kruse explains why his email marketing is so important and grateful to the auto-responder Aweber 

You may not think that Email marketing is that sexy but you will agree it is so important especially when it comes to small business.

There has to be a low barrier of entry for email marketing otherwise it is going to be difficult for anyone to get started.

Email marketing should be a big part of any business irrespective if you are just thinking of starting a business or if you have been around for years.

If you would like to learn how to start a business online or if you wish to make your business more profitable Click link below for a free three-part video training.

I tried other email platforms with empty promises of free forever or free for a certain amount of subscribers. However the moment you start using the tool and quickly realise that they don't let you use anything.

Now AWeber wants you to like them so they don't restrict access to their important features when they give you that access to their email marketing tool.

That's why many others and I went with AWeber because with no restriction I can get acquainted quickly.

Therefore I highly recommend them because the people that trust me, know they can try AWeber with confidence and if they don't like it they can leave, but I am sure they won't because it is so easy to use.

However to my surprise and an absolute joy to find the AWeber team to be as awesome as their actual email marketing tool.

I know we all expect the bigger brands to be awesome and have a great service but we don't always see it.

AWeber wants to help you build your business and they want to do whatever they can to help you be more successful. Because if you are successful they are successful and then it is a win-win.

If you would like to learn how to start a business online or if you wish to make your business more profitable Click link below for a free three-part video training.

Even though I can use such a brilliant user-friendly and awesome email tool to grow my business and help me grow my list with people who are interested in what I have to say, they also have a great affiliate program which is also helping me grow more revenue streams for my business.

So if I am going to recommend a tool that is helping me grow my business why shouldn't it help me grow my business.

So here it is AWeber is hands down the best email marketing tool and I love it.

They have a very low entry and great support from the moment you join.

You have to give them a try, you have nothing to lose.

Finally, I thank you AWeber for helping me grow my business bigger, better and with so much ease than I ever could have imagined.

Click the link below to get your first month free.

This article has been written by Roy Kruse who runs the

Roy is an Internet Entrepreneur who helps people who are serious about improving their quality of life, by increasing their income and benefiting from more time freedom.

Become An Ethical And Passionate Digital Expert.

more information

FREE three-part video training to start your business around your interests.

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Tuesday 25 August 2020

Email Marketing Guide for Beginners - STEP by STEP Tutorial!

In this tutorial Odi explains how to setup and integrate email marketing software into your website so you can start collecting customer emails for more traffic and more sales

How to Manage an E-commerce Website?

This BusinessTech content article from July 2020 looks at different aspects relevant to e-commerce businesses

E-commerce businesses range from start-ups to globally renowned organizations—all after one goal of growth. Growth is not only about succeeding but also managing the successful business efficiently. If you have a small e-commerce business, you need to reach a point where you can use specialized functions and responsibilities.

In this article, we are describing how you can manage your e-commerce website effectively.

Sourcing Function: Customers’ interest can change anytime. They can go for a new brand living your brand waiting for their return. You need to deliver the ordered product within the expected time to remain a trust-worthy brand to them. Situations like this will minimize the unfavorable outcomes of many possible scenarios.

Marketing: Most e-commerce pros know the importance of marketing. There are many options available, like pay-per-click (PPC) ads and search engine optimization (SEO). Some spend their energies on optimizing their PPC services in San Francisco and some drive traffic through SEO and focus on link building. The approach to enhance sales varies as per the business’s objective.

Technology: Digital marketing is a technology-enabled play. So you need to be at the top. This starts with making decisions like choosing your host, domain name, and shopping cart software, and many more. You need to continually upgrade your tech-factor by measuring and managing your websites well.

Finance: The growth potential of e-commerce businesses is not related to the infusion of money. The finance function is not just about funds provided; it’s about deliverables management, accounting, financial engineering decisions that allow innovative payment options to customers, and more.


The above five functions are not sufficient for you to manage your e-commerce business. There are more functions, like human resource management. But the motive is to address any small e-commerce business where everything is done, to gain success eventually. Then a proper management strategy from a digital marketing agency in Sacramento is required for the company to remain at the top.

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Monday 24 August 2020

How To Create An eCommerce Website With Wordpress 2020 -ONLINE STORE- (E...

This ecommerce tutorial is for anyone who wants to sell online with no experience or wants to start a web design career. Its easy so just follow the steps in the video!

Google AdSense and AdWords - Like Yin and Yang

You're probably aware of AdSense and AdWords, but would you know how to go about using them?Nicholas LaPolla gives a great overview.

Many websites include a section or two with the "Ads by Google" above it or below it. These are ads displayed via Google's AdSense. When you do a search on Google and see ads in the search results pages, they are generally AdSense ads.

AdSense - The Yin:

Google's AdSense is programming that "senses" the content of a page or search. It finds keywords on a web page or in a search phrase to determine the subject of the content. It does this by either "reading" the page, or taking a look at the search term that was typed into Google Search. It can "Sense" which ads in the system are relevant to the content or search and display them - thus: "AdSense."

Before ads on a page are displayed, AdSense searches its database of advertisers and finds ads that are associated with keywords on the page or in the search. Now AdSense needs to decide which of the thousands of ads vying for position are actually displayed. To make this decision, AsSense looks at the advertiser's bids for the relevant keywords. The advertisers that have a combination of the highest bid, keyword relevance and best click through get displayed first.

Google tracks clicks on ads and advertisers pay Google the bid price for each click. When the AdSense ad is on someone's web page, Google pays the website owner a portion of the payment for each click. The term "monetizing" your site refers to taking your existing site and placing ads like AdSense on it to make money (or finding other way to make money with websites). If you get 10,000 visitors and 10% of them click an ad that pays you, theoretically, $0.75 per click, you just made $750! Not bad for just copying some AdSense code (which Google provides) into your popular website's HTML (if your site is not popular, learn about SEO - Search Engine Optimization - from sites like AcmeWebResources).

AdWords - The Yang:

The other side to AdSense is AdWords. AdSense ads have lists of relevant keywords associated with them. Each keyword is bid on by the advertisers for placement in the results pages and on web sites around the world. The words that will prompt a display of an advertiser's ad are bid on by the advertiser. When an ad matches the words on a page, the ads are displayed; thus: AdWords. AdWords is the system in Google that is used to place ads that display in AdSense.

You can enroll in AdWords to pay for AdSense ads to drive traffic to your site. The first step is to sign up with Google. The next step is to associate keywords to associate with your site.

The idea is to drive traffic to your site through the use of relevant ads. The more relevant the ad to your content, the more targeted your traffic will be. Compose your articles around your list of keywords. Next, write an ad based on the keywords and assign keywords to the ad. You will bid on the keywords at the time you associate keywords with the ad. If one of your keywords is searched for or relevant to a site, and you have a good bid and relevant ad, your AdWord ad will be displayed. Only when someone clicks your ad are you charged by Google.

The more popular keywords are wanted by many competitors, so the prices per click can get pretty high. It is not uncommon for a click to cost $5 or even $10. If you have 10,000 ad clicks, after you account for your conversion rate (the rate that you convert visitors into buyers) you better be sure you are making more than the ad click costs! But it should never break your bank because you can set the bid limits and the monthly budget.

What if you can't afford $5.00 per click? Since the more popular keywords are so expensive, it is best to bid on less popular keywords because the cost per click is lower. Google presently has a minimum bid of $0.05 per click. If you can get those, you can reduce your advertising budget.

A popular site can make a lot of money, however, a lot of money and time can be wasted. To avoid waste, you have to learn as much as possible and get the right tools to do the research.

Author bio: Author Bio

Nicholas LaPolla has been a web applications developer for 11 years. He created to help others build or improve, market, and monitize their websites with a focus on web design, website seo / internet marketing, and working to make money online.

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Sunday 23 August 2020

How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel

More solid gold tips from the one and only Neil Patel
If you want to write your own blog posts well then you won't go far wrong with Neil's guidance

How to Make Money Online Writing EBooks

If you've ever thought bout writing a book but didn't know how to go about it or how to get it published, why not consider writing an ebook? This guide by Ruth Barringham will help

I've been a writer for a long time and digital publishing (eBooks) is a way that I've earned a lot of my income. I publish webpage content, blog posts and eBooks. All three can be done easily and for free, if you know how to do it.

Writing and publishing eBooks is a great way to earn money from your writing because you can write them on your computer then digitally publish them. This leaves you free to keep on writing more eBooks.

You can also earn money online selling other people's eBooks.

There are several ways to make money online, whether you have your own books to sell or not.

But without your own eBooks, you're not completely in control of what you're doing.

I've been an affiliate marketer for years and find it an easy and enjoyable way to earn money.

But because I'm selling eBooks that aren't mine, I have no control over them.

I was once promoting an affiliate product which was an eBook course on how to be persuasive.

I was happily marketing it to writers who lacked confidence and told them how this product could help them write more persuasive sales pages so they could sell more books.

Everything was going well with this course for a couple of years and I was making regular sales.

Then one day, when I was checking the links on my website, I discovered that the links to this product were broken.

I checked it out and guess what? The product had been withdrawn from the market and was no longer available.

How long it had been gone I didn't know, and I couldn't understand why because it was a consistent seller. But now it was gone and there was nothing I could do except remove all the material about it from my website.

That's why it's better to have your own eBooks to sell.

Write Your Own eBooks.

eBooks are great because they only need to be written once and they can be sold over and over, AND, the whole selling process can be automated so that customers buy and download your eBooks without you having to do anything - and you earn money from every sale automatically too.

And even if you've never written an eBook before it's still possible to write your own.

Where to Get Ideas

You can write a book on any subject that interests readers. You can even write a book about what you do online.

If you want more ideas you can browse your local library, magazines, blogs, or you can browse (on Amazon) similar books to the one you want to write to get more ideas of what to include in yours. Readers' reviews are a great source of information of what readers liked and (most importantly) what they didn't like about the book. It's surprising how many ideas you can get once you start browsing books online.

Some authors use their own websites as inspiration and re-write all their online content and expand their articles into eBook chapters.

Other eBook authors do it the other way around. They write their eBook and reduce each chapter to an article to put on their website to help promote it.

Selling Your eBook

Once your eBook is written and published you need to spend some time marketing it.

It's best to have a marketing plan before you write your book, because it saves time later and you can also pre-market it so that people are eager to buy it as soon as it's available.

And your eBooks don't have to be huge. Some authors earn money from writing only 20 to 30 pages and selling them as 99cent Kindle eBooks. And what they find is that as long as the book is packed with inspirational and useable information, or they've written an entrancing piece of fiction, readers love their eBooks so they keep buying more.

And if you can't write a book yourself you can always outline your chapters and hire a freelance writer to write it for you.

But whichever way you choose to do it, having your own eBooks to sell is a win-win.

You win because you make money automatically and your customers win because they buy a great eBook and have instant access to it.

So don't wait any longer.

Start writing and publishing great eBooks

Want to write and publish an eBook by this time next week AND start making sales? Can you imagine how great it will feel to a published author 7 days from now? With 'The 7 Day eBook Writing and Publishing System' you'll have your first eBook written, published, and earning money in just a week. Not only that, but this amazing course walks you effortlessly through the whole process, and the bonus chapters show you how to write a short report or eBook in just 2 hours. That's right. Sit down now and in just 2 hours your short report or eBook is finished. Click the link below to find out how.

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Saturday 22 August 2020

7 Types of eBooks You Can Write & Launch Fast! #BSI 31

Have you ever wanted to write an ebook but had fear of it not doing well? Sasha Evdakov of Backstage Income introduces us to 7 types of ebooks and putting them together

Success Requires Lots of Commitment

Working from home has involuntarily taken off in 2020. For some it is a necessary extension of their existing businesses. For others it is a brave new world possibly brought about through need or redundancy. This overview of working from home by Irene Mori gives a useful perspective

With a worldwide pandemic because of the spread of the coronavirus, many people are having financial hardships. They may have lost their jobs or been cut back on their work because the economy has basically closed except for essential services. They might be fortunate and have a job which was not affected or may have the privilege of working from home and maintaining their income.

Some people may be looking for a new way to earn money. According to the so-called gurus, there are hundreds of ways to earn income from home based businesses. They are careful to tell you that their program works, but they make claims that 98% of the "deals" are fakes and scams. Of course, theirs is one of the few honest opportunities out here.

There have likely been hundreds of network marketing (MLM or multi-level marketing) companies over the years which have drawn in perhaps millions of people hoping to find financial success and even wealth with them. While it is true that some people have been successful and possibly even became millionaires in that type of business, there are likely millions of people who have joined those companies with high hopes for success only to find that they lost money without making a cent. Maybe they even lost friends in the process as they pestered others to join them. Recruiting others such as is necessary in this type of endeavor is difficult. It is not an easy business although it can work. Some people like the products well enough to stay with the company even though they don't earn money from the business.

Investment gurus often promise huge returns when you sign up for their newsletters or service. Of course, many of their programs cost thousands of dollars. Even then, they seldom fulfill the promises made. Their testimonials sound remarkable, but it is difficult to find that same kind of success which you can expect. Some of the testimonials are said to be fake and possibly actors being paid to read a script. It is best to investigate the "opportunities" thoroughly before signing with any of them. If they offer a money back guarantee, that is a plus.

People can receive dozens or hundreds of emails per day or week touting home based internet and online business opportunities. There are lots of opportunities out there, but finding a legitimate and workable program is not easy. It takes a lot of work and study, but there have to be some honest opportunities to earn money. Sometimes it takes trial and error, but success could be possible.

No matter what you try to do to earn money, finding success requires a lot of commitment. People always say to work smarter not harder, but hard work and dedication are usually necessary to find success in anything.

Success requires a commitment to learn all you can and not to depend on others for your success. Making goals and reviewing them each day should help. Determine to succeed. Keep trying and don't give up too soon. Commitment is a vital part of your road to success.

A free eBook is available by checking out the website. Many in the general public know very little about this part of American history which includes racism, perseverance, hard work, and success. The book covers civil rights issues and is available on Amazon.

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Friday 21 August 2020

Jeff Bezos: 3 Top Tips for Success in Ecommerce

3 top tips from Jeff Bezos? Really? Well, his tips are offered through the guys at Jungle Scout

How To Generate Online Leads 24 Hours a Day

For almost any business lead generation is key and needs to be effective. Brian Rooney has a great take on who should be concentrating on it and how

If you want to close sales, either online, offline, or both, you are going to have to learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You may be the worst sales person on the planet, but if you learn how to generate leads 24 hours a day, you can beat the best sales person on the planet. How? Sheer volume. A bad sales person who can generate leads will out produce a great sales person who doesn't have leads coming in.
The lead generating sales rep will constantly have new opportunities to pitch.
Now, when I talk about lead generation, this includes face to face prospecting, of course. When I am out around humans, and I identify someone who can benefit from what I offer, I will talk to them directly. But if I'm not out there talking to people, how am I generating leads on a daily basis?
I user online lead generating tools like an autoresponder.
I have capture forms set up on all my blogs.
I have autoresponder campaigns set up for all my offers.
When you see me posting on social media and running ads, you will see me linking to these capture pages I use to generate leads for my offers. As people want to learn more about my offers, they fill out the form. My automated followup letters take care of building the know like and trust factor. Sales come in on a regular basis.
Sounds simple, right? That's because it is! I think that is what trips up most people when they start looking in to how to generate leads for their offers. They keep expecting it to be complicated so they avoid actually taking appropriate action. If it seems complicated, that's because it's new. At one time, walking was new to you. Eating solid food was new. Reading was new. The job you currently have was, at one time, new. Getting on the internet was new. We learn new things by getting information and taking action.
Google and YouTube make it incredibly easy to learn how to generate leads. You can literally be up and running by the end of the day, generating leads 24 hours a day for whatever it is that you are wanting to sell.
As you go through the learning process, feel free to ask questions. I love getting and answering questions and helping people learn how to generate leads no matter what business you are involved with.
Feel free to post comments or questions here. I check in regularly and love hearing from my readers!
Brian Rooney is the Founder of TrafficWave provides powerful Email Marketing and AutoResponder solutions to thousands of businesses worldwide. Visit online for a Free 30 Day Trial.
His personal business blog is located at

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How to Monetize Instagram Threads with SociSmart Threads Academy

Threads: the Secret Player in Business Social Media Marketing Did you know that Threads the new Meta rival to Twitter, unlike its sister pro...