Tuesday 30 June 2020

How to Enable Instagram Product Tagging for your Business | Step by Step...

You need to get your customers to your products if you want to sell them and you need your products tagged in your posts to do this.

Instagram product tagging is recognised a great and effective tool and the sooner you get this in place the better. 

In this great video I discovered how Lidia S makes it so easy to get your Instagram Product Tagging done

How to Select an Ecommerce Platform for Your Online Store

Whilst looking for a great summary of things to consider in setting up an e-commerce store, this week I came across this amazing article by Satish Ithamsetty. I think it is well worth a read. What do you think?

If you are considering running an eCommerce store, it’s likely that you’ve been trying to decide which platform to run it from. Of course, you could pay a designer to build you a personalized website, but this is expensive and is hardly ever the best option for a small business. So that leaves you with a few choices. Do you set up a store on an online marketplace like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy, or do you use a standalone platform provider like Magento or Shopify? Here we take a look at these options so you can determine which is best.

Online Marketplaces and Online Store
At first glance, you may think that selling on an online marketplace like Amazon or eBay is your best option. After all, you don’t need to build your own website, spend money on hosting or a domain name, and you can literally set yourself up within minutes. Online marketplaces also provide you with a host of eager buyers, which can help you to start selling products right from the get-go. However, there are fees involved with selling through platforms such as these, and there are also guidelines that need to be followed. Here are the BlackFriday Deals for Bloggers, which comes every year for you.

The main reason why many people choose to sell on online marketplaces is because of their potential for sales and the ability to reach customers who didn’t previously know they existed. However, in order to use them effectively, you need to be aware of the fees they charge and whether you can afford to pay these within your margins. You’ll also need to determine which platforms to use – you may prefer the professionalism of Amazon for example, or the ability to showcase your brand on eBay.

Online Shopping Platforms:
A step up from the online marketplaces are online shopping platforms. These give you full design over your layout, branding, and sales prices, and typically just charge a fee for the software, domain, and hosting. Again, these are easy to set up and Shopify and Magento support are readily available from online companies if you need help.

Shopify is an especially popular option for small businesses and even comes with an app that you can use from your smartphone. Magento is the far better option for eCommerce website stores that have high hopes for the future as it gives you full control over everything you could ever think of. This does mean that you’ll need to spend time learning how to use the software (unless you hire someone to help you), but the results will far outweigh your effort.
Of course, when using an online shopping platform, you will be responsible for your SEO and marketing in order to draw people to your site.

Which is Best?
Many people opt to use the online marketplace whilst having their own website, and this is often the best course of action for small eCommerce stores. You will be given the ability to reach a wider audience and can send leaflets with the items you post directing your customers to your online store. Long term, having your own shop is always the better option, but there is no harm in trying a few different options until you find one that you are happy with. This is the smart guide on Best Online Marketplace for Sellers.

Article Author: Satish Ithamsetty

Monday 29 June 2020

Top Ecommerce Platform and Online Marketplace Comparison - Printful Inte...

A hot topic for marketing products online is the choice of which online shopping platform to use for your business. I was impressed by the video here from the guys at Printful Custom Printing.

They give an excellent and concise guide to the pros and cons of a whole host of shopping platforms.

Cost, complexity, skillset required and suggested purposes for business types are all covered.

Has this guide reinforced your choice or will you now be looking at an alternative?

How Social Media Marketing will help you?

This interesting article by Lokesh Sharma, as the title suggests, looks at “How Social Media Marketing will help you?”

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach your customers and tell about your business in more effective way.

Social media is very important to build a strong and consistent brand across all social media platforms.

Do you have a SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE for your business?

Nowadays no business can thrive without social media handles, some of the best social media platforms include FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND LINKEDIN.

All these platforms have a daily combined active user of up to 2 billion… Imagine your possibilities.

Think of it as an investment in your business.

I encourage business owners to think of their marketing as an investment and not an expense. The purpose of marketing is to create brand awareness as well as AMAZING return on investment. (Marketing)

So, a lot of small/local businesses only see the upfront cost when initially thinking about marketing and not the long-term impact that it will have on their business. Think in the long term…

There are some Social Media Marketing strategies that you should be focusing on
  • Define goals and objectives.
  • Put together a winning team.
  • Understand your audience.
  • Look and listen.
  • Choose a social platform
  • Create a content plan and calendar.
  • Monitor, analyses, engage and repeat.

What’s new in Social Media?
Social Media offers some of the new feature that you are going to witness on the social platforms in the coming days
Facebook is testing a new option to cross post FACEBOOK stories to Instagram.
LinkedIn will make 16 LinkedIn courses for free in coming days.
INSTAGRAM shares new information prompts on coronavirus in home feeds.
INSTAGRAM IS testing new option to reshare live videos on IG TV
YOUTUBE changes trending tab to explore which will show more content categories at one place.

Goals of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can’t be summed up with just 3 goals but these 3 goals right here should be your main focus:

As a Social media consultant, it is your business to take care of another business.
BY THAT I MEAN it is your business to grow your brand that isn’t yours. You create brand awareness which in turn builds a community around a brand which also builds leads and drive sales.

Business that realize this will thrive
The others will regret….”

It isn’t just Advertising. Its brand/business

EXPOSURE it becoming the dominant force in your local community.

Reasons Why You Advertise on Social Media
  • Social media advertising allows you to connect with the people who need your services or products.
  • Social media provides varied platforms and numerous advertising formats.
  • Social media platforms allow you to create specific target audiences.
  • Social media platforms drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page.
  • Social media marketing will get you more sales.
  • The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.
  • Advertising on social media offers insights of your customers.

Social Media Platforms
Every social media platform is different and important!
Its time to treat them that way! You shouldn’t share the same piece of content to each platform. You have to adapt to that specific platform and repurpose it.

INSTAGRAM: This is where you are telling people about your content piece by taking a picture of your shake at a cute café. Instagram is about showing the content.
FACEBOOK: This is where you are telling people about your content. For ex you could write a post about how you re loving your new dress. This is where you can let your copywriting skills shine!
TWITTER: This is where you popup your followers. Post about things on the go and short snip bits of your days. Tweet that you are all about that VENTI life nowadays (and don’t forget the hashtags)
PINTREST: Here is where you get to share your expertise! Have a great skinny vanilla latte recipe Go ahead and pin it!
LINKEDIN: We are going to go ahead and tell you LINKEDIN is not dead! It’s a great place for business owners to connect! So, if you are coffee shop owner, don’t forget to include it on your profile.
YOUTUBE: We all love YouTube. It’s the best place for long video content. Go ahead and share some coffee reviews taste tests and tutorials on YouTube!

You can certainly drive sales through #socialmedia by posting products and offers but establishing loyalty between your customers and your company is the true purpose of social media. Don’t you agree?

Social Media Platforms Explained Above

Which platforms are you on for your business?
Share in the comments!

Follow us for the latest updates about SEO, SEM and SMM at our Facebook page “PACELABTECHNOLOGY”
Visit our site www.pacelab.co

Author's Bio: 
Lokesh Sharma is a Indian Computer Architect and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of PaceLab International Group. Lokesh has over 10 years of experience in Technology, building complex platforms and accelerating sales and growth through use of Technology.
Lokesh obtained Masters in Computer Science from Coventry University and MBA from University of Leicester in England. As the CEO of PaceLab, Lokesh vision is to help brands connect with the customers globally driving sales and revenue for the success of the firm.

Sunday 28 June 2020

How to Attract Customers - 5 Marketing Strategies to Dominate Social media

This video from Tyson Zahner is from back in 2018 but the message is still fresh.
Note how the points are very clearly customer focussed.

As he says "Talk about your PROSPECT, not your product"

What do you think of his message? What can it do for your marketing?

6 Digital Marketing Tips for Marketers in 2020

If you are looking for some digital marketing tips, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to discuss 6 of the most effective online marketing tips and tricks. With these tips, you are most likely to enjoy great results.
1. Optimize your site for Voice Search
According to predictions, half of the searches will be based on voice search feature in 2020. Therefore, we suggest that you focus on this aspect of your online marketing strategies. In other words, your business must be voice search supportive. For instance, you can have the "near me" feature, which will recite the best local results if the users use the term to make a voice search.
2. Benefit from Influencer Marketing
Currently, the fastest growing digital marketing is influencer marketing. The thing is that people tend to purchase products recommended by their favorite celebrities. These are known as social media influencers.
Today, social media influencers are also quite trustworthy in the eyes of their followers. Therefore, you can hire them for your influencer marketing campaigns. The good thing is that you don't have to spend a huge sum of money for these campaigns.
3. Revaluate your Paid Advertising Campaigns
With time, advertising is going through a lot of changes. And this has changed the needs of businesses as well. Today, the advertising trend is to focus on what a product or service can do for the users.
What you need to do is personalize the advertisements by including the features of the products that the users may have a deep interest in. Aside from this, the ads must be straightforward and concise.
4. Consider Personalization
According to statistics, at least 70% customers that buy online have a liking for personalization on blogs and sites. For instance, if a buyer buys something from you, you may send them an email with their name in the email. The good thing is that personalization is not a costly or complicated process. The whole purpose of personalization is to make the buyers realize that you value them.
5. Consider the Visual Search Feature
According to statistics, visual search is also quite effective these days. In simple words, if a user clicks a product photo of their choice, websites, such as Pinterest and Google show the buying options right under the picture of that product. So, the buyers have the liberty to buy the product by clicking the photo.
6. Post Video Content
Video content is quite popular on social media platforms, such as Facebook. If you look at statistics, you will know that 52% of buyers feel more confident when buying products after watching a video. As far as finding out more about a product, at least 68% of buyers like to watch short videos instead of reading long articles, manuals or infographics.
The Takeaway
Although the world of digital marketing seems quite challenging, you can make these campaigns much easier to run if you hire the services of a good online marketer. So, it's better to look for a good professional service provider.
If you are looking for automated SEO software for article marketing or increase website traffic, we suggest that you check out AllStarBoost

Saturday 27 June 2020

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes

The Most Tragic Mistake a New Marketer Almost Always Makes
By: Richard Meredith

So... you're a new marketer, and you want to make extra money or even perhaps a great living!  One of the first things you do is join an affiliate program or downline club of some sort.  Or maybe even you are trying your hand at Ebay or another auction service by marketing some nicely profitable product.  Now, once you have some sort of online business vehicle, your mind must gravitate to exactly what kind of advertising to generate sales or memberships.

Online business is an awful lot like regular advertising. What draws you to a business in your home town? Coupons? Specials? Give-aways? A personal recommendation from a friend or trusted associate?

Oh yes - and here is a little secret that is often not known or ignored:

When it comes to building any kind of business online you do the same thing!  Give away a free report, an informative ebook, a trial software, an online course, or maybe a subscription to a free newsletter or ezine.  This is just simply the way it is done with online business, period.  But here is the most critical part... you MUST capture the name and email address FIRST before you give access to it!

It is widely known by all of the top marketers online that your PRIMARY task to be successful is to compile a list of people (prospective customers) that are interested in the type of thing you are giving away!  This is so easy to do with an autoresponder.  They just fill a form, and they are automatically added to your list, and then are redirected to your download page or membership site.

Then the next task is to automatically send a series of messages with that autoresponder that tell more about the reasons why your product or products (or membership program) are BENEFICIAL to them!  WHY? Because it is infinitely better to contact a prospect several times rather than only once.  It is a proven fact that most people will NOT  buy from you or join your program until they have been approached at least 5 to 7 times.  This is done as I said, automatically, on a timed basis slowly tapering off until it is a slow drip of messages until they buy or join- or unsubscribe from your list.  And when you run special promotions of any kind, a feature of the best autoresponders allows you to broadcast to your entire list any time you want.  This is how many marketers can make huge amounts of money and sales ON DEMAND- whenever and as often as they like!

Details about which autoresponders are best, and the techniques of developing a list and how often to mail to that list are subjects that deserve more time and attention than can be given here... but suffice it to say that if YOU are not FIRST developing a list, and then marketing to your list AFTERWARDS- you're just missing the boat!

Pure and simple!

So if you are advertising an affiliate link, or your products' sale page... or anything other than your free subscription, report, ebook, or course - it can indeed be the most tragic mistake you can make in your online business strategy!

If this is you, pull back and regroup, and completely re-think your marketing strategy now before you lose too much time, money, energy, or motivation.

And remember... BUILD your LIST!

Author Bio
Richard Meredith is the author of the critically acclaimed ebook "The BLACK BOOK of Online Business"- the must-have source book for anyone doing business online... or even THINKING about it!

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Avoid these 3 affiliate marketing mistakes

Friday 26 June 2020

Give 'em a Taste (and they'll likely come back for more)

Give 'em a Taste (and they'll likely come back for more)
By: Alicia Forest

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the original ice cream shop that offers you a taste of any flavor ice cream you want before you make your decision on which scoop you are going to enjoy.

Giving you a taste (or as many tastes of different flavors as you'd like) is a brilliant way to ensure that you not only order a cone at that moment, but it's also a way to bring you back to try more flavors on another day.

You can use this brilliant marketing strategy in building your business, too. Offering your prospects a taste of what it is that you provide is a proven and easy way to get people to become part of your community, and part of your marketing/product funnel (the funnel is the "journey" (that builds a relationship over time) that your clients follow from the first visit to your website, where they enter by giving you their contact information, down through each level as they make their way through each purchasing step in the funnel). By offering them a sample, you're giving them an opportunity to get to know you without risking anything more than perhaps a bit of time.

In your marketing/product funnel, the taste you are giving your potential clients is at the top of the funnel, the widest part. The taste is your freebie/complimentary/gift offering and is your first (and usually only!) opportunity to engage your prospect. Your taste needs to be something of value that you offer for free to people who visit your website in exchange for their contact information, usually their name and email address.

This is often one of the most overlooked steps in building an online business. A prospect needs to see your message many times (it ranges anywhere from 5-10) before they will feel confident enough to risk handing over their money to you. In order to build a relationship with people you need to be able to contact them again, which means your goal is to capture their email address before they click away from your website.

If they leave, it's unlikely that they will come back, so don't lose the opportunity to welcome them into your community, your funnel. They landed at your website because they were looking for something (usually a solution to a problem they are having, right? :)). Give them a taste of the solution you offer. And remember to make it easy for them: make your sign-up form or email so obvious that they'd have to trip over it not to notice it (yes, that includes pop-ups and the like, because even if they annoy you as much as they do me, they work!).

So, what can you offer of value in exchange for their email address? A newsletter, an ecourse, an audio clip, or a special report, are all good options. Personally, I like the offer of an ecourse AND an ezine. You give them a taste of what your services are like with the ecourse, and then you keep in touch with them on a regular basis with the ezine. The ezine allows you to build a bond with your readers in a uniquely personal way, letting them get to know, like and trust you over time, with you having to build that bond one-on-one.

So, one caution is to not offer any one-on-one interaction with you at this level. You want to leverage your time, and offering free consultations or one-time meetings with you is not a good use of your time. Let them get to know you over the course of your freebie offering. When and if they become serious about you and your products or services, they will move further down the funnel (from free to fee) without you having to "sell" them on what you provide during a complimentary session (how nice is that?).

So what is your taste going to be? Here are some other ideas:

Write a Top Ten article about the benefits of your products and services, convert it to a PDF file, and offer it as a special report.
Record a short audio about the three key things your niche needs to know about X.
Create a mini ecourse that encompasses the five steps to getting started for your market.
or Create a quick-start guide that helps your market focus on how to get started.

Once you've given them a taste, they will likely come back for more, eventually turning from a prospect to a client. Creating a taste of what you provide is easy and it's fun. Try it and watch what happens!

Author Bio
Alicia Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Licensed Coach, & Founder of www.ClientAbundance.com, helps coaches and other solo service professionals to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately make more money. For FREE tips on how to create your own Client Abundance, visit www.ClientAbundance.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

3 Easy Ways to Get More Blog Comments, Build Engagement and Boost Traffi...

Thursday 25 June 2020

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash

Write Website Copy That Sells - Try a Little Flesh with Your Flash
By: Paul Matthews

Your website looks great: solid words, easy navigation, graphics just so, and maybe even a bit of flash with some multimedia. 

But customers are not buying.

You wonder if it's the writing. How can that be? You remembered the two key mantras for website content - "write for the search engines" and "write for the medium." You used appropriate keywords to help search engines find you and traffic is up. Surely, customers enjoy reading your content because you laid it out with the internet in mind using short sentences, brief paragraphs, and bullets to list your key points. Customers might be reading, but they still are not buying.

Chances are your site copy has been optimized for technology not people.

Even on the internet, selling is still about connecting to people. So how do you press the flesh across broadband? Start where brick and mortar relationships do - trust. Why not become the trusted provider in your marketspace?  You can use words to raise your credibility in at least 25 different ways.

Here are two of them:

1) write the way customers speak and 
2) replace your pitch with a theme. 

People instinctively trust strangers who speak like them. If you find this article useful, how would you tell someone? Are you really going to say, "I read an unusually amazing article that fundamentally increased my sagging sales"? Not likely. Weak copywriters, not people, use too many modifiers. "Amazing,"  "fundamentally," and "sagging" weaken trust.  How's your site for modifiers?

Give it the finger test. 

You might not want fingerprints on your screen, so I suggest printing a copy of your homepage content. Now, put your baby finger on the first modifier you can find. Put your ring finger on the next adjective or adverb. Repeat until you run out of modifiers or fingers. If your page is a handful, you've got too many modifiers and your copy is hype heavy, not trustworthy. In addition to giving readers copy that matches how they speak, it helps to give them time to get to know you.
Customers need time before they trust. 

They will get used to your site in tiny steps, so hold off selling; buy some time. Have a theme for your site, introducing your offer only after your customer feels comfortable. Themes are a subtle form of repetition because they continually reinforce a single concept. Repeated exposure to an idea usually makes it familiar and safe. Remember the first time you used instant messaging or the family car - not so scary now.

Let's say your site is selling dental floss.

Instead of listing the benefits of DentaThread, you could tie the presentation together under the central idea "Some people have nothing to smile about." The opening section could point out how the discomfort of gingivitis wipes the grin off a person's face. Another segment would show how ugly cavities make someone too self- conscious to smile. Yet another piece would reveal how the high cost of root canal causes an individual to frown. In this way, three versions of one idea help the site grow on the visitor: one idea, three versions. Does your homepage have a theme? How many chances does your site give visitors to get comfortable with you?

In this article, I tried to use the language of my readers and hang it on a central idea, trust. Did it work? Did it help? If yes, I guess I proved my point. If no, I have 23 more ideas to go.

Author Bio
Paul Matthews is The Rezon8or specializing in high resonance copy that sells... all click, no slick. For a FREE site copy analysis and a chance to win a FREE homepage makeover go to www.therezon8or.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Marketing Strategy: How To Write Copy That Turns Website Visitors Into C...

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Royalty Free Music In Webdesign

Amongst the key elements many people like to use in their online marketing presence are the inclusion of images and music. This great article by Russell Brewer looks at considerations of using music free of royalty payments.

Royalty Free Music In Webdesign
By: Russell Brewer

Online commercial music is everywhere! New and innovative audio applications include background music for Podcasts, Flash developers, Backing tracks for video, Independent Films, Documentaries, Narratives, Animation Sequencing, Television/Radio - just to name a few. This broad market has opened due to the fact that copyright law prohibits the use of licensed music without the collection of royalties by traditional non-profit organizations such as ASCAP & BMI. Unsigned and unknown artists now have the opportunity to bring their music right to the end user, thereby bypassing the corporate entertainment machine. No longer do the CEO's decide what will be heard. Musicians today can utilize the Internet to bring fresh new products to a fertile market. This brave new world is a win-win for artists as well as music supervisors, project managers, and small companies seeking audio content on a budget. Traditionally, companies requiring audio content would be required to go through conventional means, many times paying $1000's to use small portions of audio. Today, there is a host of websites available that sell Royalty-Free Music for a one-time fee. Project managers can purchase Royalty-Free Music by the track or opt to obtain entire audio collections for a modest fee. Typically, fees range from $10-$20 per track or perhaps $50-$75 for albums.

One great company to check out is http://www.innerrhythmstudios.com/ - Inner Rhythm Studios is a collective of artists that boasts a wide range of musical genres and styles. They sell Royalty-Free Music and music loops for programs like Sony Acid and Apple Garageband. Serving the online community since 2003, they have a very talented staff of musicians. Another great benefit of purchasing music online is the fact that most content is now available as a digital download! Inner Rhythm Studios allows visitors to listen to the collections before they buy. Once a collection is chosen, payment is processed through Paypal and the download begins. Instant content delivered in CD quality!

Here are a couple of things that you want to keep in mind when shopping for Royalty-Free Music online:

1.) How do the samples for the track that you are interested in sound? Today, it is possible to produce very high quality MP3's for online review. If the samples sound low quality, then beware. There are some pretty shabby sites out there trying to pawn off substandard content. Let your ear make the decision.

2.) Make sure that contact information is easily available just in case you need technical support. Problems can occur when downloading and it is convenient to have an immediate response if trouble occurs.

3.) Know the format that you need. Online audio content is available in a variety of formats. From MP3 to .wav, Apple AIFF, or standard CD format - make sure that you communicate your needs to your online music provider.

4.) Check out their blog! Many commercial music sites today have interesting facts about their artists, the music, and the latest studio happenings.

5.) Read the license! All royalty-free music should come with a 'read me' file or a license agreement. Royalty-Free Music can be used in any project, but cannot be resold as music by itself. The content must be used in some sort of production. Most companies require an additional license for projects that sell in excess of 5000 units. Read the fine print!

6.) Join royalty-free music forums or sign up for a newsletter. If you work with audio on a consistent basis, it's always nice to know what is new. Newsletters and forums can provide project managers with up-to-date libraries fresh out of production.

7.) Keep it real! There are some ancient collections out there! Make sure that what you are buying was'nt produced in 1987!

So there you have it! Remember, it's all about the music!

Author Bio
Russell Brewer - Sound Engineer and Webmaster - www.innerrhythmstudios.com You are free to use this article on your website or in your ezine as long as you do use it in its entirety.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

4 Must Use FREE Digital Marketing Tools | Deepak Singh

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Top Five Reasons to do a Website Redesign

Top Five Reasons to do a Website Redesign
By: Stephanie Diamond

Small business owners need to monitor whether their investment in a website is providing a good return.  Are your products and services easy to buy?  If they aren't, you are wasting time and money and probably doing more harm than good.

Ask yourself the following five questions to see whether it's time for a redesign:

Has the size of the site grown substantially?
If your site continues to grow and change like most business sites, you need to evaluate whether it's still meeting your objectives. As you add new products and services you need to re-organize your information.  In addition, you should consider adding multimedia information (audio, video) to sharpen your message.

Is some of the content outdated or unnecessary?
Does your website have up-to-date content?  Someone should be revising spec sheets, changing promotion dates and adding new material weekly.  If your website appears static, it looks like you're not a serious business.

Is the most important content buried below?
Here's where you need to do an "easy to buy" audit.  By that I mean you need to evaluate how easy it is to find information and actually buy your products.  This sounds like common sense, but we've all purchased online and know that it can sometimes be frustrating.

Are you using the latest technology, instead of hard-coding?
If you created your website more than 18 months ago, you are probably due for a technology update.  This is also true if you started with a very basic site and "hard-coded" everything.  Ask your webmaster whether he has some suggestions.  You can be sure he will.

Does the home page design suit your current business objectives?
Does your website communicate the depth and breadth of your current business?  If you have changed the focus of your services, added new products or want to communicate a different face to your visitors, consider a redesign for your overall website.

Author Bio
About Digital Media Works
Digital Media Works, Inc. (www.DigMediaWorks.com) is an Internet marketing and design firm that specializes in solutions for high tech and e-commerce companies. A seasoned 25+ year management/marketing professional, founder Stephanie Diamond is experienced in building profits in a broad range of product and services businesses. She created a highly successful line of multimedia software products that sold millions of copies for America Online, and has developed unique business strategies and products for a variety of companies, including AOL Time Warner, Redgate New Media and Newsweek, Inc.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

10 Psychological Triggers to MAKE PEOPLE BUY From YOU! (How to Increase ...

So, what psychological triggers do make people buy from you?

Watch this film to learn some of the psychological techniques that may be worth investigating

Monday 22 June 2020

Let's Design A Website That Sells

Let's Design A Website That Sells
By: Glenn McDonald

Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in with the good meat or wasn't clean? Would you buy a car from a sales lot that had totaled automobiles on the front lot? I wouldn't and neither would you. Your website is your grocery store; your car lot. You must have an atmosphere that is pleasing to buyers. One that tells that buyer that you are not an amateur, but instead a trained, seasoned professional. Your site is a direct reflection of your product and that is why that having a well designed website can make or break your sales.

The first thing to keep in mind when designing your website, is "surfability". Take a few minutes a look around at several web pages. What makes them appealing? Were there some that you closed out of immediately? Why? Take notes and do your research. Keep in mind that when a person visits your site they have a goal in mind. They are either seeking information or shopping for a product. Give the person what they want without having to search for it. Be sure that all the information on your site is relevant to your product. Make the buyer think that they need your product to solve their problem.

Your main page serves a very specific purpose. It should be an avenue by which the customer can shop your site. It should be easy to view and load very quickly. This is your first impression and we all know that first impressions can either close the deal or loose the deal. Make it simple. It is best to have links that are easily viewable by the reader that will navigate them to where they want to be. Tables are often a great choice when deciding on a way to design the main page of your site. Your main page should load very quickly, chances are if it takes the page more than ten seconds to load even on a 56k modem, the customer will click away to save time, hoping to find the information or product elsewhere. To increase the loading speed of your main page you should avoid large graphics or excessive graphics. Too many banners or special effects can cause a page to load slowly as well.

To make your web site more appealing to the eyes, you should stick to mild colors. If your site is a content site where the user will be doing a lot of reading, it is best to stick to black and white. Color can be added when using tables, as a way to brighten up the page, but remember to keep the overall look of the page professional and appealing to the audience that will be visiting most often. Since screen resolutions vary among monitors, it is a good idea to set the pixels to a standard 800x600. You may also choose to set the tables in your web page to span a percentage of the page rather than a set number of inches. This will be sure to accommodate all screen sizes. You should remember that a lot of Internet users will not use the same browser as you, and therefore you should be sure that your site looks as good on other browsers as it does your own. You can do this by downloading several browsers through which to look at your page.

Be aware of the fact that the overall look of your website is a way to make money. The appearance of the site, if designed properly, can be an excellent marketing strategy for your product or service.

Author Bio
Glenn McDonald can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours... To learn more, visit: www.AutoProfitCash.com/pips.html

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Web Design Tutorial - 5 IMPORTANT Tips!

Sunday 21 June 2020

5 Reasons Why Headlines Are Crucial To Your Website's Success

5 Reasons Why Headlines Are Crucial To Your Website's Success
By: Robert Boduch

With such visual and sequential prominence, it's little wonder why headlines are the number one key to an effective web site.

Without a powerful lead, your message stands little chance of being noticed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. If your headline doesn't capture attention and pull prospects into your sales copy, than your marketing effort is a total waste of energy and resources.

Nothing is more important to getting your message noticed than the first few words on a page. If you're not allocating a sizable percentage of your time and creative effort to the headline used on each page of your website, you could be losing out on a large chunk of business.

Top copywriters understand this concept well. They know how essential it is to capture attention by literally stopping pre-occupied prospects in their tracks. It's the reason why headlines command so much of their collective creative effort.

Here are five good reasons why your site headlines deserve greater emphasis and attention:

Why Headlines Are Crucial #1: Headlines Are Natural Attention Getters.
The majority of online prospects are quick scanners. No one reads the body copy of a page without first reading and being pulled in by the headline. Headlines are the first thing your visitors see. They jump out visually and command attention. Headlines are leads set distinctly above the rest of the text. Often the typeface, size, and style used for headlines contrasts with that uses in the body copy. It's a proven approach that naturally attracts eyeballs, virtually forcing interested prospects to grasp the message of the headline and to read on.

According to advertising legend David Ogilvy, 5 times more people read headlines than body copy. Although Ogilvy was talking about print advertising in general, the observation is certainly applicable to websites as well. With 5 times the readership, headlines have the power and capability to make any message many times more successful.

Why Headlines Are Crucial #2: Site Headlines Serve As Valuable Guides To The Busy Surfer.
Headlines reveal key details. They tip off readers as to what follows. They provide clear signals to help readers decide whether they should stick around for the full message, or dash off to something else - something better suited to their own special needs and interests. As a quick summary of the entire piece, the headline either attracts continued interest and readership, or they repel it. Without a headline, the reader is forced to wade through a portion of the text to understand the meaning. Forcing readers to do this is to risk losing them altogether. It's sales suicide. In effect, having no headline will cost you at least 80% of your potential audience.

Why Headlines Are Crucial #3: Headlines Prepare The Reader For What Is To Come.
Headlines stimulate interest. They captivate, arouse curiosity and stimulate the desire for more. It's the headline that starts the reader's motor running. A good headline sets up a feeling of expectation as the reader anticipates discovering more -- and can't wait to get it!

Successful headlines address specific audiences. They open prospects minds to new possibilities and expand their level of enthusiasm and interest. The best headlines involve prospects... virtually guaranteeing their sustained attention for the time being.

Why Headlines Are Crucial #4: Headlines Simplify The Learning Curve.
Every headline serves to introduce whatever follows. As an opening or lead-in, the role of the headline is to succinctly communicate the essence of the message it precedes in an interesting and compelling way. Effective headlines and sub-headings reveal key bits of information -- often with the added power of emotion. A review of the various headings alone can often provide one with the gist of a given message. This makes it faster and easier to understand, remember, and review. Use your headings to generate emotional involvement and you increase the chances prospects will go back and read more of your copy.

When you make it easier to read and comprehend your messages, you increase the chances of making the sale.

Why Headlines Are Crucial #5: Headlines Allow You To Deliver Your Biggest Bang Right Up Front.
Capture attention and interest at the outset, by using your most appealing selling point. If your strongest, most desirable product attribute (benefit) fails to pull prospects in, surely nothing else you could ever say would do the trick, either. They're your initial point of contact with visitors -- that's why headlines play such an important role.

The stronger and more compelling your headline, the more readers are likely to read on and spend more time at your website. Create every headline to grab attention and inspire interest. The more alluring and irresistible you can make it, the more genuine prospects you'll attract and ultimately, the more sales you'll record.

Headlines are powerful marketing tools when used effectively. Take a good look at your site headline. Could you add more intrigue, curiosity, or interest? Test different headlines by trying various appeals and offer combinations. Keep an eye out for additional headline opportunities throughout your sales letters, as well as on other pages on your site. Make your headlines impossible to miss and difficult to ignore... then, watch your results soar!

When you see the difference a strong opening statement makes, you'll see why headlines are the most important part of your sales copy.

More resources at www.makeyoursalessoar.com

Author Bio
Robert Boduch is an author of dozens of best-selling books, reports and articles on the art and science of selling. A free newsletter targeted at anyone interested in selling more of anything is available at www.makeyoursalessoar.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

5 Website Design Hints. Web Design Tutorial For Beginners.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Image and Online Success and The Importance of Good Design

Image and Online Success and The Importance of Good Design

By: Tyson Fenech

Naturally there are many aspects to succeeding online but the nature of business hasn't swayed. You must have a professional image and you must provide a great service for your clients. This is what makes a business grow. This is not another article telling you to be sure you have Meta tags, linking and all the other wonderful Search Engine friendly includes. This is a bare bones old school reflection on how companies are losing sight of the bigger picture.

Put some heart into it

Most entrepreneurs have that essential vivacious approach to starting up a business and the truly successful ones will maintain that level of excitement to help cultivate a healthy and steady growth. A web site can help establish your business as a serious contender or just another hole in the wall. Which one are you? Some businesses place more emphasis on what they're going to have for lunch rather than the image they portray to their clients. Your excitement about your business shows in everything you do.

When getting a web site for your company be certain you place your trust and hard earned dollars with a design firm that is passionate about their work and has a proven record of accomplishment, understand why one charges $500 and another $3000. You will have a much better project if the designer has foresight and desire to see their work succeed and not just become another bank deposit.

If you surf online and scope out the millions of companies, it is amazing to see how many tired looking sites you'll come across. I can't imagine a company that sells from a brick and mortar store, allowing the front of their building to become decrepit with their sign barely hanging on by a couple of bolts. Not a good way of attracting customers off the street and into your establishment.

The heart of your business

Do what you do best. Sell the products and services that define you and earn the capital. Promote your business in the best way possible, keeping honesty and integrity at the forefront. Do not sell yourself short. Invest into your growth and future developments.

There are countless articles on Search Engine Optimization and how to make money quickly. Have we forgotten the core of doing business and how the market is stimulated? There are plenty of ways to promote your business online and expand your demographic just be sure to focus on the important facets that make a company great. Provide and honest service and quality product. More than just attracting customers to your web site you want to retain long lasting relationships which will only draw more clients as time goes on.

Search Engine Friendly

No doubt search engine optimization is an extremely important aspect for the success of your business but can't stress enough that the importance of having a solid image must tie in. What many articles fail to point out is that SEO isn't the only thing to achieving online success. The focus tends to be on one aspect and never the whole picture. Business like everything involving human interaction revolves around the senses.

Okay so your site gets to the top of the search results and gets a click thru. Upon arriving to your site, which lacks any sense of presentation is quickly scanned, forgotten and on to the next site they go. The attention span of surfer's is on the decline. Yes you must have relevant content but it better be presented in the best possible way so when your competitors are visited by the same potential customer you stand out. It's all about standing out and making your presence known. When you first write your business plan (you do have a goal right?), one of the main things is to define your sole purpose and what the business hopes to achieve and how you stand out from everyone else.

Building that niche

It is ideal to focus your efforts and find that little pocket where you can shine and grow. This is very helpful when creating your online image. Custom designed graphics, tailored to your business will help secure your position within your chosen niche market. A beautiful looking web site will not help your ranking but it will help secure client interest and entice sales. Many SEO specialists overlook the importance of branding, which is number one in order for a company to separate themselves from the pack. Don't allow customers the chance to forget your name. Be remembered and maintain your presence.

Author Bio
Tyson Fenech is the Creative Director for Core Creative Concepts. Designing web sites and print materials for the past 7 years helping both small startups and Fortune 500 companies. www.coregraphicdesign.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

How to Make a Website - Free & Under 7 minutes

There are many tools out there for making websites, but how to use them isn't always obvious.

This video on using Webnode breaks it down for you.

What do you think? What tutorials make it easier?

0:00 - Introduction 0:45 - How to register 1:00 - Choosing a template 1:15 - Types of editing tools 1:31 - Editing texts 1:43 - Changing the header image 2:01 - Customizing the header image 2:13 - Adding content sections 2:25 - Adding and working with a “Services” section 2:54 - Deleting a section 3:02 - Working with a pricelist 3:10 - Adding new content into a section 3:15 - Adding and editing a button 3:23 - Editing a different page 3:28 - Adding a “Text and Image” section 3:33 - Changing an image 3:38 - Working with an image 3:54 - Adding a video 4:07 - Adding a photo gallery 4:24 - Editing the website menu 4:27 - Adding a new page 4:36 - Creating a subpage 4:43 - Reordering the pages in the menu 4:58 - Adding links to other pages 5:10 - Adding widgets (Internal) 5:24 - Adding widgets with HTML 5:37 - Publishing your website 5:53 - How to log in and edit your website 6:04 - How to contact the Support Team 6:15 - Tutorial Wrap-up

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